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雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

 文体结构
A. 辩论文体(一个明确的立场; 两个论点支持立
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?
Is it positive or negative?

1. Introduction (背景+改写题目+个人立场)
2. 个人立场第一个理由---1st key argument (中心论
点句+2-3 句解释说明)
3. 个人立场第二个理由---2nd key argument(同上)
4. 反方立场一个理由--1 counter- argument+反驳反
方 rebuttal
5. Conclusion
范文 P214

题 目 :In countries where there is a high rate of

unemployment, most students should be
offered only primary education. There is no
point in offering secondary education to those

雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

who have no hope of finding a job. To what

extent do you agree or disagree?

背景: unemployment

辩 论 对 象 : the necessity of secondary


题 干 立 场 : there is no point./there is no need to

do sth./it is no longer necessary to do /there is
no justification to do sth./ a waste----绝对性题
干----立场偏向 disagree (除了 printed books,剩下
考题偏向 disagree)

*1。审题 2. 写开头段落 3.主体段落大纲(自己方的

两个论点)4.完成主体段落 5。根据剩余时间是否写
反驳段落 6.完成结尾段落

While access to education should be universal
and affordable, the reality is that it often is out
of reach for/be unavailable for many. High
unemployment in some countries or regions
may even make some feel that it is a waste of
time. While situations and circumstances may
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

vary/differ, in general we should do our part to

/take on the responsibility to /be in a great
position to make sure that as many people
finish high school and university as possible.
背景+话题+个人立场 (看懂考题---改写题目; 个人
-XX has captured mounting concern. The issue
regarding whether ..... has sparked bitter debate.
My view is that....
背景: the unemployment rate of graduates has
captured mounting concern. The issue
regarding whether secondary education is a
waste of time has sparked bitter debate. My
view is that...
XX has raised the concern of the general public.
Whether....has triggered controversy. In my
改写 paraphrase: 不同的形式,表达相同的意思
*题干:there is no point in...
英文:it is no longer necessary to ....
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

The issue regarding whether it is no longer

necessary to provide secondary education to all
has sparked bitter debate.
* 题 干 : parents should allow children to make
Parents should render children more freedom to
face failures.
*题干:the best way to do to do sth.
中文:做某事的最佳方案是 XX。
同替:XX 可以带来最有效的结果对于某事
XX can generate the most effective result to sth.
*题干:A is more important /better than B in XX
A 比 B 更为重要
The influence of A is more enormous than that
of B when it comes to XX.
主体段落: 一个中心论点句(概况--回应立场)+2-4
First, we must consider the economics of a
proper education. With limited education one
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

can perhaps find odd jobs at an earlier age, but

their long-term income and opportunities will be
limited. Compare that with someone who
completes school. While graduates may have
trouble finding work at first, once they do, they
have a better chance of keeping their jobs and
earning more in the future and thus have a
better quality of life.
* 经 济 学 角 度 适 合 政 府 投 资 类 话 题 ( education;
health care; art industry; sports events; old
buildings; museums and galleries; movie
industry ; preventing diseases; scientific
research; look for fuels; environment; space
** 论 点 : viewed from the angle of economics,
the government should host sports events at
the international level. (while..,once...,....)
尽管 while 早期投资 the early investment 是很高的
be particularly high , 包 含 including 人 力 成 本
labor costs , 修 建 大 型 体 育 馆 的 费 用 the fees of
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

constructing huge stadiums ,基础设施花销 the

expense of infrastructure, 但是一旦 once 运动
会被成功举办 be successfully held,这个城市就会
被全球知道 be globally renowned,从而 and thus
就 能 吸 引 大 量 的 游 客 和 投 资 商 appeal to a great
number of tourists and investors 。 最 终 As a
can be boosted , 产 生 可 观 的 收 入 generate
considerable amount of income 以 及 就 业 机 会
plenty of job opportunities。因此 Therefore,这
个事情是有利益的 be profitable 从长远来看。

Secondly, educated people do a lot to create

jobs. Most entrepreneurs and businessmen,
people who create employment 同 位 语 ,
themselves received education. These are the
people who create growth and opportunity in a
society; Conversely, 反 之 those without
education can only struggle to look after
题干:现在有一个问题(unemployment), 所以有
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

一个方案(no secondary education)

观 点 : 这 个 方 案 有 可 能 会 让 问 题 糟 糕 make the
problem worse.
*the government should increase tax
on the rich to solve the gap between
the rich and the poor. Agree or
论 点 : raising the tax on the high-
income group would make the wealth
polarization more serious.
支 持 句 : most wealthy people are
entrepreneurs and businessmen, who
can create social value to society, like
providing job opportunities to the
average people in the hope of
removing poverty. This means, if they
are required to pay more tax, they
would be demotivated and even
dismiss labor force in order to cut
down costs. As a result, the
impoverished would lose the chance to
earn wealth.
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

Some would say that by not investing in

secondary education when the outlook is bad,
governments can save money. 反驳 This may be
true in the short term but it leaves the long-term
problem of an undereducated and
underdeveloped society. The government will
distribute 分 配 a great amount of money to the
disadvantaged group 弱 势 群 体 like the
unemployed and the homeless. Surely this is
not a responsible solution.
However, some people may contend that 反方观
点 because.... Their view is true to some extent
but it ignores that...反驳点. ....

In the final analysis, it often takes short-term

sacrifice and investment to achieve long term
prosperity. Governments must not take
shortcuts 走 捷 径 when it comes to ensuring
everyone receives a proper secondary
education. This is the surest way to create a
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

better future for everyone.

To conclude, when it comes to XX, I strongly
believe that ..... In the long run, ....
To conclude, when it comes to universal access
to secondary education, I strongly believe that
the government should fund it. In the long run,
more educated people will bring more economic

Too much money has been spent on restoring
old buildings. So, some people think that they
should be knocked down. Do you agree or
BP1: viewed from the angle of economics, the
government should restore ancient buildings.
BP2: Moreover, the contribution of maintaining
old buildings to cultural identity is enormous.
支持句 1:在古代,很多地区的建筑的建筑元素
architectural elements 是 不 同 的 , 包 含 风 格
architectural styles,结构 structures,装饰的柱
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

子 以 及 壁 画 decorated friezes and columns as

well as murals
支持句 2:through these elements,通过这些,现
代人可以了解到 get insight into /get to know 祖先
的生活方式和习俗 the lifestyles and customs and
ancestors, 当 地 人 尊 崇 的 信 仰 the beliefs local
people worship, 以 及 精 湛 的 艺 术 成 就 fabulous
artistic achievements
支 持 句 3For example, : Most Chinese ancient
constructions are featured by their mortise-and-
tenon joint, which represents the main principle
suggested by Taoism that opposites are needed
in order for harmony to exist.
支持句 4:Therefore,因此,老建筑的维护才能确保
悠久的文化被传承。The preservation of ancient
buildings can ensure time-honored culture can
be carried forward.
BP3:However, some people may contend that
protecting historical buildings is non-essential
because they cannot satisfy the needs of
modern people. For example, wooden materials
are not fire-proof. Their view is true to some
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

extent but it ignores that they can be renovated

and refurbished to adapt to the demands of
modern society. To illustrate, some old
buildings have been converted into bookstores
and coffee shops
To conclude, when it comes to the restoration of
historical buildings, I strongly believe that they
deserve protection in consideration of the
economic value and the contribution to culture.
In the long run, as long as those buildings are
protected well, cultural diversity can be ensured
which is the valuable tangible heritage for

*文章一:环境类 p152
题目: Individuals can do nothing to improve the
environment; only governments and large
companies can make a difference. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

Environmental protection is one of the most

important challenges almost every country is
facing. However, whether only governments and
big corporations have the resources and
capabilities to (make a difference) preserve our
environment is a controversial issue. My view is
that every single citizen could also make a huge

Firstly, it is clear that human activities have had

the greatest impact on the environment
throughout history. Both environmental
degradation/decline and preservation are the
long-term process, and no single government
and big company can meet this challenge
alone.So, whoever created the problem should
solve it; environment protection needs every
one of us to continuously participate in.

Moreover, the public's wills and behaviors have

a critical influence on government policies and
company strategies. For example, if everyone
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

says no to plastic shopping bags and paper

cups, the companies that manufacture such
products will switch to environmentally-friendly
substitutes in order to survive in the market.

That is not to say that governments and large

companies cannot positively contribute. Indeed,
governments can enact laws and introduce
programs to raise the public's ecological
footprint awareness; companies can promote
green products to change the public's
consuming habits. But they also need every
citizen's appreciation and support to bring good

In summary, no effort is too small when we are

protecting the environment. Meanwhile, local
authorities and organizations must shoulder
their responsibility to develop a low carbon
economy at the macro level. Only by doing so
can we assure that we will hand this beautiful
planet to our next generation, and the next
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

generation thereafter.
个人立场: everyone can make a difference
BP1: human activities
BP2: the influence of individual wills and
behaviors on policies an strategies
BP3:反方: government:enact laws; companies:
promote green products +反驳: need everyone’s
appreciation and support
1. 破坏环境的人类活动
In order to construct houses, humans have cut
down countless numbers of trees and occupied
natural habitats, leading to deforestation which
is one main reason of global warming.
2. 源自公众意愿的环保政策和策略
If more individuals reduce the use of private
cars to commute to work, the government would
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

better public transport by a series of policies

including increasing underground railway lines,
expanding bus lances as well as providing
public-sharing bicycles, so that carbon
emissions can decline.
3. 一个环保法
When the French government decided to raise
the tax on the car owners who purchase gas-
powered cars, more individuals have switched
to buying electric cars.
4. 一个环保企业
Adidas uses those ocean waste to develop an
environmentally-friendly material to produce
sneakers, which can positively contribute to the
reduction in ocean waste.

*文章二:实体与虚拟 P259
Public museums and art galleries are
not needed because people can see
historical objects and artistic works by
using computers. to what extent do
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

you agree or disagree?


we live in a world where we can get

information at the click of a mouse.
Compared to even a decade ago, the
internet has allowed us to see and do
more without ever leaving our desk.
But when it comes to viewing objects
of art and other items, is it the same as
visiting them in person? Clearly, I think
that there is a difference between
something real and virtual.

First of all, begin by remembering a trip

you made to a museum or historical
relic. Surely much of what makes your
memory great is not just seeing the
object, but all of the other senses that
you used as well: the smell, the
atmosphere, the other people admiring
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

it. These are only possible when

viewing something in person.

Secondly, seeing something in person

allows you to notice details that you
might otherwise miss. For example,
when I saw the pyramids in person, I
was amazed at how uneven 凹 凸 不 平
they were up close 近景, and how large.
When I had seen them before online, I
had no concept of these details.

Of course, the internet can still be a

useful visual tool. Before a person
goes on a trip, for example, they can
research the place they are visiting
along with historical items. That way
when they arrive, they can have a
better idea of what to expect. But under
no circumstances should we think that
viewing something online is the same
as in person.
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

To conclude, I feel that a virtual, online

world should complement 补充 but not
replace the real one. We all need to get
out of our homes and go places to see
things, because it is the overall
experience and journey that makes it
memorable and meaningful.
实 体 空 间 的 作 用 brick-and-mortar
/physical places:
1) Provide a real experience involving
all the senses
2) Enhance social
connection/strengthen social bond
-be seen as a social hub where people
can engage in a variety of communal
activities, through which they can
exchange ideas and views, share
feelings and emotions in a stress-free
environment as well as meet the like-
minded fellows----gain a sense of
belonging and then remove the feeling
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

of isolation 孤独感
shopping malls/retirement
communities/ pre-schools/the isolation
with neighbors)
3. achieve fair education
-open a gateway for anyone to get
access to a wide range of knowledge
regardless of the age, the academic
background and the economic status---
in reality, not everyone own computers
and the internet access

 Some people think that it is not
necessary to travel to learn about
other countries because we can find
the information on TV and the
internet. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

BP1: traveling in person can provide

real experience involving all the
例 子 : when an individual travels in a
coastal city, he or she can taste the
umami flavor of seafood offered by
fishmongers and feel the freshness
BP2: Moreover, traveling can enable
tourists to get deep insight into local
culture through social connection.
BP3: However, some people may argue
that the internet can facilitate the
understanding of culture.....Their view
is true to some extent but it ignores
that the reliability 可 靠 of information
posted online cannot be ensured.
Some information has been fabricated
捏 造 and distorted , leading to

 As computers are being used more

and more in education, there will be
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

soon no role for teachers in the

classroom. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

1. introduction
2. 让步段落(让反方或题干事实)
Indeed, it is plausible that…
3. 转折段落—个人立场第一个理由
4. 个人立场第二个理由
5. Conclusion

1. The best way to reduce the gap

between the rich and the poor is to
increase the tax on the rich. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
题 干 : the best way/the only way/the
key solution for do to do
sth. Agree or disagree
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

BP3: 而且, ....
Efficacy 有 效 性 ---can/cannot address
the root cause of the problem
Feasibility 可 行 性 ----can/cannot be
practiced in reality
Reliability 可 靠 度 ---can/cannot suitable
to all
BP1:Indeed, a rise in the tax on the
high-income group can be somewhat
effective. If the wealthy are required to
pay more tax, the amount of their
income will decrease and then the
government can use this money to aid
the needy to reduce their daily costs.
As a result, the gap between them can
be diminished.
BP2:However, when it comes to
efficacy, the given measure is not the
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

ideal way because it cannot fix the root

cause of the wealth polarization. The
main reason why the gap has become
wider is not the matter of tax rate but
lack of fair distribution of public
resources. In particular, the children in
remote areas of developing countries
have no access to formal education,
which has made them become
uncompetitive when seeking for well-
paid jobs. Thus, increasing the tax on
the tycoon cannot bring substantial
effect because this proposal does not
create the chance for the low-income
group to earn money.Instead,the
government should adopt combined
measures particularly universal
BP3: Moreover, viewed from the angle
of feasibility, a higher tax on the rich is
not beneficial to long-term economy. In

雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

fact, the wealthy are mostly

entrepreneurs and businessmen, who
can create job opportunities for the
needy and then help them overcome
poverty 克服贫困。 This means, if they
are required to pay more tax, they
would feel demotivated and then
dismiss workforce in order to reduce
costs. Consequently, the poor will
become poorer.
练 习 : the best way to improve public
health is to increase more sports
facilities. Agree or disagree?用让步结构

2. schools should teach children some

academic subjects which will be
beneficial to their future careers.
Therefore, other subjects such as
music and sports are not important. to
what extent do you agree or disagree?

雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

3. Some people think that teachers are

more important than parents in
children’s social and intellectual
development since their school age. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
4. Some people believe that too much
attention and too many resources are
given to the protection of wild animals.
To what extent do you agree or

B. 讨论结构
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
1. Introduction
2. 第一方立场
3. 第二方立场
4. Conclusion
范文 p146:
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

• 题 目 : Some people think watching TV is

bad for children, while others think that
watching TV has more beneficial effects on
children. Discuss both views and give your
own opinion.

Watching TV is one of the most important

children’s leisure activities. However, whether it
brings more harm than good has caused heated
debate. My view is that parents have an
essential role to play regarding this.

Some educationalists think watching TV is

potentially harmful to children because when
they spend more time sitting in front of a
screen, their eyesight will be weakened and kids
do not have enough time to engage in outdoor
activities which are crucial for their physical
growth. This is definitely true. The questionable
content on TV can also cause negative
implications. The fact that many developing
countries including China lack a TV program

雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

rating system means that children are more

easily exposed to indecent TV scenes.

On the other hand, some experts would argue

that educational and inspirational TV shows
enable kids to have fun in the learning process
and facilitate their intellectual development. For
example, many children have learnt caring,
courage, honesty and other virtues from the
characters in classic Disney cartoons.
Moreover, watching TV can be an important
parent-child activity. Accompanying kids to
watch their favorite TV shows is a great
opportunity for adults to take part in their child’s
interests and increase intimacy with children, to
communicate deeply with them, and to fully
read their minds.

Unfortunately, I do not think most parents have

realized these points. Some even treat TV as a
good babysitter to keep kids busy. It is parents’
responsibility to control the time kids spend on
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

TV, choose the suitable programs for them, and

most importantly, enjoy it together with kids.
1. Introduction
2. 第一方立场
3. 第二方立场
4. 个人立场
5. Conclusion

范文 p212
题 目 : In some countries young people are
encouraged to work or travel for a year between
finishing high school and starting university.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for
young people to do this and give your own
Generally speaking, in the past when students
graduated from high school, they went to
university or entered the workforce right away.
This is no longer always the case. Many
students now choose to take a year off and
explore other options. Deciding whether or not
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

this is wise is subjective but for many it can be


On the one hand, taking time off allows a person

to broaden one’s horizons, to see and
experience new cultures, to peak one’s curiosity
about new places. After all, not all things can be
learned in the classroom. We can grow and
mature from the challenges of living abroad. It
also allows us to appreciate aspects of our own
culture that we previously took for granted.

But on the other hand, there is the risk that

taking time off may cloud the student’s mind by
presenting him or her with too many options.
Young minds are impressionable and
sometimes they need structure. The desire to go
back to school after being in society may
become less appealing and this could
negatively impact their long-term job

雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

In the end, I feel that it comes down to what the

individual wants to achieve in life. There is no
‘one size fits all’ prescription. Personally, if I had
the resources, I would make every effort to
experience new places and challenge myself in
new ways, but also commit to a university
education afterward.

To summarize, we must be careful not to make

this into a black and white issue. Instead,
parents and children should do their best to
discuss what course of action suits them best
and be supportive.
1. Some people believe that studying at
university or college is the best route to a
successful career, while others believe that it is
better to get a job straight after school. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.
2. some people think that the best way to reduce
crime is to give longer prison sentences.
Others, however, believer that there are better
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

alternative ways of reducing crimes. Discuss

both views and give your own opinion.
3. Some think that climate change reforms will
negatively affect business. Others feel they are
an opportunity for businesses.
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
4. Human activities have negative effects on
plant and animal species. Some people think it
is too late to do anything about this problem.
Others believe effective measures can be taken
to improve this situation. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.
5.some people think that movies should be
entertaining, while others believe that movies
should be educational. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion.

Why? How to solve it?
What impacts it may cause? How to solve it?
Why? Is it positive or negative?
范文 p181
雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

题目:Today, there are more images of disasters

and violence in the media. What are the causes

and what are your solutions?

It seems to be an increasingly widespread

concern that the media is filled with images of
disasters and violence, and I think that
advanced communication technologies, and
essence of media companies are, in large part,
responsible for this.
In the past, people received news updates only

by listening to the radio and reading newspaper.

This is no longer the case. Due to advanced

communication technologies, individuals

nowadays are surrounded by all kinds of media

雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

at all times. They are being kept informed about

what is happening worldwide almost

simultaneously by thousands of websites, live

TV news, radio programs, and even mobile

phone text messages. As a result, bad news

now has hi-tech wings and is being heard more

than ever before.


Another important reason leading to this

phenomenon is that the ultimate goal of media

companies is to seek maximum profits. Since

雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

bad news is exaggerated for the sake of shock

value, media companies of course made up

much of it to boost sales, and attract more

advertisement. So , we see 24-hours, non-stop

report of airplane crashes, earthquakes,

tsunamis, and violence.

In order to solve this problem, in other words, to

encourage the media to provide more balanced

coverage to the public, government intervention

and guidance can make a difference. More

importantly, media networks should not only

雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

function as a business, but take a larger social

responsibility. Besides, the citizens should

learn to live optimistically and actively. After all,

it is we, the viewers who decide what we like to

watch, read and pay attention to.


1.people have little understanding of the

importance of the natural world. What are the

reasons for this, and how can people learn more

about the natural world?

雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

2.Science tells us some activities are good for

our health and there are some unhealthy

activities. But millions of people still do those

unhealthy activities. Why? What can we do to

change this situation?

3. Nowadays, more and more people decide to

have children later in their life. Why? Do

advantages of this trend outweigh


4. more and more people want to buy clothes,

cars and other items with famous brands. What

雅思写作 2021 年 (杨童)

are the reasons? Do you think it is a positive or

negative development?


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