LV Elem U1 Vocabulary Worksheet A

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Vocabulary Unit 1
Lesson 1.1 Daily routines
1 Complete the daily routines with the words and phrases below.

a shower bed dinner dressed hair music videos school teeth TV up

brush your get go to have watch

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

2 Look at the photos. Complete the daily routines with the words below.

do go have (x2) take relax

1 __________ your homework 2 __________ the bus

3 __________ breakfast 4 __________ home

5 __________ with friends 6 __________ guitar lessons

Life Vision Elementary • Vocabulary Unit 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 1

3 Choose the correct answer: A, B or C.
New post • Today 3 p.m.
My typical Saturday
On Saturday mornings, I usually 1___ late. Then, I watch 2___ with my sister, Zahra, and we have 3___ – we ♥ fruit! At
about 11.30 a.m., I have a 4___, get dressed and brush my 5___. Then, I 6___ the bus to town and meet some friends.
We always have 7___ in our favourite café. It’s good to 8___ with friends.

1 A ☐ relax B ☐ go to C ☐ get up
2 A ☐ homework B ☐ TV C ☐ the bus
3 A ☐ breakfast B ☐ lunch C ☐ dinner
4 A ☐ lesson B ☐ shower C ☐ lunch
5 A ☐ videos B ☐ hair C ☐ dinner
6 A ☐ go B ☐ have C ☐ take
7 A ☐ a shower B ☐ breakfast C ☐ lunch
8 A ☐ relax B ☐ brush C ☐ watch

Lesson 1.1 Communication activity

4 Work in pairs. Complete the table for you with a time, e.g. at 10 a.m. / from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Then, take turns to describe your routine. Complete your partner’s column with their
answers. How many things do you do at the same time?
You Your partner
get up for school

have a shower

go to school

relax at home

do your homework

have dinner

go to bed

get up on Sundays

Life Vision Elementary • Vocabulary Unit 1 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 2

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