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1. Discuss refrigeration maintenance and servicing;
2. Appreciate the importance of maintenance and servicing refrigeration; and
3. Perform servicing and maintenance of refrigeration units.


The household refrigerator is a package

unit designed and manufactured for the
purpose of preserving foods. This
appliance is so important that almost all
families have at least one refrigerator in
their homes. The typical inside
temperature is from 350 F to 400F. when
the room temperature is normal. Trouble
in a domestic refrigerator may be
electrical or mechanical in nature.
Domestic refrigerators can be
categorized as Single-Door, Two-Door,
or Three-Door. They all have the same
features; the only difference is in their
body built or in the electrical circuit.


A reciprocating compressor is usually

with a piston-cylinder type of pump. The
main parts include a cylinder, piston,
connecting rod, crankshaft, cylinder head
and valves.
A full hermetic compressor is a
compressor in which the electric motor
and the piston-cylinder unit is
permanently sealed as an integral unit in
a metal case. The word “hermetic” means “sealed in unit”. Inside the body of compressor is the
reciprocating pump powered by the electric motor.


* Larger pipe than discharge line * Smaller tube than suction line
* Connected from evaporator * Connected to the condenser
* It is on the low-side * It is on the high-side
* Oil will spill-out if turned downwards * Oil will not spill-out if turned downwards


* It is used for evacuation or charging line * It is on the low-pressure side

* It can be used as a suction line


* It can be opened by grinding the weld

head away. Cutting torch is not advisable
to use for opening for it can burn the
winding of the electric motor inside the


* The oil being used is the capilla oil;

there is about a pint to a quart of oil in the
bottom of the case metal.


* The three pin-terminals

are the common (C), start (S), and run (R) terminals of the electric motor of the compressor.
Terminals are usually in triangular configuration or in a nut and bolt terminals, it is usually in a
straight line or in a line layout.

Electric motor – is composed of stator and the rotor. Start winding and run winding are
wound in the stator. The rotor has a shafting that is connected to the crankshaft of the piston-
cylinder unit of the compressor.

Piston-cylinder unit – is composed of piston,

cylinder, suction valve and discharge valve,
connecting rod and the crankshaft. It is called
reciprocating compressor because the piston in
the cylinder is reciprocating (moving up and


Activity Title: How to identify the common, running, and starting terminals of a hermetic
Compressor motor?

Materials/Supply/Instrument Needed:
1 set Ohmmeter
1 unit Hermetic compressor
1 pc Yellow pad paper
1 pc Ball pen
1 roll Masking tape
1. Get the ohmmeter, and set selector knob to X 1; short circuit
the test probes and adjust the Ohm-zero adjuster.

2. Get a piece of paper and sketch the terminals; place

corresponding number on every
3. Take the resistance reading between the three terminals such as
terminals 1 & 2,
terminals 1 & 3, and terminals 2 & 3.

Terminals 1 & 2 = 15 Ohms
Terminals 1 & 3 = 3 Ohms
Terminals 2 & 3 = 18 Ohms

4. Get the highest reading among the three; Terminals 2 & 3 got 18 Ohm resistance.
5. Since Terminal 1 is the remaining Terminal where test probe of the ohmmeter is not
connected, mark Terminal 1 as Common Terminal.
6. Compare Terminals 1 & 2 with 15-Ohm resistance and Terminals 1 & 3 with only 3-
Ohm resistance.
7. Mark Terminal 2 as Starting Terminal because it has second highest resistance
8. Mark Terminal 3 as Running Terminal because it has the lowest resistance value.
9. Label the terminals

Usually called “STANDARD”

C is on top
S is on the left
R is on the right



1. Short Circuit

If two sets of
terminals have the same
resistance value, such as:
1 – 2 = 15 Ohms;
1 – 3 = 15 Ohms;
2 – 3 = 3 Ohms,
you have a short circuit

2. Burn out motor or open circuit

If no resistance reading between one

or two sets of terminals such as:
1 – 2 = 15 Ohms
1 – 3 = no reading
2 – 3 = no reading

3. Grounded
If there is reading
resistance or continuity
between the terminals
and the case metal or
body, you have a
grounded motor

4. High-Ampere – After
taking the resistance between the terminals
and the CSR is good, the piston is
functioning, there is suction and discharging,
but the ammeter reading is too high beyond
the specification of the amperage reading of
the motor, you have a high-ampere motor

Example: Motor Specification

Source – 220 V, F – 60 Hz
Current – 13.5A Hp – 2 Hp

The specification is 13.5 amp, but the

actual reading in the ammeter is 18 amps.,
your motor is with high-ampere trouble. This
means that the motor is getting more current
than the required one. One effect of high-
amperage is that the compressor case or body
may become too hot to handle that you cannot
hold it for 5 seconds. It can damage the
winding and result to motor to burnout.
Common causes of high-ampere trouble are
defective mechanical parts or defective motor winding.

5. Loose Compression Motor – It means that the motor is running and the piston is
moving but there is no suction or discharge pressure, it is known as the loose
compression trouble. Weak valves can be categorized in this mechanical defect, it means
that there is suction and discharging but it cannot maintain the pressure on the discharge
line or suction.

6. Stuck-up Compressor – When you turn on the compressor and there is no suction
and discharge pressure, but a humming sound of the motor and the amperage reading is
high, the piston is stuck-up in the cylinder, defective bushing or mechanical parts, or
defective electrical motor.


1. Reverse the compression rotation by connecting the extra capacitor into the
electrical circuit of the main winding. Turn-on the power from one to three seconds. This
capacitor cannot be left in the circuit for more than three seconds. It will cause the motor
overheat. If the compressor is successfully reversed, remove the capacitor and try to run
the compressor using the normal electrical connection. If the motor does not start after
three or four attempts, replace the compressor.

2. Another method is to connect

the compressor to a higher
voltage source. If the
compressor is rated 220V, plug it
to 440V. This must be done
carefully for about a second or it
will damage the electric motor.
The extra voltage may break the
stuck compressor loose, if not replace the compressor.
3. Another method is to increase
the torque of the electric motor
by connecting the start capacitor of more than 100 microfarad between the start and run
terminals for more than one second, or it may damage the electric motor. If it is not
successful, replace the compressor



1. While the
compressor is in the
system, install the
compound gage on
the low side and
pressure gage on the
high side. Turn on the
compressor and
observe the reading
on the gage. If you have both same gage reading, example: compound gage reads 35 psig
and the pressure gage has 35 psig also, you have loose compression. There is no suction
and discharging of refrigerant.

2. Remove the
compressor from the
system, install
compound gage on
the suction line and
pressure gage on the
discharge line. Turn-
on the compressor
and observe the gages
readings. Let pressure 25” Hg build-up in the compound gage and 130 psig on the
pressure gage.

Shut-off the compressor and observe the gage reading. If the compound gage reading of
25” Hg goes down to 15” to 0” Hg, while the pressure gage reading of 130 psig goes
down to 50 to 0 psig within 15 minutes, your valves are weak

If the pressure on both sides maintain readings within 15 min., the valves are good. The
pressure will really go down slowly but not within a limit of 15 min.


1. Get an Ohmmeter put the selector range knob to X1ohm and adjust the pointer to
zero by adjusting the zero-ohm adjuster knob.

2. Place your test prods one on the R connection and the other to the screw on the side
of the relay. Find out if there is continuity. If none, the relay is defective; if there is,
continue the test.

3. Then place the other test prod from the screw to the S.

4. Invert the relay up-side-

down without removing the test
prod on the S and R
connection. If the pointer of the
ohmmeter is deflected, the
relay is good; if not, the relay is
defective. Do it three or four


1. Get Ohmmeter and adjust the selector range knob to X1 ohm. Zero-in the pointer by
adjusting the Zero-ohm adjuster knob.

2. Place the test prods to the

terminals of O.L.P. There must
be continuity; if none, the O.L.P.
is normally closed.

3. Put a lighted match or candle

at the bottom of the O.L.P.; wait
for 20 or 30 seconds. When you
hear a “click” sound with the
deflection of the pointer from
zero resistance to off point, there is possibility that the O.L.P is good.
4. Remove the lighted match and wait for 15 seconds; if you hear once more the
clicking of the O.L.P. and the pointer deflected to zero resistance, we can conclude that
the O.L.P. is good.
Note: In replacing O.L.P. be sure that the replacement has the same specification, or it
will not function.


1. Get the ohmmeter and turn the

selector range knob to X1 ohm;
adjust the zero-in of the pointer.

2. Turn-off the thermostat and place

the sensing bulb to a container filled
with ice.

3. Place the test prods to the

terminals of the thermostat; no
deflection of the pointer.

4. Turn-on the knob to no. 1; the

pointer will deflect to zero-ohm
showing continuity.

5. While the sensing bulb remains in

the cubes of ice, wait for 20 to 30
minutes. The pressure in the sensing
bulb deceases, thus opening the
thermostat terminals that cause the
deflection of the pointer to off
position. If the sensing bulb is
remove from the ice, after several
minutes, the pointer will be deflected
to zero-ohm showing that the
thermostat is good. If it does not deflect as what had been discussed above, the
thermostat is defective.


A. Bulb
1. Get the ohmmeter and turn the selector range knob to X10 ohm; zero-in the pointer.

2. Place the test prods to the bulb as shown in the figure. The pointer must deflect to
resistance reading showing that the bulb is good; if no deflection occurs, the bulb is

B. Switch

1. Get ohmmeter and turn the selector

range to X 1 ohm; zero-in the pointer.

2. Place the test prods to the

terminals; pointer will deflect
showing it is good; no deflection
means it is defective.

3. Push-on the button and the pointer

will deflect to off position; if this occurs it is good; if not, it is defective




Charging is the process of adding or loading refrigerant to the refrigeration

system. This process will be accomplished after the system had been evacuated of air,
moisture, dirt or any tiny particles inside the system. This process is called evacuation.
The device use for evacuation is the vacuum pump.
Refrigeration system is designed to operate with only the refrigerant and a little
portion of oil circulating inside the system. When the system is assembled or serviced,
air enters the system. Air contains oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and water vapor, all of
which are detrimental to the system.
Nitrogen is a noncondensible gas. It will not condense in the condenser and will
occupy condenser space thus, high head pressure takes place. High head pressure is one
cause why burn-out motor occurs. Other gases are also noncondensible and likewise
causes chemical reactions that produce acids. This acid cause deterioration of the
insulation of motor windings that also results to burn-out motor. Acids also attack the
system’s part, copper plating of the running gear and others.
In evacuating the system, and also in charging refrigerant into the system, several
tools are needed. They are: Gage manifold, hoses, freon tank charging line, vacuum
pump, adjustable wrench, and others. Gage manifold is the most important tools in
charging the system.


Gage manifold is
composed of compound gage,
pressure gage, manifold, hook,
and two valves. The compound
gage measures the positive
pressure as well as the negative
pressure. The positive pressure
is measured up to 250 psig and
the negative pressure is
measured in 30” Hg. Vacuum.
The pressure gage measures pressure up to 500 psig. It is connected to the high-
side-pressure while the compound gage is connected to the low-side-pressure.


1. Install the gage manifold;

compound gage to the charging line
or to the low pressure side; pressure
gage to the high side. Close both
hand valves A and B. The unit
compressor should be off. Attach the
hose to the center flare and the other
end to the vacuum pump (A).

2. Start the evacuation by turning-on

the vacuum pump. Open valves A
and B. Observe the gages.
Compound reading must reach at least 29.9” Hg; while the pressure gage will try to
settle down below zero.

3. Wait for the vacuum reading of 29.9” Hg. Evacuation could be done within 15
minutes or more, depending on the design of the system.

4. If 29.9” Hg vacuum is reached, close valves A and B and turn-off the vacuum pump.
We are now on the process of leak testing by observing the compound gage. If within
15 minutes the needle of the compound gage deflected from 29.9” Hg to zero slowly,
the system has a leak. If the needle stays at 29.9” Hg within that time limit, proceed to
the next step.

5. While the valves are close, remove the vacuum pump and replace it with the freon
tank (B). Open the valve of the freon tank and loosen the connection of the hose to the
gage manifold, to purge air in the hose by refrigerant vapor for three seconds and then
tighten up the connection.

(A) (B)

6. Open valve A and charge the system with refrigerant in a vapor form up to 10 psig
just pressurized the system for leak-testing, then close Valve A. Conduct testing by
soap-bubbles to every connection of tubes as well as in the gage manifold.

7. If no leak is found, open once more valve A and add refrigerant up to 30 psig. Close
valve A and continue the leak- testing procedure.
8. If no leak is found, run the compressor. Observe from 30 psig of compound gage, it
will go down and settle slowly. Maintain a compound gage reading of 6-8 psig, while
the pressure gage will go up from 30 psig to 150 – 175 psig.

When charging, observe ammeter reading. Amperage will be based on the
specification of the motor. Charging pressure must conform with the amperage of
the motor.
9. Observe the evaporator or freezer; a hizzing sound can be heard from the sudden
expansion (Sprayed) of the refrigerant from the capillary tube. A frost will develop
within a minute and ice can be produced within
one hour.

10. Observe the condenser, it will start

simultaneously with the reaction of the evaporator,
raise the temperature.

11. Continue leak-testing; strainer/drier will have

higher temperature than the ambient temperature.

If leak is found, repair the leak from procedure no.1 of charging the system.
remove the refrigerant in the system when soldering.
- When charging is being done in a room, open the windows for ventilation.
- Do not let children below 12 years old stay inside the same room, their body
resistance may not handle the smell of the refrigerant

12. If after one hour, the evaporator

produced ice, the ammeter reading is
within the specification, and the
system has no leak, remove the gage
manifold from the charging line. Use
a pinch-off tool and do a soap-bubble
leak-testing procedure

13. After the pinch-off, place the plug nut and accomplish the leak-testing procedure.
Within one hour, the compound reading must maintain its reading of 8 psig; if it goes
down, it means that the system has leak. Repair the leak if any and go back to
procedure no. 1.

The method of evacuation presently discussed is done by utilizing a vacuum

pump. Some refrigeration and air condition technicians are using other methods in
evacuation. A method called self-evacuation wherein the compressor of the unit is
being used as the vacuum pump. Technically, the first method is the correct way of
evacuating the system. To reiterate evacuation, it is the process of removing air,
moisture, dirt or any tiny particle inside the system. Thus, by using a vacuum pump the
said particles that can cause clogging in the capillary tube will be absorbed by the
vacuum pump. For this reason, the vacuum pump should be regularly cleaned and
replaced with the compressor oil.
However, in the second self-evacuation method, the compressor of the unit is
being used as the vacuum pump. It means that the air, moisture, dirt or any tiny
particles will be absorbed by the compressor itself, and this will damage the same.
Here, the condenser has no chance to be evacuated because the process will start from
the capillary tube.


1. Remove the strainer/drier,

install the gage manifold.
Usually, only the compound
gage is being used. Connect
the compound gage to the
charging line. Be sure Valve
A and B are closed.

2. Connect the freon tank to

the hose and to the gage
manifold. Open the freon
tank valve and loosen the
hose to the gage manifold to
purge air in the hose by the
vapor refrigerant. After three
seconds, tightened the hose

3. Close the capillary tube by

your thumb; let the discharge
line open.

4. Run the compressor, self-

evacuation is going-on.
Suction will be felt at the thumb and discharging of air in the discharge line. Observe
the compound gage reading. If reading is 29.9” Hg, it means it is already vacuum. Do
remove your thumb (close-open).

5. If the reading is 29.9” Hg.,

put-off the compressor for leak-
testing. Wait for 15 minutes and
observe the pointer. If it
deflected to zero, it means there is leak in the system. If it stays at 29.9” Hg., the
system has no leak.

6. Run the compressor once more, put flow on the capillary tube then close it again by
your thumb to minimize the entry of the air in the system. Wait for 50seconds, then
put-off the compressor. The flow must not reach the compressor; it may damage the
compressor windings.

7. Install new strainer/drier. Whenever a new charge of refrigerant is added, it is

necessary to install a new drier.

8. Open Valve A for the

charging process. Close the
capillary tube and the
strainer/drier with both thumbs.
Feel on both sides the coming
out of freon. Its purpose is to
avoid the entry of the air when
we connect the two.

9. When you feel that

refrigerant is coming out on
both sides in the capillary tube
and in the strainer/drier,
connect them together.

10. Charge the system up to 10

psig just to have the system
pressuring for leak-testing,
then close Valve A. Conduct
leak-testing by using soap-bubbles on every connection of tubes as well as in gage
manifold. (A)

11. If no leak is found, open

once more Valve A and add
refrigerant up to 30 psig.
(B), close valve A and
continue leak-testing.

12. If no leak is found, run

the compressor. Observe
the gage; from 30 psig, it will go down and settle slowly. Maintain a compound gage
reading of 6-8 psig.

When charging, observe the ammeter reading. Amperage will be based on the
specification of the motor. Charging pressure must conform with the amperage of
the compressor.

13. Observe the evaporator or freezer; a hizzing sound can be heard from the sudden
expansion (sprayed) of the refrigerant from the capillary tube. A frost will develop
within a minute and ice can be produced within one hour.

14. Observe the condenser, it will

start simultaneously with the
freezing of the evaporator, raise its

15. Observe also the strainer/drier, it

will have a higher temperature than
the ambient temperature.

16. Continue leak-testing. If no leak

is found, remove the gage manifold
by means of pinch-off tool and close it with a fitting plug.


If the suction line is sweating or frosting, it means that the system is overcharged
with refrigerant. This can cause high-head pressure and high amperage to the
compressor which further results to compressor damage.


There are five methods in detecting leaks in the system. One is by means of oil
spots on the refrigeration system. There is 2 to 4 percent oil mixed with the refrigerant
throughout the entire system and for some reason it will always come out and show
where the leak is. Another is by means of soap-bubbles. Pressurized the system with at
least 30psig. Apply soap-bubbles to every flare, hose, clamp, silver solder joints and to
all joints in the system. Leak will show-up through the soap-bubbles. Check for
corrosive tubes and copper oxide, for it will damage the copper. Greenish color will
appear on the tube if it is
attacked by copper oxide.
The third method is by means of halide torch. When using halide torch, make
sure that the room is free from refrigerant vapors. When you open the halide torch,
observe the color of the flame. When its sensor hose is over the leak, the color of the
flame will become green in color. A fraint green color indicates a small leak. If the leak
is large, the flame will be unmistakably green to purple.

The fourth method is by means of electronic leak detector. In operation, the gun
detector is turned on and adjusted in a normal atmosphere. The leak detecting probe is
then passed over the surface of all joints or connections in the system. If there is a leak,
no matter how tiny, the halogenated refrigerant is drawn into the probe. The leak gun
detector will make a piercing sound, or a light will flash, or both, denoting that there is
indeed a leak.

The fifth method is by using the compound gage of the gage manifold. It will tell
you if the system has leak. After you have done the evacuation of the system, close the
valves on both on both sides and wait for 15 minutes. If the gage stays at same vacuum
pressure, there is an excellent chance that there is no leak. If it changes, when the
pressure reading goes up within the period of time, your system has leak.

Remember that refrigerant does not wear out; it just leaks away. Every leak in the
system must be repaired before evacuating the system and making the final charge. All
flare nuts, bolts and clamps if there are any, must be tightened up.



No voltage on the socket Power failure Check power supply
No voltage on the socket Blown fuse Replace fuse
No resistance reading Open line wire Connect open line
No resistance reading Defective thermostat Replace thermostat
No resistance reading Defective O.L.P. Replace O.L.P.
No resistance reading Open/burn out compressor Replace compressor
No resistance reading Open relay Replace relay


Low pressure reading No refrigerant Find any leak , repair
Low amperage recharge the system
Evaporator is warm

Low pressure reading Loose compression Replace the

Low amperage
Low/high side same pressure

Warm evaporator Oil in accumulator Purge the system and

and remove oil in the
Recharge the system.

Strainer/drier is cold. Restricted strainer/drier or Replace strainer/drier

No hizzing sound into the Capillary tube And capillary tube

Compressor will run for a Tripping compressor Check cause of

while then stop, and run Correct the damage
Replace compressor

Thermostat will trip for a Thermostat set to lower Reset the thermostat
Short period setting

Low pressure Lack of refrigerant Repair leak and add
Sweating evaporator refrigerant

Half freeze/sweat evaporator Moisture in the system Replace strainer/drier

Recharge refrigerant

Compressor runs for a short Low setting of thermostat Reset the thermostat

Low cooling Excessive food load Remove excess food

Low cooling Frequent door opening Minimize door opening

Door will not close tightly Loose door gasket Replace door gasket

Low cooling Unit expose to heat Put unit away from


The defrost heating is Defective defrost timer Replace defrost timer

Energizing as the compressor
is running


Close thermostat contact Defective thermostat Replace thermostat

Door is not close tightly Loose door gasket Replace door gasket

Low cooling Frequent door opening Minimize door opening

Low cooling Unit expose to heat Put unit away from


Overheat compressor High head pressure Replace compressor
High ampere

Defective relay High ampere Replace relay

Stuck-up compressor High ampere Replace compressor

Low voltage High ampere Check voltage

Reference: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning: repair and Troubleshooting Guide, reprinted
2010, by Joy Job A. Cabangon
I Multiple Choice
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
__1. Short circuit in the hermetic compressor can be identified easily because of the following,
except…a) Common-Run and Common Start terminals have the same resistance value b)
Start-Run terminals have below normal resistance value c) The compressor dome and any
three terminals have resistance d) all of these
__2. If Common-Start terminals have resistance, while Common-Run and Start-Run have no
resistance, the hermetic compressor is…a) burn out or open b) shorted c) grounded d) all
of these
__3. If there is reading resistance or continuity between the terminals and the case metal or
body, the hermetic compressor has a…a) shorted motor b) grounded motor c) open or burn
out motor. d) all of these.
__4. Causes of high amperage reading of motor having good resistances in the common, start,
and run windings are…a) the current flows more the required one b) the defective
mechanical or defective motor winding c) the compressor with very hot case that it cannot
be touched for 5 seconds. d) all of these
__5. This compressor trouble is characterized with no suction or discharge pressure even if the
hermetic compressor’s piston is moving or there is suction and discharging but it cannot
maintain pressure on the discharge line or suction. a) loose compression b) stuck-up
compressor c) grounded or shorted compressor d) all of these
__6. The following are the distinguishing feature of a discharge line, except…a) Smaller tube
than suction line b) Connected to the evaporator c) Oil will not spill-out if turned
downwards d) It is on the high-side
__7. The following are the identification feature of the process tube, except…a) It is on the
high-pressure side b) It can be used as a suction line c) It is used for charging line d) It is
used for evacuation
__8. The following are three pin-terminals found in the hermetic compressor, except…a)
Common b) Start c) L1 and L2 d) Run
__9. The following are the stator winding of an electric motor, except…a) run winding b) start
winding c) rotor winding d) all of these
__10. Reciprocating compressor is a compressor where piston inside the cylinder is moving…a)
up-side-down b) up and down c) side by side d) sideward

__11. If the pointer of the ohmmeter is deflected, after inverting the relay up-side-down without
removing the test prod on the S and R connection, the relay is…a) defective b) weak c)
good. d) all of these
__12. The Overload Protector (O.L.P.) is________if there is no continuity after placing the test
prods to its terminals. a) defective b) weak c) good. d) all of these
__13. The purpose of placing the sensing bulb’s thermostat to a container filled with ice, check
the continuity, and 20 to minutes’ time observation is to check if the thermostat…a)
responds to the change of temperature. b) senses the presence of ice. c) detects
temperature change. d) all of these
__14. After 20 to 30 minutes of removing the sensing bulb of the thermostat at number 1 setting
in a container filled with ice without zero-ohm continuity deflection, it means, the
thermostat is…a) defective b) good c) weak d) all of these
__15. Within 20 to 30 minutes of placing the sensing bulb of the thermostat at number 1 setting
in a container filled with ice without zero-ohm continuity deflection, it means, the
thermostat is…a) defective b) good c) weak d) all of these
__16. If the suction line is sweating or frosting, it means that the system is…a) undercharged
with refrigerant b) overcharged with refrigerant c) lack of refrigerant d) none of these
__17. Overcharged refrigeration system manifested the following symptoms, except…a) high-
head pressure b) high amperage than normal c) frosting evaporator. d) suction line
__18. The following are leak testing methods, except…a) oil spots on the refrigeration system b)
soap-bubble method c) refrigerant inhalation d) halide torch
__19. The following are symptoms of refrigeration system if the compressor will not start,
except…a) No voltage on the outlet/socket b) No resistance reading in overload relay c)
No resistance reading in the compressor d) There is resistance reading in the starting
__20. If the refrigeration system cannot produce ice even the compressor is running, its possible
defect might be…a) no refrigerant b) loose compression c) clog drier or strainer d) all of
__21. The following tools are used to evacuate and charge the system with refrigerant, except…
a) blow torch b) Freon tank and charging line c) adjustable wrench d) Gage manifold and
__22. Which of the following does not belong to the group? a) compound gage b) pressure gage
c) manifold hook, d) two hand bulbs.
__23. The positive pressure is up to 250 psig and negative pressure is up to…a) 30” Hg. b) 30’
Hg. c) 30, Hg. d) all of these
__24. The pressure gage measures pressure up to…a) 500 psi. b) 500 psig. c) 500 pcs. d) all of
__25. Pressure gage is connected to the high-side-pressure, compound gage in connected to
the…a) low-pressure b) low-side-pressure c) pressure-side d) all of these
__26. This appliance has temperature ranging from 350 F to 400F necessary in the preservation of
food. a) refrigerant b) refrigeration c) refrigerator d) all of these.
__27. Which of the following is not included in the group? a) three-door refrigerator b) floor
mounted evaporator c) two-door refrigerator d) single-door refrigerator
__28. The following are parts of the reciprocating pump, except…a) electric motor b)
connecting rod and crankshaft c) cylinder head and valves d) piston and cylinder
__29. Inside the hermetic or sealed-in unit compressor is the… a) reciprocating pump and
electric motor b) electric motor and fan blade c) reciprocating pump and metal case d) all
of these
__30. Suction line is usually connected on the low side and is identified thru the following,
except…a) larger tube than discharge b) connected from evaporator c) oil will not spill-out
it turned downwards
__31. The sensing bulb is filled with volatile fluid so that the temperature increase, it will boil
inside causes the pressure to push the switching mechanism to…a) open the contact b)
close the contact c) neutralize the contact d) none of these
__32. The pointer deflects to resistance after placing the test prods to the bulb if it is…a)
defective b) good c) weak d) all of these
__33. Refrigerant charging is the process of________to the refrigeration system. a) adding
refrigerant b) loading refrigerant c) all of these d) none of these
__34. Before charging refrigerant to the system, the refrigeration unit must be…a) free from tiny
particles inside the system b) evacuated c) free from moisture d) all of these
__35. Evacuation is the process of removing_________inside the system. a) tiny particles b)
moisture c) dirt d) all of these
__36. In removing the vacuum pump to replace Freon tank, open the valve of the Freon tank and
loosen the connection of the hose to the gage manifold, to…a) purge air in the hose by
refrigerant b) Clean the hose free of air c) flush the hose to remove dirt d) all of these
__37. If no leak is found, run the compressor. While charging refrigerant, observe from 30 psig
of compound gage, it will go down and settle slowly. Maintain a compound gage reading
in the low-pressure-side at…a) 6psig b) 7psig c) 8psig d) all of these
__38. If no leak is found, run the compressor. While charging refrigerant, observe the pressure
gage in the high-pressure side to go up from 30 psig to…a) 150psig b) 165psig c)
175psig d) all of these
__39. Observe the evaporator or freezer; a hizzing sound can be heard from the
sudden_______ of the refrigerant from the capillary tube. a) expansion b) Sprayed c)
vaporization d) all of these
__40. During refrigerant charging, observe the condenser, it will ______ simultaneously with
the reaction of the evaporator. a) reduce the temperature b) raise the temperature. c)
remain the temperature
__41. When evacuating the system, the compound gage is connected to low-pressure-side and
for the high-pressure-side is connected to …a) pressure gage b) hand valves c) manifold
gage d) all of the
__42. Switching on the vacuum pump with open hand valves A and B until reaching negative
pressure of 29.9” Hg, within 15 minutes or more is an indication that the refrigeration
system is…a) perfectly evacuated b) dirt and air free c) tiny particles and moisture free
d) all of these.
__43. If within 15 minutes the needle of the compound gage deflected from 29.9” Hg to zero
slowly, the…a) system is leak free b) the system is perfectly sealed c) system has a leak.
d) all of these.
__44. If the needle stays at 29.9” Hg within that time limit, the…a) system is leak free b) the
system is slightly sealed c) system has a leak. d) all of these.
__45. After evacuating the system, and before connecting Freon tank or refrigerant cylinder,
both hand valves of the manifold gage should be closed to…a) prevent air and moisture
from entering the system b) allow air to enter the system. c) make system filled with
oxygen d) all of these
__46. Stuck-up compressor has no suction and discharge pressure, but a humming sound of the
motor accompanied with high amperage reading. This is primarily caused by the
following, except…a) the piston is stuck-up in the cylinder b) defective bushing or
mechanical parts c) defective electrical motor. d) none of these
__47. The following are remedy for compressor with clogged piston/cylinder unit, except… a)
Reverse the compression rotation b) connect the compressor to a higher voltage source c)
increase the speed of the electric motor d) to increase the torque of the electric motor
__48. If the compound gage reading of 25” Hg goes down to 15” to 0” Hg, while the pressure
gage reading of 130 psig goes down to 50 to 0 psig within 15 minutes, your valves are…a)
weak b) good c) free from defects d) all of these.
__49. If the pressure on both sides maintain readings within 15 min., the valves are… a) weak b)
good c) defective d) all of these.
__50. If there is continuity after connecting test prod on the R connection and the other to the
screw on the side of the current or push-on relay, then it is...a) good b) defective c) weak
d) all of these

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