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R.E./ B.Tech. (Chemical lrngineering) i B.'fext.

Second Semoster (Old Course)

Applied Physics - : 2 S 2 II
P. Pagcs ; 2 AW - 3539
Time : Two Hotns rilffiu|[lilil[]fl Max. Marks : 40

Notcs : I Allquestion carrl, cqu.rl marks.

2 Due crcdit will be given to neatness and adequa(e dimensions.
3 Assume suitable data u'herever neccssary.
4 Use ofpen Blue/Black inl/refill only for writing the aDswer book.

I a) Obtain an expcssion for encrgy of an electron in nu orbit of Bohr's atom 4

b) State and explain two importast conc€pts ofv€ctor atom model. 4

c) Enlist.and describe all seven quantum numbers, 3

d) The u,a\elength ofthe first member ofthc Balmer series in hydrogen spectrum is 6563 A" 3
Calculale the wavelc[gth ofthe lust member of Lymafl scdes in the same specfrum,


2. a) Draw an energy level diagam for hydmgerl atom and explain spectral series ofhydrogen

b) Describe Frank-Hertz experiment to prove the existenoe ofdiscrete e[ergy states lbr 5
elecrons in atoms.

c) What is wave packet? Give physical significance ofwave finNtionY. 4

3. a) Explain the principle and working of cyclotron.

b) Dmw the block diagram of CRo. 3

o) Derive an expression for vertical deflection Y ofelecton beam in trarsverse electric field 3

d) Explain that electlon travels parabolic path in transverse electric field. t


4. a) Explain constructiol and working of Bainbridge Mass-Spectrogaph. 5

b) W-hat is positive rays? State its properties. 3

c) Explain motion ofelechon in crossed electdc and magnetic fields. 3

d) The electron is passed rlrough unifoml magretic field B =20x10{ Wb/m2follows a

circular path. If orbital velocity of electron is 4.396 x 107 m / sec. Calculate the radius of
elecllon orbit.

AW - 3539 I P.T,O
5, a) Discuss the theory ofinterference in unitbrm thin film and obtain condition for bright 1
frngc and dark fringe.

b) How will you determine ravelength ofsodium light by using Newton's ring expt.? 4

c) *tat is wavelength of Iight that is deviated in fitst orde. thrcugh an angle 2f by 2

ttnnsmission galing having 6000 Lines /cm?


6 a) In Newton's ring experiment show that radius ofdark ring is direcdy propofiional to the 1
rolt ofnurnber ofdngs.

b) What is plane transrnission grati[g? I lou it is preparcd? 3

c) ln Newton's rirg expcriment the diarneter of20d ring \vas found to bc 0.59 cm and that of 3
toth ring was 0.336 cm. I1'1he radius ofcurvature ofplano-couvcx lens is lm; Calculate the
wavelength of light uscd.

AW - 3539 2

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