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1. Map of the Spanish War of Independence (1808-14)

a) When did the Spanish War of Independence begin?

b) How was the abdication in Bayonne connected to the beginning of the war?
c) What were the main battles?

2. What were the following events:

a) Treaties of San Ildefonso

b) Treaty of Fontainebleau
c) Mutiny of Aranjuez
3. Read the following text on the Constitution of 1812:

Article 1. The Spanish nation is the coming together of all Spaniards in both hemispheres.
Article 2. The Spanish nation is free and independent. It does not belong to any family or
Article 3. Sovereignty resides essentially in the nation, and so the nation has the exclusive
right to establish fundamental laws.
Article 4. The nation is obliged to preserve and protect (…) civil liberty, ownership and any
other legitimate rights (…)
Article 12. The religion of the Spanish nation is and will forever be Roman Catholicism, the
only true religion. The nation protects it (…) and prohibits the practice of any other (…)
Article 15. The power to make laws resides in the Parliament along with the king.
Article 16. The power to execute laws resides with the king.
Article 17. The power to apply laws in civil and criminal cases resides in courts established
by law (…)
Article 248. In common, civil and criminal matters, there will be no more than one law for
all people (…)
Article 339. Taxes will be raised on all Spaniards according to their capabilities, without
exception or privilege.

a) Who are the “Spaniards in both hemispheres”?

b) Explain the meaning of Article 2. Why was it important at the time?
c) What is national sovereignty?

4. Who were the Holy Alliance? Why did other European countries help Fernando VII
to restore absolutism?

5. List the main measures and events of each stage of Isabel II’s rule.
How many constitutions were enacted during Isabel II’s reign?

6. Put these periods in order and place them on a timeline.

• Trienio Liberal
• Governments of moderates and unionists
• Sexenio Democrático
• Spanish War of Independence
• Bienio Progresista
• Parliament of Cadiz
• Sexenio Absolutista
• First Spanish Republic
• Década Moderada
• Fernando VII’s absolutist decade

7. Explain the main causes of the First Carlist War.

8. Explain the historical significance of the following figures:

• José I
• Espartero
• Mendizábal
• Prim

9. Explain the difference between the following:

• Moderates and progressives

• Carlism and liberalism
• Constitutional monarchy and absolutism
• Democrats and republicans

10. Look at The 3rd of May 1808 in Madrid, by Goya.

a) How does this painting make you feel?

b) What does it say about war?

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