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Wind-down Plan


Date Updated Nominated Officer Version

Table of Contents
Table of Contents - 2 -

1. Information about this document - 4 -

2. Regulatory and Legal Considerations - 4 -

3. Responsibilities and functions - 4 -

4. Risk management framework - 5 -

5. Assessment of Threshold Conditions, Scenarios and Recovery Options - 5 -

6. Monitoring Triggers - 7 -

7. Decision to Wind-down and/or Contact with the FCA - 7 -

8. Wind-down Action Plan - 8 -

8.1. IT Resilience and Data Protection - 8 -

8.2. Remediation actions for customers and market participants - 9 -

8.3. Clients’ Funds - 9 -

9.4 Complaints Handling - 10 -

9.5 Cancellation of a Regulatory Permit - 10 -

9.6 Shutting Down Operations - 10 -

9.7 Communication Plan - 10 -

9.8 Financial Projections - 10 -

9.9 Wind-down Timeline - 11 -

9. Review and Update - 11 -

Annex 1. Human Resources - 12 -

Annex 2. Assessment of Impact on Customer and Market Participants - 13 -

Annex 3. Assessment of IT Systems - 15 -

2 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
free consultation
Annex 4. Assessment of Human Resources, Vendors and Partners - 16 -

Annex 5. Assessment of Impact on Other Third Parties - 17 -

3 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
free consultation
1. Information about this document

[Describe this document. For example, ‘This Wind-down Plan (further ‘Plan’) was adopted on

_____ by the governing body.1 The nominated officer responsible for reviewing this Plan is _____.2

The purpose of this document is to ensure that in any circumstances, [Company] will have an

orderly wind-down without causing undue economic harm to consumers or to the integrity of

the UK financial system. The structure of the document is the following…’]

2. Regulatory and Legal Considerations

[The plan shall be based at least on the considerations related to the company law (e.g.,

directors’ duties), payment and/or electronic money regulations, anti-money laundering and

counter-terrorism financing regulations, data protection requirements (you must consider any

issues of transferring data), employment laws and regulations (e.g., you should be aware of

statutory protection and FCA filing requirements. For example, if the Plan is drafted for a public

company, you should explain considerations relevant to a public company. It is also advisable

to underline regulatory obligations that should be considered during a wind-down process. This

Section will help you to draft a more well-thought-out plan]

3. Responsibilities and functions

Functions and responsibilities assigned in this Plan are summarised in the table below. The list

of relevant positions is provided in Annex 1.

Position/Name of the body Functions and Substitution (where

Most likely, in your situation, it is the board of director
You may also have a specific committee (the Wind-down Committee) responsible for reviewing this Plan

4 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
free consultation
Responsibilities relevant)
Governing Body [e.g.., overall management of [N/A]

the company]
Wind-down Committee [e.g.., ] [N/A]
CEO [e.g..,] [e.g., deputy CEO]
Head of Business Line 1

4. Risk management framework

This Section summarises the risk management framework of the Company. The table below

explains various risk management policies, procedures and reports and persons responsible for

monitoring risk metrics associated with these policies, procedures and reports.

Name of the Brief description Risk Risk-

document supervisor
Third-party Risk Policy This policy is set up - Loss of Key Banking Partner

to manage the risk Partner Manager

associated with our - Loss of Key Software CTO

reliance on third- Partner

parties Etc. Etc.

Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.

5. Assessment of Threshold Conditions, Scenarios and

Recovery Options

5 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
free consultation
A Threshold is the point of no return. It is a predefined condition or a set of conditions that, if

met, indicates that our regulated business is not viable.

A Scenario is a description of a situation that eventually may lead to the point when a Threshold

is reached.

A Recovery Option is an action that we may take to avoid reaching a certain Threshold in a

particular Scenario.

The Company has carefully analysed risk management framework, conducted stress tests and

identified the following Threshold Conditions, Scenarios and Recovery Options.3

Threshold Condition Scenario Scenario Specific General Recovery

Recovery Options Options

Inability to comply - Loss of Key Banking - timely switch to - diversification of

with safeguarding Partner which another banking banking partners that

requirements maintained partner are providing

safeguarding bank safeguarding account

account of the services

Company - Consider
Etc. Etc. insurance of

clients’ funds
Etc. Etc.

Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.

6. Monitoring Triggers
You should attach your detailed assessment as an annex to this policy
6 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
free consultation
To prevent Company’s failure, it is important to monitor the risk under which the Thresholds

may be reached. Moreover, this Plan is an essential part of the Company’s risk management

framework and helps the Company to recover from or prevent the materialisation of an

adverse situation.4 Thus, it is important to set-up monitoring Triggers so that the situation is

always under the control.

Scenario Triggers Responsibility to monitor Trigger

- Loss of Key - Serious suspicion that Key the CEO

Banking Partners’ business is unviable

Partner which - There is a serious conflict

maintained between the Company and Key

safeguarding Banking Partner

bank account of - Etc.

the Company
- Etc.

7. Decision to Wind-down and/or Contact with the FCA

The governing body is responsible for making a decision to wind-down and contact the FCA in

situations where it is clear that such a decision will be taken as the chances for recovery are


[Describe the decision-making process and factors to be considered relevant for your business].

As long as this point correlates with our other policies and procedures (e.g., Business Continuity)
7 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
free consultation
8. Wind-down Action Plan

This Section is based on the Impact Assessment (Annex 2), Assessment of IT systems (Annex 3)

and Assessment of Human Resources and Vendors (Annex 4), Assessment of Impact on Other

Third Parties (Annex 5). This Section shall be a starting point for drafting Final Wind-down

Action Plan that will be approved by the governing body if the decision to wind down the

Company’s regulated business was taken.

8.1. IT Resilience and Data Protection

We recognise that there is a higher IT risk during a wind-down process, especially if the wind-

down was caused by a disaster. We want to address this risk by ensuring ongoing maintenance

of high data security standards and proper organisational and technological measures as

detailed therein.

[Describe your existing IT-resilience policies and procedures or even draft a dedicated policy

and/or responsibilities specific to a wind-down process]

We also respect the data privacy of our customers and realise that during a wind-down process,

it is essential to maintain our standards and address specific issues of data protection that may

arise during a wind-down.

[Assign responsibility for monitoring compliance with data protection standards and address

data issues specific to your potential wind-down process]

Retention of records is one of the key regulatory obligations of the Company, it is essential to

maintain access to the Client’s records, documents, data, transaction history, and ensure that

8 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
free consultation
such records are exported, archived and encrypted once the IT systems of the Company are

made redundant.

[Assign responsibility for monitoring compliance with record retention obligations and address

records issues specific to your potential wind-down process]

8.2. Remediation actions for customers and market participants

The Company considers that an orderly wind-down implies that we should minimise adverse

impact on our customers, including market participants that rely on us. Thus, if a decision to

wind-down was made the following actions must be taken into consideration when the Final

Wind-down Action Plan is drafted.

[Describe actions you are planning to take to remediate adverse impact on your customers,

including market participants (if relevant). For example, you may decide that it is important to

help them to transfer to another service provider. Assign responsibilities to specific positions,


8.3. Clients’ Funds

The Company has effective procedures in place to return the Client’s Funds in a timely manner.

[Explain your policies, procedures and practices dedicated to this topic, keep in mind that you

are very likely to encounter situations where contact with dormant Clients is not possible, and

remaining balances of the Client’s funds may remain unclaimed for a long time]

The following actions will be taken…

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[Explain how you are going to return clients’ money and custody assets in case of a wind-down.

It is important to think about the legal and regulatory aspects of the process relevant to your

business. You should not forget to think about the situation of an insolvent wind-down]

9.4 Complaints Handling

[Explain how you are planning to deal with client complaints during the wind-down process and

after the wind-down]

9.5 Cancellation of a Regulatory Permit

[Create an action plan based on the analysis of relevant laws and regulations explain the rules

applicable to the cancellation of your regulatory permit(s)]

9.6 Shutting Down Operations

[Provide detailed explanations on how you are going to close the business, pay attention to the

records retention obligations and unclaimed Client’s funds]

9.7 Communication Plan

[Make a plan on how you are going to communicate with relevant stakeholders, including

clients, business partners, investors, creditors, media, regulatory authorities]

9.8 Financial Projections

[Provide financial projections relating to different scenarios (if relevant) and make a conclusion

if the solvent wind-down scenario is possible]

10 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
free consultation
9.9 Wind-down Timeline

[Based on Section above outline of sequenced actions in a wind-down scenario and how long

each action will take. You can use MS Project, OmniPlan or similar software].

9. Review and Update

[Explain how you are going to account for changes in your business model, regulatory

guidelines, market conditions, do reviews and update your plan. You may also explain how you

are going to test this plan]


11 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
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Annex 1. Human Resources5

Governing Body

Position Name Contact Details


Wind-down Committee

Position Name Contact Details



Position Name Contact Details

Head of Business Line 1
Head of Marketing

This Annex is relevant if you do not have this list online
12 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
free consultation
Annex 2. Assessment of Impact on Customer and Market

One of the aims of this Plan is to ensure that, to the greatest extent possible, in all Scenarios, all

customers are protected and that impact on businesses that rely on us, including other

financial service providers, is minimal.

Impacted Party Description Constrains/Costs Actions to


Business Partners Business Partners We can terminate We should contact

(Type 1) relying on the (Type 1) heavily rely on our contract after 30 Business Partners

Company’s service the Company for the days’ notice without (Type 1) as soon as

provision of its providing any possible to ensure

payment services. reasons. There are that they will have

There will be a high no costs associated time to find

impact on them, as it with the termination another service

is hard for them to of the contract. provider. We must

switch. make sure that we

provide them with

our services for at

least 2 months.
Individual Customers Etc. Etc. Etc.

(Service 1)6
Business Customers Etc. Etc. Etc.

(Service 1)
Business Customers Etc. Etc. Etc.

For example, payment account, card service, payment transfers, currency exchange and related services
13 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
free consultation
(Service 2)7

For example, acquiring service
14 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
free consultation
Annex 3. Assessment of IT Systems

IT System Description How long do we How many hours

need this function? of IT employees

need to maintain

the system
IT System (API) to Business Partners As long as we serve 4-5 hours a week

provide services (Type 1) use API to Business Partners on average

Business Partners connect to us to (Type 1). Minimum

(Type 1) provide their services for 2 months.

Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.

15 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
free consultation
Annex 4. Assessment of Human Resources, Vendors and Partners

Position of an Description How long do we need this

employee /function employee/vendor/partners

of a contractor/Name

of a vendor/partner
Account Managers for Business Partners As long as we serve Business Partners

Business Partners (Type 1) use API to (Type 1). Minimum for 2 months. In some

(Type 1) connect to us to situations, it may be expedient to fire each

provide their services second Account Manager.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

16 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
free consultation
Annex 5. Assessment of Impact on Other Third Parties

Third-party Description
Creditor 1 Creditor 1 potentially facing the default by the Company on its

obligations, and this may trigger insolvency proceedings against the

Etc. Etc.

17 To understand how to fill-in this template, read our article or book a
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