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MODULE 3: Problems, Reasons, and Solutions in Mathematics

UNIT 1: Inductive Reasoning


At the end of the unit, the students must have:
a) explained the problems involving reasoning through the examples given.
b) determined the missing term/pattern in the sequence/series/list through inductive problem analysis.
c) solved problems by applying inductive reasoning in coding and decoding problems.
d) created a concept map depicting the importance of inductive reasoning in real-life situations.

Mathematical reasoning stems from understanding problems. It is how the problems are observed and
analysed. From the analysis, problems can be solved with relative ease.
There are multiple ways to solve a problem. Information is very critical. The more information gathered,
the more practical and reasonable the solution will be and one of the ways is using inductive reasoning.

Inductive reasoning is the process of making general conclusions founded on detailed examples. The
conclusion formed is called conjecture. Conjecture is an idea based on incomplete information. This may be
true or false. In this case counterexamples are very useful to prove the validity of conjectures. These are the
statements that contradict the claims of conjectures.

Inductive reasoning is the process of reaching a general conclusion by examining specific


Examples of inductive reasoning in real life.

Example 1: You kick your cat, and every time you do it, it scratches you. You conclude that if you kick your cat
you will get scratch.

Example 2: You add up the interior angles of 100 triangles and every time you get a sum of 180 o. After your
hands cramp you conclude that all triangles must have an interior angle sum of 180o.


Activity A. Study the following model examples and answer the given problems in Activity B.

1. BLOOD Relations


Pointing to the photograph, Vilmal said, “She is the daughter of my grandfather’s only son”. How is Vilmal
related to the girl in the photograph?
A. Mother B. Cousin C. Sister D. Grandmother

Answer: C. Sister
Explanation: My grandfather’s only son ------------his father.
Daughter of his father ----------------- his sister
So, that girl is Vilmal’s sister.



If a certain language if ENTRY is coded as 12345 and STEADY is coded as 931785, then state which is the
correct code for the word “ARREST”

Answer: 744193
The alphabets are coded as shown: A is coded as 7, R as 4, E as 1 S as 9 and T as 3,
So, ARREST is coded as 744193.

A course module/s for Mathematics in the Modern World

1st SEM, AY 2020-2021


Fill in the blank the missing term in the pattern.

SCD, TEF, UGH, ____, WKL

Answer: Option C
Explanation: There are two alphabetical series here. The first series is with the first letters only: STUVW. The
second series involves the remaining letters: CD, EF, GH, IJ, KL.

Activity B. Based on the model examples above. Answer the given problems and explain your answer
substantially on the space provided below each item.

1. Amar said, “This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother.” How is Amar related to the girl?
A. Brother B. Father-in-Law C. Husband D. Grandfather

Answer: _____________

2. P is the mother of K; K is the sister of D; D is the father of J. How is P related to J?

A. Mother B. Aunt C. Grandmother D. Data inadequate


3. If in a certain language, NATURE is coded as MASUQE, how is FAMINE coded in that code?


4. In a certain code language 35796 is written as 44887. How is 46823 written in that code?


5. Look at this series: J14, L16, ____, P20, R22. What number/term should come next?



Analyze the following problems and encircle the letter which gives the correct answer.

1. Make a conjecture about the sum of the first 30 odd numbers.

Find the first few sums. Notice that each sum is a perfect square.
1 = 1 = 12
1+3 = 4 = 22
1+3+5 = 9 = 32
1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16 = 42
Using inductive reasoning, you can conclude that the sum of the first 30 odd numbers is
A. 400 B. 600 C. 900 D. 1,600

A course module/s for Mathematics in the Modern World

1st SEM, AY 2020-2021
2. The sum of the numbers from 1 to 10 is 55. The sum of the numbers from 11 to 20 is 155. The sum of
the numbers from 21 to 30 is 255. Based on this pattern, what is the sum of numbers from 91 to 100?
A. 855 B. 955 C. 1055 D. 1,155

3. Find the perimeter when 100 triangles are put together in the pattern shown. Assume that all triangle
sides are 1 cm long.

A. 100 cm B. 102 cm C. 202 cm D. 300 cm

4. ZA5, Y4B, XC6, W3D, _____

A. E7V B. V2E C. VE5 D. VE7

5. P5QR, P4QS, P3QT, _____, P1QV



The term inductive reasoning refers to reasoning that takes specific information and makes a broader
generalization that's considered probable while still remaining open to the fact that the conclusion may not be
100% guaranteed.

In other words, you're making an educated or informed guess based on the information or data that you have.
It might sound right, but that doesn't mean it is right.

The process of making inferences based upon observed patterns, or simple repetition. Often used in
reference to predictions about what will happen or does happen, based upon what has happened.

The definition of inductive reasoning is coming to a general conclusion from specific facts.


We use inductive reasoning in our everyday lives all the time, but the concept can be tricky to understand.
Let’s look at a few daily and professional examples of inductive reasoning to better understand it.

Inductive reasoning in daily life

 You’re looking at flowers in your garden and you know that your roses bloom every year, so you can
assume that they’ll bloom again this year.
 You notice that the dogs on your street bark at the mailman when he delivers mail, so you assume that
all dogs bark at mailmen.
Note that this is an example of faulty inductive reasoning since only a few dogs were observed and it might not
hold true that all dogs bark at all mailmen.
 You’re talking to your friends and you’re all telling stories about your grandparents. You can guess that
all people have grandparents based on your stories.


 You need a weekly report from your coworker Mary before you can leave for the weekend. You know
that she always sends you the report on Fridays between 2:30 and 3:30 pm before leaving. You can
guess that Mary will also send you this week’s report on Friday between 2:30 and 3:30 pm.
 You ran a report and found out that 90% of the sales associates at your company signed a deal this
month, so if you talk to your co-worker John, a sales associate, you can guess that he signed a deal
this month.

A.1 For items 1-6, observed patterns carefully and use inductive reasoning in selecting your answer.
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
1. What comes next in the sequence? 1._____

A course module/s for Mathematics in the Modern World

1st SEM, AY 2020-2021
2. What comes next in the sequence? 2. _____

3. What comes next in the sequence? 3. _____

4. What should replace the question mark? 4. _____

5. What is the correct sequence selection to replace the question marks? 5. _____

6. Which number should replace the question mark? 6. _____

A course module/s for Mathematics in the Modern World

1st SEM, AY 2020-2021
A.2 CODING AND DECODING. Analyze the following coding and decoding problems and choose the letter of
the correct answer by writing it on the space provided.
7. In a code, CORNER is written as GSVRIV. How can CENTRAL be written in that code? 7. _____

8. If PAINT is coded as 74128 and EXCEL is coded as 93596 then 8. _____

how would you encode ACCEPT?
A. 455978 B. 547978 C. 554978 D. 735961

A.3 SERIES. Items 9-13. Analyze the following problems involving series and choose the letter or fill in the
blank/s the correct answer.

9. The missing letter of the series O, R, U, __ is:

A. V B. W C. X D. Y E.

10. Find the missing series: 3, 7, 16, 35, _____, 153

A. 84 B. 78 C. 74 D. 63 E. none of these

11. Complete the given blank in the series below.

SCD, TEF, UGH, ______ , WKL

12. Use inductive reasoning to determine the next symbol in the list:

13. Use inductive reasoning to predict the next 3 letters in the following list.
Hint: Look for a pattern that involves letters from words used for counting.

O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E, ___, ____, ____

14. Support the conjecture inductively by showing three examples: The product of an odd and an even
integer is an odd number.


B. CONCEPT MAP: Create a concept map on the importance of inductive reasoning in real life.

A course module/s for Mathematics in the Modern World

1st SEM, AY 2020-2021
Read and understand each problem carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer by writing you answer
on the space provided.

1. The type of reasoning where a person makes conclusions based on observations 1.________
and patterns is called _________.
A. Inductive reasoning C. Conjecture
B. Counterexample D. Experiments

2. Which is the following is the basis for inductive reasoning? 2._______

A. definitions and accepted properties C. laws of logic
B. facts and rules D. observed patterns

3. A concluding statement reached using inductive reasoning is called a(n)______________. 3.______

A. compound statement C. condition
B. conjecture D. counterexample

4. To fully disprove a conjecture, one needs to find only ONE counterexample. 4.______
A. True B. False

5. What is the rule for this pattern? 32, 36, 40 … 5.______

A. 4x+28 B. 4x+32 C. x+4 D. 4x

6. Give the conjecture for the following sequence: 9,6,3,0... 6.______

A. To find the next term, subtract 3
B. To find the next term, divide by 3
C. To find the next term, divide by 3 and add 3

7. Complete the conjecture. Think of examples to help. 7.______

The sum of an odd number and an even number is
A. even B. odd C. zero D. positive

8. Complete the conjecture. The sum of two negative numbers is _________. 8._____
A. positive B. negative C. odd D. even

9. Which of the following conjectures is false? 9._____

A. The product of two even numbers is even. C. The product of two odd numbers is odd.
B. The sum of two even numbers is even. D. The sum of two odd numbers is odd.

10. Used to prove that a conjecture is false. 10._____

A. Inductive Reasoning C. Concluding statement
B. Counterexample D. Conjecture

11. Which of the following is a counterexample to the following conjecture? If x2 = 4, then x = 2. 11._____
A. x = 4 B. x = -2 C. x = 2 D. x = -4

12. Which number is a counterexample to the following statement? : 12._____

All numbers that are divisible by 2 are divisible by 4
A. 0 B. 12 C. 28 D. 42

13. What is a counterexample to the following statement? 13._____

If a number is prime, then it is odd.
A. 29 B. 5 C. 2 D. 1

14. If it is a fraction, then it is a number between zero and one. 14._____

What is an appropriate counterexample?
A. 2/3 B. 4/5 C. 1/2 D. 3/2

A course module/s for Mathematics in the Modern World

1st SEM, AY 2020-2021
MODULE 3: Problems, Reasons, and Solutions in Mathematics
UNIT 2: Deductive reasoning and differentiating deductive reasoning from inductive


At the end of the lesson, the students must have:
a. proved a conjecture using deductive reasoning based on the examples given.
b. identified deductive reasoning from inductive reasoning through statement
analysis based on the given examples.
c. applied inductive reasoning in solving problem through logic puzzle.
d. differentiated inductive and deductive reasoning using a T-chart.


Deductive reasoning is a type of logical thinking that starts with a general idea and
reaches a specific conclusion. It's sometimes is referred to as top-down thinking or moving
from the general to the specific. It also is a form of logical thinking that's widely applied in
many different industries and valued by employers. It relies on a general statement or
hypothesis—sometimes called a premise—believed to be true. The premise is used to reach
a specific, logical conclusion. In addition, deductive reasoning is a process of reaching a
conclusion by applying general assumptions, procedures, principles or
A common example is the if/then statement. If A = B and B = C, then deductive
reasoning tells us that A = C

Okay, here it is a little simpler. You know something, usually a small fact, and conclude
some specific thing happened.

Example 1: Your little brother has chocolate sauce on his face. You conclude he must have
eaten chocolate sauce.
Example 2: You know that all triangles add to 180o. That means that the specific triangles you
are working with, adds to 180o.

Use Deductive Reasoning to Establish a Conjecture

Use deductive reasoning to show that the following procedure produces a number that is four
times the original number.
Procedure: Pick a number. Multiply the number by 8, add 6 to the product, divide the sum by
2, and subtract 3.
Let n represent the original number.

Multiply the number by 8: 8n

Add 6 to the product: 8n + 6

8 n+6
Divide the sum by 2: = 4n+3

Subtract 3: 4n+3 – 3 = 4n

We started with n and ended with 4n. The procedure given in this example produces a
number that is four times the original number.
A course module/s for Mathematics in the Modern World
1st SEM, AY 2020-2021
A. Determine whether each of the following arguments is an example of inductive reasoning
or deductive reasoning.

a. During the past 10 years, a tree has produced plums every other year. Last year the tree
did not produce plums, so this year the tree will produce plums.


b. All home improvements cost more than the estimate. The contractor estimated that my
home improvement will cost $35,000. Thus, my home improvement will cost more than


B. Based on the examples presented in the introduction, use deductive reasoning to show
that the following procedure produces a conjecture: The number that is three times the
original number.

Procedure: Pick a number. Multiply the number by 6, add 10 to the product, divide the sum
by 2, and subtract 5. Hint: Let n represent the original number.

ANALYSIS:Identify each as either Inductive or deductive reasoning. Write the uppercase

letter I if it is inductive and uppercase letter D for deductive on the space provided.

1. You take 3 things and add them to 5 more things and count that 1.______
you have 8 things. You repeat this several times and conclude that 3 + 5 = 8.

2. You know that between two points there is exactly one line. 2.______
You have two points, so you conclude you must have one line between them.

3. You know that your iPod battery is low. It suddenly shut off. 3.______
You conclude that your iPod battery must have died.

4. Whenever you forget to feed your goldfish it dies. You conclude 4.______
that if you don’t feed your fish it will die.

5. You know that if lines are parallel then alternate interior angles are equal. 5._____
Your lines are parallel so you conclude that your alternate interior angles are equal.

6. You add up the interior angles of a bunch of quadrilateral and get 360 o 6.______
every time. You conclude that the sum of the interior angles of all quadrilaterals is 360 .

A course module/s for Mathematics in the Modern World

1st SEM, AY 2020-2021
7. The sum of the squares of the sides of a triangle is equal to the square 7._____
of the third side. You conclude that the triangle must be a right triangle.

8. Every time you do all homework your grades improve. You conclude 8._____
that doing homework improves your grades.

9. You see a series of numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7, … You conclude that the 9._____

next number is 9.ind

10. You go fishing, and every time you fish in a certain hole you never catch 10.____
anything. You conclude that there are no fish in that hole


Deductive reasoning is the basic form of valid reasoning that starts out with general
statement, or hypothesis and examines the possibilities to reach specific and logical
conclusions. It also uses general procedures and principles to reach a conclusion.

APPLICATION. Use the deductive reasoning in answering the Logic Puzzle.

Problem: Each of four neighbors, Sean, Maria, Sarah, and Brian, has a different occupation
(editor, banker, chef, or dentist). From the following clues, determine the occupation of each

1. Maria gets home from work after the banker but before the dentist.
2. Sarah, who is the last to get home from work, is not the editor.
3. The dentist and Sarah leave from work at the same time.
4. The banker lives next door to Brian.

Editor Banker Chef Dentist




Using the T-chart, differentiate DEDUCTIVE from INDUCTIVE REASONING.


1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

A course module/s for Mathematics in the Modern World

1st SEM, AY 2020-2021

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