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Name: Ebin, June Marc D.

Section code: B433

Filipino Grievances Against Governor Wood.

The executive branch of the Philippines consist of the President and the Vice
President. They are the leaders in our country, they are making our country to
become a better place. People are hating them because of some reasons cause of
hersays and no proof of speculation. The president doing his best itself to provide of
what’s best in our country. The vice president also doing her job and taking things to
it’s proper places. Everything is handled well and everything is done privately with no
media was inform. And the legislative branch of the Philippines consist of the
congress and senate including representatives. These parties are doing their job
fairly. They helped people who seek for justice, and they also helped people who is
unfortunate to seek justice. Here in the Philippines the law is bias, when you’re rich
and you committed crime it wont be a big deal at all, justice won’t be served when
you have no privilege to provide specifically in financial expenses. The senate will be
the voice for those who needs help, if you can’t stand on your own you can lend your
hands to our trusted senate and congress. Some senate and congress are not worth
trusting for and some are doing their job correctly. Erosion of Civil Liberties The
government has also been complicit in the erosion of civil liberties and human rights.
There have been numerous instances of crackdowns on freedom of speech,
assembly, and expression. Dissent is met with heavy-handed tactics, including
arbitrary arrests and censorship. The government’s failure to protect these
fundamental rights has led to a climate of fear and oppression among the citizenry.
Lack of Accountability Perhaps most troubling is the lack of accountability among
government officials. Scandals go unpunished, and those in power seem immune to
consequences for their actions. The judiciary, instead of serving as a check on
executive power, has often been used as a tool to suppress dissent and shield those
in authority from facing justice. To sum it up, we, the people, demand an end to
corruption, cronyism, erosion of civil liberties, incompetence, mismanagement, and
lack of accountability within the government. It is time for those in power to be held
responsible for their actions and for meaningful reforms to be implemented for the
betterment of society.

The most pressing and critical point included in the Filipino grievances against
Governor Wood was the issue of land ownership and agrarian reform. During the
American colonial period in the Philippines, Governor Leonard Wood implemented
policies that favored large landowners, particularly American corporations and
individuals, at the expense of Filipino farmers. This led to widespread landlessness
and poverty among the Filipino population, exacerbating social inequality and
economic hardship.
The impact of the land ownership and agrarian reform issue on the relationship
between the United States and the Philippines was significant. The unequal
distribution of land and resources fueled resentment and opposition among the
Filipino people towards American colonial rule. It deepened the divide between the
ruling colonial administration and the local population, leading to increased tensions
and resistance movements.
In conclusion, among the points included in Filipino grievances against Governor
Wood, the issue of land ownership and agrarian reform was the most pressing and
critical. Its impact on the relationship between the United States and the Philippines
was profound, contributing to social unrest, anti-colonial sentiment, and long-term
distrust towards American influence in the country.
The Cabinet Crisis of 1923 in the Philippines was a pivotal event characterized by
the tensions between the American-led executive branch, represented by Governor
Leonard Wood, and the Filipino-dominated legislative branch. The grievances of the
Filipinos against Governor Wood were multifaceted and contributed to the escalating
tensions. During President Marcos’ administration, tensions between the executive
and legislative branches were indeed evident. President Marcos centralized power in
the executive branch, leading to significant friction with the legislative branch. Similar
to the Cabinet Crisis of 1923, grievances arose due to perceived lack of
representation, economic policies that favored certain interests, civil liberties
concerns, and questions about political autonomy.
In contrast to the Cabinet Crisis of 1923, President Duterte’s term has been marked
by its own set of challenges and tensions between branches of government. While
there have been instances of friction between the executive and legislative branches
during Duterte’s presidency, the nature of these tensions differs from those seen
during the Cabinet Crisis of 1923. The grievances and sources of tension during
President Duterte’s term have been shaped by contemporary issues such as his
administration’s war on drugs, human rights concerns, constitutional reforms, and
geopolitical dynamics. These factors have contributed to a distinct set of challenges
compared to those experienced during previous periods in Philippine history. The
tensions between the executive and legislative branches in Philippine politics have
persisted across different administrations, including during the Cabinet Crisis of 1923
and subsequent periods such as President Marcos’ administration and President
Duterte’s term.
Overall, understanding these historical events provides valuable insights into the
evolution of Philippine governance and sheds light on recurring themes in its political
landscape. Each period has its unique context and specific dynamics that shape the
nature of these tensions.

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