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Nama : Muh.

Arfah Fauzi

NIM : 06620220031


Nowadays, people pay less attention to their health by play sports. This has a big impact on the
health of elementary students during the learning process. So I disagree with the idea saying that sports
subject are not important for elementary students. Because with good health, elementary students will be
high consentration and calm when facing lessons and the health of elementary students well maintained.

Body 1

The reason doing sports makes student focus in learning is that sports will increase amount of
oxygen in the blood, this improves brain function. For example, students who play sports diligently
understand lessons more easily than students who are lazy moving or play sports. An article published by
Harvard Health that play sports can prevent brain diseases related to aging. This is also related to
improving memory and thinking abilities. The higher someone's level of cognitive development, the
greater their ability and skills in processing various information or knowledge they receive from the
environment. Cognitive abilities significantly influence the application of practices in Physical Education
and Health learning by providing understanding and applying them in games, thereby leading to
automation (Firmansyah, 2016). The calculation results using statistical approaches have proven that the
cognitive assessment results of students in the experimental group given the Movement Education model
experienced a significantly higher improvement compared to those not provided with the Movement
Education model (Gustiawati & Julianti, 2018).

Body 2

Likewise play sports can maintain elementary school children’s health so they do not get sick
easily. Play sports regurarly can increase the immune system so that no easily attacked by disease. When
play sports, the body will move more freely. This will trigger the metabolic process and blood circulation
to become smoother. For example, children who play sports diligently will be more active and healty,
making it easier to learn compared to children lazy play sports. Health experts also recommend play
sprots regurarly to avoid dangerous diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Therefore, it is
necessary to establish a daily routine where physical exercise becomes a must-do activity every day.
Exercising daily can provide a therapeutic feeling and restore life to a more normal state (Furkan et al.,
2021). Sports activities are the easiest activities to maintain physical fitness, to the extent that maintaining
physical fitness is considered part of human life in appreciating the blessing of health (Mubarok et al.,
2022) That’s the reason what it is important to maintain health especially for children’s in this era.


As a conlusion, nowadays it is very important for elementary students to play sports. In this case I
agree with the statement. With the good health, elementary students will be high consentration so easier
to undersatand lessons. By play sports diligently your health will be maintained and you do not get sick
easily. Therefore, let’s take care of each other’s health.


Firmansyah. (2016). Penerapan teori pembelajaran kognitif dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dan
kesehatan. Jurnal Pendidikan, 5(2), 154–164.

Furkan, F., Rusdin, R., & Shandi, S. A. (2021). Menjaga Daya Tahan Tubuh dengan Olahraga Saat
Pandemi Corona COVID-19. JISIP (Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Dan Pendidikan), 5(1), 424–430.

Gustiawati, R., & Julianti, R. R. (2018). Pengaruh Model Pendidikan Gerak (Movement Education)
Terhadap Hasil Penilaian Kognitif Dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga Dan
Kesehatan …. Jurnal Speed (Sport, Physical …, 2(November), 44–51.

Mubarok, M. Z., Ginanjar, A., & Mudzakir, D. O. (2022). Sosialisasi Aktivitas Kebugaran Jasmani
Dalam Meningkatkan Imunitas Tubuh Santri Pesantren Darul Ma’arif Indramayu Pada Masa
Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru (New Normal). Journal Berkarya, 2(1), 49–55.

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