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Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Semester–I Examination
Compulsory Paper–1
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
N.B. :— Attempt all questions.
1. (A) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :
Some people think that the aim of education is merely to give knowledge. These people
want students to read books and only books and do nothing else but add to their knowledge.
Others believe that knowledge alone is not enough. Only that which enables a person to earn
his living can be called education. Such people think that bread is more important than anything
else. Still others have the opinion that education should aim solely at making good citizens and
good patriots. All these people see only one of the several purposes of education. As a matter
of fact, education should aim at all these three things together. It should give people knowledge,
make them self-reliant and able to serve others. It should produce persons who love their own
nation but who do not want to harm other countries.
Questions :
(a) What is the aim of education according to some people ?
(b) What do others believe ?
(c) What are the three things that is actually meant by the aim of real education ?
(d) What kind of citizens should education produce ? 8
(B) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions (any four) :
(i) I am tired _____ walking.
(ii) It has been raining _____ morning.
(iii) He died _____ his country.
(iv) The public are cautioned _____ pickpockets.
(v) Humpty Dumpty sat _____ the wall.
(vi) He is always _____ home on Sundays. 4
(C) Give one word for the following (any four) :
(i) Financially ruined.
(ii) List of items to be considered at a meeting.
(iii) One who cannot read and write.
(iv) A person who spends money recklessly.
(v) A period of hundred years.
(vi) A person representing his country in another. 4
2. (A) You are Sales Manager of Shakti General Stores, 13 Dharampeth, Nagpur. Write a letter of
enquiry to Bajrang Goods, Sadar Bazar, Delhi, about the prices and time of delivery of umbrellas,
water proof bags and jackets.
You are the proprietor of Lucky Domestic Goods, Akash Chowk, Nagpur. You have received
ten units of washing machines from Donco Suppliers, Sadar Bazar, Delhi, in a defective condition.
Write a letter of complaint. 8

CLS—14702 1 (Contd.)
(B) Write a circular letter announcing expansion of business and opening of a branch.
Write an application in response to the following advertisement :
Accounts Officer required for C.J. Company, Tirora. Candidate should be an M.Com, with
at least 5 years experience in costing, budgeting and compilation of Accounts. Apply within seven
days to the Manager, C. J. Company, Tirora. 8
3. (A) Answer the following question in about 150 words :
Write a note on Telephone etiquette.
What are the advantages and limitations of body language ? 8
(B) Answer the following question in about 150 words :
According to Socrates, what are the duties of the schoolmaster in the village ?
Why did the banker want to kill the young prisoner ? 8
4. (A) Answer any two of the following questions in about 75 words each :
(i) What were the contents of the letter that the prisoner wrote to the banker renouncing two
million ?
(ii) Why did Socrates ask the schoolmaster to lay stress on practical education ?
(iii) How did the prisoner spend his fifteen years in captivity ? 8
(B) Answer the following question in about 150 words :
Narrate briefly the story 'The Gifts' in your own words.
Describe Leacock's experience when he went to get himself photographed. 8
5. (A) Answer any two of the following questions in about 75 words each :
(i) What happened at Madame Soflonei's shop ?
(ii) What was Leacock's reaction when he saw the photograph ?
(iii) Where did the Astrologer practice his trade ? How did the setting help in attracting customers ?
(B) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each (any four) :
(i) What advice did the astrologer give to Gurunayak ?
(ii) What was the lawyer's view about capital punishment and life imprisonment ?
(iii) How does Leacock describe the appearance of the photographer ?
(iv) How did Socrates react when he saw obvious evils and cruelties ?
(v) What were the things allowed to the prisoner in his captivity ?
(vi) What was the name of the saloon where Della sold her hair ? 8

CLS—14702 2 NRT/KS/19/5544

High expectations are the key to everything.

~ Sam Walton

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