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1-protozoa are unicellular organisms live in solitary or colonial

(True - False) consider Holophytic , Holozoic or

Saprozoic .
(protozoa, metazoa , proferia )

3-protozoa make Respiration by simple Difussion

(True - False)

4-Locomotion of protozoa is.... (Pseudopodia , cilia ,flagella, All of them)

5-Protozoa make asexual Reproduction by

(Binary Fission · Fragmentation · Regeneration · Budding · )

6-Their body is naked without pellicle or provided with shell

(Sarcodina, mastigophora, ciliphora)

7-It consider only holozoic

(Sarcodina, mastigophora, ciliates)

8-Sarcodina make asexual reproduction by transverse binary fission

(True - False)

9-Amoeba feeds on protozoans, algea rotifers and even other smaller amorba
(True - False)

10-.......belongs to class mastigophora they are ovoid or pear shaped

(Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium)

11-flagellate reproduce asexual by transvers binary fission

(True - False)

12-Flagellate feed on soluble organic matter and dispersed bacterial

(True - False) a genus of single cell flagellate eukaryote
(Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium)

14-Euglena are found in stagnant fresh water and salt water

(True - False) a genus of unicellular ciliates eukaryotes

(Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium)

16-Paramecium make movement with

(Pseudopodia , cilia ,flagella)

17-Paramecium feed on microorganism like bacteria , algea and yeasts

(True - False)
18-Protozoa had been defined as multicellular protists with animal like behavior
(True - False)
19-.......move by pseudopodia
(Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium)

20-Eukaryotic organism, classified under kingdom ptotista neither plant nor animals
(Amoeba, Euglena, Paramecium)

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