An Overview of Horizontal Well Completion Technology

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Society of Petroleum Engineer'S

SPE 17582

An Overview of Horizontal Well Completion Technology

by R.E. Cooper, PT. Dowell Schlumberger Indonesia, and J.C. Troncoso,
Atlantic Richfield Indonesia Inc.
SPE Members

Copyright 1988 Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE International Meeting on Petroleum Engineering, held in Tianjin, China, November 1-4, 1988.

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Highly deviated or horizontal wells have Since the usual purpose to drill and
led to new thinking in the application of well complete horizontal wells is to enhance
completion and stimulation technology. production, the completion program must match the
Hori zonta 1 drilling technology has advanced production objectives.
rapidly over the past few years. It is now There are many circumstances which lead
common to be able to drill and control horizontal to the decision to drill horizontal wells and
holes of greater than 1,000 ft. displacement. these must also be considered in the final
However, horizontal completion technology is completion design.
still on a steep learning curve and many
completion practices need to be refined to These circumstances, almost all reservoir
contribute to the economic success of a related, include :
horizontal project. In addition, a better
understanding of reservoir performance with Thin Reservoirs.
horizontal completions will be needed.
The Productivity Index (PI) for a
Proven completion techniques used in less horizontal well reflects the increased area
deviated wells have not proved to be cost of contact of the we 11 with the reservoir.
effective or efficient in this new application. Typically the PI for a horizontal well may
This paper addresses severa 1 of these prob 1em be increased by a factor of 4 compared to a
areas by discussing the shortcomings of vertical vertical well penetrating the same
well completion technology and offers solutions reservoir, a1though enhancement by a factor
to horizontal applications. of 10 or mor1. ~ay be achievable in certain
Specific completion areas discussed include circumstances - (Fig.1).
production string isolation, influence of
horizontal wellbore deviation, stimulation Vertical Permeability.
considerations, sand control and downhole
production equipment. Case histories of three The productivity obtained by drilling a
Bima Field wells, offshore Indonesia, are horizontal well partially depends on the
presented to illustrate various completion magnitude of the vertical permeability and
practices. the length of the drainhole. Where the

References and 1llustrat1ons at end of paper.


ratio of vertical permeability to horizontal Field Development Plans.

permeability is · high a hori zonta 1 well may
produce more cost effectively than a The number of verti ca 1 we 11 s required
vertical well. for a field development program may be sig-
nificantly reduced if horizontal and high
Heterogeneous Reservoirs. angle wells are applicable. An example of
this is the Bima Field in the Java Sea. The
A hori zonta 1 dra i nho 1e may pro vi de a original development plan consisted of a
number of advantages when reservoir combination of 53 vertical, 45 deg. and 60
heterogeneity exists in the horizontal deg. wells. With the success of horizontal
plane. completions this was reduced to 48 wells
A horizontal wellbore in the reservoir including 16 h~g~iangle (85 deg.) and
provides potential for far more information horizontal wells. '
about the reservoir than would normally be
available. As logging and completion All of the above circumstances, which lead to
techniques become more sophisticated, this drilling horizontal wells, require certain
aspect of horizontal wells is likely to be considerations in the planning of the final
used to advantage. · completion design. This design must also
From a production viewpoint, a hori- consider :
zontal well in an irregular reservoir may
provide a means of accessing isolated Flowing or pumping we 11 bore production
productive zones which might otherwise be equipment requirements
missed. Potential zone isolation requirements
Furthermore, in heterogeneous reser- Special formation problems such as sand
voirs, the influence of the heterogeneity control or stimulation.
a1ong the we 11 bore is reduced by the com-
posite flow geometry so that production The completion planning must also consider what
rates are generally enhanced in these effect the above factors have on production and
circumstances. completion practices. For example, conventional
wireline operations are limited to deviations of
Reservoirs With Natural Vertical Fractures. less than 60 deg. The production history from
earlier horizontal completions should be
A horizontal well provides a means of considered in future completions. Early
communicating with natural vertical breakthrough of water or gas might dictate a
fractures (as was the case at Rospo 4Mare change from nonisolated completions to zone
which is a highly fractured limestone) • If isolation.
the well is oriented to intersect these
fractures the productivity index can be Zone Isolation
substantially increased (Fig.2) even when
the fracture density is low. Unfortunately, Not all horizontal completions require zone
this can also accelerate the movement of gas isolation across producing intervals. Depending
or water to reach the wellbore. on the completion circumstances, varying degrees
of zone isolation may be required that range from
Reduction of Coning. a completely nonisolated liner to a totally
cemented liner.
A horizontal drainhole is expected to
have a reduced pressure drawdown when
compared to a conventionally deviated well
for a similar production level. This
reduced drawdown pressure is expected to
delay the onset of water (gas) breakshrough.
Oil recovery is expected to be high except Opera tors have experienced varying d5g7ei~
in cases where the well intersects fractures of success with both cementing and ECPs. 4 ' ' -
or zones of high permeabi 1i ty which could One of the major problems encountered with ECPs
result in early water (gas) breakthrough. is their susceptibility to being damaged when run
in high-angle or horizontal wells. Several cases
Recovery by Waterflooding. of the satisfactory inflation of ECPs but
subsequent leaking upon pressure testing leads to
Driving a water front between two the conclusion that a combination of cementing
horizontal wells in a thin reservoir may and ECPs might be the best zone isolation
enhance oil recovery when com~red to a technique.
waterflood between vertical wells .


Adequate zone isolation over long horizontal The key to such cost effective cementing is the
sections and subsequent perforating can add proper design and execution of the job from
significant cost to horizontal completions. pre-drilling planning to final displacement.
Atlantic Richfield Indonesia Inc. (ARII) This planning could include the following
reported a cost comparison of an uncemented, variables:
predrilled liner and a standard cemented liner
which indicated that the former could be Borehole eccentricity (ovality)
installed for approximately 10% of the cemented Mud and cuttings removal
1i ner cost 6when tubing-conveyed perforating was Pipe centralization
considered. Float equipment selection
Slurry properties .
However, production hi story from early and Alternative zone isolation techniques
recent horizontal completion projects indicates including ECP usage
partial or total zone isolation may be required Ability to do future remedial work such
in more cases than previously estimated. One of as squeezing.
the primary reasons for this is the early
breakthrough of gas or water into oil producers.
This may be particularly evident in thin Hole Cleaning
reservoirs where fractures or streaks of varying
verti ca 1 permeabi 1i ty are encountered or where The most important aspect of any primary
vertical control of the horizontal wellbore path cement job is adequate mud displacement and hole
is poor. Improvements in vertical control have cleaning. In horizontal completions the
almost eliminated this latter problem. additional problem of mud solids and cuttings
settlement on the low sf~e of the hole
In such cases, a totally isolated liner or complicates hole cleaning. 12 '
production casing and selective perforation. may
be required. This can be accomplished by several Several studies 13 - 15 have been performed to
methods. define optimum mud properties to remove cuttings
in highly deviated or horizontal drilling. These
A totally cemented liner and selected properties include mud density, thixotropy,
perforated intervals. rheology and velocity.
Multizone isolation using ECPs and
selectively placed sections of slotted Crook et a1 16 reported that cuttings
liners or subsequent selective perforations. transport in highly deviated wells is improved by
Uncemented predrill ed 1i ners with se 1ected reducing thixotropy, apparent viscosity and the
blank sections. This method assumes that ratio of yield to plastic viscosity, Ty/PV. Also
the formation will collapse around the blank important is using high mud densities and
sections with time and depletion. This turbulent flow. Conversely, it was shown that
technique is argumentative and needs to be settling of weighting material in static mud was
proven. minimized with a high-threshold, yield-point
Elf Aquitaine and Institut Francais du
Petrole are continuing a broad research project Therefore, a proper mud system is important
into ~he selective completion of horizontal to optimize hole cleaning and should be designed
wells. Included in the project are cementing prior to drilling.
procedures, horizontal coning, borehole geometry
and downhole production ~arameters.
Centralization and Liner/hole Sizes
One of the current problems in designing a
selective multizone horizontal completion is Maintaining adequate casing standoff on the
identifying the location of vertical permeability low side of a horizontal hole is critical to
streaks and potential zones of early gas or water prevent cement s 1urri es from bypassing the 1ow
breakthrough. Since the positive identification side and flowing only along the top portiqr of
of such zones is often difficult some operators the annulus. In some high buildup wells , a
are· considering using totally cemented liners smaller than normal liner has been run in a
with selective perforations. If early gas or standard hole size, i.e., 5-1/2-in. in 8-1/2-in.
water production is encountered these zones may hole, for flexibility reasons. This also has the
then be squeezed off as in conventional vertical benefit of 1eavi ng a higher annular area on the
completions. Large diameter coiled tubing, i.e. low side which hf£tPS facilitate mud removal and
1-1/2-in. diameter, wi 11 be used more and more cement placement.
for this purpose.
Centralization in horizontal completions
Current cementing technology should be able during cementing can be optimized by reducing the
to provide cost effective cementing of many of ratio of fluid densities inside and outside the
the highly deviated or horizontal completions now pipe. This reduces the weight which the
being planned. centralizers must support.


However, recent deve 1opments in centra 1i zer

construction for horizontal loading and in Cement Slurries
computerized centralizer placement programs have
so 1ved most of the prob 1ems of hori zonta 1 Several cement slurry properties need to be
centralization. Care must be taken to avoid considered for successful horizontal cementing.
destroying the centralizers when running through Some of these properties are more critical in
high-angle and horizontal sections. horizontal cementing than in less deviated
Preflushes and Spacers
Two of the most important slurry properties
Much has been published on the use of to be considered are free water and fluid loss.
preflushes, washes and spacers in cementing. Free water should be maintained at zero and fluid
Surfactant choices and contact times are loss should be less than 50ml/30min.
variables which can be critical in final mud
removal and subsequent bonding. Laboratory tests Fluid-loss control should not be obtained at
on the actual mud system beingrflsed will help the expense of other desirable slurry properties.
determine these. Turbulent flow will also aid Common fluid loss additives, such as cellulose
in low-side mud removal, provided reduced annular derivatives, can cause high viscosity and
area does not result in excessive friction cationic synthetic polymers can induce free water
pressures. development. However, anionic copolymer fluid
loss additives can be used to provide a slurry
For many horizontal liner-openhole with good fluid-los1 2control and low yield stress
combinations, i.e., 7-in. liner in 8-1/2-in. open for easy placement.
hole, it may not be possible to obtain turbulent
flow, and matched density fluids should be used. In order to facilitate placement of the
In such c~~es, the use of pipeline gelled plug slurry in eccentric holes the yield stress should
technology is being investigated to design a be kept as low as possible. Ideally, the best
debris pickup gel as a combination wash and slurry for optimum placement would exhibit a zero
spacer. Complex flow rheologies and gel yield stress, and thus, would easily flow in
adhesiveness would allow large volumes of annular restrictions. However, the slurry should
cuttings to be picked up and carried out of the not develop any free water at all after
hole in plug flow with minimal friction pressure placement. This is generally recognized to be in
(Fig. 3). contradiction to low-yield stresses. To solve
this problem, free-water inhibitors, that also
act as c~nt dispersants, have been recently
Downhole Casing Equipment developed.
Either pipe rotation or reciprocation can Cement particle settling to the low side of
improve mud displacement efficiency in highly the hole is another property which must be
deviated or horizontal wells. controlled. This is not a problem when using
ceme~~s with a large aluminate particle surface
In the Thumi Long Beach high-angle area . With cements of low aluminate area, the
development project 0 , up to 600-ft. of the combined use of a zero-free water dispersant and
bottom casing is rotated using a specially an anionic copolymer fluid loss additive will
designed downhole casing swivel10 and a spline control particle settling and water loss.
drive installed on the drill pipe . Rotation is
done during mud conditioning and cement Another method to obtain very low fluid loss
placement. Such a system could be used in without adversely affecting free water and
horizontal completions if mud removal cannot be viscosity is to use a properly designed latex
accomplished using more conventional means. type fluid loss additive. These additives, while
expensive, perform better than any other type of
With pipe movement, the use of cab 1e type commerciqlly available fluid loss additive.
wall cleaners has been effective in dislodging
solids along the low side of the hole. One spinoff from horizontal cementing
research has been the realization that cement
Conventional cementing plugs and wiper plugs slurries, when mixed in the field, often do not
have been tested in long, horizontal pipe runs exhibit the same desirable properties as when
without evidence of suspected low-side 'f.'ff.Y]_gand mixed under controlled laboratory condition~ 0
with good sealing capability maintained. ' ' This has led to studies in cement mixing energy
which indicate high energy slurry mixing results
Float equipment using only spring loaded or in optimized additive response (and often reduced
positive closure valves should be used~ The concentration requirements). Such state-of-the
sealing qualities of gravity operated valve art mixing should be considered for critical
systems may not b!g reliable due to low annular horizontal well cementing. Batch mixing of
hydrostatic heads. additives and mix water or the slurry itself
should be employed to maximize quality control.


Two examples of a properly designed, acid wash used a hydraulically set tool run on
executed and evaluated horizontal-liner cementing tubing. This tool allowed the washing to be done
pr~gram was reported by Hardman for Becki ngham at preselected 1-ft. and 10-ft. intervals to
36 and Simorangkir for Rama I-7. 7 In both maximize exposure of all of the wellbore face to
cases, free water and fluid loss were held to the surfactant and 5% HCl respectively. This
minimum values, batch mixing was employed and prepared the well for a subsequent 15% HCl matrix
bond evaluation was performed. treatment to be performed after the completion
assembly was run. In some cases, where excessive
In Beckingham 36, 1,825-ft. (557m) of losses were encountered during the surfactant
5-1/2-in. liner was run in 8-1/2-in. hole wash, the following acid wash and/or acid matrix
including 940-ft. (286m) of horizontal section treatment were eliminated.
and after cementing, the CET lo§ showed an almost
perfect bond over this section. The centralizer The 15% HCl acid treatment was performed
program, designed for 80% standoff with a cement using coiled tubing to selectively place the acid
slurry to mud density ratio of 0.57, included along the well bore. A low acid volume, i.e., 15
three alternating left and right spiral spring gals/ft. of perforated interval, was used to
centralizers and one hydro-bonder every two minimize the risk of accelerating early gas/water
joints. One positive centralizer per joint was brea-kthrough.
run in the liner lap.
This technique was developed over several
In Rama 1-7, a 7-in. liner was run into completions and was found to be effective in
1,290-ft. (393m) of essentially horizontal stimulating long hole section (over 2,000-ft.)
8-1/2-in. hole. Two alternating spiral where diverting systems and large volumes could
centralizers per joint were installed to give a not be used.
minimum of 80% standoff. After cementing, a CET
1og run over the upper 500-ft. (152m) of th7 Removal of deeper matrix damage can require
liner indicated good bonding above the pay zone. large quantities of acid because of the long
Subsequent selective perforating also indicated sections usually associ ated with hori zonta 1
good zone isolation within the pay zone. wells. Treatment volumes in excess of 100
gal/ft. of interval are often required to remove
such damage and in long sections the total
STIMULATION treatment val ume can exceed 100,000 ga 1s. Such
treatment may be prohibitive because of cost and
Matrix pumping time factors, i.e., low pump rates when
using coiled tubing. Selective stimulation of
Stimulation of horizontal wells has not been those intervals with low fluid contribution
widely applied for a variety of reasons: lack of appears to be an alternative at this time.
zone isolation, little or unreliable skin
information or a lack of a mechanical means to do In addition to economic and time
the treatment. considerations, special attention must be given
to the placement of large volumes of acid in
Several papers 1' 5' 21 , 22 have addressed the extended horizontal and highly deviated sections.
problem of determining skin factors in horizontal Large volumes of acid pumped in areas of vertical
wells. In several cases, high pseudo skins, fractures and permeability could stimulate these
indicating possible formation damage, have been zones creating communication to gas and water,
determined. In most of these cases, subsequent thereby accelerating coning and channelling.
stimulation has not been applied, primarily due
to lack of zone isolation or due to concern of Optimized treatment results and reduced
accelerating early breakthrough of gas or water. treatment volumes can only be obtained by uniform
coverage of the entire i nterva 1 ( s). This wi 11
In the Java Sea Bima Field, initial require continuous diversion during treatment
horizontal skin values were not available, but injection.
based on earlier vertical well performance, some
degree of drilling and completion damage was Formation integrity must be considered when
assumed to exist. Therefore, an engineered aci di zing hori zonta 1 sections. Subsequent draw-
approach to stimulation (damage removal) was down caz1Pi ti ons may cause boreho 1e compressive
applied as part of the initial completion program fa i 1ure . However, if proper fluid design and
of these we 11 s. adequate diversion are used, drawdown pressures
should not be a problem, particularly when long
After the 7-in. predrilled production liner treatment intervals are considered.
was run, a two stage perforation wash, using sea
water with 2% surfactant and 5% HCl, was To remove skin damage over potentially
performed to remove the mud a·nd mud cake from incompetent horizontal intervals special acid
behind the liner. The 11 perforation wash 11 and formulations can be developed. An example of
such a system is an emulsified acid system
developed for the Batu Raja formation in the Bima
Field in Indonesia.


This formation, which has been the primary This leads one to consider the best of both
horizontal well target, exhibits a high worlds for maximum reservoir production and
hydrochloric acid solubility but can ·maintain recovery. The mast effective drainage network
formation integrity when exposed to small volumes could be a horizontal wellbore perpendicular to a
of low concentration acid. Some skin damage was series of vertical hydraulic fractures (Fig. 4).
suspected from asphaltine based drilling mud
fluid loss additives and asphaltine oil deposits Yost et a1 26 investigated optimized
as well as migrating fines. Based on these horizontal borehole length when combined with the
conditions an acid inside phase emulsion using a addition of multiple hydraulic fractures
90:10 volume ratio of 7.5% HCl and Xylene was perpendicular to the wellbore. Assuming a given
developed. The viscosity of the emulsion aided gas price, a 2,000-ft. (610m) wellbore with three
in diversion and acid retardation. As a result 150-ft. (46m) hydraulic fractures were required
only small volumes, i.e., 7-12 gals. per foot, to provide a predicted economic performance.
were required for effective damage removal while
still avoiding potential formation compressive It is doubtful that a horizontal wellbore
failure. will be in the same plane as an iriduced hydraulic
fracture and such fractures wi 11 probably
An initial test treatment on a vertical Batu intersect the wellbore at an angle. In-situ
Raja well proved the effectiveness of the acid stress profiles of a horizontal wellbore may
solution. A larger volume treatment is now indicate the probable point(s) of fracture
planned for a horizontal well in the near future. initiation.
This treatment will use coiled tubing as a
placement medium. Research continues on the problems
associated with hydraulic fracturing of
horizontal boreholes and the associated fracture
Fracturing geometry. Two extreme cases of geomet~ and
resultant performance can be postulated. In
There has been very little experience in the first case, a longitudinal fracture has
fracture stimulation of horizontal wells. One of been initiated along the wellbore axis. A large
the primary reasons to drill horizontal wells is number of perforations are involved in the
to enhance productivity in thin, low-permeability fracturing treatment and in the subsequent
zones, i.e., less than 100-ft. thick and 5 md. production phase. This fracture, as it
Such low-permeability zones are often ideal propagates away from the wellbore, will re-orient
fracturing candidates. itself to become perpendicular to the least
in-situ stress component. Such a rotation may
Sung and Ertekin 24 presented a series of not affect the treatment or performance provided
numerical simulations which indicated that for fracture fluid shear is minimal and there is
equal surface areas the production from adequate fracture width.
hori zonta 1 wells is expected to be greater than
that of hydraulic horizontal and vertical Another case is an inc 1i ned fracture whose
fractures. Furthermore, it is usually plane passes abruptly through the wellbore axis.
technically easier to extend a horizontal Only a minimal number of perforations will
wellbore in a thin zone than to extend a participate in the treatment and subsequent
hydraulic fracture. production. This 1imi ted fracture contact with
the well bore forms a choke for 1inear fracture
Cl ants and Ramey 22 deve 1oped a pseudo-skin flow. In such cases, there is a maximum size for
factor to compare horizontal borehole the fracturing treatment, beyond which the
productivity with that of vertical wells and production capability cannot be exceeded. Once
vertical fractures. They concluded that the this optimum size is reached increased production
horizontal drainhole pseudo-skin factor for a capacity can only be reached through additional
dimensionless drainhole length greater than 10 is parallel fractures.
identical to that of a uniform flux vertical
fracture. In practice, however, horizontal However, to provide the most effective
drainholes may have higher ff~ctivities than drainage network for a reservoir, i.e., wellbore
vertical hydraulic fractures. ' and fractures, the means must be ava i 1ab 1e to
initiate fractures at several predetermined
In the case of anisotropic reservoirs it has points along the wellbore. This can be done by
been suggested that horizontal wells should be the use of numerous port collars installed in the
drilled perpendicular to the larg2s4 ~5rmeability casing string or by selective stages of
direction for _optimum production. ' ' perforating and fracturing. Once the fracturing
treatments are completed and evaluated,
additional perforating may be done in
nonfractured areas.


As in vertical wells, fracturing of The completion assembly consisted of a 11 Y11

horizontal wells has some limitation. The block with an electric submersible pump hung off
presence of nearby gas or water contacts might on the casing side (Fig. 5). This type of
1imit or prevent the use of fracturing·. In the completion allows the pump to be serviced while
case of fractures inclined to the borehole, the hydrostatically pressured producing intervals
borehole compressive failure can are temporarily isolated by setting a blanking
occur ' 28 , however, this is not likely to happen
plug in the nipple in the lower packer assembly.
in normal producing conditions. The wellbore deviation at the end of the tubing
of approximately 50 deg. still permits wireline
A pumping well will always. have a blanking
Sand control efforts in horizontal wells plug set in the s·elective nipple below the 11 Y11
have primarily been done through the use of block and the sliding sleeve immediately above
prepacked liners. However, gravel packing in the downhole packer opened to allow communication
horizontal wells has been demonstrated as being to the pump intake on the casing side.
feas i b1e in the 1a bora tory and with '29ll-sca 1e
wellbore models. Dickinson et al have
presented a technique for gravel packing short Production Liner (7-in.)
radius . multiple horizOjbt~\ boreholes · while
Hudson, Martin and Nehmer ' have presented new The decision to run predrilled, uncemented
materials to enhance horizontal gravel placement. 7-in. 1iners was based on the assumption that
These materials include a viscoelastic surfactant lower drawdown pressures could be attainable by
fluid system which provides high gravel carrying extended reach production boreholes when compared
capacity with non-damaging high leakoff to production levels of conventionally deviated
characteristics. 31 cemented we 11 s. These drawdown pressures were
initially expected to be low enough to control or
Another new materia 1 is a 1ow-density eliminate water and gas coning in sensitive areas
replacement for gravel-pack sand. This material of the reservoir.
and a related· density ratio placement technique
uses buoyancy forces to ensure complete packoff In addition to reservoir considerations,
on the high side of th3 1 hole and complete economical and risk evaluation related to
perforation tunnel filling. apparent difficulties in obtaining efficient
primary cement jobs also led to the decision to
Field and full-scale model verification of run these 7-in. liners uncemented. Other
gravel placement computer programs developed for advantages, such as the elimination of expensive
highly deviated and horizontal wellbores and 1engthy perforating jobs, and avera ll cost
indicates the i ndust:f3' can use these programs savings in completing these wells were
with some confidence. immediately realized.
Several conventional downhole gravel-pack The 7-in. liner was provided with blank
tool assemblies are being modified and tested for sections in selected areas where MWD indicated
application in horizontal wells. The use of low permeability and shale sections. By having
large diameter coiled tubing and associated tools blank sections in the highly deviated sections of
is also being investigated as an alternative tool the wellbore it could be feasible to plug off gas
system in performing gravel-pack services. or water invaded sections and run conventional
packers to facilitate isolation of undesirable
gas or water production. This practice assumes
HIGH-ANGLE/HORlZONTAL WELLS COMPLETION that isolation behind the liner between the
PRACTICES AND PRODUCTION PROBLEMS sections open to production would occur with time
and pressure depletion due to compacting of the
Batu Raja formation against the 7-in. liner.
Horizontal and high-angle oil wells in the Future production logging in these wellbores is
Bima Field were completed with predrilled 7-in. expected to support this completion assumption.
1iners and left uncemented along the productive Blank sections in the highly deviated wells range
Batu Raja limestone zone. from approximately 40-ft. to several hundred
An acid stimulation treatment across the
limestone was made more effective by first It is important to note that if water and
removing the mud and mud cake from behind the gas coning are not expected, a uniform movement
liner. The electric submersible pump run in the of the water/oil or gas/oil contact, caused by
completion assembly was used to unload the acid depletion, could theoretically cause a well to
and test the well after cleanup. water out or gas out with time without need of a
remedial worker.


Howev~r, differences in mobility ratios and section between the tubing tailpipe at
formation heterogeneity have made gas and water approximately 50-deg. deviation and the
coning a production problem in highly deviated horizontal section creates areas of fluid
sections. The ability to successfully isolate fallback and gas segregation. This fluid
those invaded areas by mechanical means or cement separation has caused production problems in
squeezing would have to be field tested before flowing and pumping wells. ZUG-1 is a typical
high angle and horizontal wells can be example which presented unexpected production
successfully adopted in the development of problems (Fig. 7).
oilfields with close contacts.
ZUG-1 is a horizontal well completed in
approximately 1,200-ft. of horizontal section
Production Operations (Fig. 8). This well tested upon completion at a
rate of 250 BOPD and 16,000 SCF/STB GOR. Due to
After approximately a year of production, this high GOR, an electric submersible pump was
most of the Bima Field high-angle (85 deg.) and not run in the initial completion. The well
horizontal wells (90 deg.) have shown improved produced on natural flow for approximately 2
production performance when compared to months at 600 BOPD and GOR in the 500 to 3, 500
conventionally deviated wells. Measured SCF/STB range.
productivity iDdices in these high-angle and
horizontal wells are approximately four times or Following an enforced shut down, an electric
greater than those measured in conventionally submersible pump was installed in order to kick
deviated wells. Higher production rates (Fig. 6) off the well. The well produced at higher liquid
in the majority of the high-angle wells with production rates of approximately 800 BOPD and
lower drawdown pressures also have been attained. lower GORs (100-1,500 SCF/STB), however, these
In many cases, these lower drawdown pressures rates were regularly interrupted by short periods
also have permitted control of gas and water when the well would flow through the vent valve
influxes. (Fig. 5) at very low fluid rates and unusually
high GOR. These rate variations are not
However, as operating experience is gained reflected on the well production history plot.
in these wells some production prob 1ems can be This production pattern would cause the electric
associated to the particular geometry of these submersible pump to switch off on underload.
we 11bores. The 1arge vo 1ume of the we 11bore in
the high-angle and horizontal sections (below the To control the well under these conditions, the
electric submersible pump setting depth) of more top sliding sleeve would be opened to divert
than 100-BBL, in combination with the fluid flowing production to the tubing; after the well
properties in this reservoir, have created died, the top sleeve would be closed and the well
unexpected problems which have necessitated put on pump again. This operation was repeatedly
creative solutions. The presence of an overlying performed to maintain production. This 11 gas and
gas cap in some of the wells drainage areas and 1iquid slugging 11 caused several electric
water drive in others have also caused unexpected submersible pump failures during this time
early gas and water breakthrough which have period.
necessitated reservoir management techniques to
stabilize oil rates. This 11
S 1uggi ng
production mode was
suspected to be caused by the volume of the
Modifications to the original 11 Y11 block horizontal section of approximately 45-BBL, and
completion in some problems wells have been by the large casing volume of approximately
necessary to increase production, electric 70-BBL in the tubingless section between the
submersible pump life, and operating efficiency. production packer and the straddle packers run to
protect the 7-in. liner top. Since lowering the
Examples of typical problems observed in the pump to reduce the tubingless· section was not
Bima Field highly deviated wells are presented recommended due to the 85 deg. deviation of the
below. It should be mentioned that Atlantic well at the top of the 7-in. liner, a tailpipe
Richfield Indonesia Inc., is presently devoting was run to the on-off attachment in the top
major efforts to the solution of these straddle packer (Fig. 9). The elimination of the
shortcomings as some of these wells start showing casing flow resulted in a more sustained and
indications of depletion and necessity for stable production rate.
remedial workovers.
This reduction of the volume in the highly
deviated section (less than 85 deg. deviation)
Case History No. 1 helped to reduce the gas and liquid slugging and
has improved the operating efficiency of the
The relative large volume of the horizontal electric submersible pump. Although this
and highly deviated section in a high-angle well reduction did not completely eliminate the phase
has been found to act 1ike a 11 sepa rator 11 where segregation in the horizontal section as
phase segregation of oil, gas and water can evidenced by the pump ampere charts, pump
occur. In addition, the extended tubingless failures have not occurred since the installation
was modified.


This phase segregation has also been Temperature, pressure and flowmeter data are
observed in other highly deviated and horizontal expected to help determine fluid entries and the
wells where similar pump operating pump problems extent of the gas invasion. Coiled tubing
and production modes have resulted in pump electric logging has already been successfully
failures. tested in Europe and ~lffka to survey horizontal
and high-angle wells. '
Case History No. 2 After this data is obtained, plans are to
isolate gas invaded zones by either plugging off
The production performance of ZUA-9 the furthest end of the wellbore or straddle
exhibited a similar production pattern to ZUG-1 packing intermediate zones to isolate the gas
(Fig. 10}. ZUA-9, a horizontal well with entries. ARII is presently also investigating
approximately 1,600-ft. of flow in a tubingless the use of conve.ntional packers and plugs for
section, also experienced recurring pump application in these highly deviated sections.
failures. The well tested upon completion at a
rate of 2,000 BOPD and 50 SCF/STB GOR.
Figure 11 shows the original completion and
the completion modifications performed to Drilling and completion of highly deviated
minimize the gas and liquid slugging effect. In and horizontal wells have been documented in
the modified completion, the nyn block was numerous technical publications. However,. as
removed and the electrical submersible pump production stabilizes and reservoirs start
lowered approximately 1,250-ft. closer to the showing indications of pressure depletion
open perforations. Although this reduction of attention should now also be focused on the
the volume in the tubingless section has improved production problems associated with the
the initial production performance, it has not particular geometries of these wellbores. With a
completely eliminated the unstable production better understaDding of the production
mode. performance of these extended wellbore sections
and direct measurement of downhole data,
The ampere charts from ZUA-9 are still applicable modifications to the present
somewhat erratic indicating viscosity differences completion installations and future completion
and gas effects, however, a more stable programs should occur. Many areas of required
production mode was established. Present research and development appear at this· time to
production level in this well is 700 BOPD and 70 be important to the deve 1opment of oi 1fie 1ds by
SCF/STB GOR. these highly deviated and horizontal completions.
1. The full production potential of many
Case History No. 3 horizontal wells is not being achieved due
to unsatisfactory completion procedures or
ZUG-2 is a horizontal well which tested upon completion problems. One of the primary
completion at a rate of approximately 2,000 BOPD problems is zone isolation and the ability
and solution GOR of 100 SCF/STB. This rate was to control fluid flow during a we11•s later
sustained for approximately one month, with a life. Such problems should be anticipated
steady increase in GOR to 300 SCF/STB. and considered in the initia·l completion
Subsequently, the GOR increased to 3,000 SCF/STB design.
with a fluid rate drop to 600 BOPD. Choke
control helped to obtain a stabilized rate of 600 2. Most of the problems encountered in
BOPD and 2,000 SCF/STB for the second month, but cementing horizontal wells have been defined
increasing gas eventually reduced the fluid rate and current cementing technology is able to
to approximately 100 BOPD and 7,000 SCF/STB GOR. provide solutions to these problems.
Successful cementing wi 11 require deta i 1ed
This dramatic fluid production decline and attention given to mud removal, pipe
gas increase is explained by gas coning from the centralization and slurry properties.
Batu Raja gas cap into the furthest end of the However, actual field practice may prove
wellbore•s horizontal section. Figure 12 shows additional research and developement work is
the ZUG-2 wellbore path in relation to the Batu requie~ed.
Raja gas cap. Note that there is only 15-ft. TVD
between the gas-oil contact at 2,512-ft. s.s. and 3. The large volumes in horizontal wellbore
the closest high-angle predrilled section in well camp 1et ions can 1ead to the separation of
ZUG-2. oi 1, gas and water under downho 1e pressure
and temperature conditions in some
To precisely determine the gas entry or reservoirs. This downhole phase segregation
entries into the ZUG-2 wellbore, the use of has caused production problems directly
coiled tubing conveyed production logging tools associated to the slugging of fluids.
using memory gauges is p1an ned for this we 11 to
survey the highly deviated sections of the well.


4. Giger, F.M., Reiss L.H. and Jourdan A.P.:

Problems such as these have and will require 11
The Reservoir Engineering Aspects of
the re-evaluation of completion practices Horizonta 1 Drilling, 11 paper SPE 13024,
used in conventionally deviated wells when Presented at the 1984 Annua 1 Techni ca 1
applied to highly deviated wells. Conference, Houston, TX, Sept. 16-19.

4. Data aquisition during production in 5. Sherrard, D.W., Brice, B.W., and Mac Donald,
hori zonta 1 sections requires deve 1opment of D.G.: 11 Application of Horizontal Wells at
downhole instruments capable of detecting, Prudhoe Bay, 11 paper SPE 15376, presented at
accounting for and/or eliminating phase the 1986 Annua 1 Techni ca 1 Conference, New
segregation effects. Interpretation of such Orleans, LA, Oct. 5-8.
data will be necessary to determine
selective zone completion and stimulation 6. Isvan, A., Wheatley, L.D., and Barry, P.M.:
requirements. High Angle Deve 1opment Wells 1 n The

Northwest Java Sea Bima Field, 11 Presented at

5. As horizontal completions become more the 1986 Indonesian Petroleum Association
sophisticated and intervals are provided 15th Annual Convention, Jakarta, Indonesia,
with more downhole equipment, it is foreseen Oct.
that there will be an increase in the use of
coiled tubing in these highly deviated wells 7. Simorangkir, P., Adisapoetra, O.S., and
for operations reserved in the past for Handoyo, J.: 11
Rotary Drilling of A
conventional wireline and electric lines in Hori zonta 1 Well , West Java Sea, 11 Presented
less deviated wells. at the 1986 Indonesian Petroleum Association
15th Annual Convention, Jakarta, Indonesia,
6. Conventional stimulation techniques in less Oct.
deviated wells appear at this time not fully
applicable to highly deviated wells. Higher 8. Hardman, P.: 11 Beckingham 36 Horizontal
vertical permeability in thin reservoirs and Well, 11 paper SPE 15895, Presented at the SPE
the presence in some cases of a gas cap and European Petroleum Conference, London,
aquifer, have added more concerns r.elated to Oct. 20-22, 1986.
gas and water coning than previously
anticipated. Selective stimulation and · 9. Reiss, L.H.: 11 Production From Horizontal
diversion techniques along with stimulation Wells After 5 Years, 11 paper SPE 14338,
treatment volumes will have to be Presented at the 1985 Annua 1 Techni ca 1
re-evaluated in· some cases to eliminate Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Sept. 22-25.
creation of undesirable communication to gas
and water zones, and still maintain hole
stability and remove formation damage. 10. Webster, M.B., Ottot, G.E., and Rice, D.L.:
Cementing High-Angle Wells Using Cement
Expanded Formation Packers and or Casing
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Rotation, 11 paper SPE/IADC 16136, Presented
at the SPE/ IADC Conference, New Orleans,
The authors are grateful to the management of LA, March 1987.
Atlantic · Richfield Indonesia, Inc. and P.T.
Dowell Schlumberger Indonesia for support in 11. Barry, P.M., Troncoso, J.C., and Sumantri,
preparing this paper and to Pertami na for A.N.E.: 11 High Angle Development Wells In the11
permission to present this paper. N.W. Java Sea Bima Field: An Update,
paper OSEA 88130, presented at the 7th
Offshore South East Asia Conference,
REFERENCES Singapore, Feb. 2-5, 1988.
1. Joshi, S.D.: 11
Augmentation of Well 12. Parcevaux, P.: 11 Guides Emerge For Cementing
Productivity Using Slant and Horizontal Hori zonta 1 Strings, 11 Oil and Gas Journa 1
Wells, 11 paper SPE 15375, Presented at the ( 35-41) Oct. 19, 1987.
1986 Annual Technical Conference, New
Orleans, LA, Oct. 5-8. 13. Martin, M., Georges, C., and Konirsh, 0.:
Transport of Cuttings In Di recti ana 1
2. Giger, F.M.: 11 Low-Permeabil i ty Reservoirs Wells, 11 paper SPE-IADC 16083, Presented at
Development Using Horizontal Wells, 11 paper IADC Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA,
SPE/DOE 16406, Presented at the SPE/DOE Low March 1987.
Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, Denver,
CO, May 18-19, 1987. 14. Okrajni, S.S. and Azar, J.J.: 11 Mud 11 Cuttings
In Directional Well Drilling, paper
3. Roland, M.: 11 Workshop on Extended Reach and SPE 14178, Presented at the SPE Annual
Hori zonta 1 Drainage We 11 s, 11 Dri 11 i ng and Technical Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Sept.
Pumping Journal, Schlumberger Cambridge 22-25, 1985.
Research Ltd. (48-56) Dec. 1987.

SPE 17582 R.E. COOPER arid J.C. 7 lRONCOSO

15. Gavignet, ·A.A. and Sabey, I.J.: 11 A Model for 25. Sal amy, S. P., Saradji, B.S., Okoye, C.O.,
the Transport Of Cuttings In Highly Deviated Mercer, J.C. and Yost II, A.B.: Recovery
Wells, 11 paper SPE 15417, Presented at the Efficiency Aspects of Horizontal Well
Annua 1 SPE Techni ca 1 Conference, New Drilling in Devonian Shale, 11 paper SPE/DOE
Orleans, LA, Oct. 5-8, 1986. 16411. Presentation reference not known.

16. Crook, .R.J., Keller, S.R. and Wilson, M.A.: 26. Yost II, A.B., Overbey, W.K., Salamy, S.P.,
Solutions to Problems Associated With Okoye, C.O. and Saradji, B.S.: 11 Devonian
Deviated Wellbore Cementing,.. paper Shale Horizontal Well : Rationale for
SPE 14198, presented at the Annual Technical Wellsite Selection and Well Design, 11 paper
Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Sept. 22-25, SPE/DOE 16410. Presentation reference not
1985. known.

17. Wilson, M.A. and Sabins, F.L.: 11 A Laboratory 27. Roegiers, J.C. and Bruce, S.: 11 Fracture
Investigation of Cementing Horizontal Initiation and Propagation From Inclined
We 11 s, 11 paper SPE 16928, presented at the Boreholes in a Homogeneous, Isotropic,
Annual Technical Conference, Dallas, TX, Elastic Medium, Subjected to a Triaxial
Sept. 27-30, 1987. State of Stress, 11 Oct. 7, 1987, Schlumberger
Cambridge Research, not presented.
18. Cooper, R.E., Purinton, R.J.: 11 Gel-Plug
Technology In Pipelines, .. paper OSEA 88150 28. Hsiao, C. : 11 A Study of Hori zonta 1 Well bore
presented at the 7th Offshore South East Fa i 1ure, 11 paper SPE 16927 presented at the
Asia C6nference, Singapore, Feb. 2-5, 1988. 62nd Annual Technical Conference, Dallas,
TX, Sept. 27-30, 1987.
19. Zurdo, C., Georges, C. and Martin, M.: 11 Mud
and Cement for Hori zonta 1 We 11 s, 11 paper SPE 29. Dickinson, W., Anderson, R.R., Dickinson, W.
15464 presented at the Annual Technical and Dykstra, H.: Gravel Packing of
Conference, New Orleans, LA, Oct. 5-8, 1986. Horizontal Wells, 11 paper SPE 16931 presented
at the 62nd Annual Technical Conference,
20. Orban, J.A. Parcevaux, P.A. and Guillot, Dallas, TX, Sept. 27-30, 1987.
D.J.: 11 Specific Mixing Energy: A Key Factor 11
for Cement Slurry Quality, 11 paper SPE 15578 30. Nehmer, W.L.: Viscoelastic Gravel-Pack
presented at Annual Technical Conference, Carrier Fluid, 11 paper SPE 17168 presented at
New Orleans, LA, Oct. 5-8, 1986. the SPE Formation Damage Control Symposium,
Bakersfield, CA, Feb. 8-9, 1988.
21. Goode, P. A. and Thambynayagam, R. K. M.:
Pressure Drawdown and Buildup Analysis of 31. Hudson, T.E. and Martin, J.W.: 11 Use of
Horizontal Wells in Anisotropic Media., 11 Low-Density, Gravel-Pack Material Improves
paper SPE 14250 presented at the 60th Annual Placement Efficiency,.. paper SPE 17169
Techni ca 1 Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Sept. presented at the SPE formation Damage
22-25, 1985. Control Symposium, Bakersfield, CA, Feb.
8-9, 1988.
22. Clonts, M.D. and Ramey JR., H.J.: 11 Pressure
Transient Analysis for Wells With Horizontal 32. Joly, E.L., Dormigny, A.M., Catala, G.N. and
Drainholes, 11 paper SPE 15116 presented at Pincon, F.P.: 11
New Production Logging
the 56th California Regional Meeting, Technique for a Horizontal Well, 11 paper SPE
Oakland, CA Apr. 2-4, 1986. 14463 presented at the 60th Annual Technical
Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Sept. 22-25,
23. Ozkan, E., Raghavan, R. and Joshi, S.D.: 1985.
Horizontal Well Pressure Analysis, .. paper
SPE 16378 presented at SPE California 33. Wahlmeier, M.A. and Andrews, P.W.:
Regional Meeting, Ventura, CA, Apr. 8-10,
Mechanics of Gravel Placement and Packing :
1987. A Design and Evaluation Approach, 11 SPE
Production Engineering, (69-82) Feb. 1988-.-
24. Sung, W. and Erteki n, T.: 11 Performance
Comparison of Vertical and Horizontal
Hydraulic Fractures and Horizontal Boreholes
in Low Permeability Reservoirs: A Numeri ca 1
Study, 11 paper SPE/DOE 16407 presented at the
SPE/DOE Low Permeability Reservoirs
Symposium, Denver, CO May 18-19, 1987.


1---------------------+- Bed thickness, m ----+--------,=--....::::::::....__---1


a:: a::

200 400 600

Drain length, m

Fig. 1-A comparison of the productivity index (PI) for horizontal drainholes of varying lengths with the PI for a
vertical well through the same reservoir.

.co. Fig. 3-Cuttings pickup gelled spacer•

"'1""tal holo ""'lh room
fracture planes

~~ ~ 7 Number of intercepted fractures ---------::...r----------1

E! 0
~ ~ 5;-------------t----------1~--------~~------+---~~~
a. a.

20 40 60 80 '00
Fracture length • m

Fig. 2-A comparison of productivity index for fractured horizontal drainholes with the nonfractured case.
Fig. 4-Alternative fract11re geometries for a horizontal well.


~--1------ 11 y II SL oc K

ELECTRIC -------t::iJt
AT 2100' +/-
IN !50° +/_ HOLE

HOLE ANGLE@ PACKER~---. ~-==:::::::::a.~~;---......._-- PACKER
50° +/-
~:..:.lllii<E:---+-SELECTIVE NIPPLE
I AT 2200' +/..
IN !54° +/_ HOLE
s ~e " SHOE----,-·-



Fig. 5-Typical Bima field high-angle well completion.


900 \ usoo' zooo' uod :sooo' :s&OO'

', ' ' - - - -...




..-------···' :',,

DEVIATED WELLS~--,••:'::_..._ •. /:;;.;:;;':,,

~_;:..-~ '~-::::..-====--=--=::::::::::-.::::~::::-::::::::
a.. 500

400 ZU-2.4 GAS SAND



200 N2.5'
-uoo'-1 ~ _ SUBS~

JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC I FIELD OWC - 2 8 4 8 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

YEAR 1987

NOTE • 1202' MD (19' TVD ) OIL

Fig. 6-Bima field average fluid production comparison.

100 1
Fig. 7-Zug-1 wellbore path.

~ ::> ~
t;"n. ......

j ~ 0: l-4000
~ ti~
:~~ ~
~~ 8g
Iii ~
11 0:
750 :;~~ ~ :E...J 3000
:~ -
II' iii
•''Jl',,I (/)
a. ul
nl 0
g 500 I
2000 ~
\I 0::

\ I
~ :!\, 1000


t , .
\ :
\: \.....,i i\i\ .rj'-'"'\./!
\: 1:1 I; I ~,t_r... f "''.,/-.--- - - -

JUN -87


- - - - BOPD ----- GOR (SCF/STB)

Fig. S-Well Zug-1 production test history.






71 °


45 goo
5326' MD. (-2589')

Fig. 9-Zug-1 well completion.

2000 500
0 Ul
z w
<t !:(
~~~ Q
w ...
~~~ 0 400
3 ow
~ W.JO w
a. .J
~ ~i[>- ~


0 1000 L&:
a. 0
0 ~
co a::


500 I f. P. ! ..1 ''

'' :\/: I I

' I ,,.v
II'' I l, '
\I r J I '\ \
\ .,~"",\_,,-"\oo"'""""'- ...... . . . . . . ....,,._,jl
'\..... ,..,...., ....
"" I

0 0
JUN-87. OCT-87 FEB-88

- - BOPD ------ GOR(SCF/STB)

Fig. 10-Well Zua-9 production test history.





1 12501MD.(700'TVD) P=

j_ESP ~

8 18 85°
11 ~ ...

5591 1MD. (-2600 )

Fig. 11-Zua-9 well completion.

~w--- HORIZONTAL DISPLACEMENT - - - E--+=::=--

~eoo' 2000' 1500' 1000' eoo'




-------- ------
1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F I E L D OWC


Fig. 12-Zua-2 wellbore path.


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