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How to calculate Takt time?

| Takt time example

What is the takt time if 1000 units are needed per day the company has 10-hour
shifts per day. Also consider lunch 30 minutes, 2 tea breaks of 10 minutes, 30
minutes other personal breaks and 2 breaks for machine cleaning of 10 minutes

Total shift hours = 10 hrs (10 x 60=600 min)

Lunch = 30 min

Tea Break = 20 min ( 2 x 10 min)

Other Break = 30 min ( 3 x 10 min)

Machine Cleaning = 20 min (2 x10 min)

Total breaks = 30+20+30+20 = 100 minutes

Net Available Time = 600 – 100 = 500 minutes

Customer demand = 1000 Units

Takt Time = Available Time / Customer demand

= 500 /1000 = 0.5 min = 30 second

So to meet customer demand we have to make two parts per minute. Cycle time
should be less than takt time to meet customer demand.

But in actual operators can never achieve 100 % efficiency, So need to provide
some allowances by considering some other stoppages.

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