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Spinal cord

Spinal meninges
External features of spinal cord
Spinal cord; site, extent , shape, spinal nerves & meninges
Sagittal section Coronal section

Spinal cord; site, extent , shape & spinal nerves

Cross section

Spinal cord; sulci, spinal nerve & meninges Spinal cord; segments
Spinal nerve Cauda equina

Spinal nerves & meninges

Spinal cord; spinal nerves, cauda equina & spinal meninges

Spinal meninges Denticulate ligament Lumbar puncture

Spinal cord; spinal meninges & lumbar puncture

Blood supply of spinal cord; arterial &
Internal structure of spinal
Gray matter
Gray & white matter Dorsal horn nuclei

Ventral horn nuclei

Laminae of Rexed

*Lat. group

Gray matter (cross section); ventral & dorsal horns nuclei


White matter (cross section); ascending & descending tracts

Brain stem
Brain; inf. surface showing brain stem
Brain; inf. surface showing brain stem
External features of brain stem
*Medulla, pons & midbrain; ant. surface
*Interpeduncular fossa; boundaries & contents
*Medulla, pons & midbrain; ant. surface
*Interpeduncular fossa; boundaries & contents
*Medulla, pons & midbrain; ant. surface
*Interpeduncular fossa; boundaries & contents
Medulla, pons & midbrain; post. surface
Medulla, pons & midbrain; post. surface
Medulla, pons & midbrain; Medulla, pons & midbrain;
sagittal section lat. (side) view
Medulla, pons & midbrain; lat. (side) view
Medulla, pons & midbrain; sagittal section
Medulla, pons & midbrain; blood supply
Internal structure of brain stem
*Medulla; nuclei & tracts
*Medulla; lesions (med. & lat. medullary syndromes)
*Pons; nuclei & tracts
*Pons; lesions (basilar & tegmental lesions)
*Midbrain; nuclei & tracts
*Midbrain; lesions (crus cerebri & tegmental lesions)
Tractology of spinal cord
brain stem
Pathway of conscious proprioception Pathway of pain, temperature, crude
& fine touch from body below head touch & pressure from body below head
Pathway of general sensations from head
Pathway of unconscious proprioception to cerebellum
Visual pathway Auditory pathway
Visual pathway & its lesions Auditory pathway
Taste pathway
Descending tracts
Pyramidal tract; course, blood supply & lesions
Extra pyramidal tract
External features of cerebellum
Site Parts

Cerebellum; site & parts

Cerebellum; sup. surface, fissures, lobes & notches
Cerebellum; inf. surface, fissures, lobes & notches
Cerebellum; blood supply
Internal structure of cerebellum
Inf. cerebellar peduncle, afferents

Inf. cerebellar peduncle, efferents


Middle cerebellar peduncle, afferents

Cerebellum; inf. & middle cerebellar peduncles (afferents & efferents)

Sup. cerebellar Sup. cerebellar
peduncle, efferents peduncle, afferents Cerebellar nuclei

Fibers to thalamus

Cerebellum; sup. cerebellar peduncle (afferents & efferents) & cerebellar nuclei
4 th ventricle
Median recess

4th ventricle; site, floor, roof, communications & median recess

4th ventricle; site, floor, roof, communications & median recess
4th ventricle; lat. boundaries, angles & floor
4th ventricle; roof, lat. recesses & communications
External features of cerebrum
Interpeduncular fossa
Interpeduncular fossa; site, boundaries & contents
Gray matter
(sulci, gyri & areas)
Cerebral hemisphere; lat. surface (divisions, sulci, gyri & areas)
Division into lobes Gyri of each lobe

Sulci of each lobe Areas of each lobe

Cerebral hemisphere; lat. surface (divisions, sulci, gyri &


Parietal operculum


Temporal operculum

Insula; site, shape & opercula

Orbital part


Cerebral hemisphere:
Med. & tentorial surfaces

Cerebral hemisphere; inf. surface: orbital & tentorial parts

(sulci, gyri & areas)
Cerebral hemisphere;
med. & tentorial surfaces (sulci, gyri & areas)


Cerebral hemisphere;
med. & tentorial surfaces (sulci, gyri & areas)
Internal structure of cerebrum
White matter
Association fibers
Association fibers; short & long (cingulum, inf. longitudinal,
uncinate, sup.longitudinal & fronto-occipital bundles)
Commissural fibers
Commissural fibers; types

*Commissural fibers; corpus callosum, ant., post., habenular & hippocampal commissures
*Corpus callosum; parts & relations
Corpus callosum; parts & relations
Corpus callosum (transverse section); direction of fibers in its parts
Projection fibers
(Internal capsule)
Projection fibers (Internal capsule);
site, shape, parts & relations
Internal capsule; fibers passing through & blood supply
Fornix; beginning, parts & end
Basal ganglia
Basal ganglia; corpus striatum, amygdaloid
& claustrum (site & relations)
Basal ganglia; corpus striatum, amygdaloid
& claustrum (site & relations)
Caudate nucleus; parts Lentiform nucleus
& claustrum


Lentiform nucleus

Basal ganglia; corpus striatum (caudate & lentiform) & claustrum

Lateral ventricle
Lat. ventricle; parts (body, ant., post. & inf. horns) & relations
Lat. ventricle (coronal sections); parts & relations
Ant. horn Post. horn

Lat. ventricle (coronal sections); ant. & post. horns

Body Body & inf. horn

Lat. ventricle (coronal sections); body& inf. horn

Diencephalon; site
Diencephalon; Thalamus, Hypo, Sub, Meta & Epi-thalamus (site & relations)
Ends & surfaces (sup., inf. & med.) Sup. & med. surfaces (coronal)

Relations of thalamus; ends & surfaces (sup., inf. & med.)

Thalamus; nuclei
Thalamus; lat. surface (relations)
(anatomical classification)
Thalamus; nuclei (connections & functions)
Hypo, Meta & Epi-thalamus
3rd ventricle
3rd ventricle; site
3rd ventricle; boundaries (roof, floor, ant., post. & lat. walls)
Cerebral meninges
*Cerebral meninges (pia, arachnoid & dura) & subarachnoid cisterns
*C.S.F; production, cirulation & absorption
*Cerebral meninges (pia, arachnoid & dura) & subarachnoid cisterns
*C.S.F; production, cirulation & absorption
Blood supply of brain
Arterial supply
*Vertebro-basilar system; formation & branches (post. cerebral )
*Internal carotid system; branches (ant. & middle cerebrals)
*circle of willis; site & formation
*Vertebro-basilar system; formation & branches (post. cerebral )
*Internal carotid system; branches (ant. & middle cerebrals)
*circle of willis; site & formation
Vertebro-basilar system (side view); circle of willis;
formation & branches (post. cerebral) site & formation
Ant. & post. cerebral arteries; course & cortical branches
Middle. cerebral artery; course & cortical branches
Venous drainage
Veins of brain; superficial & deep veins
Norma basalis interna; cranial cavity
Dural folds
Dural folds; coronal section of brain
Dural folds & related venous sinuses
Falx cerebri & falx cerebelli Tentorium cerebelli

Dural folds
Dural folds & related venous sinuses
Dural venous sinuses
Side view of cavernous sinus
showing its contents

Occipital sinus

Dural venous sinuses; single & paired

Dural venous sinuses; single & paired
Site, relations & contents Tributaries

Communications of the Cavernous Sinus

Cavernous sinus
*Emissary veins
*Nerve & blood supply of dura
Emissary veins Nerve & blood supply of dura
Cranial nerves
Facial nerve
Facial nerve; origin, course, end & branches
Facial nerve; origin, course, end & branches
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Glossopharyngeal nerve; origin, course, end & branches
Lt. vagus nerve; branches in neck Rt. vagus nerve; branches in neck
Spinal root of accessory nerve; course & branches
Hypoglossal nerve
Hypoglossal nerve; origin, course, end & branches
Hypoglossal nerve; origin, course, end & branches

External auditory meatus

Tympanic membrane

External ear
Tympanic membrane

External ear
Post. wall

Lat. wall

Med. wall

Middle ear; boundaries



Post. wall Med. wall Ant. wall Post. wall Ant. wall
Med. wall



Middle ear; boundaries

Ossicles of middle ear

Muscles of middle ear

& auditory tube

Middle ear contents & auditory tube


Ossicles of middle ear Muscles of middle ear

& auditory tube
Middle ear contents & auditory tube
Bony labyrinth

Membranous labyrinth

Vestibulocochlear nerve

Inner ear & vestibulocochlear nerve

Inner ear ; bony & membranous labyrinth

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