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By P R Srikant

Para No. Topic Page No.

1. Introduction 1
2. Approach 2
3. Feasible Solution Statement 2
4. Design Thinking Problem 2
5. Advantages / Disadvantages of Using DT Framework 5
6. Preliminary –Primary Data Analysis 5
Page |2

Para No. Topic Page No.

7. Empathise Phase 6
8. Customer Journey Map 8
9. Analysis of CJM & Persona Mapping 12
10. Defining the Core Problem 13
11. Ideation Step 14
12. Analysis of Ideation Phase 15
13. Prototype Model Solution 16
14. Test the Solution 17
15. Conclusion 17
16. Recommendations 17
Appendix Analysis of Data Captured from Questionaire 18
Annexure 1 Documents 21-23

Fig.1 Percentage of Participants Interested 6

Fig.2 Satisfaction Levels 6
Fig.3 Interest in Teaching 6
Fig.4 Empathy Map 7
Fig.5 Personal Goals, Paint Points & Expectations 9
Fig.6 Matrix of Experience 9
Fig.7 Insights , Considerations, Evaluation & Post Enrolment Progression 10
Fig.8 Personal Goals, Paint Points & Expectations 11
Fig.9 Matrix of Experience 11
Fig.10 Insights , Considerations, Evaluation & Post Enrolment Progression 13
Fig.11 Idea Mind Map 14
Fig.12 Final Ideated Concept/ Solution 16
Fig.13 Percentage of Veteran Who Like/ Dislike Teaching 18
Fig.14 Percentage of Veteran Expressing Opinion about Benefit to Service 18
Fig.15 Percentage of Veterans Interested in Teaching 19
Fig.16 Subjects of Interests 19
Fig.17 Benefits of Using Veterans in Teaching 20



“Creativity is Intelligence having fun” – Albert Einstein

1. Introduction. The Indian Armed Forces have been in existence since, India’s
independence on 15 Aug 1947. Before which they were an administrative and operational part
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of the Royal Armed Forces. Whilst the Indian Armed Forces is one of the sought after
proffessions and the forces continue to draw aspirants to join them , the forces have lost the
ascendancy they had during the immediate decades post independence. Very few of the
creamy layer of young men and women seek a career in the armed forces today. In future , the
numbers will further dwindle. Though , the forces will have a steady number of young men and
women aspiring to join the service, they would be from the lower levels of academic
performance. Procedures are adapted to select such individuals to meet manpower deficiencies.
There are shortages as mentioned by Late Shri Manohar Parrikar, Hon‟ble Defence Minister in
House, in 2014, showed huge shortages in the armed forces in the ranks of Lt
Colonels, Commander in Navy , Wing Commander in IAF and below. The 11.77 lakh strong
Indian Army, the second-largest in the world after China's People's Liberation Army, for
instance, alone is short of 7,989 officers in its total authorized strength‟ of 47,574. Alarmingly,
the shortfall is 17,764 among Lt Cols, Majors, Captains and Lieutenants. The shortfall of
Lieutenant Commanders and below in the Navy stands at 1,499, while it is 357 in the
ranks of Wing Commanders and below in Indian Air Force. He further states:-
“The 6th Pay Commission has made military salaries more attractive than ever before but they
are far outstripped by the pay packages and perks brandished by the corporate sector, Glitzy
advertising campaigns to attract youngsters to become “Officers and Gentlemen“ are
obviously not doing the trick”.
Whilst, it is not possible to address the the entire problem of manpower in a one step solution,
incrementally solutions can be explored to meet shortages for overall functioning.

2. Approach. The Indian Armed Forces have various verticals like Infantry ,
Armoured Corps , Artillery , Pilots , Surface Warfare , Submariners , Doctors/Coreman,
Logistics etc .Training is one vertical which draws experienced manpower from all these
verticals/ disciplines. Selection of experienced personnel is the first and foremost criteria for
Training Appointments in various Training Schools and Colleges throughout the three Armed
Forces. Also, continuous training is an existential necessity for all the three Armed Forces and
the experienced manpower is required to be serviced from manpower available for manning
combat units , ships , submarines and air squadrons. So, if a significant portion of training
duties if outsourced , the burden for servicing manpower from frontline units could be reduced.
Hence, atleast the overall manpower deficiencies could be met for Training Estabilishments.

3. Solution Statement. Feasibility and Viability of sourcing manpower for meeting

training requirements in the various Professional Schools and Colleges of the Armed Forces
to compensate for manpower deficiencies.

4. Design Thinking (DT) Problem. Considering the above statement the question is why
is it a Design Thinking Problem ? This would be the most relevant question to ask. It

Amity University, Project for PhD: Relevance of Best HR practices to Indian Armed Forces
Page |4

deifinitely is a DT problem because it looks at the empathy and creative solution aspect of the
problem. Considering the fact that the Armed forces is working on shortages of over 30%
average2. Therefore, the same percolates to the shortages to meet training staff requirements
also. Now a straight forward solution is to induct manpower train and absorb them into training
staff. But this is easier said than done , as there is a very large cycle time to produce
experienced individuals to meet training staff requirements. Hence, this solution is long drawn,
extremely linear in thinking for working out a solution. But the need of the hour is to arrive at
an inovative and out of the box solution. Which is aided by Design Thinking Framework.
Therefore , a DT framework has been resorted to , for arriving at a innovative solution for the
problem. This has not been thought of before in the Organisation.

5. Advantages / Disadvantages of Using DT Framework . There are certain inherent

Advantages and Disadvantages in arriving at a solution for the problem through the Design
Thinking framework. The same are highlighted below :-

Advantages Disadvantages

 Helps is creative solution finding  Extremely thought oriented

 Concentrates on the solution with which may not suit people requiring
little stress on the process quick solutions
 Understands user stories in depth to  Time consuming process
arrive at a solution  Highly iterative in Prototyping
 The solution would meet all & test phase, requires in depth
requirements from various stakeholders analysis to improve through
as it is based on the empathatic approach iterations
for creative solution finding  Not suitable in Organisations
 Provides a framework to prototype where the Top Management is
and test the solutions before final looking for one stop solutions

6. Preliminary - Primary Data Analysis . Based on the above Problem Statement , An

Data analysis was undertaken in the form of seeking inputs by a Questionaire which forms a
primary method of Data gathering. In order to seek Data, a detailed Questionaire was prepared
and floated to various forums and groups where serving as well as veteran officers were
members. The purpose was to seek first hand inputs on this initiative. The detailed statistical
information on the initiative is highlighted in the paragraphs below :-

(a) Basic Inputs from the Data. On seeking preliminary inputs from various
participants in the survey with a sample size of 98 , its observed that majority of the
people have consented for being instructors or part of training/teaching staff.

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Fig 1. Percentage of Participants Interested

(b) Satisfaction & Interest in Training / Teaching.The majority participants in

the survey as the data indicated were interested in the venture of being part of the
training staff even post retirement. The Percentage of people interested to teach is
86.7% whereas ~ 5% are not interested and 8.2 % are neutral on response. Majority
of the people are ‘satisfied’ to ‘extremely satisfied’ in their past teaching
appointments. The number ‘not satisfied’ is approximately < 5%.

Fig 2. Satisfaction levels ( Very less in Not satisfied category)

Fig 3. Interest in Teaching / Training

7. Empathize Phase. In the empathise phase we created an empathy map of what the
users feel , think , say or do towards meeting requirements. The empathy map is displayed
below :-
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Fig 4 : Empathy Map

From the empathy map we deduce the following :-

 Staffing for training is definitely a systemic or enterprise level problem. In terms of

an Organisational Management, we could deduce that the Armed Forces are facing
shortages across verticals, the same is evident from overall manpower shortages which
certainly affect the manpower requirements overall. The same applies to training also.
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 Most solutions are looking at acquiring staff through the normal induction followed
by vertical training and thereafter , utilisation in training staff positions. However, this
does not compensate for the deficiencies as there is a cycle time involved in filling up
these deficiencies. Therefore, the solution only notionally meets the requirements,
rather than actually meeting it. Meeting requirements means there must be an overall
reduction in deficiency in the Training Staff numbers.

 The Solution should address the problem at an enterprise level. However, most of
the time solutions are sought only at the unit level , hence, solutions don’t address
overall deficiency gaps in manpower for training.

8. Customer Journey Map. Two customer journey maps based on two personas have
been created to undertsand the customer end of seeking a solution to this perinial problem. The
approach used was to ask questions and make the individuals share there perspectives ,
experiences and expectations of the final solution. The same are highlighted below :-

(a) Persona A. The details of persona A is given in the charts below. The
highlights are also elaborated. The persona was created after detailed discussion with
the named individual. His personal experiences in the field of training as
Teacher/Directing Staff , pain points, most common policy issues and management
problems experienced and how the system could be improved and how staff
deficiencies could be compensated through other innovative solutions.
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Fig 5. Personal Details with Goals, Pain Points & expectations

Fig 6. Matrix for Experience, Liking / Not Liking , Comparison

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Fig 7. Insights , Considerations, Evaluation & Post Enrolment Progression

(b) Persona B. The details of persona B is given in the charts below. The
highlights are also elaborated. The persona was created after detailed discussion with the
named individual. His personal experiences in the field of training as Teacher/Directing
Staff , pain points, most common policy issues and management problems experienced
and how the system could be improved and how staff deficiencies could be compensated
through other innovative solutions.
P a g e | 10

Fig 8 . Personal Details with Goals, Pain Points & expectations

Fig 9. Matrix for Experience, Liking / Not Liking , Comparison

P a g e | 11

Fig 10. Insights , Considerations, Evaluation & Post Enrolment Progression

9. Analysis of CJM & Persona Mapping . Based on the personas generated after
discounting individuals who are neutral in their stance or not keen on a solution and more
inclined for status quo a few interesting points have emerged . These points will assist in
formulation/ definition of the problem statement and take us to problem finding. The points are
listed below :-

(a) Value Chain. The value a creative solution should bring to the problem is as

 Immediate transfer of experience to the students. Therefore, the learning

will definitely be experience sharing based learning.

 Real life expereince sharing oppurtunities for professionals through the

medium of training will reinforce the theoretical learning of individuals in the
form of experiential learning and also create a relationship for future

 The Officer corp would be equipped with examples of real life

experiences for better decision making.

 A pool of experienced individuals would be created whose top priority

would be training and training alone. They would not be involved in other
administrative and non-training/ teaching functions. Hence, over dilution in
training will not be there.
P a g e | 12

(b) Hurdles/Pain Points in Implementation. Every solution seeking initiative

would definitely have certain hurdles / obstacles. In a typical management environment
there are many technical , environmental , bueruacratic , social and political hurdles.
These hurdles if not dealt with earlier on they would create risks which would have
potential impact on the process of reaching a solution and also implementing it. The
predominant pain points are given below :-

 Alongwith Training duties as per Job specification a large number of

additional duties are also assigned and therefore, the focus on training is diluted
to some extant.

 Moreover, training requires dedicated preparations in the form session

material,training curriculam and presentation/study material. When individuals
with core functions such as training is involved are engaged in Administrative
and other miscellaneous duties then priorities do tend to get misplaced based on
higher management directions.

 Any solution requires taking into consideration, inputs from multiple

layers of management who may support or may not support a creative / unique /
innovative solution due to biases , technical or other reasons . Therefore ,
arriving at a solution would take a long drawn process.

10. Defining the Core Problem. The core problem is staff deficiencies, which are an
existing hinderence to meeting Training requirements on a day to day basis. This is the main
symptom of the problem. However, the problem can be broken into two objectives :-

(a) The priority given to training is high but at times it is at the cost of other duties
and commitments. This is unavoidable necessity as number of activities attributed to a
Job is higher than an individual can perform with effectiveness and efficiency. So,
meeting the training staff deficiencies is first objective.

(b) Alternate means of meeting staff deficiencies has not been explored this is the
second objective. The search for a solution is tedious , time consuming and the
implementation is a tall order considering the bureacratic hurdles to be overcome in
such an initiative.

11. Ideation Step. This step involves articluation of a workable solution for meeting the
requirements of the problem. First aspect is meeting deficiencies in staffing for training
requirements . The solutions usually explored has been looking at internal replacements
sparable from regular functions for training assignments. An alternate approach has not been
explored. Post Ideation the following solution has been formulated :-
P a g e | 13

Fig 11. Idea Mind Map

12. Analysis of Ideate Phase. Based on the Mind Map we look at each aspect for
leveraging the final solution. Now the mind map has brought out certain points like Advantages
, Disadvantages , Hurdles / Obstacles & final approach to solution implementation. The Ideate
phase gave a creative solution that instead of using service component to meet staffing
deficiencies in Training Estabilishments we hire Veterans to meet those deficiencies. So, a
further analysis of the aspects are as follows:-

Ser Aspect Requirements

(a) Advantages
-Veterans will be Employed - This would require adequate volunteers. The
purely for training data shown earlier indicates that there are
-They will meet the enough veterans willing to volunteer for the
philosophy of experiential initiative.
training requirements - The system should give adequate oppurtunity
P a g e | 14

Ser Aspect Requirements

- It will be an alternate form for veterans to share their experience

of employment oppurtunity - There is a framework to be formulated
for veterans
(b) Disadvantages
- Age & Location would be a - The volunteers for this initiative would have
determining factor to have Age , inclination & need to be
- Technological Knowledge, colocated near the Training estabilishments or
relevance, latency & System required to be given a conveyance for travel
level training - Their experience has to go through vetting
capacity/capability requires process
due consideration
(c) Hurdles /Obstacles
- The Higher Management - A Policy framework with budget approval is
acceptability of this required
Solution/Idea & the tedious
processes involved in getting
desired approvals
- Serving Personnel might
consider it a threat to their
(d) Implementation Approach

- There is no doubt that the - A dedicated team of Project Managers with

Project would require assistance from SMEs would be required to
Ministry Support ensure smooth implementation post detailed
Requirements , Risk analysis
- A dedicated team of
individuals to do the Analysis
and undertake its

13. Prototype Model Solution. The Prototype Solution is formalised as follows:-

P a g e | 15

Fig 12. Final Ideated Concept / Solution

Hence, the above figure gives a broad preparatory actions for implementing a Model for
meeting staff solutions in training estabilishments through hiring of veterans. As they bring
experience to the table which could be plouged back to the system.

14. Test the Solution. The testing can only be undertaken after the policy framework ,
budget approval and final process approval for implementation can be done. Therefore , this
phase is not being undertaken as part of the project.

15. Conclusion. The employent of Veterans to meet training deficiencies in terms of

staff in Services Training estabilishments is a unique and innovative idea. It requires a
rigourous approach to implementation . The process of Design Thinking has catalysed the
approach to a solution, considering all aspects of the problem statement. If implemented, would
benefit the services immensely as the the Veterans are trained and experienced expertise being
utilised for ploughing back rich knowledge back into the system. This solution would meet
both objectives of meeting staff deficiencies and also a unique solution to the problem without
affecting existing overall staff deficiencies in all three services. It would achieve wider
accepatability provided we engage with all stakeholders to arrive at a cosolidated framework
for implementation of this innovative idea/ solution.

16. Recommendations. The following additional recommendations are submitted :-

(a) A detailed analysis of type of Model to be followed for teaching may be

considered. Broad parameters would include subjects , Age , background / experience
profile of veterans etc.

(b) A project plan is required to be prepared based on budget allocation.

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(c) The hiring model based on policy framework requires to be worked out. The
most suitable based on opinion is contract model with incentives.

(d) A management policy for managing the veterans without effecting the existing
service hierarchy is to be formulated.

Appendix A


Fig 13: Percentage of Veterans Who Like / Dislike Teaching

 Based on the Pie chart in above figure it is clear that Majority fo Veterans like
Teaching. The Ratio is 10.5 : 1 .Number of Veterans who would accept a teaching offer is 10
times of those who don’t want the offer.
P a g e | 17

Fig 14: % of Veterans Expressing Opinion about Benefit to Services

 Approximately 90 % of veterans are of the opinion that the services would gain from
hiring veterans.

Fig 15: Percentage of Veterans Interested in Teaching

 75% Veterans would accept an offer to teach. 14 % may consider. This itself shows the
phenonmenal oppurtunity in this venture or initiative which the Services could take advantage
to plough back experience into the system.

Fig 16: Subjects of Interest of Veterans

P a g e | 18

 Specialisation subjects could form the core , whereas system specific subjects where
technology fusion is required maybe considered. As technology relevance and latency has to be
taken into consideration where serving officers could contribute as they are continuoucly
trained to remain indate. However, conceptual undertsanding and imparting knowledge on
more generic subjects could be done by Veterans. Many foreign countries are using a similar
model of hiring veterans to plough back knowledge and experience into the system.

Fig 17: Benefits of Using Veterans in Teaching

 Based on a questionaire the captured data and inputs from various officers both serving
and retired it can be concluded without reasonable doubt that Ploughing experience back into
the system in very essential. Specifically in the field of Warfighting in which the three services
are engaged.

Annexure I
(Refer’s to para1 )
Name of the Learner : P R Srikant
Registration No. : TDR-HUB-2023S1054
Address : A204 , Defense Officers Flats , OPP VUDA Park
P a g e | 19

East Point, Visakhapatnam 530017

Proposal must carry the following information
2. Objectives : (A) Meeting Manpower Deficiencies (B) Unique solution to the
3. Need for the topic : Meeting Excessive Manpower Deficiencies in Training Staff Across
the Three Armed Forces.
4. Methodology and Procedure of Work : Preliminary Data Analysis , Interviewing Officers ,
Brainstorming the Problem with Peer Group , Ideation of Solution & Conclusion
5. Statistical Techniques to be used (If any) : “ Descriptive Statistics”


This is to declare that I have carried out this project work myself in partial fulfillment
requirements of Design Thinking Course AU .The work is original, has not been copied from
anywhere else and not been submitted to any other University/Institute for an award of any

Date: 01 Jun 23
P a g e | 20

Place: New Delhi Name: P R Srikant

Commander (IN, Retd)

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