Rajesh M10 Online Note UPDATED

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Rajesh M10 Notes:

100% Pass rate

SRM​ does not require DGCA approval .

TC fees(1000kg and below)- ₹40000

( extra 1000kg - 20000)
TC fees of ​turbine engine - 20,00,000

C of C fees - ₹5000

AOC issue fee - 20 lakhs

AOC renewal​ - 10 lakhs

ITSO item except APU : ₹20,000 per item

(i) fifty employees :Rs.2,00,000/-
(ii) more than fifty and upto two hundred employees:Rs.4,00,000/-
(iii) more than 200 employees :Rs.8,00,000/-

C of R ( up to 15,000kg): ₹20,000
Additional 1000kg : ₹5000

C of A ( up to 1000kg ): ₹20,000
Additional 1000kg : ₹1000

A document issued to an organisation approved by DGCA and defining scope of approval

granted is
1) Certificate of Approval ✓✓
2) Approved certificate

Cat B1.1, B2, B1.3 - ​5 years

Cat A, B1.2, B1.4 - ​3 years
Person shall demonstrate ​5 yr for line and 8 yr for base maintenance certifying staff.

CAR 145​ flight crew ATPL or CPL issues in accordance with ​schedule 2 of rule 1937
Cat C ( large a/c) - B1.1, B1.3, B2 - 3yr experience or Car -145 b1.1, b1.3 or b2 support

Cat c (large a/c) - B1.2, B1.4 - 5 yr or car 145 b1.2, b1.4 support staff.

Cat C ( non large a/c) - B1 and B2 privilage - 3yr of experience or car 145 b1 or b2 support

Cat A: less than 169 km/hr

Cat B: more than 169 or less than 224km/hr
Cat C: more than 224 or less than 261 km/hr
Cat D: more than 261 or less than 307km/hr
Cat E: more than 307 or less than 391km/hr

Aeromobile licence from ​Ministry of Commumication.

Temporary C of R- ​valid upto first Landing at custom aerodrome

--Cat 1: ​decision height ​not lower than 60m(200ft)

-- Cat 2 ILS: ​decision altitude ​less than 60 m (200ft) but greater than 30 m( 100ft )​ runway
visual range not less than 350m.

Cat 3A:​ decision height ​lower than 30m (100 ft)

Cat 3B: lower than 15 m ( 50 ft )
Cat 3C : no decision height

--ACAS 2 - Threat Detection

-- ​rectification period of defect group 1 and group 2
1) As satisfaction of DGCA
2) Include corrective action & root cause
3) Both ✓✓
-- For helicopter having MTOW of 7000 Kg ​1 CVR
-- ​RVSM requirement vertical distance
-- Repetitive Flight AD​ by ​flight commander or flight engineer.

Failed module can be taken- ​atleast after 90 days (or) atleast 30 days if training
organisation conduct course.

Credits expire ​10 yr ​after they are granted to applicant by DGCA

Credits are granted acc. to ​APM chapter 17

CA 2 MR- modification and repair

Section 5A- power to issue direction on . . behalf of central government
Section 6 - power of central government to . make rules in emergency.
Section 10- Penalty for act in contravention . of rule made under this act

Schedule 6 of 1937- power of central government to impose penalty

Sub Rule 2 of 7 - documents to be carried on . . board

Subrule 1 of 19- suspension / cancellation of C of R mle
Sub Rule 2 of 19- suspension (or) cancellation of airworthiness or TC

41A- ​If student engages in any maul practice . …. then he shall be punished.
41 subrule 4- debar from flying/ exam if cheating
63 - radio apparatus obligatory
24- toxication of person
133A - ​AIC and NOTAM
54- authorised person

Rule 52 - modification and repair.

False failure info occur in AOP - ​Suspension, cancellation and revocation of AOP.
Formal application ​and it's attachments must be submitted ​atleast 90 days before date of
revenue operations.
Holder of AOP shall apply for renewal to DGCA, ​atleast Min 90 days prior to date of expiry.
AOC - Annexure 6
Fax number ​is on ​AOP
Aop ​has ​name of operator, address and flight crew details.

DOCUMENT EVALUATION - ​DGCA will study applicant manual , documents should be

accurate and current.

Aop ​holder's aircraft required

1) CAMO is required as a part of AOP to manage continuing airworthiness of aircraft.
2) It can contract with another CAMO

--EDTO CRITICAL FUEL- ​the fuel quantity necessary to fly to en route alternate aerodrome
considering at the most critical point on route the most limiting system failure.
--Approved according to ​section 8 series O part 2

ETOPS - more than 5700 MTOW and carry more than 9 passengers
ALTIMETRY SYSTEM ERROR- ​the difference btw the pressure altitude displayed to flight crew
when referenced to international standard atmosphere ground pressure setting and free stream
pressure altitude

--Load and Trim ​sheet prepared by ​PIC or person of Section 8 series D Part - 1
--Load distribution - PIC
--Load sheet shall be retained by operator for record purpose for a period of ​atleast 4 months
from date of issue

--When a/c is leases the responsibilities of owner is transformed to lease ​detail in leasing
contract and lesse is stipulated in
-- Owner / Operator​ shall ensure that a/c is permanently transferred from one owner or
operator to another

Error of safety - ​Technical Factor, Organisation Factor, human factor, environment Factor.

A/c technical log - approved and amendments by DGCA .

Sections 1 technical log book - ​Name , Address and operator
Section 2 technical log - ​Details of next maintenance schedule ( CRS)
Section 3 technical log- ​necessary information for flight safety.
Section 4 Technical log- ​deferred defects.
Section 5 technical log- ​maintenance and support information.

Fuel tank safety :

Not later than 6 months after joining organisation.

Phase 1
1) Group of persons representing the maintenance management structure, the quality
manager and staff required to monitor organisation
2) Personnel of component authorities
3) Examples of manufacture documents showing CDCCL items
4) History​ of FTS
5) Able to use typical term of FTS
6) Simple Example of FTS
7) Should be taken in form of ​training bulletin, self study.

Phase 1+2+continuation training-

1) personnel of management and review of CAMO .
2) Personnel of car 145 amo required to plan, perform, supervise, inspect and certify
maintenance of a/c & fuel system components.
3) Detail of SB
4) Examination required at end, MCQ and pass mark 75%
5) 8 hr​ duration is acceptable compliance

Continuation Training​ is ​2 way process.

-Technical Log ​doesn't contain​ ​AD, SB

doesn't contain training program.
Doesn't contain C of R,
-Maintenance statement ​forms part of ​Technical Log.
-Deferred​ ​defect rectification - only A/c technical log.
-Technical log- ​Information about each fight , necessary to ensure continued flight.

Ca form 28- ​C of R
A/c imported under ​Indian Short Term C of R.

A/c imported in dismantled condition, ​erection certificate ​signed​ ​by appropriate

licensed/authorised/ approved person ​along with ​flight test report ​by pilot licensed
/authorised for purpose.

CA 19-01 - intial issue of AME LICENSE

CA FORM 2 ( appendix 9) - ​for approval mof organisation

CAP 3100- seeking AOP

CAP 3300/ 3400 - Regional schedule commuter/ NSOP

Hazard identification-
Reporting of hazard, events and safety concern
Collecting and storage of safety data
Analysis of safety data
-- Hazard Outcomes from ​safety analysis

SB doesn't not require DGCA approval

Holder of AME LICENSE complies with- ​CAR M​ AND ​CAR 145

Staff member of CAR- M organisation authorised to issue / recommend of ARC

1) Need not be car 66 qualified
2) must be CAR-66 qualified and have aeronautical degree​✓✓
3) Must be car 66 qualified

-- Specific Condition ​are mentioned in ​Maintenance Data

--Maintenance personnel equipment tools specified by ​Maintenance Data
--Use the method, techniques, standards and instructions specificed in ​Maintenance Data.
--The person or org maintaining an a/c shall have access to and use only ​applicable current
maintenance data.

Any applicable requirement, procedure, standard or information issues by ​DGCA

Aop is for - schedule and non schedule

Aop certified true copy carried out with operation specification

Only CEO ​conduct basic knowledge examination

--Revision in MEL shall be submitted to respective airworthiness office ​within 30 days ​after
receipt of MMEL revision
--MEL ​is not Maintenance data
--MEL should be carried onboard as a part of “Operational​ Manual”.
-- ​ACAS is MEL should be rectified ​within 10 days
-- ​Operator shall mention in their ​CAME ​the procedure for revoking MEL

Flight test specified in ​MOM/ CAME

Flight test- ​at time of renewal of C of A, major repair or overhauled.

Indian registered a/c ​Cat A.

CG limits- Flight manual and C of A

A/c hangar visit plan reflected in ​AMP

Safety- ​the state in which risk associated with aviation activities related to or indirect support of
operation of aircraft are reduced and control to an acceptable level.

Evaluation of individual performance ​proactive & reactive.

SMS shall contain proactive and reactive- ​Quality Assurance

SMS- systematic​ approach to managing safety , including necessary organisational​ structures,

accountabilities, policies and procedures.
State Safety- ​integral set of regulation and activities aimed at improving safety

SMS implementation plan shall be endorsed by ​Senior Management ​of organisation.

ICAO annex 19- Safety management

Safety assurance include management of change .

ICAO DOC 9659 - ​SRC/ SAG and selection of safety manager.
ERP- incident and accident

It shall be responsibility of custodian of safety information to apply all possible protection

regarding disclosure of information, unless:
1) There is consistent of originator of information for disclosure
2) Reason that release of safety information is in accordance with principle of

Phase 1 SMS
1) Establish SMS implementation team
2) Define scope of SMS
3) Perform SMS gap analysis

Safety manager ​responsible for​ implementation and maintenance of SMS.

Safety Manager ​must conduct ​surveys​, safety audit and policies
Safety Manager accepted by ​DGCA.

--Service provider shall take in consider responsibility and accountability of ​MANAGEMENT

-- ​Safety Provider​ ​shall ensure that organisation ​“QUALITY​ ​POLICY”​ is consistent & support
the fulfilment of activities of SMS
Develop and maintain SMS operation by record - ​Safety Provider

Accountable executive- Efficient and effective SMS

Safety policy shall be signed by ​Accountable Executive.
A single , identifiable person having responsibility for effective and efficient performance of State
SSP or service providers SMS is ​Accountable Executive.
SSP ​established by​ DGCA.
SMS ​established by ​DGCA.
SSP reviewed every 1 year

Export C of A- AAC 4 OF 2014

D​OA- Car 21

Hazard- condition ​or object with potential to cause or contribute to a/c accident or incidental
Hazard- reactive and proactive
Include predictive method of safety data analysis
Hazard outcomes ​from​ safety analysis.

Error- ​an action or inaction by operational person that leads to deviations from organisational or
operational person intention or expectations
ICAO convention - ​7th December, 1944.

-MEL prepare by operator

-Mel shall​ include all maintenance and operational procedure given by manufacturer in
Dispatch and Deviation Procedure Guide / Operations Procedure.
-The preamble of MEL shall also stipulate that whenever the MEL is invoked, the flight dispatch
shall be informed.
- MMEL prepared by State of Design/ Manufacturer
-operator shall submit a certificate that MEL has been prepared in consultation of operation
1) Cat a- ​specified in MEL
2) Cat B - ​with 3 days​ consecutive calendar days
3) Cat c - ​within 10 days​ consecutive calendar days I
4) Cat d - ​within 120 days​ consecutive calendar days
MEL shall include DDPG / DDOP
Mel cannot be less restrictive than mmel
MEL ​is ​not considered as Maintenance Document.

1) A/c for aerobatics need not prepare MEL even manufacture issue MMel
2) All a/c shall have MEL, if manufacture has issue MMEL
3) MEL implies that safe operation of a/c is possible even with existence of certain system

--PIC ​is responsible for recording the result of test flight and for making comments in writing as
considered necessary for future test flight.
--Flight test report performed shall be completed by PIC​ and ​person authorised by
operator ​shall be responsible for recording results of test flight.
-- Any occurrence during operations the same must be documented by ​PIC.
-- Evaluation is respect of fuel consumption, engine power , and performance and radio , radar
equipment check should be done by ​Test Flight.
--Test Flight ​is required to satisfactorily determine the cause of defect
--For the purpose of test flight the number of flight crew to be carried onboard shall be as
specified in ​Flight manual.
--Observed actual climb in no case be lower by ​more than 3° ​of expected climb performance for
the purpose of acceptance of test flight report.
--Routine test flight ​conducted at ​Maximum all up weight ​and ​authorised for type of
--Test Flight report ​submitted to ​RAO.
-- Test Flight range altitude specified by Manufacturer.
-- ​Test Flight specified in​ MOM/ CAME.
Repair- restoration of an aeronautical product to airworthy condition.
Repair classified by DGCA ​and ​appropriately approved organisation.

Section 2 series L , part 10- ​component certifying staff comply with rule 61

Recognised car- 145 require 2 quite different types of small organisation:

1) The first being light a/c maintenance hangar
2) The second being component maintenance workshop e.g. small piston engine,
radio equipment, etc.

Proving Flight- ​issued to

1) Schedule and non schedule
2) Introduction of new type of a/c in organisation.
3) Prior to Special operations
4) Prior to first operations by day or night aerodrome above 4000ft in elevation or
having MSA above 15000 ft.
In case of proving flight , issuance of approval letter for special operations is done by ​CFOI.

Proving flight termed as ​validation flight it's being carried out with passenger during
rectification procees of existing operator.

Certification Authorisation- ​only certifying staff.

Certification authorisation​ - 1 year
. ​Renewed by ​quality manager.

Maintenance of aircraft done according to​ Aircraft Maintenance Programme.

Maintenance programme ​reviewed ​annually.
Sufficiently​ of hangar space to carry out planed base maintenance should be determined by
)))AMM- not include primary and secondary structures

Performance of ground deicing and anti-icing does not require Part-145 maintenance
organisation approval, deicing & Anti-icing are considered as maintenance. Done by
approved person.

In case if a/c imported in ​dismantle condition-

1) Erection certificate signed by appropriate licensed/ authorised person
2) Flight test report by pilot licensed/ authorised for purpose​.

--Only a/c​ modifications are recorded in ​A/c log book.

--Log book
Section 1) minor repair
Section 2) ​major repair and overhaul, replacement
Section 3) modification record

Fuel quantity guage

1) Unusual fuel should be calibrated as zero datum line
2) Unusable fuel marked with red dial

Quantity of unusable fuel - ​Flight Manual

Line maintenance- ​maintenance carried out before flight to ensure continued validity.

Essential element of quality system is ​independent audit ​and ​quality feedback system

19 subrule 1- ​Central government may cancel or suspend C of R

Component certifying staff - ​CAR SECTION 2 SERIES L PART 10

A/c weight up to 2000kg - actual weight of passengers.

ITSOA, TC, STC,RTC, Noise certificate​- validity unlimited.

Noise certificate- Annexure 16 vol 1 part 2

Minor amendments to exposition- ​Indirect Approval.

Transfer Check- ​when owner wishes to change from one programme to another because of
change in type of operation.
During changing, inspection to be performed to implementation of change

A/c continuous airworthiness record contain-

Status of compliance with maintenance programme, status of service life limited components,
mass and balance report.

Applicants for schedule commuter service / non-schedule operator permit will be required to
conduct min. of
5 flight sector, with total duration not less than 10 hours.

Amendment to Ops specs will be required but not limited to-

1) Addition of new type of a/c in org
2) Addition of same type of a/c in org
3) Special operations
4) Commencement of international operations to new destination
ICAO- CIR 285/AN/166- ​accident victim relief programme

AD including SB,SI,SL ​is not required DGCA approval.

Min age for solo flying - 16 yr

Competent authority shall establish ​record keeping​ of that allows adequate traceability of
process to issue, continue, change , suspend or revocate each certificate.

AIC​ and A​AC​ documents are used to notify the airlines of type of information that are not
included in Service Bulletin.

EDTO- ​any operation by an airplane with 2 or more turbine engines where the diversion time to
enroute alternate aerodrome is greater than threshold time established by state of operator.

Steering Group- ​MPD aids operatiors in fulfilling their obligations to create and follow their own

Amendment to MEL- ​approved by RAO.

Min 3 a/c of particular model/ type- ​Fleet

--SOP shall carry out review ​daily.

--Complete of major investigation should be done within​ ​3 months.
--​Components associated with major defects shall be preserved for period of ​2 weeks from
date of information.
-- ​Fleet Performance , Engineering Statistics & Analysis:
1) Schedule - Monthly
2) Non Schedule - Quarterly

AM ​has authority for ensuring that all tasks as per scope of approval of approved organisation
carried out to standard required by DGCA.

)))MOE - ​document issued to organisation approved by DGCA and defining the scope of
approval granted .
--​Quality manager is responsible for amendment in MOE.
-- ​HF training​ specified in ​MOE
-- limited certification authorisation ​subject to M
​ OE

Quality Control ​- Management system for programming and coordinating the ongoing quality
and improvement effort of various group in an organisation in accordance with requirements of
AM appoint QM who will ensure quality monitoring.

Petroleum in bulk- ​exceeding 900 litres

Human Performance- ​human capabilities and limitations which have an impact on safety and
efficiency on aeronautical operations
Human factors- principle ​which apply to aeronautical design, certification, training, operations
and maintenance and which seek safe interface btw human and other system components by
considering​ human performance.

--No task requiring Troubleshooting should be part of authorised maintenance action

Owner/ operator - ​Will be responsible for granting competent authority access to organisation/
aircraft to determine continued compliance with accountability.

Occurrence Reporting system - within 72 hr.

In training organisation instructors are approved by - ​CI.

Weight schedule- approved by RAO

DGCA approval to institute deemed to suspended till another suitable qualified person
nominated by institute in accepted by regional director of airworthiness ​in case of absence of
AM more than 60 days.

If any person is feel bad due to any order of his higher officer may appeal to higher officer within
60 days.

During semester, practical training shall not be normally less than ​50% of total training time.

A/c shall be weighed, before issue of C of A.

Weight schedule prepared by-
1) Approved by DGCA
2) Approved by quality manager
3) Cat B licensed AME.

Calibration of weight scales given in ​MOE.

Reweighting of aircraft of MTOW weight more than 2000kg

1) Extension of weight period beyond 3 months granted agreed by SRAo
2) Extension beyond 3 months granted by DGCA Hdqtrs.
Weight schedule contain-
1) MTOW (in kg)
2) Empty weight centre of gravity
Preparation of load and trim sheet Stamdard weight :
1) Crew 85kg( 75+10kg)
2) Adult. 75 kg
3) Child (2yr - 12yr). 35 kg
4) Infants( less than 2yr). 10kg

))) GPWS ​fitted on ​piston engine with MTOW of more than 5700kg
Deactivation procedure for GPWS, ​aeroplane flight Manual

Total time Flight cycle​( hours calendar time, landing) of a/c and ​life limited​ as appropriate
components are retained for period​ of 12 months.

FSDS ​published on ​CAME

DGFT- ​Permission to import an aircraft.

--Maintenance man hour plan ​ revised ​every 3 months and updated when necessary.
--Maintenance Man Hour plan ​based on ​minimum maintenance workload, need for
commercial viability.
-- ​Deviation from Man hour plan reported to ​quality department through department

Computer system should have atleast one backup and updated within ​24 hours

Owner or CAMO - responsible for any maintenance on a/c ( eg : incomplete maintenance


Certifying staff- ensure that component is not airworthy condition

Endangered Flight Safety- ​any instance where safe operation cannot be assured or which
could lead to unsafe condition.

Applicable instruction for continuing airworthiness issued by ​TC and STC

M.A. Subpart G - ​when an operator is requested by a member state to hold certificate for
commercial o/p other than commercial air transport according to
RVSM- above FL290 & 2000 to 1000ft

All ​components, equipment and tools ​be clearly identified and listed in ​Control Register
including personal tools and equipments

Recommendation or Non technical objection (NTO) ​from manufacturer shall not be grant for
approval of ​major repairs.

The application shall be accompanied with ​para-wise CAR 145 compliance report.
Car 145 approval required-
1) Light a/c maintenance hangar
2) Component maintenance workshop, like small piston engines and radio

Important thing while importing a/c in India for first time is ​adequate trained person should be
available like engineer, pilot.

Condition Monitoring- ​permit in life until failure.

)))Colour of nose for fuel dispending

​Jet A1 - Black

))) ​Maintenance program in case of quality control manager having more than 3 years of
experience ​approved by qcm with intimation RAO.

))) Airworthiness Notice 3 and 10: ​certification responsibilities of licence engineer and
approved inspectors.

A list containing items of inspection/actions to be performed by flight crew in order as listed, and
in the circumstances as indicated for ensuring safe operation of aircraft is called ​Emergency
Check List

Content of First Aid Kit and Physician Kit shall be examined and certified ​every year.

Full time for car 145- not less than 35 hours per week
Car 145 AMo ensure such staff have up to date knowledge of relevant technology,
organisation procedures and human factor issues.

Subpart F of CAR - M , maintenance organisation should have , dependent upon extent of

approval, ​an aircraft maintenance manager, a workshop manager ​all of whom should report
to accountable manager .
Permit to fly ​issued for microlight a/c.

Psychoactive substances ​exclude coffee and Tobacco

Maintenance data include SB, AMP, CPCP, AMM.

Maintenance of component ​done by ​CAR 145 and subpart f of CAR M.

Continuing airworthiness related to CAR - M

CAT A- ​company or organisation registered in other than India but provide a/c on lease to
Indian person.

CAT-B- ​company in foreign and business in India.

For ​complex motor powered​ , when maintenance programme is based on steering group logic
or on condition monitoring the aircraft maintenance program shall include a ​reliability

Owner or operator maintenance programme should normally based on ​MRB, MPD, relevant
chapter of Maintenance manual (or) any other maintenance data containing information
on scheduling.

Minimum inspection program for cat 1 - annually/ 100hr

AM is not CEO:
1) DGCA need to assure that AM has direct access to CEO
2) AM may be AM for more than 1 organisation
3) AM need not to have technical knowledge.

--Non schedule aircraft (NSOP) maintained by ​CAR- 145

-- Components of Twin Engine Helicopter ​maintained by ​CAR- 145
​When an operator is requested by member state to hold certificate for commercial operation
other than commercial air transport in accordance with ​CAR M subpart G

Single seater microlight a/c : not exceeding

330 kg
not more than 10 sq.m , person :1
Two seater microlight : not exceeding 450 kg
not more than 10 sq.m, person : 2

Trainee pilot who is learning to fly may fly without a licensee an any a/c who's ​MTOW doens't
exceed 1500kg.
Temporary aerodrome ​not exceeding 6 months.

--CAME should be available to :

All people carrying safety, QM, AM
-- CAME and it's amendments by DGCA.
--Pre-flight inspection training standard described in ​CAME

Component removed from a/c , comes under ​Aircraft Maintenance.

-- AMP reviewed Annually

Maintenance program ​reviewed​ atleast annually.
Minimum inspection program for cat 1 not i​nvolved in commercial operation, should be
performed​ annually/ 100hr
--Independent quality audit and feedback system ​record for​ ​2 years.
-- ​Max . Period between audits of particular line station ​should not​ ​exceed 24 months.
--​ Records Pertaining to independent audit and quality feedback retained for ​last 2 years.
-- Temporary Fitment of component without appropriate release to certificate for maximum of ​30
flight hrs
-- ​minor schedule line Maintenance means minor schedule inspection/ check up to and including
WEEKLY CHECK ​specified on operator AMP
--Noise certificate record for ​6 years.
-- ​CAR - 145 approved organisation terminates it's operation , ​last​ ​3 years documents to be
delivered to last owner of operator.
-- ​One- off authorisation reported ​within 7 days and flight safety is rechecked by
appropriate approved organisation.
--​ Limited Certification Authorisation - ​12 months
-- ​independent audit has checked ​every 12 months without resultant findings
-- ​organisation shall retain a copy of all detail maintenance records and associated data for ​3
years ​after releasing from AMO
-- ​total time of flight cycles as appropriate of components are retained for period of ​12 months.
-- ​detail maintenance record for a/c or life limited components, until superseded by new info and
detail ​not less than 36 months
-- ​current status of AD of a/c and components ​12 months.
-- Service life limited​ components after issuing ​CRS, record kept for 36 months
-- Service life limited​ components after permanently​withdrawn kept for ​12 months
-- ​A/c tech log - ​36 months
-- ​Occurence repotting - ​72 hrs
-- ​one off authorisation - ​7 days
-- ​each entry shall be made ASAP but not in case ​not more than 30 days​ after the day of
-- record of a/c loading and fuel kept for ​3 months
-- ​Records associated with defect and their rectification action ​shall be preserved for 1 year
-- ​Schedule operator should submit major defect report within ​72 hrs
- ​Max service life of seal is ​4 yr
​Shelf Life of hoses is ​10 yr
-- AED ​is carried for duration of more than ​2hr
-- ​Records shall be retained for ​2 yr after airworthiness review staff has left the
-- Quality System​ records ​stored for atleast 2 years.
-- CAMO ​retain record for ​2 years after a/c permanently​withdrawn from service
-- ​Airworthiness Staff have ​atleast 3 years experience ​as certifying staff
-- protection from weather elements related to normal prevailing local weather elements that
expected throughout any ​12 months period
-- ​Organisation shall retain record for ​atleast 3 years, ​after certifying and support staff have
ceased employment with organisation
-- continuation training ​reviewed ​once in 12 months

-- Airworthiness review staff been involved​ in continuing airworthiness management for

atleast ​6 months in last 2 years.
They have conducted atleast ​1 Airworthiness review in last 12 months.

--Cat A: maintenance on a/c and any component ( including APU/ engine)

--Cat B : maintenance on uninstalled​ engine / APU . CAR 145 amo may also carry out
maintenance on installed engine during “line” and “base” maintenance

-- Cat C: maintenance on uninstalled components ( excluding engines and APU ) . CAR -

145 amo may also carry out maintenance on installed components during base and line
maintenance or at any engine / APU subject to control procedure.

--Cat D: D1 non destructive test.

Organisation approved under cat D should hold and use ​specialised service process

CA Form 1 is in ​Landscape mode

Component removed from aircraft is ​Aircraft Maintenance.

--Consumable material should be accompanied by ​Unsalvageable.

--Record traceability cannot be retrieved- ​unsalvageable​.

CAR 145:
Part 0: General organisation
Part 2: Maintenance Procedure/ additional line Maintenance Procedure
Part 3: Quality System Procedure
Part 6 : Operators Maintenance Procedure
Part 7 : FAA Supplementary Procedure
Part 8: Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA)
Part 9: EASA

Large a/c - a/c MTOM more than 5700 kg and multi-engine helicopter

The scope of small organisation ​limited light aircraft, light aircraft components,

--Level 1 Findings: ​any significant non compliance with CAR -145​ , which lower the safety
standard and hazards seriously the flight safety.
Eg: ​Primary structure
--Level 2 findings: ​non compliance with CAR 145 which ​could lower safety standard and
possibly hazard flight safety.

--When organisation maintain component for its own use, ​CA 1 may not be necessary
-- ​When organisation is unable to complete all maintenance ordered then ​CRS may be issued
with approval of aircraft limitation, the organisation shall enter such fact in CRS before
issue of such certificate.

The internal reporting process should be ​closed loop, satisfactory flight test is carried out.

AMO will report unsafe condition that hazard seriously flight safety to
2) TC/ STC holder
3) State of registry
4) ATA ✓✓

--Sample check: ​witness any relevant testing and visually inspect the product and associated
documents (not involve disassembly or testing).
--Car 145 org having capability to maintain a/c , repair engines, brakes and auto pilot would
need to carry out ​4 complete audit sample check every year.

NABL​ for calibration of parts

FDR 4A ​is capable of recording of retaining Information of last 10 hours

3 years/ 2000 cycles which ever is earlier, ​in absence of manufacture recommendation VSI
Gyro Indicator, directional gyro Indicator, automatic pilot ( gyro units only ) -- 2 years/

Airspeed indicator, pitot-static , turn - bank Indicator, tacometer -- 3 yrs/ 2000hrs.

Thermometers, pressure and vaccum guages-- decided by operator

Magnetic compass pivot friction, should not exceed tolerance. If unknown ​deflect by 10° and
allow to come back. The change should not exceed 2°.

A/c defects recorded as per ​ATA-100 code wise.

For multi-engine a/c , ​CVR should be installed where STC is available

Application for registration of ETOP not required ​APU details.

Instrument should be stored at ​5°C - 25°C, humidity not exceeding 70% and must be dust

Certifying staff - ​21 years

AME licence. - ​18 years

Maintenance instructions does not include ​engineering design of repairs ​and ​modifications

According to CAR-M Subpart - F organization dependent upon extent of approval​ Aircraft

Maintenance manager and workshop manager.

Emergency locator Transmitter- 121.5 MHz and 406 MHz for 48 hours

CVR - last 2 hrs

Takes 4 parameters

Temporary staff should be ​trained shortly after joining organisation

Working copies ​document work on behalf of log book for temporary use

15A - ARC by DGCA

15B - ARC issues by CAMO
15C - ARC issues by person who performed airworthiness review ( CAt 1 not involved in
commercial operation )
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