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Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.

Enghouse Competella
Communication Suite
for Teams V1.0
Deployment Guide

Version 1.0
30th May 2022


Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Getting Started ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Required Basic Knowledge ................................................................................................................ 4
1.3. Software Licence Handling ................................................................................................................ 4
1.4. Accounts and Permissions Requirements .................................................................................. 4
1.5. Azure Active Directory .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.6. Required information related to the customers Teams environment, Gateway,
SIP-trunk, PSTN .................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.7. Customized Voice Prompt .................................................................................................................. 5

2. Setup in your Azure Portal ..................................................................................................................... 6

2.1. Azure User Importer App ................................................................................................................... 10
2.2. Presence Server App .......................................................................................................................... 17
2.3. Calendar Service App ........................................................................................................................ 23
2.4. Calling Bot ................................................................................................................................................ 26
2.5. Creating Resource accounts for Queues and IVR .............................................................. 35

3. Appendix 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 38
3.1. Queue Configuration in Competella ............................................................................................ 39
3.2. Ping Test ................................................................................................................................................... 39
3.3. Links ............................................................................................................................................................40

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

4. Appendix 2 – Check Lists ....................................................................................................................... 41

About Enghouse Interactive .............................................................................................................................. 43

Core Products and Solutions ....................................................................................................................... 43
About Us................................................................................................................................................................. 43

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

1. Introduction
This document describes the how-to setup your Office 365 and Azure environment to start
using the Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams.

1.1. Getting Started

To start using the services in the Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams you
have to some basic setup of your Office 365 and Azure environment, this includes:
• Register a Calling Bot in your Azure environment
• Create a Resource Accounts (Endpoints) for your incoming queues
• Assign phone numbers from you Direct Routing to your Resource Accounts
• Register 3 different Apps that handles user logins, user import and presence.

1.2. Required Basic Knowledge

The installation procedure requires that you have detailed knowledge of the existing IT-
environment and detailed knowledge of the Teams deployment in Azure.

1.3. Software Licence Handling

The new release, Enghouse Competella UC Server R2.7, incorporates a new license control on
installed components. The license resides on the SaaS servers, so this part is handled by the
Enghouse Competella engineers.

1.4. Accounts and Permissions Requirements

The person performing the configuration tasks for the customer in Azure needs to have
sufficient permissions in Azure to add applications in “App registrations” and to create bots
through “Bot Channels Registrations”.

1.5. Azure Active Directory

The following table outlines the information that will get imported from the Azure directory to
Competella. If you need any additional fields added or fields removed from the import, contact
the Enghouse Competella representative responsible for configuring your system.

Azure Field name Field in Enghouse

AccountEnabled Active
DisplayName DisplayName
GivenName FirstName
JobTitle Title
Mail EMail

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

MobilePhone PhoneWorkMobile
OfficeLocation Office
ImAddresses SIP
SurName LastName
BusinessPhones PhoneWork
UserPrincipalName UserPrincipalName
ObjectId AzureADObjectGui

The URI’s setup for the incoming queue’s and IVR’s, see “Calling bot” section, needs to be
imported as well.
In case the Department field of the URI’s are empty, please add “Microsoft Communication
Application Instance" or “Skype For Business Application Endpoint” in the Department field to
have them imported.

1.6. Required information related to the customers Teams

environment, Gateway, SIP-trunk, PSTN
Resources Description
DDI Number(s) to the incoming queue(s).
These are PSTN phone numbers from
your Direct Routing.
Name on queues Set names for incoming queues
Teams users Teams user accounts that will be
assigned as Agent or Attendants in the
Enghouse Competella system. Check
that the Location Profile is correctly

1.7. Customized Voice Prompt

The standard setup of the system will include standard voice prompts for greeting messages,
queue waiting messages and other voice prompts in the system. To get your own company
profile, when customers call your organization, you have to record your own voice prompts.
There are approximately 10 different voice prompts that you should consider customizing, see
document Enghouse Competella Voice Prompts.docx. You can make your own recordings or
order voice prompts from an external company.
The voice prompts should be in .wma file format.
The audio content in the .wma file should be: 16-bits per sample, 16000 sampling rate,

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

2. Setup in your Azure Portal

Identity Server App
You will need to register an App that handles the user logins towards the Enghouse Competella
This is done under “App registrations” in the Azure portal. Follow the steps below.
Log on to your Azure portal and go to “App registrations”.

Select “New registration”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Add a suitable name for the Application.

You need to add the “Redirect URI”:
Press “Register”.
Go to the overview and find your “Directory (tenant) ID”. Apply it to the redirect URI above:<Directory (tenant) ID>/signin-oidc

Go in under “Authentication”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Under “Implicit grant”, check the “ID tokens” box and save.

Go in under “Expose an API”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Press “Add scope” and then under “Application ID URI”, add your cloud FQDN and press “Save
and continue”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Under “Scope Name”, enter a valid name.

Toggle “Who can consent?” to “Admins and users”.
Enter an “Admin consent display name”.
Enter an “Admin consent description”.
Press “Add scope”.
From the Identity Server App you will have to provide Enghouse Competella the:
• App ID
• Tenant ID
To be used for configuration of the backend.

2.1. Azure User Importer App

You will need to register an App to open up for the import of user information to Competella.
This is done under “App registrations” in the Azure portal.
Follow the steps below.

Log on to your Azure portal and go to “App registrations”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Select “New registration”.

Add a suitable name for the Application and press “Register”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Take a note of the “Application (client) ID” and the “Directory (tenant) ID”. This will have to be
provided to the responsible Enghouse Competella engineer who will configure the customer in
the backend.

Go to “Certificates & secrets”.

Add a description and select expiration. Press “Add”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Copy the “Client secret” Value and save it in a text file. This will have to be provided to the
responsible Enghouse Competella engineer who will configure the customer in the backend.
Go to “API permissions”.

Add permissions from “Microsoft Graph”

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

From the “Delegated permissions” select “User.Read”, “User.Read.All” and “User.ReadBasic.All”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Press “Add permissions”.

From the “Application permissions” select “Directory.Read.All” and “User.Read.All”.
“User.Read.All” is needed if you want to have thumbnails/pictures visible in Enghouse
Competella Multimedia Agent.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Press “Add permissions”.

When all the permissions are added they need to be granted.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Press “Grant admin consent for ….” And the permissions will be granted.

From the Azure User Importer App you will have to provide Enghouse Competella the:
• Azure Tenant Name
• App ID
• Tenant ID
• Client Secret Key
To be used for configuration of the backend.

2.2. Presence Server App

You will need to register an App that handles presence.
This is done under “App registrations” in the Azure portal. Follow the steps below.
Log on to your Azure portal and go to “App registrations”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Select “New registration”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Add a suitable name for the Application.

Press “Register”.
Go in under “Authentication”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Under “Advanced settings” set “Treat application as a public client” to “Yes” and press “Save”
Go in under API permissions.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Add and grant the following permissions: Microsoft Graph/Delegate/Presence.Read

Microsoft Graph/Delegate/Presence.Read.All
You will also need a user that the Enghouse Competella Presence process can use to connect
to the Presence App. Page 16

Go in under “Users” and add a new user.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

No Groups or Roles needs to be selected. Press “Create”.

Make sure that this account is not setup for MFA authentication.
There might also be a password change needed on this newly created account, so login with
this account into the Azure portal and change password. Also make sure that the password
doesn’t expire.
From the Presence App you will have to provide Enghouse Competella the:

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

• App ID
• Tenant ID
• Username (of the created user for presence)
• Password (of the created user for presence)
• Object ID (of the created user for presence)
To be used for configuration of the backend.

2.3. Calendar Service App

In case the agents want to be able to see users calendar appointments and send mail, you will
have to register an App that facilitates the connection for the Calendar Sync process.
This is done under “App registrations” in the Azure portal.
Log on to your Azure portal and go to “App registrations”.

Select “New registration”.

Add a suitable name for the Application.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Press “Register”.
Go to “Certificates & secrets”.

Add a description and select expiration. Press “Add”.

Copy the “Client secret” Value and save it in a text file. This will have to be provided to the
responsible Enghouse Competella engineer who will configure the customer in the backend.
Go in under “API permissions”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Add and grant the following API permissions:

Microsoft Graph/Application/Calendars.Read
Microsoft Graph/Application/Mail.Send

From the Calendar Sync App you will have to provide Enghouse Competella with the:
• App ID
• Secret Key
To be used for configuration of the backend.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

For different features, regarding the calendar view in Multimedia Attendant, values are set
“False” by default.
To have them changed, inform Enghouse Competella about needed changes:
Attribute Value Description
ShowLocation False Set this parameter to
true, if location text
should be visible from
users Calendars.
ShowPrivate False Set this parameter to
true, if Private meetings
should be visible in users
Note! - Subject or
location is never visible
on a private meeting.
ShowSubject False Set this parameter to
true, if subject text should
be visible in users

2.4. Calling Bot

To be able to tie your main numbers to corresponding incoming queues in Competella, you will
have to register a calling bot in your Azure environment. To this bot you will then add a SIP/URI
address per queue and tie it with a PSTN number. One bot can serve multiple incoming
First you will need to register a Bot. Follow the steps below.
Click “Create a resource”.

Search for “Azure Bot”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Click “Create”.

Give the Bot a name/handle.

Add a subscription and tie the Bot to a Resource group.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Change pricing plan needed.

Set “Type of App” to “Multi Tenant”.
Click “Review + create” and then “Create”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Click “Go to resource”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Go to “Configuration”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

In the “Messaging endpoint” you will have to add the link used to communicate with Competella.
This link is “https://<customer>”.
So if your tenant is,, or similar, the link should be:
This information will have to be sent to Competella.
Go in under “Channels”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Add “Microsoft Teams” as a channel under “Available Channels”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Click “Enable Calling” under “Calling”.

Add the “Messaging endpoint” link from above to “Webhook (for calling)”. Press “Save”. Page 25

Now continue the Bot configuration and set the App settings by going to “Configuration” and
click on “Manage” on the “Microsoft App ID”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Get or create a new “Client secret”.

The “Value” must be provided to Competella.

Go in under “API permissions”.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Add and grant the following permissions:

Microsoft Graph/Application/Calls.AccessMedia.All
Microsoft Graph/Application/Calls.Initiate.All
Microsoft Graph/Application/Calls.InitiateGroupCall.All
Microsoft Graph/Application/Calls.JoinGroupCall.All
Microsoft Graph/Application/Calls.JoinGroupCallAsGuest.All
Microsoft Graph/Application/OnlineMeetings.Read.All
Microsoft Graph/Application/OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All
From the Bot you will have to provide Enghouse Competella the:
• App ID
• Secret Key – Value
• Messaging EndPoint
To be used for configuration of the backend.

2.5. Creating Resource accounts for Queues and IVR

Now that your bot is setup, you can create SIP/URI’s for the incoming queues and IVR’s and
assign them to the Bot.
This is done through Power Shell and requires that you have installed the “Teams PowerShell
If you have a Hybrid scenario, it is advised that you run the PS commands from a machine setup
with UCMA and part of your Skype topology.
The example below, using the “New-CsOnlineApplicationInstance”, is for a pure Azure
The command “New-CsHybridApplicationEnpoint” should be used instead if you are in a Hybrid

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

(New-CsHybridApplicationEndpoint -ApplicationId xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -

DisplayName "HelpDesk" -SipAddress -OU

Start your PS session and follow the steps below:

1. First change the meeting configuration of the bot, where "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-
XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" is the ID of your bot. Set-
CsApplicationMeetingConfiguration -AllowRemoveParticipantAppIds
2. Create an URI and tie it to the Application ID of your bot. New-
CsOnlineApplicationInstance -UserPrincipalName -
ApplicationId xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -DisplayName " HelpDesk"
Now wait for the AD synchronization towards Azure (if this is a Hybrid scenario). This
may take a while!
3. Fetch the Object ID of your Endpoint and sync it. Get-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -
Identity Sync-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -ObjectId []
4. Make sure that you assign the correct Voice Routing Policy to your Endpoint Grant-
CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity -PolicyName "XXX-
No Restrictions-3"
5. Assign a Virtual Phone license to the resource account by going to the Office Admin
portal and find your URI under users/active users

6. Sync your URI again. Sync-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -ObjectId []

7. To tie a phone number to you URI, use the Set-CsOnlineApplicationInstance
command. ApplicationID is the one from the Bot. Set-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -
Identity -OnpremPhoneNumber +468XXXXXXXX -
ApplicationId xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Please observe! If you have
phone numbers provided by Microsoft, use the SetCsOnlineVoiceApplicationInstance

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

command to set the number: Set-CsOnlineVoiceApplicationInstance -Identity

"" -TelephoneNumber "+468XXXXXXXX"
8. Sync your URI again. Sync-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -ObjectId [] Done!

In case you have multiple incoming queues/numbers, just follow steps 2 - 8 above, to create yet
another URI and tie it to the same Bot application ID.

Please observe!!! The resource accounts must be imported into the Enghouse Competella
directory by the Azure User Importer process. This means that after the creation of the
resource account you might have to wait until the day after before it is visible in the Enghouse
Competella Directory.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

3. Appendix 1
Information to Competella
The following information needs to be provided to Enghouse Competella for a successful
launch of the SaaS service.
Partner Information
• Partner
• Responsible Implementation Technician
Customer Information
• Customer Name
• Customer Azure Tenant Domain
• Customer Domain (in case of Hybrid)
Azure User Importer App
• -App ID
• -Tenant ID
• -Client Secret Key
Identity Server App
• -App ID
• -Tenant ID
Presence Server App
• -App ID
• -Tenant ID
• -Username (of the created user for presence)
• -Password (of the created user for presence)
• -Object ID (of the created user for presence)
Calendar Sync App
• -App ID
• -Client Secret Key
Calling Bot
• -App ID
• -Tenant ID

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

• -Client Secret Key

• -Messaging endpoint
As soon as your configuration in Azure is done, please email this information to Enghouse
Competella so that we can configure the backend.

3.1. Queue Configuration in Competella

Configuration of the incoming queues are done in Enghouse Competella Management Tools.
You reach it here:
On your incoming queues you will have to add the Advanced Property:
“AgentAnonymity” and set it to “True”

Please download and read the “Web Management R2.5 – Queue Handling User Guide” for more
information on how to configure queues, agent groups and more.

3.2. Ping Test

To test that the calling bot has an open channel towards the Enghouse Competella SaaS
environment, please open your Messaging Endpoint value
( in a browser. But replace callback/calling
with ping.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

You should then get the text “ping” echoed back:

This will only work after Enghouse Competella has configured your tenant in the backend.

3.3. Links
Here are the different links to access and configure Enghouse Competella.
Enghouse Competella Management Tools
Agent Portal
Quality Monitor
MA address (connection settings in client)
Port: 8099

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

4. Appendix 2 – Check Lists

This is an overview of what has to be in place for the onboarding to be complete.
• Azure configuration
o Identity Server app configured
▪ Verify: Tenant ID in Redirect URI and that it is correct
▪ ▪ Logging in to Enghouse Competella Management Tools works (also
requires correct backend setup)
o Azure Importer configured and run
▪ Verify: Search for users in MA client or CMT Directory
▪ Semicolon (“;”) is used as a delimiter in the data internally, and is not allowed in
the data
o Presence server app configured
• ▪ Presence service user configured (Enghouse Competella)
• ▪ MFA switched off for presence user (log in with this user to verify)
• ▪ Verify: get presence for users in the MA client
o Calendar Sync App configured
• ▪ Verify: see calendar information in MA client
• Bot
o Queue URI’s must be imported into the directory
▪ One of the following strings must be in the department field of the
URI/Resource account: “Microsoft Communication Application Instance” or
“Skype For Business Application Endpoint”
▪ Verify: Ping test described earlier
▪ Verify: Call the queue URI’s and get a connection (NB! If you can call the URI
from another Teams client but not from an external number, please check
your direct routing setup).
o Enghouse Competella back end configuration
▪ Services configured
▪ Verify (Competella): Services up and running
o Enghouse Competella configuration
▪ Queue open

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

• Verify: queue button green (if closed, open manually or review

schedules and holidays)
▪ Agent group attached to queue (for the current queue time)
• Verify: queue appears in MA client
▪ Agent active member of group
• Verify: Check group status in MA client menu
o Real-time status
▪ Agent logged in
• Verify: MA client started
▪ Agent’s Teams presence OK
• Verify: Teams client presence. Also, search for agent user and see if
presence is correctly shown

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

About Enghouse Interactive

Core Products and Solutions

About Us
We are the world’s most reliable customer contact technology provider. Our global brand is built
on our track record of consistently honouring our commitments to our customers, our staff and
our shareholders.
Enghouse Interactive, a subsidiary of Enghouse Systems Limited (TSX: ENGH), is a leading
global provider of contact centre software, services, and video solutions, serving thousands of
customers for over 35 years. Our solutions enable our partners and customers to deliver
winning customer experiences by transforming the contact centre from a cost centre into a
powerful growth engine.
Enghouse Interactive’s core values – Reliability and Choice – are key differentiators in the global
marketplace. Reliability speaks to our reputation for consistently honouring its commitments to
its customers, staff, partners, and investors. Choice is reflected in the unparalleled breadth of
our CX portfolio, which enables partners and customers to choose from a wide array of
solutions, whether deployed on-premise, in the cloud or on a hybrid platform. By leveraging a
broad range of technologies and capabilities based on open standards, Enghouse Interactive
simplifies the advanced integrations customers require.
Respecting local regulatory requirements, and supporting any telephony technology, Enghouse
Interactive ensures that its customers can be reached by their customers – anytime, anywhere,
and via any channel.

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

Enghouse Competella Communication Suite for Teams V1.0 Version 1.0

How to contact us

EMEA: +44 203 357 3001 (option 3 then 5)

Phone USA: +1 800 788 9730 (option 5)
APAC: +61 52 087 933





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