Test 3 Waves

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TEST 3 2019 C7 Waves
Time: 60 minutes
Total Mark _____/ 45 = _______%

Question 1

a. Assuming the dots are 1cm apart, sketch what the following pulse looks like after:

(i) 2 seconds (1 mark)

(ii) 8 seconds (1 mark)

b. A pulse travels to the right, from a low-density string to a high-density string. Sketch
the reflected and transmitted waves in the following situation:
(2 marks)

Question 2

A violin string has a mass of 2.5g, a length 0.55m and a tension of 168N. Find the speed
of the transverse wave that travels along the string.
(1 mark)

Question 3

The graph shows how displacement varies with time for a particle.
Determine the:

a. Period (1 mark)

b. Amplitude (1 mark)

c. Frequency (1 mark)

d. Clearly indicate on the graph a trough and a crest (1 mark)

Question 4

Two strings of different linear densities are joined. A wave of frequency 5Hz travels with
speed 12ms-1 along the lighter string and is transmitted into the heavier string where its
velocity becomes 4ms-1.


a. The frequency of the transmitted wave. (1 mark)

b. The wavelength of the transmitted wave. (1 mark)

Question 5

A string of length 50cm, fixed at both ends, is vibrating in the 3rd harmonic mode at a
frequency of 88Hz.

a. Sketch the standing wave produced. (2 marks)

b. What is the velocity of the wave in the string? (2 marks)

Question 6

When a certain frequency fO of sound is introduced into a closed-ended pipe, a standing

wave is produced, an shown below.

a. Sketch the standing wave produced when the input frequency is FIVE TIMES the
frequency fO.
(2 marks)

b. Explain the meaning behind the terms ‘node’ and ‘antinode’ as applied to the
vibration in part a.

(2 marks)

c. If the pipe is 80cm long, determine the frequency that would produce the standing
wave in part a.
(2 marks)

Question 7
A transverse wave of frequency 10Hz passes from a ‘light’ string into a ‘heavy’ string. The
diagram shows a picture of the two strings at rest superimposed on a graph of
displacement from rest position versus distance along the two strings at a particular instant
of time.

Complete the following table (4 marks)

Light string Heavy string




Speed of wave

Question 8

An organ pipe open at both ends has a total length of 1.0m.

a. On the diagrams, show the wave patterns representing the fundamental and
first overtone when the organ pipe resonates in air. (2 marks)

b. What is the wavelength of the fundamental wave? (1 mark)

c. If the speed of sound in air is 340 m s−1, what is the frequency of the
fundamental wave? (2 marks)

Question 9

a) A string of length 50 cm, fixed at both ends, is vibrating in the 3rd harmonic mode at
a frequency of 88 Hz. What is the velocity of the wave in the string?
(2 marks)

b) What would be the length of an open pipe vibrating in the 4th harmonic mode at a
frequency of 512 Hz when the velocity of sound in air is 330 ms-1? (pipe open both
(2 marks)

Question 10

In a Laboratory experiment to measure the speed of sound, a thin hollow

tube is placed in a deep-water container as shown in the diagram. When a L
512 Hz tuning fork is set vibrating at the open mouth of the tube, a loud
resonant sound is heard when the length L of the tube is equal to 0.166 m,
0.500 m and 0.833 m. Resonance is not obtained for any shorter value of
the length.

(i) Sketch the standing wave patterns within the tube that explains the three different
resonant lengths. (3 marks)

(ii) Determine the speed of sound from these observations. You should ensure you use
all the given data. (3 marks)

Question 11

A long elastic rope is fixed at one end. When a student holding the other end of the rope
vibrates the rope up and down the rope generally does not show any distinct pattern of
movement. However, at a certain frequency fo of vibration, the rope vibrates in the pattern
shown in the diagram:

(a) Sketch the pattern that would be observed if the student vibrated the rope at FOUR
TIMES the frequency fo. (2 marks)

(b) A new bridge in London was found to vibrate dangerously whenever a large
number of people walked across it. Explain why the walking people could
cause the bridge to build up such large vibrations.
(3 marks)

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