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English 2nd paper
Basics of Modal Verbs

Usages of "Used to

Exercises on Modal Verbs

Presented by : Azim Ul Ahsan

Definition of Modal Verbs:

A modal verb is a type of verb that is used to indicate modality – that is:
likelihood, ability, permission, request, capacity, suggestion, order, obligation, or

Examples of Modal Verbs:

Can, Could, May, Might, Must, Will, Would, Shall, Should, Ought To, Had Better,
"Have To" and sometimes Need (not) Or Dare (not).

Key facts of Modal Verbs:

After a modal verb, the root form (base form) of a verb is generally used.
USE OF May/Might/Could

Things to remember:
Might/could : সম্ভাবনা

May: অননশ্চয়তা


May/might/could + v1 (base form) : Present wKsev Future Gi possibility cÖKvk K‡i|

It might be/ must be warmer tomorrow.

I may not be/ could not be able to go with you tonight.

I don't know where John is. He could be/may be/might be at home.

USE OF May/Might/Could

May/might/could + have +v3: Past Gi possibility cÖKvk K‡i|

It may have rained/will have rained last night, but I'm not sure.

The cause of death could have been/ must have been bacteria.

John might have gone to the movies yesterday

USE OF May/Might/Could

Quick Question:

Which of the following sentences are expressing present possibility?

a) Kamal may go to school today

b) Kamal may have a sister
c) Kamal may have faced some problems in mathematics
USE OF May/Might/Could

Quick Question:

• Lulua is absent from the class. He ----some other work.

a) May have had
b) May have
c) Will have had

• Lulua was absent from the class. He ----some other work.

a) May have had
b) May have
c) Will have had
USE Of Must
Rule-3. Must:
I) Complete obligation (কিান নিছু িরততই হতব অর্থাৎ না িরতেই না এমন ভাব প্রিাশ িতর)
Structure: Sub+must+v1

One must/ should sign a check before one cashes it.
An automobile must/should have gasoline to run.
An attorney must/should pass an examination before practicing law. ★★Logical Conclusion:
বতথমান বা অতীত িাতের কিান
II) Logical conclusion G use nq | ঘটনা/প্রমাণ/ননদশথতনর ওপর
নভনি িতর ননতের Logic িাতে
A. About past event: Sub+must have + v3 োনিতয় কে নসদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ িরা হয়

Tony's lights are out. He must have gone to sleep.
✓ John did very well on the exam. He------------ hard.
a) must have studied b) Should have studied c) May have studied
USE Of Must
B.About present event: Sub + must be + (v+ing) /adj.
He is taking a walk; he must be/should be feeling better now.
Bob is absent; he must be/should be sick.

✓ The phone line is busy. Someone ----------phone.
a) Should be using b) Must be using c) May be using

C. About an event that repeats: Sub+must+v1

The light is always out in her room at ten o'clock; she must/should go to bed early every night.
John always gets good grades; He must/should study a lot.

✓ Sabuj always gets the highest marks in the exam. He ---------very hard.
a) Should study b) Must study c) None.
Exercises on May/ Might/
1. He is not in the meeting. He __________some other work.
A. would have B. may have had C. should have D. might have

2. He was absent from the class yesterday. He __________sick.

A. would be B. may have been C. could be D. might have

3. The theory of Continental Drift assumes that there ___________ long-term climate changes in many areas
during the past.
A. must have been B. must be C. must have D. must

4. The general public ________________ alarge number of computers now, because prices are beginning to decrease.
A. must buy B. must have bought C. must be buying D. must buying
Exercises of ‘Used to’ as a Modal
Rule 5: Used to: অভযাস cÖKv‡k use nq|
I) Used to + v1 **N.B.
‘be verb’ means
Example: The program director used to write his own letters. (am,is,are,was,were,
II) be/become/get + used to + (v+ing)

Example: George is used to eating at 7.00 P.M.

1. We became used to …………..(cook) our own good when we had to live alone. (Cooking)

2. Alvaro can’t get used to ……………….. (study). (Studying)

3. Adam is used to ……………….. (sleep) late on weekends. (Sleeping)

Exception of ‘Used to’

❖ Wood is used to ---------- furniture.

a) Make
b) Making
c) For making

❖ Compressed air is used to ----------air brakes.

a) Power
b) Powering
c) For powering

❖ Fire – resistant material are used to -----------the damages to the passengers cabin.
a) Retard
b) Retarding
c) For retarding
Other Modal Verbs

The expressions had better, ought to, and be supposed to generally mean the same as should in either of the two definitions.
had better
subject + should + [verb in simple form]..........
ought to
be supposed to
Other Modal Verbs

❖ Should have + v3: Unfulfilled obligation cÖKv‡k use nq|

John should have gone to the post office this morning. (He did not go to the post office.)

Maria shouldn't have called John last night. (She called him.)

✓ Rahim was punished for not bring the text book. He--------it.
a) Should bring b) Should have brought c) Must bring

✓ He cut a sorry figure in the exam. He --------time.

a) Should not waste b) Should have not wasted c) Might waste
Thank You

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