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Chalo Ayodhya

Sanjeevani "Greening the Future - A Tree for Every Yatrik”

At "Sanjeevni," our mission is to revive and rejuvenate the natural world through the "Journey to
Ayodhya." We aspire to make this pilgrimage an opportunity not just for spiritual awakening but also for
giving back to nature by planting trees and revitalizing the environment.

We envision a thriving planet where the beauty of nature is preserved, and its resources are protected for
generations to come. By coming together during the "Journey to Ayodhya," we aim to create a positive
impact on the environment, one tree at a time.

How it Works:
For every participant who embarks on the "Journey to Ayodhya," "Sanjeevni" will plant a tree in carefully
selected locations. Our team of environmental experts will choose native tree species that are best suited
to the local ecosystem, ensuring a long-lasting and sustainable contribution to nature.
The Sanjeevni Impact:
Through "Sanjeevni - Greening the Future - A Tree for Every Yatrik," we envision the following impact on the
environment and society:
Restoring Ecosystems: Planting trees helps restore and expand natural habitats, contributing to the
conservation of biodiversity.
Climate Resilience: Trees play a vital role in combatting climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide and
releasing oxygen, reducing the greenhouse effect.
Air and Water Quality: Trees act as natural filters, improving air quality by reducing pollutants and
enhancing water quality by preventing soil erosion.
Empowering Communities: Involving local communities in tree planting initiatives empowers them to
become stewards of the environment, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.
Sustainable Livelihoods: Planting fruit and timber trees in rural areas can provide sustainable livelihood
opportunities, supporting local economies.
How You Can Be a Part of Sanjeevni:
By participating in the "Journey to Ayodhya," you become a custodian of nature and contribute directly to
the "Sanjeevni" cause. Each step you take on this spiritual pilgrimage symbolizes your commitment to
preserving and nourishing the environment.
Together, Let's Breathe Life into Nature:
As we embark on the "Journey to Ayodhya," let us unite in a collective effort to give back to Mother Nature.
By planting trees, we extend the blessings of Shri Ram to the natural world, ensuring a more sustainable
and flourishing future.
Nature's Gift, Our Responsibility:
"Sanjeevni - Greening the Future - A Tree for Every Yatrik " invites you to be a part of this transformative
movement. Let us cherish the gift of nature and work hand-in-hand to ensure its prosperity for generations
to come.
Join the "Journey to Ayodhya" with Sanjeevni and become a guardian of nature, fostering life and growth in
the embrace of Mother Earth.

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