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Tamoula Middle School Time : 1Hour

Level : 2MS

The First English Test/Term №1

Read the text about “ Clara Rodriguez”, then do the activities that follow.

Text :

Clara Rodriguez is a very nice young woman in her twenties. She’s a doctor. She’s
Canadian ,but now she lives in a small village near Manchester ,in England .She’s tall
and slim .She’s got shoulder length straight fair hair and blue eyes.

Clara works four days a week at the local hospital. She can speak three languages:
English, French and Spanish. She’s married to an Englishman and has a daughter. She
likes walking her dog and relaxing with her family when she’s free.

Reading Comprehension ( 14pts)

Activity One: Say ‘true’ or ‘false’.

1- Clara lives in Canada. ………………………………………..

2- She is married and has no children. …………………………
3- She is an old woman. ……………………………………..

Activity Two: Answer the questions below according to the text.

1- Is Clara tall and slim? …………………………………………………………………………………………

2- Can she speak French? ……………………………………………………………………………………..
3- What’s her job? ……………………………………………………………………

Activity Three: Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to :

Thin = …………………………………. Loves = ……………………………………….

Mastery of the language

Activity One: Fill in the gaps with a verb in the present simple from the box below.
One verb is left out.

go- work- have got-study-be

1- Maria ……………………………small brown eyes.
2- Karim and Omar …………………in a bank in Algiers.
3- We ……………………………to school by bus .
4- He ………………………. English three times a week.

Activity Two: Classify these verbs according to the pronunciation of their final’s’.

Likes- finishes-goes- writes-lives

/S/ /Z/ /IZ/

Activity Three: Add one word to each list. (1.5pts)

1- tall, slim , thin, short,……………………..

2- Canadian, American, Algerian, French, ……………………..
3- doctor, journalist, dentist, builder, ……………………………..

Situation of Integration (6pts)

Using the information in the grid below, write a paragraph about ‘ Pedro’.

Full name Pedro Santos

Nationality Brazilian
Age 12
Physical appearance Short, fat, blonde hair, green eyes
abilities Paint, ride a bike
likes Watching cartoons


Good Lucck

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