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Follow Oath Lake South past Galgbacken,
past Low Meadow,
to the Unnamed Industrial-Slums right on
the Southern edge of town.

Loneliness hangs thick in the air

of this run down desolate neighborhood.

Our adventure begins here.

The Devil With Long Ears On

is an independent production
by Azathoth Nell Tull and is not
affiliated with Stockholm Kartell.
It is published under the
CY_BORG Third Party License.
CY_BORG IS ©2022

1 2
1. Tiny bugs ate the Bunnyman along with his memories.
They now fill the suit. [F]
2. It's YOU under the Bunnyman mask,
You can't kill the Bunnyman without killing yourself. [F]
3. It doesn't matter who's inside the Bunnyman suit.
It's the suit that's killing, not the person inside. [T]
4. The Bunnyman looks differently depending on who's looking at it,
and how much stress they are under. [F]
5. The red stuffed bunnies can talk to you if you listen closely enough. [T]
6. The Bunnyman appears to those feeling emotionally cornered. [F]


Every 5 in game days an incident occurs. The Bunnyman killer will strike again unless they are caught soon.
[before more innocent lives are taken]

If anyone touches a Red Stuffed Bunny, they contract the Red Rabbit Infestation** for as long as they touch it.
“There is a tunnel in the city where this lady died. It gets really quiet and creepy there in the mornings like when it
happened. Reports say it happened after she was getting coffee on her way to work. Purse intact, no missing money, no
known grudges. Only a flowing stream of bright red blood spilled along with the XL chai latte. She was cut down with
some kind of long blade, surgically sharp. One local claims to have noticed a person wearing a bunny costume passing
under the bridge holding something shiny and covered in blood shortly after the time of the incident.”

“Did you hear about that kid who wound up in the hospital after he went messing around at the old amusement park
after dark? Says he was supposed to meet his friends there but they ditched him and he got locked in till the morning.
What a dumb prank. When the groundskeeper found the poor kid the morning he was pale as a ghost and half dead from
fright. He's still in the hospital now two weeks later. I guess when he woke up he wasn't right. Said that night, the stuffed
bunnies* wouldn't leave him alone. Now that you mention it there's something about those huge eyes, like she can see
you. Like she can see into you.”

“Ambulance driver was found dead outside the hospital emergency room. She was arguing with her brother after after
she had just gotten off working an exhausting double shift, when someone crept up the ambulance side behind her before
violently cutting her down. A blood curdling scream echoed throughout the ER lobby. Surveillance drones captured video
of the assailant fleeing the scene in a red buddy costume before getting away. Poor woman looked sliced up and diced up
like cat food. The wounds are long, deep and surgically clean. I guess the killer is still on the loose. How could someone
do this? No. This is no human being this sick is a joke; this is the fucking Devil with Long Ears on!”

Incidents D, E, F, G...
5 6
A narrow unlit tunnel pierces though the hillside. Train
tracks run thunderously overhead. Fallen leaves, little bugs,
and rubbish from the surrounding area have made a new
home in the crevices here. Red brown pools of death from
the recent murder have yet to be cleaned up while thick
coats of pollution and graffiti stick to the walls.
Anxiety illuminates the tunnel’s opposite end.

P If one looks keenly enough they may discover an

unusually dug tunnel off to the side covered up by the
bushes. It appears to be just large enough a for a human

being to crawl down into.

they were dressed up like that stupid popular cartoon bunny, except the costume was solid red.”
T/A Local Witness, Jogger: “Yeah I saw someone around the bridge while I was out jogging just after they say that
poor lady died. I was pretty far away, so it was hard to see clearly. They had 2 long shiny sticks or something, and I think
their own worlds, or preoccupied with the annoying nuances of their
You smell the unmistakable odor of hospital. Long open minty green

about certain surgical blades. Most other patients are entirely off in
important] to give you any attention. Some of them seem worried
halls contain only a few employees, who are all too busy [or

K The Automated Reception Assistant Drone [A-Rad]

own dystopian lives, or just too sedated to even notice you.

is on the fritz. That'll make checking in a living hell.

Victim A [body] Victim B

T Kid: The kid is sleeping when you enter the room. He's a mess, covered in blood, dirt and, a small suspicious
bit of wet red string. The boy wakes up only if you remove the bit of string**. When he comes to the boy agrees to
tell you what really happened.

P “When I got to the park the souvenir shack exploded out of nowhere sent me flying along with a mountain of
stuffed animals. When I came to I heard some kids laughing in the distance. I told myself it was my friends playing a
prank on me but deep down I knew that wasn't true. Soon I heard those same kid's voices closer, whispering to me,
telling me to me to do violent awful things. It was the bunnies talking… I think I feel much better now.”

A/P Doctor [overheard]: “How are those 2 Dire Scalpels still missing, they've been lost for nearly a week [before
both recent killings]. Clearly you haven't really been searching around, stop loafing around and find them or I'll see
to it your pay is severely docked.”
9 10
They closed this place almost a year ago now. I can't remember why...
The souvenir shack by the entrance looks like a tornado hit it. Plush bunnies
are scattered everywhere. Some pocket size, others as big as you.* A few of
them look like they're covered in blood [strange blood red dye].**

• Wing of Cotton Candy, Hotdog, and Popcorn stands. Picnic tables littered
with used food containers and garbage barrels filled with who knows what.
Clouds of flies perpetually buzz through the air while beetles and Cool picture
cockroaches scurry from the light. The air has a nasty sweet smell.

• Wing of carnival games including Balloon Darts, Duck Pond, Magnetic

Fishing, Guess Your Age, and Cola Ring Toss where prizes could once be
won. A Souvenir Stand [destroyed, stuffed bunnies everywhere]. A strange
funk emanates from the public restrooms tucked away to the side.

11 12
• Wing of rides including a Carousel, Ferris Wheel, Teacups, Hall of Mirrors,
and Bumper Cars. Metal barriers where people once waited in line have

toppled over. Some little shit has broken all of the glass here, it now covers
the ground in dangerous broken shards.

• To the south past all the rides is a locked windowless administrative

building. The inside is filled with dust, last year’s electronics, office furniture,
and a mountain of old [mostly shredded] paper documents.
The name LAST Corp remains legible on just about everything.

�� ��������
P If one searches thoroughly enough they may discover an unusually
dug tunnel off to the side outside the fence, just large enough for an adult
human to crawl through.

Printed Email [ripped scrap]:


LAST corp is on the watermark.

morning 3 more have sprung up in its place.”

Its written in some old secret code. You can’t read it without the key.
violently, I can only imagine what kind of ugly dream he was having.”

just after the show first came on. For some reason they're still sending the
were dug by some of mutated critter or what, but when I fill one in the next

souvenir shack new shipments of stuffed bunnies. I've tried contacting them
about the mix-up but I always just get the runaround. I'm not that great with
K “The Amusement park is owned by the same animation studio behind

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near the destroyed souvenir stand, so I rushed him to the nearest hospital soon
P Groundskeeper: “That poor kid was pale as a ghost when I found him

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that annoying cartoon bunny, the LAST corp, this place was actually shut down
P “Noticed a bunch of holes been dug lately, big ones. I don't know if they
as I could. On the truck ride there he was mumbling something to himself awful
S/P Bunnyman [costume on]: “The boss tells me what to do,

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I'm nothing without the boss. What's that boss sir?! Yes, of course

Most of the asylum has been destroyed, this block is one of the largest remaining
Its cold and lonely here. Walls lined with new comic pages of that damn cartoon
bunny. The door is locked from the outside with a sliding metal bar, rusted shut.
sir. I will follow your commands to the grave sir.”

remains above ground but ruins. Outside, the surrounding neighborhood looks

P Unusually dug holes can be found at several locations, these long dirty

����������� ����������� �����

tunnels look as if they were carved with a spoon, each leads back to the same
HP 19 Arm: Red Rabbit Suit [-1d4]**

intact sections. A support wall in the basement must have collapsed. Nothing
Mrl 10 Atk: Twin Dire Scalpels [1d6] ***

Its written in some old secret code. You can't read it without the key.
B �
***Can attack once per turn with each Dire Scalpel.
Passive A; Plushy Camo:
C � Easily mistaken for a large stuffed animal while motionless.
D� Passive B; Sticky Suit:
E �
F � If their armor would break, a held weapon is broken instead.
padded cell in the remains of the abandoned asylum. G�
H� Special; Awaken Plushy [Nano]:
I � P Bunnyman [costume off]: “The voices, I can't hear the boss's Animate 1d6 nearby red stuffed animals** to aid in combat
J � voice anymore, what did you do? What, where am I? What's going on? [1HP, rock 1d3 dmg, awake 5 mins].
K� I had the worst dream. I did such horrible things. Please tell me I was
K Printed Reports [badly stained]:

� ���������������
L � only dreaming, I didn't want do any of it...” The former Bunnyman
��������� ������ M� bashes himself against the wall before he melts into a puddle of tears.
N� “Why couldn't you kill me while I still had the bloody mask on...”

LAST corp is on the watermark.

P � K Old Audio Interview: “I hear he was a weak impressionable
dilapidated and abandoned.


LAST corp Code:

salary man at the ends of his rope. A single father struggling to make
R � ends meet. He would do literally anything his boss wished of him so his
S � precious little one would grow up well. His boss was a wicked titan of
�������� T � industry who tormented him endlessly for his own sick pleasures. One
U� day he took his child to the amusement park themed after that precious
W� new bunny cartoon they love so much, but something horrible
X� happened. There was a horrible accident at the park and his child was
Y� killed. The place has been shut down ever since. Last I heard that guy
Z � was arrested for trespassing in that same park after hours, hunkering
. � down in the souvenir shed collecting all the red ones. That's when they
brought him here.”

** :
constant contact
You can Hear the Killer's voice.
* The Bunny is from this It sounds like that* damn cartoon character
annoying new kids show. is trapped inside your scull.
It’s ridiculously popular right now, Natites in your blood stream compel you to commit unspeakable acts.
so that damn cartoon seems The voices grow louder and more threatening every day.
13 14 to show up everywhere. The affects only lasts while in contact with the substance.

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