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Article 10: Malaysia’s Current Account Balance Marks Up Higher Surplus Of

RM14.1B In Q3, 2022


The article reports that Malaysia's current account balance achieved a higher surplus of RM14.1
billion in the third quarter of 2022. The country's positive current account balance is indicative of a
surplus in its international trade, with exports exceeding imports. This surplus is attributed to robust
export performance and increased demand for Malaysian goods. The article suggests that Malaysia's
economic fundamentals are strong, as reflected in the favorable balance in the current account,
contributing to overall economic stability and resilience.

Theory that related

The article is related to the macroeconomic theory of the Current Account in the Balance of
Payments. The reported higher surplus of RM14.1 billion in Malaysia's current account aligns with
the macroeconomic theory that a current account surplus occurs when a country's exports exceed its
imports. This surplus can result from strong export performance, increased demand for domestic
goods, or reduced reliance on foreign goods. The positive current account balance reflects a positive
trade balance, emphasizing the importance of international trade in shaping a country's economic
health. This aligns with the macroeconomic concept that the trade balance contributes significantly
to the overall current account balance.

In addition, a sustained current account surplus, as reported in the article, is often associated with
economic stability. It indicates that a country is exporting more than it is importing, contributing to
favorable economic conditions and potentially supporting domestic industries. The article suggests
that Malaysia's positive current account balance contributes to the country's economic resilience. In
macroeconomic theory, a strong current account position is considered a positive fundamental,
reflecting a nation's ability to meet its financial obligations and withstand external economic shocks.
Understanding the dynamics of the current account balance provides insights into a country's trade
performance, economic stability, and overall position in the global economy.

Critical analysis and evidence

Alignment with Macroeconomic Theory:

Evidence: The article effectively connects Malaysia's reported current account surplus with the
macroeconomic theory that a surplus occurs when a country's exports exceed its imports.

Analysis: This alignment with established economic principles enhances the credibility of the
analysis, providing readers with a clear conceptual framework for understanding the reported
economic data.

Emphasis on Trade Balance:

Evidence: The article highlights the importance of international trade in shaping a country's
economic health, emphasizing that the positive current account balance reflects a positive trade
Analysis: Recognizing the significance of the trade balance in influencing the overall current account
balance adds depth to the analysis, helping readers understand the interconnectedness of these
economic indicators.

Association with Economic Stability:

Evidence: The article suggests that a sustained current account surplus is associated with economic
stability and resilience, indicating favorable economic conditions.

Analysis: This connection between a positive current account balance and economic stability aligns
with macroeconomic theory, providing readers with insights into the potential positive impacts on
domestic industries and overall economic conditions.

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