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By TYITB107 Mansi Patil, TYITB112 Abhishek Pawar and TYITB145 Harshal Bhimartwar

Abstract : Potatoes are one of the most

popular among all the vegetables worldwide
and especially in India. We have observed
from the past few years that farmers are Farming is an essential field in countries like
facing serious problems like Early & Late India and Potatoes are an important crop as
Blight in production. On account of this the demand for this vegetable is increasing
serious issue, we have proposed a solution day by day in various countries. It is
just to fix it. In order to build a model who vulnerable to various diseases intervention
can give the best and perfect solutions, we and management. Machine learning and
took some sample images of leaves around computer vision techniques have emerged as
360 healthy leaves, 120 early blight, 120 late effective tools for detection of diseases and
blight as our dataset. The objective of this diagnosis in plants. In this research paper, we
research is to develop a computer propose a novel approach for detection of
vision-based method for precisely and potato leaf diseases using machine learning
speedily identifying illnesses in potato algorithms and image processing techniques.
leaves. Farmers will benefit from this Our approach involves capturing images of
technology since it will enable them to potato leaves and processing them to identify
promptly detect and cure the disease before presence of disease using a trained machine
the plant is destroyed.The model which we learning model. If we compare the proposed
have used a Machine Learning model to train model with existing and achieve better
our system is convolution neural accuracy in detection of disease. This paper
network(CNN) to classify these images so demonstrates the potential of machine and
that it will give the best possible outcome. deep learning in plant disease diagnosis
The accuracy which the developed model has further can be extended to other crops
achieved is 84% and in future it will get even diseases.
more better. The results show that machine
learning tools can perform effectively for the
early detection of early and late blight potato Our model can be integrated into a mobile
leaf disease. We have also compared our application for on-field disease detection,
model with others state-of-the-art and came enabling farmers to take action before the
to a conclusion that our model outperformed disease spreads and causing significant crop
the best. losses. That can result in significant yield
I Introduction : loss. Early detection of diseases is essential
for timely delivery. Nowadays everyone, crops. Our model is a better, more reliable
even the farmers use mobile phones in their model so it will further help the farmers
day to day lives and a simple but effective identify diseases in the crop early on so that
application which will be user friendly and they can take those required measures which
easy to use can be made which uses the will be needed to get rid of the disease.
algorithm defined in this research paper and
farmers can use the application to see the The research paper [2] has compared various
diseases on crops early on. machine learning methods like support vector
machine (SVM), random forest (RF) and
Smaller countries like Bangladesh have this artificial neural network (ANN) and has
problem too and they cannot afford to lose found that ANN is the most accurate with
their valuable crops to diseases which will 92.00% accuracy, SVM has 84.00% accuracy
hamper their economical status. So they and RF has 79.00% accuracy. Our paper on
cannot use the traditional methods of leaf the other hand uses CNN i.e. Convolutional
detection because they are expensive, so Neural Networks to solve the problem.
some research papers like [1] have used
Machine Learning algorithms to detect the
diseases which is a cost-effective and

II Literature Review :
In a research paper with the name called
“Classification of diseased potato leaves
using machine learning” the authors used algorithms which are AlexNet, VggNet,
integrated image processing and machine ResNet, LeNet and a sequential model.
learning. They achieved an accuracy of 84%
which was particularly less as compared to In a research paper named as 'Potato Leaf
our work. Disease Detection using Deep learning' the
authors used GoogleNet, Resnet50, and
In a research paper with the name 'Potato VGG16 convolutional neural network
Disease Detection using Machine Learning' architecture models to create an accurate
the authors used automated systems to detect classification system.
the diseases. These systems consisted of
2034 pictures and used image processing [3]In a research paper titled ‘Early Detection
algorithms. of Potato Leaf Diseases using CNN with
Web Application’ the authors used deep
In a research paper titled 'CNN based learning model with a multi-layer for the
Disease Detection Approach on Potato detection of diseases in the potato leaves.
Leaves' the authors used CNN with 5
inexpensive way to detect diseases in these [4]In a research paper named ‘Classification
of Diseased Potato Leaves using Machine
Learning’ the authors used different ML
algorithms such as Support Vector Machine,
K Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes and
Decision Tree.

III Methodology :
Late blight
The dataset we have used in this study
consists of 360 samples .The dataset is
divided into three class those are healthy
leaves, early blight and late blight each of Table no 1
these consists of 120 sample each .This Samples Number
dataset is collected from kaggle under the
name “PLANT VILLAGE”. Healthy 120

Early blight 120

Late blight 120

Total 360


At this stage, data consist of 360 samples and
Healthy leaf under each category there are 120 samples.
Then the data is divided in training and
testing sets, with 80% and 20% of data in
each set respectively.
Training Testing

80% 20%


As the dataset only consists of 360 samples
which are too less for the system. So we
apply augmentation to the dataset which will
help to increase the dataset in size as the
number of samples will increase and the maps to improve the model's efficiency
accuracy of the dataset will increase and can whereas convolutional layers execute the
efficiently recognize healthy, early blight and feature extraction by applying filters to the
late blight leaves. input image. Lastly, the image is categorized
based on the extracted features using
completely connected layers.

After these steps, further we have to classify
images using Convolutional Neural
Network(CNN) architecture.A convolution
neural network or CNN is a type or artificial
neural network, which is used for image
recognition and classification in a wide
range. Deep learning identifies objects in an
image using a CNN. After applying the CNN
model to the dataset the system is able to
recognize the type of leaves with the Each layer in the design of a CNN model
accuracy of 84.00%. often serves a particular function in the
image processing pipeline. An summary of
each layer is provided below:
1. Input layer: This layer takes in the
An artificial neural network called a CNN input images and sends it to the
(Convolutional Neural Network) model following layer for processing.
which is frequently employed at image Usually, the input layer's dimensions
processing and computer vision tasks. It are fixed at the same size as the input
utilizes a technique known as convolution, image
which involves applying a number of filters
to the image to find edges, textures, and 2. Convolutional layer: Convolution is
other visual patterns, to automatically the fundamental process of a CNN
identify and extract important characteristics model, and it is carried out by this
from images. layer. Convolution is the process of
extracting features from an input
Several layers, including convolutional, image by swiping a group of filters
pooling, and fully linked layers, make up (also known as kernels). Each filter
architecture of a standard CNN model. creates a feature map that draws
Pooling layers shrink the size of the feature attention to a certain pattern or form,
like edges, corners, or blobs. A recognize which type of leaf it is either healthy
convolutional layer's output is a ,early blight or late blight with the accuracy of
collection of feature maps that indicate 84%. With this system the farmer will get to
the existence of different visual know which type of disease the leaf has and
features in the input image can find the solution on this which will help to
reduce the loss of crop and the financial loss of
3. Pooling layer: The convolution layer's the farmer also.
output feature maps are downsampled
at the pooling layer to minimize their
size and improve model performance.
Max pooling, which chooses the
highest value in each local region of the
feature map, is the most popular
pooling operation.

4. Fully connected: The output of the

preceding layers is mapped to a set of
output classes by the fully linked layer.
The fully connected layer basically
functions like a layer of a conventional Fig.1 model accuracy vs accuracy
neural network, taking a vector input
and producing a vector output. After In the fig.1 we have shown the graph between
that, a softmax activation function is model accuracy and accuracy . Model accuracy
used for the output of fully connected in machine learning and deep learning refers to
layer to generate class probabilities. a trained model's capacity to produce accurate
5. Output layer: The output layer creates a predictions on fresh, unforeseen input. The
vector of class probabilities that add up model's ability to generalize from the training
to one, which is the model's ultimate set of data to fresh data is measured by this
product. The output layer is typically a metric.Accuracy is a performance parameter in
softmax layer that activates the output machine learning that assesses how well a
using the softmax activation function of model is able to predict the target variable or
the fully linked layer. label for a given set of input data. It is
IV RESULT : determined by dividing the total number of
In deep learning CNN plays a very important examples in the dataset by the number of
role at recognizing images which we have used cases that were properly predicted.
in our project to recognize the healthy , early
blight and late blight leaves. In this system at In the fig.1 the accuracy of the training
the first stage we collect images of the leaves dataset is increasing and the accuracy of
from the farmers . In the second level we put validation is decreasing
those samples into our system which will
V LIMITATIONS : It’s essential to develop
a time-saving, fast, low-cost, and
labor-saving identification system for
detection of potato diseases. However, there
are certain limitations in detection of potato
Fig.2 loss vs model loss diseases of the leaf. For instance, the
In the fig.2 we have shown the graph detection is difficult in complex
between loss and the modal loss . Loss is the backgrounds, and the area of disease
term used in machine learning to describe the percentage to area of leaf is not always
discrepancy between a model's anticipated accurate. Additionally, the accuracy depends
output and the actual result, or target, for a on the quality of images and the resolution of
certain input sample. A machine learning camera used. Moreover, it is impossible to
model trained with the intention of detect the initial infection stages of the
minimizing loss function, which assesses disease without regular monitoring. Finally,
how well the model fits the training data. the accuracy of the detection system is
Model loss is the term used to describe the affected by factors such as the size of the
value of the loss function for a machine potato leaves, the type of disease, and the
learning model that has been trained on a environmental conditions.
specific collection of input instances. The
model is trained by considering the intention
of minimizing the loss function, which
assesses how well the model fits the training
data. An improved performance of the model VI FUTURE SCOPE : These techniques
on the provided set of input instances can be used to identify patterns in data to
is therefore shown by a reduced model loss better detect and classify diseases. Other
value. areas of research could include improving
the efficiency of the algorithms, integrating
automated methods of data collection, and
exploring methods of more effective disease
management. Finally, the project could be
extended to include a mobile application to
enable users to better track and manage their
disease-affected crops.
detect such disease and even more for crops
As our system achieves the accuracy of and can give the accurate solution to those
84.00% it is efficiently able to detect the diseases.
disease and the healthy leaves and can give a
proper solution to the detected diseases of
crops.With that too if we increase our
agriculture. These techniques could become
VII CONCLUSION: a crucial tool for farmers and researchers in
disease management and crop enhancement
Finding potato leaf diseases is a crucial with more research and development.
undertaking in agriculture since it enables
the early detection and treatment of illnesses XIII References :
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By TYITB107 Mansi Patil, TYITB112 Abhishek
Pawar and TYITB145 Harshal Bhimartwar

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