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1.Social media marketing is the practice of using social media platforms and tools to
promote a business and connect with existing and potential customers12. The intended
outcomes can range from the somewhat abstract (like brand building) to the very
specific (like selling products through social commerce).

Unlike traditional advertising, social media marketing allows for two-way

communication between individuals and brands. There’s also potential for building a
sense of community, which creates brand loyalty.

2. A strategic partnership is a collaborative alliance between two or more businesses

or organizations. It involves leveraging each other’s strengths, resources, and
expertise to achieve common goals. These partnerships can be formed for various
reasons, such as expanding market reach, generating additional traffic, sharing
research and development costs, or gaining a competitive advantage. One prominent
example of a successful strategic partnership is the partnership between Apple and
Nike. This collaboration brought together Apple’s technological expertise and Nike’s
extensive knowledge in sports and fitness.

3. Pros of Affiliate Marketing:*

*Low Staffing Costs*: Merchants pay for performance and evade additional costs².

*Low Financial Barrier to Entry*: It's a low-cost, high-profit industry¹³.

Cons of Affiliate Marketing:*

*Relatively High Chances of Failure*: It can be a tough industry, and success relies
on the affiliate's determination, approach, and strategy¹.

*No Control Over the Product or Payment for Affiliates*: Affiliates have no control
over the product quality or the payment terms².

4. A transactional email is an automated message sent to a subscriber based on their

actions on a particular application or website1. These emails are usually related to
account activity or a commercial transaction2. Common types of transactional emails
include account alerts, order confirmations, purchase receipts, responses to customer
service inquiries, password reminders or resets, and subscription welcome emails.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of strategies used to optimize a website to

achieve higher rankings in search engine’s organic results1. The relevance of different
types and techniques of SEO lies in their ability to increase the visibility of a website
for searches related to its content1. Here are some key types of SEO and their

1. Technical SEO: This involves optimizing your website for the crawling and
indexing phase. It ensures that search engine crawlers can crawl and index a
website without any problems2. Techniques include optimizing your robots.txt,
setting canonical URLs, creating an XML Sitemap, and optimizing site
2. On-Page SEO: This has to do with the page content and how to make it
friendlier to search engines and users2. Techniques include optimizing your
page titles, H1 Tag, headings, and page formatting2.
3. Off-Page SEO: This involves activities that drive referral traffic to your
website from other sites, like backlinking2. It helps improve the site’s
trustworthiness and authority2.
4. Content SEO: This involves creating quality content that helps your web pages
to rank high in the SERPs2.
5. Local SEO: This is crucial for businesses looking to attract customers in a
specific geographic area2.
6. Mobile SEO: This ensures that mobile users have a flawless experience when
they visit your site2.
7. eCommerce SEO: This helps e-commerce sites rank higher, driving more
traffic and sales2.
8. Video SEO: This involves optimizing video content to drive traffic from video
9. Image SEO: This involves optimizing images on your website to drive traffic
from image searches2.
10. International SEO: This is used when businesses target audiences in different

Each type of SEO targets a different aspect of your site’s performance and visibility,
making them all crucial for a well-rounded SEO strategy2.
16 mark

Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience,
promote their products or services, and drive conversions1. Different types of email
marketing campaigns serve unique purposes, ensuring that the right message reaches
the right audience at the right time23. Here are some key types of email marketing
campaigns and their relevance:

1. Transactional Emails: These are automated emails sent in response to a

customer’s action or inaction. Examples include order confirmations, shipping
notifications, password resets, and account updates3. They ensure customer
satisfaction and provide important information3.
2. Promotional Emails: These emails contain a commercial message to drive
purchases or other conversions. They usually announce exclusive offers, new
products, deals, and giveaways3.
3. Email Newsletters: Newsletters are used to keep subscribers updated about
your business, products, and services. They provide useful and relevant
information to your audience4.
4. Onboarding Emails: These emails help new users understand your product or
service better and guide them on how to get started5.
5. Lead Nurturing Emails: These emails establish consistent touchpoints and
turn a new customer into a lifetime supporter of your business5.
6. Seasonal and Promotional Campaigns: These campaigns leverage specific
seasons or events to promote relevant products or services6.
7. Abandoned Cart Emails: These emails remind customers of the products they
left in their shopping cart, encouraging them to complete the purchase4.
8. Re-engagement Emails: These emails are designed to re-engage subscribers
who may not have interacted with your brand in a while5.
9. Survey and Feedback Emails: These emails ask customers for their feedback
or reviews. They can provide valuable insights for improving your products or

Each type of email marketing campaign plays a crucial role in a comprehensive

marketing strategy, helping businesses build customer relationships, increase brand
awareness, and drive sales231.

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