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Activity Worksheet 1.

Reflective Questions
Name:_Yumi R. Cagadas__________ Section:_BSESS 1-1 Date:_11/16/2023 Group no._____

During the new or next normal, what do you think is the importance of physical
activities in your own personal lifeand and also with your family? (10points)

Physical activity is significant, individually and within a family, especially in adapting to new norms or
life changes. Here’s why, in personal terms, it is essential for health and well-being since engaging in
physical activities promotes better physical and mental health. It reduces the risk of chronic
diseases, boosts mood, and increases overall well-being. Also, it is a stress reduction because
exercise is a fantastic stress reliever. It helps reduce cortisol levels and releases endorphins, natural
mood lifters. Thirdly, it improves focus and productivity because regular physical activity can
enhance cognitive function, improving focus, productivity, and overall mental clarity. Lastly, it boosts
energy levels. It might seem counterintuitive, but expending energy through physical activity often
increases energy levels throughout the day. In Family terms, physical activity can create a Bonding
Time. Engaging in physical activities as a family can be a great bonding experience. Whether hiking,
playing sports, or simply walking together, it fosters stronger relationships and creates lasting
memories. Second, this can set Healthy Examples since Children learn by example. When parents
prioritize physical activity, children are likelier to adopt and maintain healthy habits. thirdly, it
Enhance Communication. Being active together opens up opportunities for conversation and
interaction that might not happen otherwise. It can facilitate discussions and strengthen the family
dynamic. Lastly, it Promotes a Healthy Lifestyle. Making physical activities a regular part of family life
reinforces the value of a healthy lifestyle, encouraging everyone to prioritize their health. The
pandemic has shifted many routines, causing increased sedentary behavior due to remote work and
restricted movement. Therefore, integrating physical activities into daily routines becomes even
more crucial. Incorporating training through indoor exercises, outdoor adventures, or even
household chores helps maintain health and balance in this changed environment. Overall, the
importance of physical activities in personal and family life cannot be overstated. They contribute
significantly to physical health, mental well-being, and family dynamics. In an ever-changing world,
prioritizing these activities can be a stable anchor for a healthier and happier life.

What are the ways that you are doing in order to cope effectively in this pandemic
situation? Explain your answer. (10points)

To cope with the challenges of the pandemic, I've been relying on a few strategies to manage it
effectively. First is being informed and balanced; I keep myself informed with accurate information from
reliable sources. It helps me make informed decisions and reduces unnecessary anxiety caused by
misinformation. What I mean by balanced consumption is that, while staying informed, I also balance
my news consumption. Too much exposure to negative news can be overwhelming, so I limit it to
maintaining a positive mindset. Next is prioritizing my mental and physical health. I establish a routine
that includes physical activity, mindfulness practices like meditation or deep breathing, and healthy
eating habits. This routine provides structure and stability amidst uncertainty. In addition, I stay
connected with friends and family virtually. Regular video calls and messages help maintain social
connections, reducing feelings of isolation. Thirdly, I enhanced my adapting and flexible skills. I embrace
change and remain flexible in adjusting to new circumstances. Adapting to different situations helps me
navigate uncertainties more effectively. I use this time to explore new hobbies, learn new skills, or delve
deeper into existing interests. It’s a way to keep my mind engaged and focused on personal growth.
Next, I practice gratitude by journaling or reflecting on what I'm thankful for. It shifts focus from
challenges to the positive aspects of life, fostering resilience. F inding joy in small moments or
appreciating moments of pleasure, whether a good cup of coffee, a beautiful sunset, or a heartwarming
conversation, helps maintain a positive outlook. Also, I did try to contribute and help others cope.
Offering support to my friends, family, or the community, whether through volunteering or simply being
there to listen, gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Lastly, there is self -care and compassion. I
prioritize self-care and self-compassion, understanding that taking care of myself enables me to support
others better. Coping effectively in this pandemic requires a multifaceted approach, prioritizing mental
and physical well-being, adaptability, staying informed yet balanced, practicing gratitude, and finding
ways to contribute positively to the community. These strategies have helped me maintain stability,
resilience, and hope during these challenging times.

Activity Worksheet 2. Knowledge Check

Name:_Yumi R. Cagadas__________ Section:_BSESS 1-1 Date:_11/16/2023 Group no._____

I. Encircle the letter of the best answer that corresponds to the following questions or

1. It is the ability to accept limitations, cope up with stress, accept and adjust to changes, and
appreciate life even with failures and regrets.
a. Spiritual Wellness b. Emotional Wellness c. Physical Wellness d. Health

2. ___________refers to our relationships with others and how we interact with them.
a. Spiritual Wellness b. Emotional Wellness c. Social Wellness d. Fitness

3. Below are all top leading causes of deaths in the world except____________.
a. Heart Diseases b. Stroke c. Tuberculosis d. Diabetes

4. This is due to lack of physical activity participation during leisure time and an increase in
sedentary behavior.
a. COVID19 b. Hyperventilation c. Lockdowns d. Physical inactivity

5. The following are the diseases one can acquire during physical inactivity except
a. cancer b. dengue c. hypertension d. stroke

6. It is a physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive that aims to maintain or
improve components of physical fitness.
a. dance b. exercise c. sports d. yoga

7. This is the recommended physical activity session by the WHO for adults and elderly.
a. 30 min/day of moderate-to-vigorous PAs c. 60 min/day of moderate-to-vigorous PAs
b. 75 min/wk of vigorous PAs d. 150 min/wk of vigorous PAs

8. These are the activities that can help us maintain our health and fitness while being
mandated to stay home during the COVID19 pandemic.
a. aerobics b. home-based exercises c. running events d. sports participation
9. It is the recommended intake of salt per day.
a. 5 grams b. 10 grams c. 15 grams d. 1 tablespoon

10. It is a type of protein that targets infection and inflammation that is produced and released
during sleep.
a. 5 grams b. 10 grams c. 15 grams d. 1 tablespoon

- Cytokinesd

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