System Administration and Maintenance - Mervin B. Nicolas

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Mervin B. Nicolas



Please attach your answers for the two scenarios given on the presentation discussed lasy Saturday.


Well for me Ethans advice will make Jamie more uncomfortable because as an IT Jamie found different
problems that may affect their system such as the given areas of vulnerability given in the scenario. For
example, the file permissions have not been updated, updating file permission is very important because
you should just give access to someone who might be responsible for taking good care of the files.
Secondly, no comprehensive password policy exists and network traffic is not fully encrypted as an IT
who found out that the security of the system is not secure it might be very alarming cause anytime it
can be access by anyone. If Jamie really wants secure the system maybe should talk again to Tamika and
explained everything in detailed manner bout cause and effect, how risky the system would be so Tamika
can be persuaded.


I think Blake had done a wrong action in the scenario, as long government or federal government are
involved to take actions on a certain case, they had the right to had an access on a file that they need
whether it’s a personal data or information so they can take action immediately. Blake might be also
accused because he publicly decides to share it to the people by the use of media which will make the
people who are involve to hide nor escape from their wrong doings. In that case the company might fire
him from his job because of the company’s reputation.

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