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Tugas Tutorial 2 Reading 4

Siti Elza Yulianti (044599722)

Text A

Do you want to ruin your child by putting them in front of the television? Recent studies
from all over the world show how badly television can affect a child’s growth physically and
mentally. Television is a negative influence on kids and therefore TV watching must be limited.
First, TV is a bad influence on kids, because children who watch more TV are more
likely to be overweight. For example, researchers Klesges, Shelton, and Klesges found that
while watching television, the metabolic rate is slower than when just resting. This implies that
an individual would burn fewer calories watching TV than when simply sitting silently, doing
In addition, numerous TV ads encourage unhealthy consumption habits. Two-thirds of
the 20,000 television ads a normal kid sees every year are for food, and most are for high-sugar
foods. After-school television ads target youngsters with ads for unhealthy foods and
beverages, such as fast food and sugary drinks. This evidence shows that kids who watch more
TV are more likely to be overweight.
Secondly, television is a bad influence on kids, because watching TV at an early age
can affect children’s brain development. For instance, the early years of a youngster are
important to their development. The American Academy of Pediatrics is worried about the
effect of customizing TV for kids younger than age two and how it could influence kids’
improvement. Pediatricians are firmly against programing modified specifically for young
children, particularly when it is utilized to market toys, games, dolls, unhealthy foods and other
items to babies.
Furthermore, television will discourage and replace reading. Reading needs much more
thinking than TV, and we realize that perusing books encourages youngsters’ healthy brain
improvement. Kids from families that have the TV on a lot invest less time reading and being
read to and are less likely to be able to read. This evidences show kids watching TV at an early
age can affect children’s brain development.
Lastly, television is a bad influence on kids because TV is full of programs and
commercials that show risky behaviors that can affect the child’s actions. Liquor ads on TV
have really expanded throughout the most recent few years and more underage children are
presented them than any other time in history. A recent study by the Center on Alcohol
Marketing and Youth found that adolescent presentation to liquor ads on TV expanded by 30
percent from 2001 to 2006. In addition, despite the fact they have banned smoke ads on TV,
children and teenagers can in any case see more than enough individuals smoking on programs
and movies on television. This sort of “product placement” makes practices like smoking and
drinking liquor appear okay. Moreover, kids who watch five or more hours of television
everyday are much less averse to start smoking cigarettes than the individuals who watch less
than the prescribed two hours a day. This evidence shows TV is full of programs and
commercials that show risky behaviors than can affect the child’s action.
Television is a bad influence on kids. Some reasons why are kids who watch TV are
more likely to be overweight, watching TV at an early age can affect children’s brain
development, and TV is full of programs and commercials that show risky behaviors that can
affect the child’s actions. Therefore, parents must be more aware of the hours your kids watch
TV, and make your kids go outside and get active for a better future.
(Taken from:
1. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
2. What is the text genre?
3. What is the purpose of the author?
4. What is the text structure?
5. What are the signal words to define the text structure?


Majapahit empire, the last Indianized kingdom in Indonesia, based in eastern Java and
existing between the 13th and 16th centuries. The founder of the empire was Vijaya, a prince
of Singhasari who escaped when Jayakatwang, the ruler of Kaḍiri, seized the palace. In
1292 Mongol troops came to Java to avenge an insult to the emperor of China, Kublai Khan,
by Kertanagara, the king of Singhasari, who had been replaced by Jayakatwang.
Vijaya collaborated with Mongol troops in defeating Jayakatwang. Vijaya then turned against
the Mongols and expelled them from Java.
Under his rule the new kingdom, Majapahit, successfully controlled Bali, Madura,
Malayu, and Tanjungpura. The power of Majapahit reached its height in the mid-14th century
under the leadership of King Hayam Wuruk and his prime minister, Gajah Mada. Some
scholars have argued that the territories of Majapahit covered present-day Indonesia and part
of Malaysia, but others maintain that its territory was confined to eastern Java and Bali.
Nonetheless, Majapahit became a significant power in the region, maintaining regular relations
with China, Champa, Cambodia, Annam, and Siam.
The golden era of Majapahit was short-lived. The empire began to decline after the
death of Gajah Mada in 1364, and it was further weakened after the death of Hayam Wuruk in
1389. The spread of Islam and the rise of the Islamic states along the northern coast of Java
eventually brought the Majapahit era to an end in the late 15th or early 16th century.
(Taken from:
6. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
7. What is the text genre?
8. What is the purpose of the author?
9. What is the text structure?
10. What are the signal words to define the text structure?

1. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
Television will discourage and replace reading.
2. What is the text genre?
The text above is explanation text, because its explain about the TV is a bad
influence on kids.
3. What is the purpose of the author?
To tell the reader about how badly television can effect a child’s growth
physically and mentally.
4. What is the text structure?
Explanation have the following structure: title, general statement introducing or
identifying the phenomenon, series of sequenced paragraphs, concluding
5. What are the signal words to define the text structure?
“first”, “in addition”, “secondly”, “furthermore”, “lastly”.
6. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
After Vijaya rule the new kingdom, Majapahit, successfully controlled Bali,
Madura, Malayu, and Tanjungpura.
7. What is the text genre?
The text above is recount text, because its tell the reader about one story, action,
and activity.
8. What is the purpose of the author?
To inform, entertain, or to reflect and evaluate.
9. What is the text structure?
Orientation (tells who was involved, what happened, when the event took place,
and when it happened), events (tell what happened in chronological sequence), re-
orientation (consists of optional-closure of event/ending)
10. What are the signal words to define the text structure?
“then”, “nonetheless”.

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