Adani News

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From a low of ~6.8 trillion, the

Adani group’s market cap has
more than doubled

The official further said that

the DFC was satisfied that
the allegations weren’t appli-
cable to Adani Ports & Special
Economic Zone, which
is spearheading the Sri
Lankan project.
Shares of Adani Ports rose
15 per cent to ~1,012 apiece
during the day. The stock is
already 33 per cent higher
than levels seen before the
Hindenburg report.
The sell-off in Adani stocks
troughed by the end of
February, ahead of a ~15,500
crore share purchase by US-
based investment firm GQG
Partners from Adani group
promoters. GQG, led by Rajiv
Jain, has acquired stakes in
five Adani group firms for
about $4.2 billion – the value
of which has now increased by
over 75 per cent to nearly $7.5
From a low of ~6.8 trillion,
the Adani group’s market cap
has more than doubled but is
still ~5.3 trillion below the
January 24 levels.
The majority of the recov-
ery in market value has
occurred in the past week.
Last week, the Adani group’s
market cap surged by ~1 tril-
lion after the Supreme Court
concluded hearings in a regu-
latory probe investigating the
American short seller’s allega-
tions. While reserving its order
on the probe, the apex court
stated it would not take media
reports on the conglomerate
as the “gospel truth”. On
Monday, the value of the 11
listed stocks had increased by
~73,000 crore, a day after the
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
swept polls in three states.

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