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Harem CYOA
Version 2.0

Warning, this CYOA is NSFW.

You have been transported to the world of Avatar: the last airbender. You now get to make your very
own harem from the characters in the show! Not only that, but it’s possible to learn multiple
elements, depending on the choices you make. All members of your harem can be convinced to have
sex with you with some persuasion.

You start with ​100​ Avatar Points (​AP​). Every character you choose to add to your harem costs you ​5 AP​.
You can upgrade your characters with ​AP​ for bonuses. Each upgrade lets that character teach you a skill.
You cannot choose upgrades from characters you haven’t chosen.

After you decide on your harem, you can spend ​AP ​for bonuses, animal guides, and homes. You can
also gain more ​AP​ with curses at the end. You cannot end with less than ​0 AP​.

Some characters get along with each other better than others. Each character has positive and negative
relationships. A positive relationship means these characters are more likely to enjoy each other’s
company and will be more willing to have sex together, if you’re looking for threesomes. A negative
relationship means they are more likely to bicker or fight each other, and they will not be willing to
have sex together. If two characters are not listed as having a positive or negative relationship, this
means that they’re neutral. Each character also has unique personalities, kinks, and bonuses that are
underlined and apply as soon as you purchase the character.

Some options grant you bonus Finale Points (​FP​). At the end of this CYOA, your gathered ​fp ​will help
you defeat the Fire Lord in the final quest. First, though you may create your own character.

Character Creation
In this section, you can design who you are in the world of Avatar: the Last
Airbender. Some options cost AP, some are free, and some give you points.

Masculine Feminine

Weak Fit Muscular
+5 AP -1 AP; +2 FP -3 AP; +3FP

Very Thin Average Chubby
+1 AP -1 AP; +2FP +4 AP

Child Teen Young Adult Adult Elderly
+3 AP -1 AP; +1 FP -2 AP; +2 FP -3 AP; +3 FP +5 AP

Ugly Average Beautiful Gorgeous
+6 AP +2 AP -4 AP -8 AP

Breast​- Can either ignore this section or select one, even if you selected “Masculine”
Tiny Average Huge
-2 AP free -5 AP

Penis​- Can either ignore this section or select one, even if you selected “Feminine”
Tiny Average Huge
-2 AP free -5 AP

Bender Non-Bender
-3 AP; +5 FP Selecting this allows you to learn to bend from your +15 AP Selecting this prevents you from learning how to bend
harem in the “Harem Creation” section. You can bend as many any element, even if you pay for the training in the “Harem
elements as you’d like, as long as you pay for the training. Creation” section.

Home Nation
Select one home nation. If you chose “Bender”, training with that element becomes 50% cheaper. Round up when applying this

Air Nomads Water Tribe Earth Kingdom Fire Nation

(50% off “Airbending” and +6 (50% off “Waterbending”, (50% off “Earthbending”, (50% off “Blue Fire”,
FP) “Healing”, “Bloodbending”, “Metalbending”, “Seismic “Lightning”, “Firebending”,
and “Cumbender”) Sense”, and “Rock-Alanche”) and “Redirect Lightning”)

Harem Creation
In this section, you can select the members of your harem. Each character you
choose costs 5 AP. You can select as many as you like, so long as you can afford
When you purchase a character, their personality, kinks, friends, enemies, and
souvenirs come by default. You can also pay extra for special abilities that your
characters can teach you. You cannot purchase powers from characters that are
not in your harem.
If two characters are friends, it means they are inclined to have sex with each
other. If they are enemies, it means they will not want to have sex with each
other. If two characters are related, by default they will not want to have sex
with each other, even if they’re listed as friends.
By default, members of you harem will love you. If you treat them well, their
love for you will grow. If you mistreat them, they will begin to dislike you and
may even try to escape.
This section is split into 10 female options and 10 male options.

Azula​:-5 ap
Personality​: Azula is cold, commanding, and
conniving. She has difficulty forming close
emotional relationships, but makes up for this
in wit and cunning. During sex, Azula will
always demand to be on top.
Kinks​: Dominance, Sadism, Cuckolding,
Enslaving, Strap-on Dildos, Anal, BDSM, Daddy’s
Girl, Multiple Partners, Exhibitionism, Rapeplay
Friends​: Mai, Ozai (father), Ty Lee, Zhao
Enemies​: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Suki, Toph, Zuko
Souvenirs​: You gain a group of dai li agents
serving as your personal bodyguards.

Blue Fire​:-5 AP, +5FP

Learn from Azula how to bend her signature blue

Lightning​:-7 AP, +7FP

Azula will personally train you to shoot
lightning from your fingertips.

Intimidate​:-3 AP, +2FP

Fear is the only way to rule. Learn Azula’s
Machiavellian style of “inspiring” people.

Jin​:-5 AP
Personality​: Jin is cute and great at making a
good first impression. She’s also quick to get a
crush on someone. She will demand to be taken
on a date before having sex.
Kinks​:​ ​Romance, Oral
Friends​:​ ​Zuko
Enemies​: N/A
Coupon​: This coupon will buy you prostitutes all
around the world.

Seduction​:-4 AP
She’ll show you how to seduce anyone in only a
few hours. Almost always works!

Tea​:-1 AP
Jin can teach you how to make excellent tea. It’s
just as good as Iroh’s!

In the Know​:-2 AP
Wherever you go, you’ll always know where the
best places are like hotels, restaurants, and
landmarks, as well as make-out spots.

Joo Dee​:-5 AP
Personality​: Joo Dee is very good at following
orders. However, she always wants to make sure
everything follows a strict schedule. During sex,
she always wants to get ordered around.
Kinks​: Submissive, Enslaved, Hypnosis,
Abduction, BDSM, Masochism
Friends​: N/A
Enemies​: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph
Earth King’s Guests​: Within the Earth
Kingdom, you’ll be treated as an honored guest.
In fact, you’ll be treated as well as the earth
king is.

Hypnotize​:-6 AP, +3FP

Joo Dee can teach you how to hypnotize people so
they do your bidding.

Servant​:-1 AP
Joo Dee can teach you important skills for
servitude like cooking, cleaning, etiquette, etc.

Compliant​:-1 AP
Different places have different rules. Joo Dee can
keep you informed so you don’t get in trouble
with the law.

June​:-5 AP
Personality​: June is very strong-willed and
individualistic. The one thing that motivates her
more than anything else is money. Despite being
in your harem, she’s going to want to be paid
before having sex.
Kinks​: BDSM, Sadism, Abducting, Bestiality,
Dominance, Exhibitionism, Asphyxiation, Leather,
Tattoos, Prostitution, Piercings, Rapeplay
Friends​: Zuko
Enemies​: N/A
Whip​:Anybody struck by this whip will have a
strong desire to follow your orders.

Domestication​:-2 AP, +1 FP
With enough time and effort, you’ll be able to
domesticate any animal on the planet, not just
your animal guides.
Strength​:-3 AP, +2 FP
June knows better than anybody how to become
both physically and emotionally tough.

Flawless Skin​:-1 AP
June can make sure that you and your harem’s
skin is flawless.

Katara​:-5 AP
Personality​: Katara is a caring and motherly
person. She has a strong sense of justice and
will always defend the weak. She has some serious
daddy issues, though, and this frequently comes
into play in bed.
Kinks​: Daddy’s Girl, Pregnancy, Damsel in
Distress, Bukkake, Milking, Tentacles, Milf
Friends​: Aang, Haru, Jet, Sokka (brother), Suki,
Yue, Hakoda (father)
Enemies​: Azula, Joo Dee, Mai, Ozai, Toph, Ty Lee,
Zhao, Zuko
Spirit Water​: Katara has water from the spirit
oasis. She can use it to bring someone who
recently died back from the dead . One-time use.

Waterbending​:-5 AP, +5 FP
Now you’ll be able to control water, the element
of change.

Healing​:-5 AP, +5 FP
She’ll teach you how to heal non-fatal wounds.
Useful if you get two fish-hooks in your thumb.

Bloodbending​:-5 AP, +5 FP
She may not like it, but she can teach you to
bloodbend. Only works during a full moon,

Mai​:-5 AP
Personality​: Mai is generally unemotional,
although she can let her voice be heard when she
needs to. She will hold a grudge if you ever try
to leave her. Before having sex, she will require
that you promise to never abandon her.
Kinks​: Sadism, Sharp Objects
Friends​: Azula, Ty Lee, Zuko
Enemies​: N/A
Ninja Dagger​: This dagger is extremely quiet
and poisons its victims.

Projectile Weapons​:-3 AP, +3 FP

She can show you how to throw knives with
deadly accuracy. Just be careful, alright?

Stoic​:-1 AP, +1 FP
Some may say she’s apathetic, but it’s actually
really useful to never have to worry about
anything, and she can teach you to be like her.
Courage​:-1 AP, +1 FP
It takes a lot to stand up to your friends. Mai
will make you fearless in defense of your

Suki​:-5 AP
Personality​: Suki is fiercely loyal, strong,
and kind-hearted. If you mess with her, she will
beat you up and look cute doing it. In bed, she
will expect you to dress effeminately.
Kinks​: Crossdressing, traps, bdsm, romance,
Anal, Oral
Friends​: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Ty Lee
Enemies​: Azula, Ozai, Zhao, Zuko
Fans​: These impervious fans will protect the
holder from any attacks they intercept.

Kyoshi Warrior​:-3 AP, +3 FP

Learn how to become an elite warrior trained in
the art of stealth. Sure, the outfit looks a little
girly, but it’s worth it!

CQC​:-3 AP, +3 FP
You won’t always be able to keep your distance
from enemies. Suki will teach you how to fight
up close and personal.
Beguile​:2 AP
People you’re in a relationship will want to be
more romantic with you.

Toph​:-5 AP
Personality​: Toph is stubborn, strong-willed,
and loves to tease others. There’s a sweet,
vulnerable side to her, but it’s deep inside. In
bed, she will insist on you playing with her feet.
Kinks​: foot fetish, dominant, tickling,
Friends​: Aang, Sokka, Suki, The Boulder, Zuko
Enemies​: Azula, Katara, Joo Dee, Mai, Ozai, Ty
Beifong Crest​: The flying boar works as a get
out of jail free card.

Earthbending​:-5 AP, +5 FP
Who better to learn earthbending from than the
Blind Bandit herself? Just keep in mind, it will
be bitter work.
Metal bending​:-7 AP, +7 FP
She’s the greatest earthbender in the world!
Don’t you knuckle-heads forget it!

Seismic Sense​:-7 AP, +7 FP

So long as your feet are firmly planted on the
ground, you’ll be able to “see” pretty much
anything, even if you’re not directly looking at

Ty Lee​:-5 AP
Personality​: Ty Lee is extremely perky and
optimistic. Almost nothing could upset her.
During sex, she’ll want to try some strange
positions in the kama sutra with you.
Kinks​: Cosplay, Multiple Partners, Kama Sutra,
Tickling, Exhibitionism
Friends​: Azula, Mai, Suki, Sokka, Zuko
Enemies​: N/A
Crucible Fire​: Wearing this tiara makes it so
you’ll usually succeed at stressful activities.

Chi Blocker​:-5 AP, +5 FP

Ty Lee will teach you how to momentarily block
peoples’ chi, preventing them from bending.

Companionable​:-1 AP
Even people who are your enemies will easily
become your friends.

Acrobatics/Flexibility​:-2 AP, +1 FP
Ty Lee can show you how to do all of the amazing
flips and stunts that come so naturally to her.

Yue​:-5 AP
Personality​: Yue has a strong sense of duty to
her tribe. She is more than willing to sacrifice
herself for others. Yue prefers to have sex when
the moon is out.
Kinks​: Cuckolding, anal, Bukkake, Marriage,
Tentacles, submissive
Friends​: Katara, Aang, Sokka
Enemies​: Ozai, Azula, Zhao
Betrothal Necklace​: The first person who
wears this necklace will have a strong desire to
marry you. This effect lasts even if the necklace
is removed.

Spirit of the Moon​:-2 AP, +2 AP

Whenever the moon is out, Yue can serve as a
guardian angel, helping you in any way she can.

Spirit World​:-2 AP, +2 AP

Yue can teach you how to enter the spirit world.
She can also get you to the spirit oasis, which has
a strong connection to the spirit world.
Hair Stylist​:-1 AP
Nobody knows how to style hair better than Yue
does. She’ll teach you and your harem how to do
it flawlessly.

Aang​:-5 AP
Personality​: Aang is a pacifist with a good
sense of humor. The duty to protect the world
weighs on him. Although usually submissive,
Aang is dominant while in the Avatar State.
Kinks​: Submissive (usually), Marriage,
Friends​: Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Toph
Enemies​: Azula, Joo Dee, Ozai, Zhao
Airbender Staff​: This staff will let you fly
around, even if you don’t pick the airbending

Airbending​: -6 AP, +6 FP
Aang will teach you the ancient art of
airbending, so he’ll no longer be the last one.

Avatar State​: -10 AP, +10 FP

While in the Avatar State, you gain the power of
all the previous Avatars, but you also lose
control of yourself.

Bridge Between Worlds​: -3 AP, +3 AP

Aang can teach you to meditate so that you enter
the spirit world. Your physical body should stay
where you left it.

the Boulder​:-5 AP
Personality​: Everyone’s favorite egotistical
earthbender, besides Toph, of course. At heart,
he’s a good person. He constantly refers to
himself in the third person and requires you do
the same for yourself in bed.
Kinks​: Abduction, Dominance, Exhibitionism,
Large Insertions, Foot Fetish, Anal
Friends​: Toph
Enemies​: N/A
Championship Stage​: So long as you’re on
this stage, you will win any competition.

Rock-alanche​: -4 AP, +4 FP
Like Toph, the Boulder can teach you to
earthbender. Although he’s not as skilled as
Toph, he’s very powerful in his own right.

Buff​: -2 AP, +3 FP
The Boulder can easily get you swol.

Charismatic​: -1 AP
The Boulder makes an excellent first impression,
and he can teach you to do the same.

Hakoda​:-5 AP
Personality​: Hakoda is a stoic and powerful
leader. He fights for his family and the world. He
expects to play the role of daddy in bed.
Kinks​: Bukkake, Daddy, Romantic,
Impregnation, Marriage
Friends​: Katara (daughter), Sokka (son), Aang
Enemies​: Ozai, Zhao, Azula
Stink ’n Sink​: Hakoda has tangle mines that
cause enemies to flee in disgust from their awful

Melee Combat​: -2 AP, +2 FP

Hakoda is a fierce warrior and can train you to
defend yourself.

Strategist​: -2 AP, +2 FP
Even if the odds are stacked are stacked against
you, you’ll be able to figure out a clever

Leader​: -2 AP, +2 FP
Public speaking, assertiveness, persuasiveness-
all of these are things Hakoda can teach you.

Haru​:-5 AP
Personality​: Haru has lived under fire nation
rule and is reluctant to express himself.
However, if you befriend him, he can prove to be
an excellent lover. However, he’d prefer to have
sex in secret.
Kinks​: Cuckolding, Romance
Friends​: Katara, Sokka, Aang
Enemies​: Ozai, Zhao, Azula
Mustache​: Haru’s mustache is very sexy. Women
cannot resist it. He can help you grow a powerful
mustache as well.

Earthbending​: -3 AP, +3 FP
Haru is still learning to earthbend, but he can
teach you what he knows.

Secret​: -1 AP, +1 FP
Need to stay hidden? Haru can show you how to
hide in plain sight.

Charity​: -1 AP, +1 FP
Whenever you help a person in need, they will
try to repay your kindness and never turn on
you. (Unlike some people…)

Jet​:-5 AP
Personality​: Jet is a cool freedom fighter. He
has a troubled past but is looking for a fresh start
in life. He wants to bring you to his hideout for
a fun night.
Kinks​: Cuckolding, Romantic, Sadism,
Friends​: Katara
Enemies​: Ozai, Zhao, Azula, Zuko
Straw Tongue​: So long as you have a piece of
straw in your mouth, you become extremely
persuasive to anyone who finds you attractive.

Combat​: -3 ap, +3 FP
Jet is a skilled fighter and can even hold his
own against the Avatar. He can teach you his

Romantic​: -3 AP
Jet can show you how to seduce mostly anybody
you like.

Deceptive​: -2 AP, -2 FP
You become a convincing liar.

Ozai​:-5 AP
Personality​: Ozai is a commanding and
sinister person.He ruthlessly seeks what he wants
and will not allow anyone to stand in his way.
He does not join your harem until after you
complete the “Defeat the Fire Lord” Quest.
Kinks​: Dominant, Sadism, Rapeplay, BDSM,
Daddy, Cuckolding, Enslaving
Friends​: Azula (daughter), Zhao
Enemies​: Aang, Zuko (son), Katara, Sokka,
Suki, Hakoda, Jet, Haru, Toph, Teo
Sozin’s Comet​: The comet now arrives once a
year, and every time it does, all of your bending
abilities become much more powerful.

Firebending​: -2 AP
Ozai is the most powerful firebender in the
world. He would be an excellent teacher.

Lightning​: -3 AP
Ozai can teach you the deadliest bending art.

Authority​: -1 AP
People will tremble before you and bow to your

Sokka​:-5 AP
Personality​: According to him, meat and
sarcasm are pretty much his whole identity.
However, he’s also an excellent fighter and has a
great sense of humor. Before sex, Sokka will
prepare for a romantic evening with flowers and
Kinks​: Voyeurism, Oral, Romance,
Cross-Dressing, Multiple Partners
Friends​: Aang, Katara (sister), Toph, Suki,
Hakoda (father), Yue, Ty Lee, Zuko
Enemies​: Zhao, Ozai, Azula, Joo Dee
Cactus Juice​: Sokka still has plenty of cactus
juice from the desert. Get ready for the best trip
of your life.

Warrior​: -3 AP, +3 FP
After a few lessons with Sokka, you’ll be
proficient with a spear, sword, and boomerang.

Inventive​: -1 AP, +1 FP
Sokka has a creative mind, and he can help you
come up with unique solutions to your problems.

Comedy​: -1 AP
Sokka is a master at comedy and can teach you
his sarcastic, witty sense of humor.

Teo​:-5 AP
Personality​: Teo is a free spirit who loves
flying with his glider. He doesn’t let his
disability keep him tethered to the ground. Teo
wants to have sex while gliding through the air.
Kinks​: Anal, Cuckolding
Friends​: Aang, Katara, Sokka
Enemies​: Ozai, Zhao, Azula
Steal Your Girl​: Teo can teach you how to
seduce other peoples’ significant others.

Mechanist​: -1 AP, +1 FP
Like his father, Teo is very inventive and can
teach you how to work with machines.

Air Glider​: -2 AP, +2 FP

Teo will offer you a glider and show you how to
use it.

Wildlife Specialist​: -1 AP
Teo can teach you all about the wildlife in this
world and how to befriend them.

Zhao​:-5 AP
Personality​: Zhao is conceited and
authoritative. He has a habit of letting his anger
turn to blind rage, though. Zhao only wants to
have sex when he’s angry.
Kinks​: BDSM, Dominant, Abduction, Rapeplay,
Friends​: Ozai, Azula
Enemies​: Aang, Sokka, Katara, Zuko, Yue
Yuyan Archers​: You gain a group of elite
Yuyan archers as bodyguards.

Firebending​: -3 AP, +3 FP
Zhao is a competent firebender and can teach you
what he knows, although he lacks restraint and is
not the best teacher.

Spirit Slayer​: -2 AP, +1 FP

Some spirits exist in this world. Zhao can show
you where they are and how to kill them.

Shady Business​: -2 AP, +2 FP

Need someone taken care of? Zhao can find and
pay off people who will take care of that for you.

Zuko​:-5 AP
Personality​: Zuko is hot-headed,
temperamental, and moody. However, he also has
a tremendous sense of honor and love for his
nation. He has to give a lengthy monologue
about honor and destiny before having sex.
Kinks​: Cuckolding, Romance, Abduction,
Damsel in Distress
Friends​: Mai, Ty Lee, Aang, Sokka, Toph, June,
Enemies​: Zhao, Ozai (father), Azula (sister), Jet
Blue Spirit Mask​: While wearing this mask,
you will be very quiet and difficult to spot.

Firebending​: -5 AP, +5 FP
Zuko is an excellent firebending teacher.

Redirect Lightning​: -5 AP, +5 FP

Iroh learned this by studying waterbenders, and
Zuko learned it from him. Zuko will teach you
how to redirect lightning shot at you.
Swords​: -3 AP, +3 FP
Zuko is well trained with dual swords.He can
teach you to use them as extensions of yourself.

Bonuses​-​ ​None of these apply until after you’ve completed the “Defeat the Fire Lord” Quest.
Alter Age: -5 AP Aphrodisiac: -4 AP Aura: -5 AP
You can now change the age of any member All members of your harem are now People who are not in your harem will
of your harem at will. This does not desperate for sex and are obsessed with you. now be aroused by you, and this effect is
prevent them from dying of old age, even stronger if you’re attracted to them.
if you make them young.

Birth Control: -4 AP Boob Job: -5 AP Celebrity: -3 AP

You have full control of whether or not You can now alter the physical proportions People know your name around the world,
you impregnate people or become of your harem at will, so long as it’s and wherever you go, you’ll be sure to
pregnant. within the realm of possibility. find some fans.

Cumbender: -4 AP Extra Fluids: -3 AP Flexible Holes: -3 AP

You can now bend all sexual fluids. You now produce extra sexual fluids. The holes of your harem can now fit much
more inside than they were able to before.

Futa: -1 AP Genderbend: -2 AP Hate Fuck: -3 AP

Selecting this option turns one member of Selecting this option changes the gender Members of your harem that are enemies
your harem into a Futa. Can be selected of one member of your harem. Can be are now more inclined to have sex with
multiple times. selected multiple times. each other.

Idol: -2 AP Incest: -3 AP Iroh: -1 AP

Your harem is now an Idol group that Members of your harem that are related to Iroh joins you on your travels and freely
tours around the world, and you get to each other are now more inclined to have offers advice and support. This is the best
come with them. sex. option.

Kinky: -1 AP Maids: -3 AP Pets: -3 AP

You can add or remove one kink for a Your harem will serve you as maids by Your harem will behave like animals-
member of your harem. Can be selected cleaning and cooking for you. (does not literally.
multiple times. come with a maid outfit)

Prostitute: -4 AP Real World: -6 AP Rich: -6 AP

Your harem works as prostitutes on the side You and your harem are transported back You’re now so rich you’ll never have to
and offer all of their earnings to you. No to the modern world. All of you will keep worry about money again.
need to worry about STD’s. They now don’t your abilities.

Roleplay: -4 AP Stimulant: -7 AP Summon Tentacles: -4 AP

Your harem are now excellent actors and Sex is good, but this triples the pleasure of You have the ability to summon a bunch of
are interested in playing all the same an orgasm for both you and your partner. tentacles anywhere in the world that will
scenarios you’d like to try. Orgasms now last longer and are easier to serve your will.

Tasty Fluids: -2 AP Transform: -5 AP Virgin Holes: -3 AP

You and your harems’ sexual fluids are now Choose one member of your harem. You No matter how many times you have sex,
delicious. now permanently transform into him or you and your harem’s holes will feel like
her. The character you originally created is nobody’s been inside them.
now a member of your harem.

By default, your harem gets any clothes that were featured in the show. Besides “NudE”, the options
below merely expand their wardrobe.

Bikini: -1 AP Cheerleader: -1 AP Cosplay: -2 AP

Formal: -1 AP Halloween: -1 AP Harem: -1 AP


Hooker: -1 AP Lingerie: -1 AP Maid: -1 AP

Nude: -3 AP School: -1 AP Tropical: -1 AP

This option makes it so they can never wear
any clothes.

Animal Guides
These creatures will join you on your adventures and be your life-long friends.

Badger Mole:-5 AP, +5 FP Bear:-3 AP, +3 FP Dragon:-6 AP, +6 FP Lemur:-2 AP, +2 FP

Messenger Hawk:-1 AP, +1 FP Ostrich Horse:-3 AP, +3 FP Platypus Bear:-4 AP, +4 FP Sky Bison:-5 AP, +5 FP

These locations will serve as home-bases for you while you travel the world.

Air temples:-2 AP Ba Sing Se Palace:-4 AP Fire Nation Palace:-4 AP Kyoshi Island:-1 AP

Nomad:(Free) N. Watertribe:-3 AP Omashu:-3 AP S. Watertribe:-1 AP


Curses​- You can select curses that award you extra AP, but they come with a price.
Call of the Wild:+5 AP Disgusting:+8 AP Enslaved:+8 Impotent:+40

Animals will have a strong desire to Your harem is revolted by you. Choose one person from your harem. You
mate with you and your harem. They will
and the other characters you’ve chosen You’re physically incapable of having
not be gentle.
are now slaves in this person’s harem. sex. Your harem will resort to pleasuring
You still keep whatever perks you themselves without you.

Meng:+3 Rapist:+12 AP Rape-Bait:+6 AP Tragedy:+25 AP

Meng is stalking you. R​ un! After one year, one random member of
your harem will die. You cannot save
him/her with the spirit oasis perk.

Anyone who’s attracted to you will have

a strong desire to rape you.
You can only get off to raping your
harem. They will fight back, unless they
have a rape kink.

Finale Combos
If you purchased the “Maids” upgrade and If you added anyone to your harem who are If you purchased the “Roleplay” and
the “Maid” outfit, your harem is now related and purchased the “Incest” “Prostitute” bonus, you get free recording
compelled to follow all of your orders. upgrade, incest does not leat to genetic equipment to make as many porn videos as
abnormalities in children. you’d like.
If you added Katara, Suki, Toph, Aang, If you added Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Zuko, Ozai, If you chose Katara with the “Healing”
Sokka, and Zuko to your harem, you now and Zhao to your harem, you now get the perk, Yue with the “Spirit World” perk, and
get a sky bison and lemur animal guides fire nation palace as a free home and a Aang with the “Bridge Between Worlds”
for free. messenger hawk animal guide for free. perk, you can now resurrect anyone
shortly after their death.

Defeat the Fire Lord​-

Add up your accumulated Finale Points (FP).Then use a random number generator between 1 and
the amount FP you finished with. If your final result is greater than or equal to 10, follow the
“Victory” path. If it is below 10, follow the “Defeat” Path.

Victory​:>/=10 Defeat​:<10
You have successfully defeated the Fire Lord! You can now enjoy Unfortunately, the Fire Lord was too powerful for you. You and
the rest of your days with the harem you chose, along with any your harem have been captured by him and will suffer the rest of
boons you selected. If you chose the Fire Lord for your harem, he your life as his prisoners of war. Hopefully you’re into that.
is now included in it. Also, you get a free boat.

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