Can-Can't British Council Kids

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I can paint

Modals – ‘can’ and ‘can’t’

1. What’s the word?

Write the word under the pictures.

paint draw dance sing speak cat

sleep eat go out homework read write


2. Choose the answer!

Listen to the grammar chant. Circle the correct answer.

a. I can and I can draw. colour / paint / play

b. I can dance and I can . cook / act / sing

c. I can a little English. write / speak / shout

d. But my can't do these things. cat / dog / brother

e. He can and he can eat. sleep / drink / talk

f. He can every night. dance / go out / watch TV

g. But he can't do my . washing / hair / homework
© British Council, 2017 The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
3. Fill it in!
Write can or can’t in the sentences.

a. Dogs can jump.

b. Dolphins talk to each other.

c. Penguins fly.

d. Tortoises run very fast.

e. Cheetahs run very fast.

f. Owls see very well at night.

g. People see very well at night.

h. Babies walk.

4. Write and draw!

What can you do? What can’t you do? Draw a picture and write about it!



© British Council, 2017 The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Modals – ‘can’ and ‘can’t’
We can use can and can’t to talk about abilities in the present.

1. True or false?
Read and circle true or false for these sentences.

I know lots of sports. I can swim and I can play football. I can play
basketball too because we practise at school! But I can’t play
tennis. What else can I do? Well, I can’t speak German or French
but I can speak English and Arabic!

a. She can swim. true false

b. She can’t play football. true false

c. She practises basketball at school. true false

d. She can play tennis. true false

e. She can’t speak Arabic. true false

2. Choose the answer!

Read the sentence. Circle the correct answer.

a. I can . to swim / swim / swimming

b. She ride a bike. can / cans / know

c. Can you tennis? plays / to play / play

d. He speak Spanish. isn’t / can’ts / can’t

e. run fast? They can / Can they / Are they

f. He can’t five pizzas! eat / ate / to eat

g. We dinner. can to cook / can cook / can cooking

h. What sports play? you can / are you / can you
© British Council, 2017 The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
3. Make it right!
Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it.

a. She can’t driving a car. She can’t drive a car.

b. I can’t to play chess.

c. He cans make a cake.

d. They can’t to sing very well.

e. Can you eating with chopsticks?

f. She can’ts ride a horse.

g. He can speaking three languages.

h. How many musical instruments you can play?

4. Write and draw!

What sports can you play? What languages can you speak? What else can
you do? Write about yourself like in exercise 1 and draw a picture!



© British Council, 2017 The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
My day

1. What’s the word?

Write the word under the pictures.

have breakfast television have lunch sleep

sofa garden have dinner walk

have breakfast

2. Read and circle!

Tom is a cat. Read about his usual day and circle the examples of the top tips.

Top tips for writing about your

usual day!
1. Start each sentence with a
capital ‘I’.

2. Use verbs to say what you

do, for example ‘go’, ‘have’,
‘eat’ or ‘play’.

3. Finish each sentence with a

full stop.
© British Council, 2016 The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
3. What’s the order?
Put the words in the correct order.

a. have breakfast. I I have breakfast.

b. watch I television.

c. lunch. have I

d. sleep. I to go

e. in garden. play I the

f. I dinner. have

g. go a I for walk.

4. Practise writing!
Write the activities you do. Draw the times on the clocks. Draw a picture for
each activity.
© British Council, 2016 The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

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