Steps To Set A Business

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Depending on:
-Responsibility 1
-Number of partners
-Social capital

Negative certificate
2 It can be obtained in the
“Registro Mercantil”, indicating
the uniqueness of the society.

Deposit of the social capital

It is neccessary to deposit the
social capital in the bank. (from 3
3000 to 120000 euros)

Creation of the society

4 For the creation, we need to do
a public deet in the notary
where the partners sign the
constitution of the society.

NIF request
At the “Agencia Tributaria”, they will
give you a provisional NIF according to
the 036 model, the deet’s copy of the
society and a copy of the statutes.

Inscription in the
“Registro Mercantil”
6 It is signed in the office where the
society is established. It must be done
for adquiring all judicial competence.

Register in the “IAE”

You should register ij this tax in
the “Agencia Tributaria” offices,
and in the part of the business
activity chosen.

Legalize the society books

8 “Libro de inventarios” “Libro de

cuentas anuales” “Libro diario”
Those are legalized in the province center of
“Registro Mercantil” posting an official certificade
im each page.

Register brands and patents

You must go to the “Oficina Española de
Patentes y Marcas” to register the parts that
makes you unique(name, logo, patents…)

Communicate the

10 opening of the society

In case you have workers, you
must communicate the
opening of the workplace to
the “Dirección Provincial del
Ministerio de Trabajo y
Economía Social”, and adquire
a book that will be used in the
inspections. It is optional to
obtain an electronic certificate
to sign documents digitally and
helps to make processes faster.

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