Resume Seminar 1

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Managing in the new normal covid-19

Navigating current sources of business disruption (menavigasi sumber gangguan bisnis saat ini)

- Supply chain issues

- Cyberattacks
- ICT continuity
- Consumer demands
- Market changes- consumer behaviour changes
- Regulatory compliance requirements
- Geo-political instability/war
- pandemic

results from navigating current sources of business disruption

- some organization, survivor, had excellent disaster response plans in place

- othe organization had none, surviving purely on the merits of strong leadership ant the
commitment and determination of staff.
- Many organizations that are devastated simply never reopen again.
- Others evolve so radically that they are hard to recognize from their pre-crisis from.

From covid-19 pandemic, what kind of management will you use?

Business resilience management BRM

Is the comprehensive and standardized management of all processes to identify and mitigate risks
that threaten an organization

Why is it important

-enabling the continued operation of organizations, in and following crises = future

-significantly impacts on the medium to long term recovery and health of organization.

-increased resilience is also important when considering the interconnectedness of modern

organizations, where disruptions can have significant and widespread impacts globally.

Increasing reliance on technology

Why is it important.

BRM is aimed at ensuring that organizations have Business Resilience, which is the ability to adapt
quickly to risk,

BRM is the foundation for continuity and mitigating against any form of economic disruption at a
business, regional, national or global level.

Relience as a function of an organization’s :

- Resilience is function of an organizations’s

Situation awareness

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