Hortatory Exposition & Analytical Exposition

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Nama: Herry Afriyandi (33220089)

Muhammad Ravi (33220028)

Hortatory exposition text

The city of Paris, France, is often a romantic destination for tourists. However, who would have
thought that Paris turned out to be a city that makes rats feel at home to breed Imagine, six million
mice estimated to live in Paris. That figure is three times the population of the city of Paris, which is
2.1 million people. And in 2017 the French government spent US$ 1.8 million to eradicate rats for
various anti-rat policies.

Souyris said the committee would determine the "most efficient" way for Parisians and rats to
coexist. While some animal rights groups have welcomed the Paris government's new plan, many
critics say it shows the government has given up on dealing with the rat problem.

Analytical Exposition text: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Beyond Resolution: A Critical Assessment


The Israel-Palestine conflict, which has persisted for over half a century, remains one of the most
protracted and challenging political conflicts in history. Despite numerous attempts at conflict
resolution, including significant negotiations such as the Oslo Accords and the Trump Peace Plan, no
lasting solution has been achieved. This raises the question of whether the conflict is beyond
resolution. This analytical exposition aims to analyze the underlying reasons behind the continuous
failure of previous Israel-Palestine negotiations and propose a perspective on the matter.

The paper identifies four main variables that have been the focus of previous conflict resolution
attempts: borders, security, refugees, and Jerusalem. These core issues, deeply rooted in historical,
cultural, and political contexts, have posed significant challenges to finding mutually acceptable
solutions. The lack of compromise and commitment from both parties is identified as a key factor
contributing to the perceived intractability of the conflict.

The paper suggests that an ideational shift within the domestic politics of both nations is necessary
to enable conflict resolution. It argues that incorporating moderate ideas and fostering a more
cooperative and compromising mindset among decision-makers could pave the way for progress.
This approach acknowledges the importance of domestic political dynamics in shaping the
negotiation process.

Two sets of arguments are explored in the analysis of previous literature. The first set focuses on
rational explanations, viewing the parties as rational negotiators seeking to maximize their
outcomes. Domestic political dynamics in Israel, coupled with a history of antagonism, are
highlighted as influential factors in Israel's behavior during the negotiations. The second set of
arguments delves into the conflict's deeper aspects, framing it as an identity conflict. These
arguments emphasize ideological differences and political values as constraints to negotiation.

The paper aligns with the rational explanations, suggesting that both parties act as rational actors
attempting to maximize their gains during negotiations. While identity plays a role, it is seen more as
a constraint rather than the primary driver of the conflict.
In conclusion, the Israel-Palestine conflict has eluded resolution due to a lack of compromise and
commitment from both parties. An ideational shift within the domestic politics of Israel and
Palestine, incorporating moderate ideas and fostering a more cooperative mindset, is seen as
essential for future conflict resolution. While rational explanations are favored, the influence of
identity is acknowledged as a potential constraint. By understanding these dynamics, future efforts
can be better informed and potentially lead to a sustainable resolution.

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