PPB3133 at Home Test - Question

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MARK : 30* [15%]


Tuesday 5.12.2023 5.00 PM until Tuesday 19.12.2023 before 5.00 PM


1. This paper has nine (9) pages.

2. Answer ALL questions.
3. Prepare a computer typed answer script based on the given questions.
1. Make sure your NAME, matric number and lecture group are typed at the top-front of
the answer script.
2. Submit your answers in pdf format only.
3. Submit the answer script ONLY together with the Academic Honesty Statement.

ARAHAN / INSTRUCTION : Jawab semua soalan / Answer all questions.

Soalan 1 / Question 1

Terangkan sama ada anda bersetuju bahawa undang-undang hanya berkaitan dengan
perintah dan larangan sahaja.
Describe whether you are agree that law is only about commands and prohibitions.

[3 markah / 3 marks]

Soalan 2 / Question 2

Berikan satu (1) penjelasan kepada seseorang individu yang mendakwa bahawa dirinya
terkecuali daripada apa jua tindakan undang-undang.
Give one (1) explanation to an individual who claims that he is exempt from any legal
[3 markah / 3 marks]

Soalan 3 / Question 3

Senaraikan kan tiga (3) pihak berkuasa yang boleh menjadi pendakwa terhadap pihak
yang tertuduh dalam kes-kes jenayah.
List down the three (3) authorities that can be prosecutors against the accused in
criminal cases.
[3 markah / 3 marks]

Soalan 4 / Question 4

Pilih satu (1) sahaja jawapan yang tepat untuk setiap situasi yang diberikan berikut:
Undang-undang Awam atau Undang-undang Persendirian.
Choose only one (1) precise answer for each situation given below: Public Law or
Private Law.

a) Seorang wanita telah cuba untuk membunuh diri.

A woman has made an attempt to commit suicide.
b) Seorang lelaki telah melakukan pembakaran sengaja semenjak beliau remaja.
A man has been committing arson since he was a teenager.
c) Seorang doktor telah tertinggal secebis kapas di dalam perut pesakit semasa
membuat pembedahan.
A doctor unintentionally left a piece of cotton in the patient’s stomach while operating
d) Seorang guru tanpa sengaja telah tertolak salah seorang pelajar dan akibatnya
pelajar itu telah tercedera semasa guru tersebut cuba meleraikan pergaduhan
antara sesama pelajar di kantin sekolah semasa rehat.
A teacher accidentally pushed one of the students and as a result the student was
injured while the teacher was trying to break up a fight between fellow students in
the school canteen during recess.
[4 markah / 4 marks]

Soalan 5 / Question 5

Mahkamah mana yang mempunyai bidang kuasa untuk membicarakan kes-kes berikut?
Tuliskan satu (1) sahaja mahkamah bagi setiap situasi yang diberikan [Contoh:
Mahkamah Khas]
Which court has jurisdiction to hear/try (legal term) the following cases? Write down only
one (1) court for each given situation [Example: Special Court].

a) Seorang penyanyi terkenal tidak membayar cukai pendapatannya.

A famous singer did not pay his income tax.
b) Seorang tentera telah berkahwin lari dengan seorang wanita muda.
A soldier has eloped with a young lady.
c) Seorang lelaki tempatan telah mencuri sebakul durian di Kapit, Sarawak.
A local man has stolen a basket of durian in Kapit, Sarawak.
d) Seorang penjaga kanak-kanak telah mencederakan seorang kanak-kanak lelaki.
A baby sitter has injured a little boy.

[4 markah / 4 marks]

Soalan 6 / Question 6

Soalan 6 berdasarkan petikan di bawah:

Question 6 is based on the passage below:

Rocco dan Caralie, Dhruv dan Nova merupakan dua pasang kekasih berusia
awal dua puluhan. Kesemua mereka adalah rakyat Malaysia yang sedang
menuntut di salah sebuah universiti tempatan. Mereka telah pergi bercuti
selama seminggu di Manila semasa cuti semester pada bulan Ogos yang lalu.
Mereka bermalam di rumah bapa saudara Rocco yang memiliki sebuah syarikat
perniagaan antarabangsa di sana.
Pada hari keempat di Manila, mereka telah pergi ke Divisoria Market bertujuan
untuk membeli cendera hati untuk dibawa pulang ke tanah air. Sedang mereka
melihat dan memilih barang-barang di sana, tiba-tiba seorang pemuda
tempatan menyapa Nova dan memujinya sangat cantik persis seorang gadis
berketurunan Arab. Nova tidak memberikan sebarang respons terhadap kata-
kata pemuda tersebut kerana beliau amat memahami perangai Dhruv yang kuat
cemburu dan cepat marah. Namun, pemuda tersebut tidak berputus asa, malah
bertanyakan pula negara asal Nova.
Dhruv yang pada mulanya hanya berdiam diri secara tiba-tiba menarik lengan
pemuda tersebut dan menumbuk mukanya sekuat hati. Pemuda tersebut cuba
membalas tetapi tidak berupaya berbuat demikian kerana Rocco berjaya
menepis tangannya daripada menumbuk Dhruv dan menenangkan pemuda
tersebut. Rocco segera mengajak rakan-rakannya agar beredar segera dari
situ. Mereka menaiki kereta sewa menuju ke rumah bapa saudaranya. Pada
mulanya mereka berasa bimbang kerana pemuda tersebut membonceng
motorsikal seorang lelaki lain yang dipercayai rakannya mengekori kereta sewa
yang mereka naiki sehingga sampai di depan pintu pagar rumah bapa saudara
Rocco. Selepas satu minit, pemuda tersebut dan rakannya beredar dari situ.
Pada keesokan harinya kira-kira jam 9.00 pagi waktu tempatan, dua orang
anggota polis telah datang ke rumah bapa saudara Rocco. Semasa itu bapa
saudara Rocco sedang bermesyuarat di ofis dan keempat-empat remaja
tersebut masih tidur. Pembantu rumah keluar dan mendapatkan anggota polis
tersebut. Setelah maklum tentang tujuan kedatangan mereka, pembantu rumah
memanggil Rocco lalu memberitahunya tentang apa yang berlaku.
Pemuda tempatan tersebut telah membuat laporan polis dan Dhruv telah
ditahan atas tuduhan menyebabkan kecederaan dengan sengaja. Semasa
sebutan kali pertama kes ini di Mahkamah Perbicaraan Wilayah Manila, Dhruv
mengaku tidak bersalah dan beliau memohon agar kes ini dibicarakan di

Rocco and Caralie, Dhruv and Nova are two pairs of lovers in their early
twenties. All of them are Malaysians who are studying at one of the local
universities. They had gone on vacation for a week in Manila during the
semester break last August. They spend the night at Rocco's uncle's house who
owns an international business company there.
On the fourth day in Manila, they went to Divisoria Market to buy souvenirs to
take back home. While they were looking and choosing the items there,
suddenly a local young man greeted Nova and praised her as very beautiful,
exactly like a girl of Arab descent. Nova did not respond to the young man's
words because he understood Dhruv's strong jealous and quick-tempered
nature. However, the young man did not give up, and even asked Nova's
country of origin.
Dhruv who was silent at first suddenly pulled the young man's arm and punched
him in the face as hard as he could. The young man tried to fight back but was
unable to do so as Rocco managed to get his hand away from Dhruv's punch
and calmed down the young man. Rocco immediately invited his friends to
leave immediately. They took a rental car to his uncle's house. At first they were
worried because the young man was riding the motorcycle of another man who
was believed to be his friend following the rental car they were in until they
reached the gate of Rocco's uncle's house. After a minute, the young man and
his friend left.
The next day at about 9.00 am local time, two police officers came to Rocco's
uncle's house. At that time Rocco's uncle was in a meeting at the office and the
four teenagers were still sleeping. The maid went out and got the policeman.
After knowing the purpose of their visit, the maid calls Rocco and tells him what
The local young man lodged a police report and Dhruv was arrested on charges
of causing hurt intentionally. During the first mention of this case in the Manila
Regional Trial Court, Dhruv pleaded not guilty and he requested that this case
be tried in Malaysia.

Soalan 6 / Question 6

(a) Sekiranya kes ini dikendalikan di Malaysia, apakah undang-undang yang boleh
digunakan untuk mendakwa Dhruv?
If this case is handled in Malaysia, what law can be used to prosecute Dhruv?

[1 markah / 1 mark]

(b) Sekiranya kes ini dikendalikan di Malaysia, apakah hukuman yang boleh dikenakan
ke atas Dhruv jika beliau didapati bersalah?
If this case is handled in Malaysia, what penalty that can be inflicted upon Dhruv if
he is found guilty?
[1 markah / 1 mark]

(c) Mahkamah negara mana yang berhak untuk membicarakan kes Dhruv dan berikan
satu (1) sebab.
Which country’s court has the right to hear Dhruv's case and give one (1) reason?

[2 markah / 2 marks]

Soalan 7 berdasarkan petikan di bawah:
Question 7 is based on the passage below:

Patol merupakan seorang lelaki warga tempatan berusia 64 tahun. Beliau amat
menyayangi cucu tunggalnya, Lati yang baru menginjak ke usia 14 belas tahun.
Jika tidak ke sekolah, Lati gemar mengekori datuknya ke sana sini di sekeliling
kampung tempat tinggal mereka iaitu Kampung Mangkuk (betul wujud). Patol
memiliki sebuah ladang kelapa yang luas tanahnya.
Sempena meraikan ulang tahun kelahiran Lati, Patol bertanya sama ada Lati
berminat untuk belajar menggunakan senapang patah miliknya. Tanpa meminta
izin terlebih dahulu daripada kedua ibu bapanya, Lati langsung bersetuju
terhadap pelawaan datuknya.
Mereka berdua pergi ke ladang kelapa Patol untuk merealisasikan rancangan
mereka. Patol memberikan tunjuk ajar kepada Lati bagaimana untuk
melepaskan tembakan menggunakan senapang patah dengan cara yang betul.
Semasa Lati sedang menekan picu senapang, secara tiba-tiba tubuhnya hilang
keseimbangan seketika dan hampir rebah, namun, Patol berjaya menampung
tubuh Lati secepat kilat.
Seketika kemudian, terdengar suara lelaki menjerit kesakitan dalam jarak lebih
kurang dua puluh meter dari arah kedudukan mereka. Mereka bergegas
mencari arah suara tersebut. Kelihatan Madir, pekerja ladang kelapa Patol
sedang mengaduh kesakitan. Rupanya tapak tangan kanan Madir telah terluka
akibat terkena tempias peluru senapang patah yang digunakan oleh Lati. Madir
sedang mengutip kelapa semasa kejadian tersebut berlaku.
Rentetan daripada kejadian tersebut, Patol telah ditahan oleh pihak polis atas
tuduhan telah menyalah gunakan senjata api miliknya. Semasa sebutan kali
pertama kes ini di Mahkamah Majistret daerah tersebut (Berikan nama khusus
mahkamah ini), Patol mengaku tidak bersalah dan beliau memohon agar kes ini
dibicarakan atas alasan-alasan berikut:
Patol menyatakan bahawa beliau berumur 64 tahun semasa ditahan oleh pihak
polis. Oleh itu, beliau seharusnya terkecuali daripada tindakan undang-undang
atas faktor lanjut usia. Seterusnya, beliau menyatakan bahawa kesalahan
beliau harus dibicarakan di Mahkamah Penghulu atas alasan ianya cuma
kesalahan kecil yang berlaku di kawasan luar bandar dan Madir telah pun
memaafkan Patol dan Lati. Tambahnya lagi, beliau berasal dari Sungai Pinggan
yang terletak di negeri lain (di Malaysia). Maka, menurutnya, mahkamah yang
sedang menjalankan proses pertuduhan terhadapnya sekarang tidak layak
untuk membicarakan kes tersebut.

Patol is a 64-year-old local man. He loves his only grandchild very much, Lati,
who just turned 14 years old. If not going to school, Lati likes to follow his
grandfather here and there around the village where they live; Kampung
Mangkuk (really exists). Patol owns a large coconut plantation.
In conjunction with celebrating Lati's birthday, Patol asked if Lati was interested
in learning to use his shotgun. Without asking permission in advance from both
of his parents, Lati immediately agree to his grandfather's invitation.
They both went to Patol's coconut plantation to realize their plan. Patol
instructed Lati how to fire a shotgun the right way. While Lati was pressing the
trigger of the gun, suddenly his body lost balance for a moment and almost
collapsed, however, Patol managed to hold Lati's body as fast as lightning.
A moment later, a man's voice was heard screaming in pain at a distance of
about twenty meters from the direction of their position. They rushed to find the
direction of the voice. It appears that Madir, a Patol coconut farm worker, is
groaning in pain. Apparently Madir's right palm had been injured due to being hit
by a bullet from the shotgun used by Lati. Madir was picking coconuts when the
incident happened.
Following the incident, Patol was arrested by the police on charges of misusing
his firearm. During the first mention of this case in the District Magistrate's Court
(Give the specific name of this court), Patol pleaded not guilty and he requested
that this case be tried for the following reasons:
Patol stated that he was 64 years old when he was arrested by the police.
Therefore, he should be exempt from legal action due to his advanced age.
Next, he stated that his offense should be tried in the Penghulu Court on the
grounds that it was only a minor offense that occurred in the countryside and
Madir had already forgiven Patol and Lati. He added that he comes from Sungai
Pinggan which is located in another state (in Malaysia). Therefore, according to
him, the court that conducting the process of charging him now is not qualified
to hear the case.

Soalan 7 / Question 7

Selesaikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh Patol berpandukan kepada isu-isu perundangan
Solve the problems faced by Patol based on the following legal issues:

a) Adakah sah bagi mahkamah membicarakan tertuduh warga emas seperti Patol?
Whether it is legal for the court to try elderly accused like Patol?

[3 markah / 3 marks]

b) Adakah Mahkamah Penghulu mempunyai bidang kuasa untuk mengadili kes Patol?
Whether the Penghulu Court has jurisdiction to adjudicate Patol’s case?

[3 markah / 3 marks]

c) Adakah Mahkamah Majistret daerah semasa sebutan pertama kes Patol mempunyai
bidang kuasa untuk membicarakan kes tersebut?
Whether the district Magistrate's Court during the first mention of Patol's case has
jurisdiction to hear the case?
[3 markah / 3 marks]


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