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Importance of Understanding Development

A foundation in understanding development is essential for any professional dealing with kids.

There is no success in any environment if one cannot understand the other and at such a young

age one must understand development to be able to communicate appropriately. Understanding

the development in children will influence me greatly. Instead of reacting to problems I strive to

think before speaking and this background knowledge will be key in my dealings with children

in this field. Being able to identify serious problems with children versus a child having a

moment of frustration will help not only with my patience but also with teaching that individual

how to appropriately feel. In today's society we do not give children the tools to be able to deal

appropriately with emotions and understanding development is key and will be how I am able to

help guide these children. Curriculum planning is a large concept and there is so many different

ways to approach it however I believe that the best way to look at curriculum planning is how

can I give the most information, in the most entertaining way. Children are children and they do

not respond well to boring environments however they thrive in one designed for their stage in

development and their understanding.

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