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PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cina cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Ki THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA 2021 6 Bai thi: NGOAI NGU'; Mén thi: TIENG ANH ‘Me zz THPT TH] XA QUANG TR] - LAN 2 y ¥ Ngay thi: 20/6/2021 C6 Vai Thi Mai Phuong Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs ‘from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions, Question 1: A. improved B, measured C. arrived D. suggested Huéng dan giai Kién thie: phit im dudi “ed” A. jim'pru:yd B./'meged/ C. /o'raivdl D. /sog'dgestid/ Dudi “ed” trong dap an D duge phat am la /id/, trong cée dap an con lai duge phat am la /d! * Quy tie phat Am dudi “ed”: Budi /ed/ durge phat dm la //: Khi dong tir €6 phat am két thie 1a /s/, (0, /p/, {fl fh, ikl. Budi /ed/ duge phat dm la /id/: Khi dOng tir ¢6 phat am két thite la // hay /d/. Budi /ed/ duge phat dm a /d/ v6i nhiing trudng hop c6n lai. — Chon dap an D Question 2: A. cake Be mate C cape D. bank Huéng din giai Kién thie: phat am A. /kerk/ B. /meit/ C. /kerp! D. /benk! Phin gach chan trong dp dn D duge phat Am 8 /2/, trong ede dap an con Iai durge phat am 1a /er/ — Chon dap an D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3: A. explain B. allow C. remove D. carry Huéng din giai Kién thire: trong im A /ik'splein/ B. /o'lau/ C. inv’ mu:v/ D. keri! Trong dm trong dp dn D roi vao 4m tiét thir nhit, trong cdc dp n con lai roi vao am tiét thir 2. — Chon dap in D Question 4: A. invention B. difference C. instrument D. character ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing c6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Huéng din Kién thie: trong am A. /in'venfan! B. /‘diforons! C./'instromant! D./'keerikta/ Trong 4m trong dap an A roi vao 4m tiét thir 2, trong cdc dap 4n cén lai roi vao am tiét thir nhat. — Chon dap an A Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 5: Last night was such a hot night, 2 A, did it B. didn’t it C. was it D, wasn’t it Huwéng din Kién thite: cau hoi dudi Ménh dé chinh mang nghia khang dink — cau hoi dudi mang nghia pha dinh Chi ngit: last night + edu héi dudi ding “it” ‘Tam dich: Bém qua qua la mot dém néng nue, phai khong? — Chon dap an D Question 6: This old wooden chest by my grandfather over 40 years ago. A. built B. had built C..was built D. was building Huéng dan gi Kién thire: cau bj dong Dau higu: by my grandfather — céu mang nghia bi déng. Cau tric bj déng vai thi qua khir don; $ + was/were + V-PIL Tam dich: Chiéc ruong cé bang g6 nay do dng tdi Lim cach day hon 40 nim. — Chon dap an C Question 7: I’m really keen the idea of spending my holiday on an island in the Mediterranean, Bion Cat D. of Huéng din Kién thite: gidi tir to be [dead] keen on something: say mé cdi gi, ham thich cai gi ‘Tam dich: T6i thye su thich ¥ tuwéng dinh ky nghi cia minh trén mot hon dao 6 Dia Trung Hai. — Chon dap an B Question 8: he gets, the more sensible his behaviour becomes. A, Older B. The older C. Oldest D. The oldest Huéng din Kién thre: so sinh kép Cau tric so sinh kép: - the + adj/adv-er + S + V, the + adj/adv.- er + S + V (tinh tir ngin) - the more + adjadv +S + V, the more + adj/adv +S + V (tinh tir dai) ‘Tam dich: Cang I6n tudi, hinh dng ca anh ta cang tré nén sing sudt hon, — Chon dip an B ‘Dang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cilna ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Question 9: The roofs of the shops here are made of tiles on an incline so as to be a protection against the sun and rain, A. earthenware brown small B. brown small earthenware C. small earthenware brown D. small brown earthenware Huéng dan giai Kién thire: trait tw tinh tir Tinh tir duge sip xép theo trat ty: Opinion-y kién ; Size —kich ¢&; Age ~d6 tudi; Color -mau sac; Origin xuiit xtr; Material -chat ligu ; Purpose —muec dich, tac dung. Do dé ta sip xép duoc: small- size brown- color earthenware — material Tam dich: Mai cita céc ciza hang 6 day duge lam bing ngéi nung nho mau nau dat nghiéng dé che ning, che mua. — Chon dap an D Question 10: More than two hundred people the tower when the bomb exploded in one of the dustbins. A. were visiting B. are visiting have visited D. visit Huéng din giai Kién thire:két hop thi dién két hop véi thi qué khir don dé tién ta hanh déng dang xy ra trong qua khtt thi hanh dong khic xen vao Trong cau trén hanh dong “visist” li hanh dng dang dign ra — thi qué khvr tiép dign ‘Tam djeh: Hon hai tram ngudi dang tham quan toa thap khi qua bom phat n6 6 mot trong cde thing rée, — Chon dap an A Question 11: They decided to go ahead with their trip the bad weather conditions. A. although B. because C. because of D, despite Huéng dan giai Kién thite: lién tir A. although +S + V: tuy nhién B. because + $ + V: béi vi C. because of + N: béi vi D. despite + N: tuy nhién D la phit hop vé mat ngit php va nghia ciia cau Tam dich: Ho quyét dinh tiép tue chuyén di cua minh bat chap diu kién thoi tiét xau. — Chon dap an D Question 12: An astronaut will have undergone thousands of hours of training A. before she flies on a space mission B. when she flew on a space mission C. as soon as she had flown on a space mission D. after she had flown on a space mission Huéng din giai Kién thire: thi twong lai hoan thanh Thi twong lai hoan thanh dién ti mot hanh dong xay ra true mot hanh dng khde trong twong lai Dau higu nhan biét thi tuong lai hoan thanh: by the time + ménh dé chia & thi hién tai don ‘Tam dich: Mét phi hanh gia s& phai trai qua hang nghin gid hudn luyén truée khi c6 dy bay trong mot sit ménh khong gian —> Chon diip an A ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Question 13: for 26 miles in the marathon, the runners were exhausted at the end of the race. A. Having run B. Being run C. Torn D. Ran Huéng dan giai Kién thire: rat gon ménh dé quan hé Khi ménh dé trang ngir c6 cing chi ngi véi ménh dé chinh ta cé thé rit gon bing cach: - Ding V-ing néu ménh dé trang ngit 6 thé chi dong - Dang V-PII néu ménh dé trang ngit 6 thé bi dong - Dé nhan manh tinh hoan thanh ding Having + V-PII ‘Tam dich: Sau khi chay 26 dm trong cudc dua marathon, cde van dong vign da kiét ste vao cudi cuge dua. — Chon dap an A Question 14: The businessman owns his to his excellent public relations. A. succeed B. successful C. successfully D. success Hwéng din giai Kién thite: tir logi Vj tri cdn dién dimg sau tinh tir sé hitu nén sé 1a mot danh tit. D. Success (n): str thanh cong ‘Tam dich: Doanh nhan e6 duge thanh céng nh quan hé cOng ching tuyét voi cua minh, — Chon dip an D Question 15: The boy a ridiculous story about alien abduction to avoid sitting for the exam. A. made up B. came across C. drew up D. carried out Huéng dan giai Kién thire: cum dong tir A. make up: bia ra B. come across: tinh c& gip C. draw up: dimg xe, chudn bj mét van ban D. carry out: tién hinh Tam dich: Cau bé bja ra mét cau chuyén v6 ly vé viée nguéi ngoai hanh tinh bj bat céc dé khdi phai lam bai thi — Chon dip an A Question 16: We ‘a considerable contribution to the heart foundation every year. B, make C. create D. build Huéng dan giai Kién thi um tir Make a contribution to: déng gop vio Tam djeh: Ching t6i déng gop dng ké vao quy trai tim mdi nam. — Chon dap an B Question 17: Doctors in the private usually get higher salaries than those in public hospitals. A. field B. sector CC. domain. D, post Huéng dan giai Kién thite: tir vyng public/private sector: cong vige do chinh phi hoc cdc c6ng ty twr nhan kiém soat ‘Tam dich: Bae si 6 khu vyc tu nhan thuong duge tra luong cao hon 6 bénh vign cong — Chon dip an B ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Question 18: [ made a real mess of my presentation, I was , kept dropping my notes, and knocked over the microphone twice. A. wet behind the ears B. all fingers and thumbs C. a pain in the neck D. down in the mouth Huéng dan giai Kién thite: thanh ng A. wet behind the ears: ngudi con non nét, chura c6 kinh nghiém B. all fingers and thumbs: rat ling tang, rat vung vé C. a pain in the neck: digu gi dé hay ai gay cho minh cam gide khé chiu, bye béi ba, that vong i da thuc sy lam cho bai thuyét trinh cua minh tré nén lon xOn, T6i da rat lung tung, lién tye lam roi gidy, va lam d6 micré hai Kin, — Chon dip an B D. down in the mouth: chan nan, bi Question 19: Testing in the of the disease helps minimize the risk of being exposed to the virus in the community. A. course B. line C light D.act Huéng din giai Kién thite: tir vung A. in the course: trong qué trinh, trong thoi gian ma diéu gi dé dién ra B. in the line of duty: trong khi thi hanh nhigm va C. In the light of: vi cai gi; ean nhac cai gi D. in the act of doing sth: trong khi kim gi ‘Tam dich: Xét nghiém trong thai gian dich béch gidp giam thiéu nguy co tigp xtc véi virus trong cong dong. — Chon dap an A Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 20: As rents rose to unaffordable levels, the burden was too great for many low-income residents, A. difficulty B. interest C. greed D. advantage Huéng din giai Kién thite: tir vung A. difficulty (n): sy khé khan B. interest (n): sy quan tim, su cha y C. greed (n): tinh tham lam D. advantage (n): su thuain Igi, hoan ednh thugn Ii Burden (n): génh ning = difficulty ‘Tam dich: Khi gid thué ting lén mie khong thé chi tra duge, génh nang qué lon déi véi nhigu ngudi dan cé thu nhap thap. — Chon dip an A ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing c6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Question 21: Mr, Porter is reluctant to accept the overseas position, since it would mean spending months away from his family. A. unqualified B. hesitant C. informed D. inclined Huong din Kién thite: tir vung A. unqualified (adj): khdng du tigu chudn, khong di trinh 49 B. hesitant (adj): do dy, ngap ngimg, ludng lye C. informed (adj): c6 nhiéu tin tite, nm duge tinh hinh D. inclined (adj): ¢6 khuynh hudng, ¢6 chiéu huéng Reluctant (adj): mién cudng, bat dic di, khong thich, khéng sin long = hesitant Tam dich: Ong Porter mién cudng chap nhan vi tri & nude ngoai, vi diéu d6 dong nghia voi viée phai xa gia dinh hang thang tri — Chon dap an B Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 22: As the hikers made their way up the mountain, the sun shone down on them intensely, A. hotly B. mildly CC, cruelly, D. sharply Huéng din giai Kién thire: tir vung A. hotly (adv): s6i dng, kich ligt B. mildly (adv): nhe nhing, ém diu C. cruelly (adv): de ae, dit ton D, sharply (adv): thinh Linh, dt ngot Intensely (adv): minh liét, dir di >< mildly Tam dich: Khi nhiing ngudi di b6 duéng dai lén néi, mat trdi chiéu xudng ho mot cach dit di. — Chon dap an B Question 23: Jo says what she thinks without worrying about whether she might be ruffling someone’s feathers. ‘A. making someone annoyed B, making someone relaxed C. making someone redundant D. making someone feel guilty Huéng dan giai Kién thire: cum tir A. kim cho ai dé khé chiu B, lam cho ai d6 thoai mai C. lam cho ai d6 tro nén thira D. lim cho ai d6 cm thiy ti 16i Ruffling someone’s feathers am méch long >< making someone relaxed Tam dich: Jo néi nhimg gi c6 ay nghi ma khong lo King vé viée ligu c6 ay c6 thé ai dé méch tite khong, — Chon dap an B choc tir Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 24: Nicole is talking to Bob. Nicole: “Excuse me, can you tell me the time, please?” Bob: a A. It’s too early B. I’m not sure C. Certainly, a quarter to four D. No, I don’t ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cna ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Huéng din giai Kién thire: Hi thoai giao tiép A. Con qua som B. Toi khéng chit C. Chic chan r6i, 4 gid kém 15 D. Khéng, ti khong Tam dich: Nicole: Xin 16i, ban cé thé cho t6i biét Bob: Chie chin 10i, 4 gid kém 15 — Chon dap an C gid roi duge khong? Question 25: David and Jack are talking about robots and teachers. David: “I think Robots will never replace teachers.” Jack: They don’t have the empathy you need to be a teacher.” A. That's complete nonsense B. I'd say the exact opposite C. I couldn’t agree more D. You couldn’t be more mistaken Huéng din giai Kién thire: hoai giao tiép A. Diéu dé hoan toan v6 nghia B, Tai s€ néi hoan toan nguge Iai C. T6i hoan toan ding ¥ D. Ban khéng thé nham lin hon duge nia Tam dich: David: Téi nghi rang nguéi méy sé khéng bao gid thay thé duge giao vién. Jack: Téi hoan toan déng ¥ . Ho khéng c6 sy déng cim ma ban can dé tré thinh m6t gido vién. — Chon dap an C Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or plurase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. Internet Business In the mid to late 1990s, thousands of new companies were set up with one purpose: to benefit from the explosion of interest in the internet. Large corporations were happy to invest millions in the weirdest website ideas, confident that they would make a (26) over time. Most of them didn’t. Indeed, the vast majority of them have gone bust, leaving their investors severely out of pocket. So what went wrong? The main mistake that companies made was to forget to ask how their dot com company (as internet- based companies are sometimes called) would actually make a profit. It sounds fairly obvious now, but in the rush to “get on the net’, the whole concept was (27) There was also a second problem 28) dot coms did not anticipate. Yes, internet traffic was increasing enormously, (29) people still felt uncomfortable - many still do, in fact - about buying products and services online. Even if the dot coms had come up with sensible business ideas, it’s unlikely they would have brought in enough to cover their initial investment. There were (30) exceptions, of course, Some companies have been hugely successful on the intemnet. Most, however, found it wasn’t as easy to run an internet business as they'd thought. (Adapted from Laser B2 by Malcomn Mann and Steve Taylor-Knowles) ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cna ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Question 26: A. prosperity B, wealth C. treasure D. fortune Huéng din Kién thire: Cum tir Make a fortune: lim gidu, gay dung gia tai va kiém ca mé tién Large corporations were happy to invest millions in the weirdest website ideas, confident that they would make a (26) fortune over time. ‘Tam dich: Céc tap doan 16n da rit vui long dau tw hing trigu USD vao nhiing y tuéng trang web ky la nhit, ty tin ring theo thoi gian ho s& (26) lam gidu duge. — Chon dap an D Question 27: A. overseen B. unobserved C overlooked D. reviewed Huéng dan giai Kién thite: Tir vung A. overseen: duge gidm sat B. unobserved: khéng ai thay, khong ai dé y C. overlooked: khong duge cha ¥, bi coinhe —_D. reviewed : duge phé binh Ta thdy dap an C 1a pha hop vé nghia cia cau It sounds fairly obvious now, but in the rush to ‘get on the net’, the whole concept was (27) overlooked. ‘Tam dich: Bay gid diéu dé nghe c6 vé kh 16 rang, nhung trong lite vi va ‘Ién mang’, to’n b6 khai nigm nay da bj (27) coi nhe. — Chon dap An C Question 28: A. which D. when Kién thire: Dai tir quan hé DTQH “which” thay thé cho danh tir chi vat, Kim chi: ngtr trong ménh dé quan hé. also a second problem: vn dé thi hai —> ding “which” There was also a second problem (28) which dot coms did not anticipate. Tam dich: Ngoai ra con cé mét van dé thir hai (28) ma céng ty dot-com khéng luéng truée duge — Chon dap an A Question 29: A. as B. but Cso D. despite Hwéng din gi: Kién thite: Lién tir Aas: béi vi B. but: tuy nhién, C. so: vi vay D. despite: tuy nhién Yes, internet traffic was increasing enormously, (29) but people still felt uncomfortable - many still do, in fact - about buying products and services online ‘Tam dich: Ding vay, luu lugng truy cp internet dang tng rit nhiéu, (29) nhung moi ngudi van cm thay khéng thoai mai - trén thye té, ngudi bay gid cam thay nhu vay - vé viée mua san pham va dich vu true tuyén. — Chon dap in B hi Question 30: A. another B. much C. some D. any ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing c6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Huéng dan giai Kién thie: lgng tir A. another + N (s6 it): mét vat/ nguéi khac B. much + N (khong dém duge): nhiéu C. some + N (sé nhiéu): mét vai D. any +N: mot (nguai, vat) There were (30) some exceptions , of course. ‘Tam dich: Tat nhién, cé (30) mét s6 ngoai Ie. — Chon dap an C 10 do Dich bai Vio gitta dén cudi nhimg nam 1990, hang nghin cong ty méi duge thinh lip véi mot mye dich: thu Igi tir sy bing né cia Internet. Céc tp doan lon di rit vui mimg khi dau ur hang trigu USD vio nhing § tuéng trang web ky la nhat, ty tin ring ho sé (26) lim gidu durge theo thi gian. Hau hét déu khéng thé. That vay, phan Ién trong sé ho da pha san, khién cdc nha dau tu cia ho mat tring. Vay diéu gi di xay ra? Sai Lim chinh ma cée cdng ty mac phai la quén hoi cdng ty dot-com etia ho (46 khi durge goi la cong ty hoat d6ng trén internet) sé thye su tao ra loi nhuan nhu thé nao. Bay gid diéu dé nghe c6 vé kha ro ning, nhung trong lite vi va ‘Ién mang’, toan b9 khdi nigm nay da bj (27) b6 qua. Ngoai ra cn c6 mot van dé thir hai (28) ma céng ty dot-com khéng ludng trude duge. Ding vay, luu lugng truy cp internet dang tang rat nhiéu, (29) nhung moi ngudi vin cam thay khéng thoai mai - trén thuc té, nhiéu ngudi bay gid cam thay nhw vay - vé vige mua sin phim va dich vy true tuyén. Ngay ca khi cong ty dot-com da dua ra nhiing ¥ tuéng kinh doanh hgp ly, chua chac ho da thu duge di tién dé trang trai khoan dau tu ban dau. Tat nhién, c6 (30) mét sé ngoai 1é. Mét s6 c6ng ty da thanh céng rye ré trén internet. Tuy nhién, hau hét déu nhan thay vige kinh doanh trén internet khong dé ding nhw ho nghi. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Cruises are becoming more and more popular, with around 20 million passengers per year now enjoying holidays on board luxury ships. Many people see a cruise as the perfect way to sit back and do nothing, and enjoy time off work. Everything you could possibly need is within easy reach. On board, there are shops, theatres, cinemas, swimming pools and leisure centres. There are more facilities, in fact, than most towns offer their residents. It’s therefore easy to see why they are so popular. But what is the effect on the environment of this trend? Although it usually takes less energy for a vehicle to move through water than over land, cruise ships are often huge, with the biggest ones carrying up to 6,000 passengers. Moving such large vehicles requires enormous engines, which burn as much as 300,000 litres of fuel a day. One scientist has calculated that cruise ships create as much pollution as 5 million cars going over the same distance. Because they are out at sea, they also burn dirtier fuel that isn’t allowed on land, Unfortunately, no government has control over the amount of air pollution out at sea. ‘Dang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHYC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Cruises also produce huge amounts of rubbish, and cruise ships aren’t usually good at recycling. Waste water from showers and toilets is usually poured directly into the sea — as much per day as from a small town, Waste food from restaurants isn’t put into the sea, but still causes problems when brought back to the land. Cruise ships also cause difficulties in the cities where they stop. Popular destinations can get five or six ships per day, with thousands of tourists at a time, Good for restaurants? No, Restaurant owners complain that the visitors look around for a few hours and then return to their ship to eat. What’s more, the crowds can put off other tourists, who complain that the streets are too busy. Some towns have banned cruise ships or put a limit on the number that can stop at the same time. People who care about the environment worry that as the cruise industry continues to grow, so too will the issues for our planet. (Adapted from Cambridge English Exam Booster by Caroline Chapman and Susan White) Question 31: Which could be the best title for this passage? A. The price of a perfect holiday? B. Cruising - The best way to see the world C. A once-in-a-life-time experience on board _D. Cruising — Out of this world! Hwéng dan giai Kién thire: Doc hiéu A. Cai gid cia mét ky nghi hoan hao? B. Du ngoan trén bién - Caich tot nhat dé ngam nhin thé gidi C. Trai nghiém m6t lin trong doi trén tau D. Du lich bién — M6t diéu tuyét vai! —+ Chon dap an A Question 32: The word “which” in paragraph 2 refers to A. passengers B. vehicles C engines D. residents Hung din giai Kién thite: Doc hiéu Tir “which” trong doan 2 dé cp dén A. hanh khéech B. xe c6 C. dong co D. eu dan Moving such large vehicles requires enormous engines, whieh burn as much as 300,000 litres of fuel a day. Which ~ engines ‘Tam dich: Viée di chuyén nhitng phuong tién 1én nhu vay doi hoi nhing dng co khéng 14, dt chay t6i 300.000 lit nhién ligu mai ngay. —+ Chon dap an C Question 33: One reason cruise ships cause a lot of air pollution is because A. they carry large numbers of cars as well as passengers B. their engines are not as efficient as those of other ships C. it takes more energy to move through water than over land D. they use types of fuel that are not permitted on land Huéng dan giai Kién thire: Doc hiéu Mot ly do khién tau du lich gay ra nhiéu 6 nhiém khéng khi li vi z A. ching ché mdt s6 lurgng én xe hoi ding nu hanh khach B, dong co cita ching khéng hiéu qua bing déng co cia cdc tau khac ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cilna ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. C. cin nhiéu nang lugng dé di chuyén trong nude hon trén can D. chiing str dung cac loai nhién ligu khong duge phép siz dung trén dat ‘Thong tin: Because they are out at sea, they also burn dirtier fuel that isn’t allowed on land ‘Tam dich: Boi vi ching 6 ngoai bién, ching eiing dét nbién ligu ban hon, nhing nguyén ligu khong, duge phép sir dung trén dat lién, — Chon dap an D Question 34: The phrase “put off” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to? A. postpone B. discourage C. satisfy D. entertain Huéng din giai Kién thire: Cum dong tir Cum tir "put off" trong doan 4 gin nghia nhat voi? A. hoan Iai B. khéng khuyén khich, lam chan nin C. théa man D. gidi tri Put off: tri hoan, lam mat himg thi (khién ban khéng thich diéu gi dé hodc khéng muén lam diéu gi do nita) Ta thay Put off mang ca nghia ciia dip an A va B tuy nhién trong bai, put off mang nghia gan nhat voi discourage. — Chon dap an B Question 35: Which of the following is TRUE about waste products on cruise ships? A. All the waste products are carried back to shore B, Waste food is often thrown away at sea C. Most cruise ships recycle their waste products D. An enormous amount of the waste water isn’t recycled Huoéng din giai Kién thire: doe higu Didu nao sau day 1a DUNG vé chat thai trén tau du lich? A. Tit ca cde chat thai duge dua tr lai bo B. Thite &n thira thug bi vit bo trén bién C. Hau hét cac tau du lich tai ché cht thai ca ho D. Mét lugng lén nude thai khong duge tai ché ‘Th6ng tin; Waste water from showers and toilets is usually poured directly into the sea — as much per day as from a small town, ‘Tam dich: Nude thai tir vdi hoa sen va nha vé sinh thudmg duge dé tryc tigp ra bién - nhigu nhur tir mot thi tran nho mdi ngay. Dip an A Kh6ng chinh xée boi chi e6 a6 an thita la duge dura tré Iai dat lién — Chon dap an D Djch bai Du lich trén bién ngay cang tro nén phé bién, vai khoang 20 trigu hanh khéch mdi nim hién dang tan huéng nhimg ky nghi trén nhimg con tau sang trong. Nhiéu nguéi xem du thuyén la cach hoan hao dé ngdi lai va khong phai lam gi, va tin huéng thdi gian nghi ngoi. Moi thir ban can déu nam trong tim tay. Trén tau, cé cdc cira hang, nha hat, rap chiéu phim, hd boi va trung tim gidi tri. Trén thyc té 6 nhiéu tién ich trén tau hon so véi hau hét céc thi tran cung cp cho ew dan cia ho. Do dé, ¢6 thé dé dang ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cina ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. ii sao ching Jai phé bién nhu vay. Nhung anh hudng dén mdi trudng ctta xu hudng nay 1a gi? Mac dit phuong tign di chuyén trén mat nude thudng t6n it nang long hon so véi trén can, nhung tau du lich thuéng rat lin, v6i nhimg chiéc Ién nbat c6 thé cho ti 6.000 hanh khach, Vige di chuyén nhing phuong tign lon nhu vay doi hoi nhing dng co khéng 18, dét chy t6i 300.000 lit nhign ligu mdi ngay. Mét nha khoa hoc da tinh ton ring tau du lich tgo ra 6 nhiém nhigu nhu 5 trigu 6 16 di trén cing mot quang dudng. Bai vi ching 6 ngoai bién, chung eiing dét nhién ligu ban hon, nhimg nguyén ligu khong duge phép sir dung trén dat lién. That khong may, khdng cé chinh phi ndo kiém soat duge mite d> 6 nhiém khong khi trén bién. Du lich trén bién cing tao ra mot long Ién rae va cde tau du ché. Nude th nho méi ngay. Thite an thira tir cc nha hang khéng dugc dua xudng bién, nhung van gay ra céc van dé hi dura tro lai dat lién, Tau du lich eting gay khé khan tai cdc thanh phé noi chiing dimg chan. Cée diém d c6 thé nh§n duge nim hogc séu tau mdi ngay, véi hing nghin khach du lich eting mOt Nic. Tét cho nha hang? Chi nha hang phan nin ring du khdch nhin xung quanh trong vai gir va sau d6 quay tr6 lai tau cia ho dé an, Hon thé nita, dim déng cé thé khién nhing khach du lich khdc gap mat himg thé, nhimg ngudi phan nan rang dudng pho qua dong dic. Mét sé thi tran di cam tau du lich hode dat gidi han sé lugng cé the dimg cling mét lic. Nhimg nguéi quan tim dén méi trudng lo ling ring khi nginh céng nghiép du thuyén tiép tuc phat trién, thi cdc van dé déi voi hanh tinh cia ching ta cing vay. hiéu ich thudng khong gidi trong vige tai tir voi hoa sen va nha vé sinh thudng duge dé true tiép ra bién - nhiéu nhur tir mét thi tran Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Coral polyps can truly be called the animals that helped make the world, For uncounted generations, trillions upon trillions of coral polyps have built structures called reefs, larger in seale than those of any other living beings, including humans. The stone-like material created by these tiny animals becomes limestone, a prized building material that was used to construct the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Huge deposits of limestone exist underground, beneath the ocean, in islands, and in mountains. Limestone has been used in the construction of countless churches, castles, train stations, and banks, and crushed limestone is a major ingredient of cement. Living coral reefs are remarkable “cities beneath the sea,” filled with a rich variety of life. These undersea ecosystems thrive in the warm, shallow oceans near the equator. Among the world’s most colorful places, coral reefs are full of brilliantly colored fish and coral covered in wonderful patterns. Reef fish are an important food source for humans and make up a significant percentage of the global fish catch. In recent years, various factors have threatened coral reefs and the life that depends on them as their home. Blast fishing is an illegal fishing method which involves setting off bombs in the water to kill as many fish as possible. Its negative effects on a reef are significant; it kills most living things and causes great damage to the reef’s structure. Fishing with liquid cyanide, a very dangerous and deadly material, is another threat to reef ecosystems, particularly in the Philippines. Fishermen release liquid cyanide into the reef and collect the stunned fish, which are then sold for big money to the aquarium market, or for consumption in restaurants. The fishermen often break apart the reef to look for hiding fish. The cyanide also kills large numbers of coral polyps, leaving large areas of the reef dead. ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Reefs are also damaged when coral is taken for building material, jewelry, or aquarium ornaments Water pollution also results in damage. In addition, the recent warming of the oceans has caused areas of many reefs to turn white, Biologists are concerned that coral may be negatively impacted by further warming. Threats to coral reef’ are serious, but there is reason to hope that they will manage to survive. If we take steps toward coral reef conservation, it is likely that these tiny creatures, which have survived natural threats for millions of years, will be able to rebuild the damaged reefS that so many ocean animals and plants depend on, (Adapted from Reading Explorer 2 by Paul Macintyre) Question 36: What is this passage mainly about? A. The use of coral in the construction industry B. The wonder of coral reefs, and their threats. C. The kinds of fish found near coral reefs D. The underwater world in general Huéng dan giai Kién thire: Doc hiéu Doan nay cht yéu néi ve? A. Vige sir dung san hé trong nginh xy dung B. Su ky thi cia cde ran san hé va cde méi de doa cha ching C. Cac loai ca duge tim thay gan cdc ran san ho D. Thé gidi duéi nue néi chung 2 doan van dau tién ndi vé sy tuyét digu ct chang. — Chon dap an B san hd, 3 doan van cudi cing néi vé cae méi de doa déi voi Question 37: The word “seale” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to? A. weight B, number of fish C. size D. length of time Hwéng dan giai Kién thite: Tir vung Tir “scale” trong doan | gan nghia nhat voi? A. trong lugng B, sé long ca C.kich thuée —D. khong thoi gian Scale (n): ti Ig, kich thude = size — Chon dap in C Question 38: Which statement about coral reefs is NOT true, according to the passage? A. They are an important source of fish B. They are among the world’s most colorful places C. They are usually found in deep ocean waters D. They can be larger than structures made by people Huéng din giai Kién thire: Doc hiéu Nhan dinh nao vé ran san hé li KHONG ding, theo doan van? A. Ching la nguén cung cép ca quan trong B. Chung 1a mét trong nhitng noi day mau sac nhat thé gidi C. Ching thudng duge tim thay & ving bién sau D. Ching cé thé Ién hon cae cau trac do con ngudi tao ra ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing o6. ‘Théng tin: Living coral reefS are remarkable “cities beneath the sea,” filled with a rich var These undersea ecosystems thrive in the warm, shallow oceans near the equator ‘Tam dich: Ran san hé s6ng 1a “thinh phé duéi bién” dang kinh ngae, trin ngdp sy s6ng phong phi, Cf hé sinh thai duéi bién nay phat trién manh trong cdc dai duong néng, am gan dudng xich dao. * Vay C khOng phai la dp din chinh xc — Chon dap an C Question 39: The word “thrive” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to? ty of life, A. flourish B. deteriorate C. perish D. yield Huéng din giai Kién thite: tir vung Tir “thrive” trong doan 2 gan nghia nhat voi? A, phat trién B. xdu di CC. diét vong D. nang suat Thrive (v): phat trién manh = flourish — Chon dap an A Question 40: The word “it” in paragraph 3 refers to? A. liquid cyanide _B. the reef’s structure C.areef D. blast fishing Hwéng din giai Kién thite: dge hiéu Tir “it” trong doan 3 ding dé chi? A. xyanua long u trie cla ran san ho C. mot Z ing thudc nd Blast fishing is an illegal fishing method which involves setting off bombs in the water to kill as many fish as possible. Its negative effects on a reef are significant; it kills most living things and causes great damage to the reef’s structure. It= Blast fishing Tam dich: Danh bat bing thud né la mét phuong php danh bat bat hop phdp lién quan dén viée dat bom dudi nude dé giét cing nhiéu ca eang t6t. Nhing tic dong tiéu cye cla nd déi voi mét ran san h6 1a dang ké; né giét chét hau hét cac sinh vat va gay ra thiét hai Ién cho edu trac cia ran san hd. — Chon dap an D in san ho inh c: Question 41: The author mentions the price of reef fish to A. excuse the fishermen who use illegal methods B. explain why fishermen use cyanide C. show why illegal fishing is attractive D. to make a connection to other factors damaging the reef Huéng dan giai Kién thire: Doc hiéu Tac gia dé cap dén gia ctia ca ran dé A. bao chifa cho nhimg ngu dan str dung céc phuong phap bat hop phap B. giai thich tai sao ngu dan sir dung xyanua C. cho thay tai sao danh bat bat hop phép lai hdp dan D. dé tao mdi lién hé véi cae yéu t5 khac kim tén hai dén ran san hé Fishing with liquid cyanide, a very dangerous and deadly material, is another threat to reef ecosystems, particularly in the Philippines. Fishermen release liquid cyanide into the reef and collect the stunned fish, which are then sold for big money to the aquarium market, or for consumption in restaurants. ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing cé Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Tam dich: Danh bat ca bing xyanua long, m6t nguyén ligu rat nguy hiém va gay chét ngudi, li mot mdi de doa khac déi véi cdc hé sinh thai ran san h6, dc biét la 6 Philippines. Cac ngu dan tha xyanua long vao ran san hd va dinh bat nhimg con ca bj chosing, sau 46 ban cho thj trudng e4 canh ho¥e tiéu thu cho cae nha hang véi sé tién Ion. — Chon dap an C Question 42: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. It is unlikely that coral reefs will survive and prosper due to the overabundance of other aquatic animals and plants B. Coral reefs may actually be more likely to recover with human support C. Only weather-related damage acts as a barrier preventing coral reef communities from developing D. There is no correlation between human factors and the damage to the coral reefs Huéng din giai Kién thire: Doc hiéu Diéu nao sau day cé thé duge suy ra tir doan vin A. Khong cé kha nang cdc ran san hé sé tn tai va phat trién do sé lugng l6n cac loai déng vat va thye vat thuy sinh khie B. Ran san hé thue su cé thé c6 nhiéu kha nang phuc héi hon v6i su hé tro cua con ngudi CC. Chi nhiig thigt hai do thai tiét méi déng vai trd nhur mgt rio cin ngan cdc quin xa ran san hé phat trién D. Khéng cé méi tuong quan nao gitta yéu t6 con nguéi va tac hai cita c: ‘Théng tin: If we take steps toward coral reef conservation, it is likely that these tiny creatures, which have survived natural threats for millions of years, will be able to rebuild the damaged reefs that so many ocean animals and plants depend on. ‘Tam djeh: Néu ching ta thyte hign cée bude huréng t6i vige bio tn ran san h6, rit o6 thé nhimg sinh vat nhé bé nay, da sng s6t sau cée mdi de doa tyr nhién trong hang trigu nm, sé c6 thé xay dung lai cdc ran san hd bj hu hai ma rét nhiéu dng vat va thye vat dai duong phy thude vio. — Chon dip an B ‘an san hd Djch bai San hé Polyp thye sut c6 thé duge coi la loai déng vat da gitp tao ra thé gidi. Trong hang thé hé khong thé dém duge, hang nghin ty trén hang nghin ty polyp san hé da xay dung cac cdu tric goi 1a ran san hd, c6 quy mé [én hon cau tric cia bat ky sinh vat sng nao khac, ké cd con ngudi. Vat ligu giéng nhu dé duge tao ra bai nhiing loai vat nho bé nay tré thinh da voi, mét vat ligu xay dug duge danh gid cao duge sir dung dé xay dumg cic Kim ty thap 16n cia ‘ap. Cac mé da voi khéng 16 ton tai duéi long dat, dudi dai duong, trong cac hon dio va trén nit, Ba voi di durge sir dung trong vige xay dung vo sé nha thé, lau dai, ga xe lira va ngan hang, va da v6i nghién la thanh phan chinh cia xi mang. Ran san ho séng la “thanh pho duéi bién” dang kinh ngae, tran ngép sir sdng phong ph. Céc he sinh thai du6i bién nay phat ign manh trong cée dai dong néng, ém gin dudng xich dao. Trong s6 nhiing noi day mau sée nhat trén thé gi6i, ede ran san h6 e6 diy dit cée loai ef cd mau se rye 18 va san hd due bao phii béi duéng nét tuyét dep. Cé ran 1a mt ngudn thye phim quan trong cho con ngudi va chiém mt ty Ig ding ké trong sin Irgng danh bit Trong nhimg nam gan day, cée yéu 16 khée nhau di de doa cde ran san h6 va nhiing sinh vat coi ching 1a nha, Danh bit bing thude né a mot phuong phdp danh bit bat hgp phap lign quan dén viée dat bom (oan ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHYC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cing ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. duéi nude dé giét cing nhiéu ca cang tét. Nhiing tac dong tiéu cyre ctia né d6i véi mét ran san hd 1a dang ké; no giét chét hau hét cac sinh vat va gay ra thiét hai l6n cho cau trac cua ran san hé. Banh bang xyanua léng, mét nguyén liéu rat nguy hiém va gay chét ngudi, 1a m6t mdi de doa khae d6i voi hé sinh thai ran san ho, dc biét 1a 6 Philippines. Cac ngu dan tha xyanua long vio ran san h6 va dank bat nhiing con cé bi choang, sau dé ban cho thi trong cé cinh hoje tigu thy cho cde nha hing v6 tién ln. Cac ngw dan thuéng pha v6 ede ran san hé dé tim kiém ea. Xyanua ciing giét chét mét sé lugng I6n cdc polyp san hd, khién cdc khu vue rong Ién cia ran san hé bi chét. Ran san hé ciing bj pha huy khi san hé duge lay lam vat ligu xay dung, d6 trang site hodc dé trang tri ho cé. O nhiém nude cing din dén thiét hai. Ngoai ra, su dm lén ctia cdc dai duong trong thdi gian gan day da khién cdc khu vue cé nhiéu ran san hé bién thinh mau tring. Céc nha sinh vat hoc lo ngai ring san h6 6 thé bj anh hucng tiéu cye boi sy Am lén hon nia, Cc méi de doa déi véi cdc ran san hé la nghiém trong, nhung cé ly do dé hy vong rang chung sé xoay ‘Néu ching ta thye hign cdc bude hung téi viée bao tén ran san hé, rat c6 thé nhimg sinh vat nhé bé nay, da séng sét sau cdc méi de doa ty nhién trong hang trigu nm, sé cé thé xy dyng lai cdc ran san h6 bi hu hai ma rit nhigu dOng vat va the vat dai duong phy thuge vao. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions, Question 43: The football team that won last year’s championship stood little chance of winning it A B cs D again this year. Huéng dan giai Kién thire: thi cia dong tir Déiu hiéu: this year thi hién tai don Sita: stood — stands Tam dich: DOi bong da giinh chite v6 dich nam ngoai rit it ¢6 co hoi gianh lai chite v6 dich nim nay. — Chon dap an C Question 44: Cyclists should always wear helmets to protect its heads in case of an accident. A BC D Huéng dan giai Kién thie: tinh tir sé hitu Chi ngir “Cyclists” sé nhiéu > ding tinh tir sé hiru twong img Sita: its — their Tam dich: Nguéi di xe dap phai ludn ddi mii bao hiém dé bao vé dau trong truéng hgp xay ra tai nan. — Chon dap an C Question 45: The subscription on the base of the memorial honours all the soldiers who fought A B c D in the war. Huéng din giai Kién thite: tir vung Subscription (n): su ding ky Inscription (n): cau viét, céu khae, cau ghi (trén bia. Tam dich: Dong chit trén chan cua dai tuéng niém tén vinh tit ca nhing ngudi linh d& chién dau trong cue chién. > Chon dap an A ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cna ¢6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 46: The last time I saw Emily was six months ago. A. [didn’t see Emily six months ago B. [haven't seen Emily for six months C. [have seen Emily for six months D. [hadn't seen Emily for six months Huéng din Kién thite: edu tric * The last time sb did sth was “a period of time” ago: Lan cudi cing lim gi —+ $+ haven't / hasn’t+ V-PII + for a period of time: da bao lau chua lim gi Question 47: “Don’t forget to take that book back to the library,” Harry said to Ben. A. Harry reminded Ben to take the book back to the library B. Harry encouraged Ben to take the book back to the library C. Harry ordered Ben to take the book back to the library D. Harry allowed Ben to take the book back to the library Huéng dan giai Kién thie: cu tong thi A. Harry nhie Ben mang sach tré lai thu vign B. Harry khuyén khich Ben mang cuén séch tré lai thu vi C. Hay ra Ignh cho Ben mang cudn sch tré lai thu vign D. Harry cho phép Ben mang cudn sdch tré lai thur vién ‘Tam dich: “Dimg quén mang cuén sich d6 tré lai thu vign,” Harry ndi véi Ben, —+ Harry nie Ben mang sach tré lai thu vign — Chon dip an A Question 48: Soldiers are forbidden to leave the camp unless they get special permission. A, Soldiers shouldn’t leave the camp unless they get special permission. B. Soldiers needn’t leave the camp unless they get special permission. C. Soldiers must leave the camp unless they get special permission. D, Soldiers mustn’t leave the camp unless they get special permission. Hwéng din giai A. Binh linh khong nén ri khoi trai trir khi duge sur cho phép dc biét. B, Nhiing ngudi linh khong cn ri trai trir khi ho duge phép dae bigt. C. Nhiing ngudi linh phai rdi kh6i trai tri khi ho duge phép de big D. Binh linh khéng duge rai khoi trai trir khi duge sy cho phép dic big Tam ich: Binh Linh bi cdm ri khoi trai trit khi ho c6 duge sy cho phép dic biét. nh linh khong duge ri khoi trai trir khi duge sy cho phép diac biét. — Chon dap an D ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHONG PRO 3M/COMBO CAP TOCIPRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN CHO Ki THI TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA ‘Theo déi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cna c6 Vi Mai Phuong dé hoc GIOI TIENG ANH HON mai ngay ciing 6. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 49: He can travel into and out of the country. This is attributed to his vaceine passport A. But for his vaccine passport, he could travel into and out of the country B. If it had not been for his vaccine passport, he couldn’t have traveled into and out of the country C. Without his vaceine passport, he couldn’t travel into and out of the country D. Suppose that he gets a vaccine passport, he can travel into and out of the country Huéng din giai Kién thire: két hyp cau A. Néu khong cé h6 chiéu vae-xin, anh dy c6 thé ra vao dat nude B. Khong ding eau diéu kign logi 3 C. Khong cé hé chiéu vae-xin, anh ay khong thé ra vao dat nuéc D. Gia str rang anh ta co hé chiéu vac xin, anh ta c6 thé di du lich vao ya ra khoi dat nuée Céc dap an A, D sai vé nghia so v6i cau géc * Dang cau diéu kign loai 2 dé chi diéu kién khéng cé that & hién tai. Tam dich: Anh dy cé thé di du lich trong va ngoai nuéc. Diéu nay duge cho 1a nho hé chiéu vae xin cia anh — Khong cé hé chiéu vae-xin, anh dy khéng thé ra vao dat nuéc > Chon dip an C Question 50: Archimede submerged himself in the bathtub. He made a remarkable discovery known as the Archimedes Principle only then. A. Not until Archimede made a remarkable discovery known as the Archimedes Principle did he submerge himself in the bathtub B. Only when Archimede had submerged himself in the bathtub did he make a remarkable discovery known as the Archimedes Principle C. Hardly had Archimede made a remarkable discovery known as the Archimedes Principle when he submerged himself in the bathtub D. Had Archimede submerged himself in the bathtub, he would have made a remarkable discovery known as the Archimedes Principle ~ Huéng dan giai Kién thire: Két hop cau A. Mai cho dén khi Archimede 6 m6t kham pha dang chit y duge goi la Nguyén tic Archimedes, 6ng méi tngdm minh trong bén tim B. Chi sau khi Archimede ngdim minh trong bén tim, 6ng méi e6 mot khdm pha dang ché ¥ duge goi 1a Nguyén ly Archimedes C. Ngay sau khiArchimede c6 mot kham pha ding chi ¥ duge goi la Nguyén tic Archimedes thi 6ng ngam minh trong bén tim D. Néu Archimede ngim minh trong bin tim, dng sé c6 mét khdm pha dang chi ¥ duge goi li Neuyén tic Archimedes Cée dap an A,C,D sai vé nghia so vai cau gée Tam dich: Archimede ngim minh trong bon tim. Ong da cé mét kham pha dang cha y duge goi la Nguyén li Archimedes sau 46. — Chi sau khi Archimede ngdm minh trong bén tim, éng méi ed mot khm pha dang chit ¥ duge goi 1a Nguyén ly Archimedes —> Chon dap in B ‘Bang ki PRO3M/COMBO CAP TOC/PRO3MPLUS — CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG

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