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Teachers Role and Development of English Curriculum at

Elementary and Junior High Schools

Group 3:


2. SEVTRYANI NIM : 222102068
3. JERNITA GULO NIM : 222102038

Telaah Kurikulum


We thank God for the presence of Almighty God who, because of His inclusion and
grace, has enabled the assignment of this paper entitled " Teachers Role and Development of
English Curriculum at Elementary and Junior High Schools" to be completed well.
We have made every effort to prepare this paper as much as possible and supported it
with various references, so that it can make the preparation smoother. For this reason, we do
not forget to thank our lecturer, Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua, S.Pd.,M.Pd who has taught
the Curriculum Studies course. By writing this paper, we hope that this paper can be useful
and add insight to the readers.
However, apart from all that, we are fully aware that there are still shortcomings in
terms of arrangement, language and other aspects. Therefore, we really hope for constructive
criticism and suggestions to improve this assignment in the future.

Gunungsitoli, 28 Oktober 2023


Group 3


PREFACE ................................................................................................................i

TABLE OF CONTENT...........................................................................................ii

BAB I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................1

A. Background .........................................................................................................1
B. Formula of Problem.............................................................................................1
C. Writing Purpose....................................................................................................1

BAB II DISSCUSION..............................................................................................2

A. The Teachers Role and the Development of English Curriculum........................2

B. Teachers Role and Development of English Curriculum at Elementary School. 3
C. Teachers Role and Development of English Curriculum at Junior High School.3
D. Difficulties of Teachers Role in English Curriculum at Elementary and Junior High

BAB III CLOSING..................................................................................................7

A. Conclusion ........................................................................................................7

A. Background
This paper was prepared to fulfill the course assignment, namely Telaah Curiculum
with the topic of Teachers Role and Development of English Curriculum at
Elementary and Junior High Schools.
English language ability is one of the competencies that students must have in the
independent learning policy. This competency will make it easier for students to
find learning resources more freely and not be limited to just one source. The world
of learning becomes wider and even as the saying goes, "mastering a language
means mastering the world". Especially with a brave learning system during a
pandemic like now. It is very possible for students to be creative and innovate even
more by looking for learning resources from anywhere with their language skills.

B. Formula Of Problem
1. What the role of teacher?
2. What the Teachers Role and Development of English Curriculum at Elementary School?
3. What the Teachers Role and Development of English Curriculum at Junior High School?
4. What the difficulties in the teacher's role in the English curriculum in elementary and
junior high schools?
C. Writing Purpose
1. To know what the role of teacher.
2. To know what the Teachers Role and Development of English Curriculum at Elementary
3. To know what the Teachers Role and Development of English Curriculum at Junior High
4. To know what the difficulties in the teacher's role in the English curriculum in
elementary and junior high schools.


A. The Teachers Role and the Development of English Curriculum

Role: actor’s part; one’s function, what person or thing is appointed or expected to do.
That is the definition given by the Concise Oxford Dictionary (1982), but in our daily lives
we fulfil roles that have features of all these defining characteristics. We have roles in
society we play parts in society. These differ: some roles are hard to avoid (e.g. father);
some roles may be thrust upon us by circumstances (e.g. school pupil); on the other hand,
we choose for ourselves many of the roles we fulfil (e.g. teacher).

According to Adams (1970), the role of a teacher relates to what individuals actually do
(their behavior), while the role of an individual can also be influenced by the expected
actions of individuals, in particular the individuals own expectations (i.e., the teachers
themselves) or the expecta- tions of others (pupils, students, parents, col- leagues, school
leaders, society, etc.). The role of the teacher is never unique- ly defined, and its definition
is influenced by many factors. It is defined by cultural and social events and the
environment, and both influence the differences that occur in the conceptions of the roles of
teachers within different cultures and societies, including the geo- graphic environment.

 The Role of Teachers in Language Learning

More specifically, regarding the role of the teacher in language learning, according to
Harmer, there are eight roles, namely as follows: controller, the teacher is responsible for the
ongoing learning process in the classroom, including when students learn in teams (groups);
organizer, the teacher regulates the implementation of learning in class, such as providing
information, explaining implementation procedures, placing students in groups, and ending
learning; As assessors, especially in language learning, teachers must be able to provide
feedback, corrections, and assessments, especially in language use. facilitator teacher, the
teacher acts as a guide or facilitator when students have difficulty speaking due to problems
with language knowledge, especially in learning English as a foreign language; participant,
the teacher does not dominate the learning process; resource person or teacher as a source of
knowledge for students; tutor, the teacher is not only a facilitator and resource person but also
a tutor who provides descriptions and instructions in learning; and observer, when the teacher

becomes an observer, the teacher controls and provides guidance to students in carrying out
their duties (Harmer, 2007: 57–67).
More specifically in language learning, Harold (in Brown) states that there are nine
characteristics of a good language teacher, namely: (1) having competence in preparing
language teaching based on level; (2) loving English; and (3) thinking critically, especially in
achieving language learning goals. (4) persistent in developing one's potential; (5) self-
subordination or not feeling like one is the greatest so it is possible to continue learning; (6)
ready to develop oneself better; (7) adapting to local culture; (8) working professionally; and
(9) enthusiastic about every job given.
Thus, the teacher's understanding of his role, both in the learning process in general and
his role in language learning, especially English, must be done well. With the aim that the
learning objectives can be achieved well too.
B. Teachers Role and Development of English Curriculum at Elementary School
Yamin (2017) the role of teachers in learning English in elementary schools is:
a. Teacher as a model
b. Present a natural situation where English is used as an everyday language.
c. Present English as a language, not as a useless lesson.
d. Mistakes made by children are not failures but rather
shows that he is developing
e. Focus more on meaning than on language form.
f. Communicate, even with very simple sentences, and
The student's answer may be as simple as a word.
g. Rules (grammar) are important, but in the initial stages, avoid them.
teach grammar explicitly or directly to avoid frustration.
in children.
h. Create a situation full of interest and motivation.
i. Present a real, language-rich environment.
C. Teachers Role and Development of English Curriculum at Junior High School\

Syaiful (2005) explains that the teacher's role in the learning process is to
prepare effective learning plans, master the principles of learning, select and use
learning media, select and use teaching methods, select and use strategies or
approaches to learning, and assess results. student learning outcomes. It can be

concluded that there are three main things in the teacher's role in the learning
process, namely:

1) preparing a learning plan (planning),

2) Mastering the principles of learning, selecting and using learning media, selecting
and using teaching methods, and selecting and using strategies or approaches in
learning (implementing);
3) Assessing student learning outcomes (evaluating).
This explanation is also in line with what Suryosubroto (1997) stated: that all
teacher roles in the learning process must be summarized into three things, such as
planning learning, implementing learning, and evaluating learning.

Nasution (2005) also explains that the teacher's role in the learning process
includes planning learning programs, implementing learning, and assessing progress.

This means that, for the purposes of analyzing teachers' duties as teachers,
teacher abilities have a lot to do with efforts to improve learning processes and

D. Difficulties of Teachers Role in English Curriculum at Elementary and Junior

High Schools
1. Limited Facilities
In slameto theory (2010) which states that the teacher's mental readiness will
influence the teacher's effectiveness make use of the facilities in the
classroom. Apart from that, according to what Helmi stated (2015) this also
influences teacher pedagogical competence“Maybe it's not a shortage but a
limitation, like in terms of facilities. For example, we want to give this but in
terms of facilities the connection is not good, etc. Other limitations include
language labs, there should be language labs in schools adequate to have a
special room, there is multi media needed.”
2. Unpreparedness of Teachers' Knowledge of the New Curriculum
According to Slameto (2010). Some teachers don't understand the method
teaching in the Independent Curriculum, so they do not implement the
Curriculum freedom in the learning process with students. Based on the results
of a review of researchers' observations in the classroom, there are still

teachers who implement teaching methods based on the old curriculum,
namely the 2013 curriculum. Can be concluded that there are obstacles in the
readiness of teachers' knowledge, because teachers still do not know more
about the Independent Curriculum itself. This is because the intensive
provision provided by the government is related the Merdeka Curriculum is
only followed by a few young teachers.
3. Technology Accessibility of Teaching Materials
In terms of pedagogical competence, according to Helmi (2015), teachers are
required to have ability to develop student learning strategies. However,
because as time goes by, teachers are also required to adapt learning methods
through technological approach. Unfortunately, in the process of implementing
the Independent Curriculum which is based on technology in the classroom,
students do not have sufficient quota to access the teaching media used by the
teacher. Application of technology in processes learning explains that the
teacher applying information technology in English language learning such as
making questions or material using the quizzes application. However, there are
problems with student internet quotas. By Therefore, as a way to overcome
this problem so as not to burden students, then Teachers provide options by
creating links that are shared with students to send assignments in the form of
photos via the WhatsApp application. This proves that teachers have ability to
apply technology in the learning process in the classroom.
4. Insufficient teacher resources
According to Hilmi's (2015) statement, of course, this will have an effect on
teachers' social competence due to the large number of students being taught
by one or the other. Two English teachers alone will not be effective in
communication during the learning process.This supports Slameto's (2010)
theory regarding teachers' mental readiness, considering the lack of it.Other
teaching staff will make it difficult for teachers to communicate efficiently
with their students.The lack of teachers creates efficiency.English teaching is
not going well. The small number of personnel makes English teachers have
difficulty dividing tasks, such as arranging learning and teaching design in
classes with an uneven number of students.
5. Reference books are still lacking

Books as the teacher's main teaching material are very important for the
learning process. class. However, there are still shortcomings in the
process.learning based on the Independent Curriculum, namely the problem of
a shortage of books.Based on the results of a review of researchers'
observations and data obtained by teachers with codesIt can be seen that
teachers' experience little difficulty in determining the syllabus. Teachers also
often have to modify the syllabus themselves. which they use in teaching
English to their students. This is also influenced Due to the lack of availability
of reference books, teachers have to take reference books. from abroad to
teach English to their students.

A. Conclusion
The role of teachers in the English curriculum is very important, especially in
school teaching in elementary and junior high schools.
The role of teachers at Junior High School are: preparing a learning plan
(planning), Mastering the principles of learning, and Assessing student learning
outcomes (evaluating).
However, in implementing English language teaching in schools, the
implementation of the teacher's role has obstacles, namely:
1. Limited Facilities
2. Unpreparedness of Teachers' Knowledge of the New Curriculum
3. Technology Accessibility of Teaching Materials
4. Insufficient teacher resources
5. Reference books are still lacking

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