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The information technology industry is
Cooling Energy-Hungry Data Centers focusing on approaches to hot-water cooling
for the design of energy-efficient data centers.
G. I. Meijer

oon after the Internet took off in the sistors, leakage currents consume more power the electricity consumption currently goes
mid-1990s, enterprise computing than the actual computational processes. To toward powering this cooling infrastructure.
infrastructures with warehouses full of alleviate this burden, new materials were It therefore appears ironic that Moore’s law (a
servers, known as data centers, became com- introduced in the late 2000s. Most notably, the projection of microprocessor performance) is
monplace. The energy consumption chal- replacement of the SiO2 gate oxide, which is widely known and often cited, while increas-
lenges posed by such data centers are consid- only a few atomic layers thick, with a physi- ingly critical physical laws of thermodynam-
erable. The power dissipation of servers has to cally thicker layer of a hafnium-based oxide ics receive little popular attention.
be managed skillfully. Perhaps surprisingly, enabled an appreciable reduction of the gate The first law of thermodynamics states
the power consumption of the cooling infra- tunneling currents while maintaining the elec- that energy is conserved. The electrical energy
structure that is required to keep the micro- trical performance of the transistor (5, 6). Nev- that is supplied to the computer system is

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electronic components from overheating is ertheless, keeping the gate leakage power per eventually entirely converted into thermal
on a par with that of the servers themselves. unit area below 1 kW cm−2 will remain a par- energy. The standard method to remove this
In 2009, an estimated 330 terawatt-hours ticularly difficult issue, especially for scaled- heat is by forced circulation of large amounts
of energy—about 2% of the global electricity down devices beyond the 2013 horizon. of chilled air. Massive heat sinks with long
production—was consumed to operate data Consequently, amid the new microproces- and fine-pitched fins protruding from a heat-
centers worldwide (1). Apart from the sheer sor generations, the prospect of restraining the spreader base are used to enhance the con-
economic impact (U.S.$ 30 billion), there are power dissipation at peak performance still vective heat transfer from the hot modules
also considerable ecological consequences. looks grim. For high-performance micropro- to the cold air (see the figure, panel B). The
The International Energy Agency estimated cessor circuitry, the power dissipation is pro- collected heat is then expelled to the outside.

Heat generation and cooling A B

in the data center. (A) Trans-
mission electron microcopy
image of a transistor. Heat is pri-
marily generated near the gate
oxide (marked red). (B) Cross-
section of microprocessor mod-
ule with air-cooled heat sink.
Area in red indicates location of
microprocessor. (C) Cross sec-
tion of microprocessor module C
with liquid-cooled microchannel
heat sink. 20 nm 10 mm

that the greenhouse-gas emissions associated jected to stay around 50 W cm−2, a value that A straightforward approach to reducing the
with the electricity production was around is several times greater than that of a stove’s energy consumption of the cooling infra-
200 million metric tons of CO2 and accounted hot plate. Hence, if the data-center power- structure is through a careful segregation of
for 0.7% of the global energy-related CO2 dissipation issue cannot be mitigated at its the chilled- and the hot-air flows.
emissions. This prompted increased scrutiny source, what can be done to reduce the total The real key to ratcheting down the
from regulators (2, 3). energy consumption and carbon footprint? energy consumption of a computing facil-
The information-technology industry For the newest members of micropro- ity is liquid cooling. The reason is that ther-
therefore needs efficacious concepts to reduce cessor families, sophisticated circuit archi- modynamically liquid cooling is much more
the energy consumption of data centers. The tectures have been introduced, which allow efficient than air cooling because the heat
key culprits are the server microprocessors, the power associated with computational capacity of liquids is orders of magnitude
or more precisely, the transistors inside these processes and also the leakage power to be larger than that of air (for example, for water
microprocessors (see the figure, panel A). adapted (7, 8). The microprocessor frequency it is 4 MJ m−3 K−1 versus 1 kJ m−3 K−1 for
Currently, transistors with 45-nm lateral fea- can be adjusted and circuit blocks can be tem- air). Once the heat has been transferred to
tures are in volume production, and the pace porarily powered down completely when not the liquid, it can be handled very efficiently.
of miniaturization continues unabated (4). It is in use. These innovations lead to energy sav- Critics of liquid cooling might contend that
a formidable challenge to keep the power dis- ings for a computational load that comes in it comes at the price of increased mechanical
sipation of these transistors within acceptable bursts or that is bound to memory latency or complexity. True, but this can be managed as
limits. With shrinking dimensions of the tran- input/output operations. computers were once equipped with liquid
An alternative approach is to tackle the cooling when the power density of bipolar-
IBM Research–Zurich, 8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland. problem at the cooling infrastructure (9). transistor–based computer systems reached
E-mail: Approximately 50% (industry average) of its peak during the 1980s. For example, the

318 16 APRIL 2010 VOL 328 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

Cray-2 supercomputer used liquid immer- tion of the collected thermal energy becomes 2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Report to
sion cooling (10). feasible, either using synergies with district Congress on Server and Data Center Energy Efficiency
Recently, chilled-liquid cooling was rein- heating or specific industrial applications. 3. European Commission, Code of Conduct on Data Centres
troduced in high-end mainframes and densely With such an appealing waste-heat recovery Energy Efficiency (2008).
packed servers to cope with the high heat system, the green diligence of data centers 4. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconduc-
tors, 2009 Edition, Executive Summary;
fluxes. Yet, liquid cooling can be taken further would be upped substantially. Links/2009ITRS/Home2009.htm.
if we consider a microfluidic heat sink (11) Reducing the energy consumption of 5. K. Mistry et al., IEEE IEDM 2007 Tech. Digest, 10.2
(see the figure, panel C). Microchannel heat data centers and concomitantly restrain- (2007).
6. M. Chudzik et al., IEEE VLSI 2007 Tech. Digest, 11A-1
sinks can be designed such that the thermal ing costs, while curtailing carbon emis-
resistance between the transistor and the fluid sion, is achievable. Despite power dissipa- 7. N. A. Kurd et al., IEEE ISSCC 2010 Tech. Digest, 5.1
is reduced to the extent that even cooling- tion in microprocessors continuing to be (2010).
water temperatures of 60° to 70°C ensure no a source of severe concern, liquid cooling 8. M. Ware et al., IEEE HPCA 2010 Tech. Digest, 6.4 (2010).
9. L. A. Barroso, U. Hölzle, The Datacenter as a Computer
overheating of the microprocessors. This hot- and deploying waste heat appear to become (Morgan and Claypool, 2009);
water cooling has compelling advantages. imperative in the drive for improving the corporate/green/datacenters.
First, chillers are no longer required year- data-center energy efficiency. 10. S. R. Cray Jr., U.S. Patent 4590538 (1986).
11. D. B. Tuckerman, R. F. W. Pease, Electron Device Lett. 2,
round and thus the data-center energy con-
References 126 (1981).

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sumption plummets by up to 50%. Second, 1. International Data Corporation, Document No. 221346
and perhaps most important, direct utiliza- (2009), 10.1126/science.1182769

Despite advances made in composite materials,

The Future of Metals metals remain irreplaceable in many important

K. Lu

n 15 December 2009, the world’s concern. Some metals such as aluminum and with extraordinary mechanical properties
most fuel-efficient commercial jet- magnesium are light, but they are too soft for (3). When a high density of twin boundaries
liner—the Boeing 787 Dreamliner— many applications and have low toughness (highly symmetrical interfaces between two
completed its first flight. The airliner is mostly and stiffness. Titanium alloys partly over- grains of the same lattice structure) is incor-
made from carbon fiber–reinforced poly- come these problems: They are about half as porated into polycrystalline copper grains,
meric composites (50% by weight, up from dense as steels, have higher strength, and are with boundary spacing in the nanometer scale,
12% in the Boeing 777) (1). Traditional met- very tough. Titanium was first used in airlin- the material becomes stronger than coarse-
als are substantially replaced by composites ers in the 1960s in the Boeing 707 and its use grained copper by a factor of 10; it is also
with higher strength/weight ratios; aluminum has increased to 15% in the Boeing 787 (1). very ductile. The ultrastrong nanotwinned
usage has dropped to 20% (versus 50% in Metals can be strengthened through con- copper has an electrical conductivity com-
the 777). Ever since the 1950s, when “engi- trolled creation of internal defects and bound- parable to that of high-conductivity copper
neering materials” mainly meant metals (2), aries that obstruct dislocation motion (3). (6) and a much enhanced resistance against
the share of metals in engineering materials But such strategies compromise ductility and electromigration (7). It has great potential for
has been diminishing. What are the reasons toughness, in contrast to the increasing tough- applications in microelectronics.
behind this trend, and which applications are ness at higher strength seen with polymeric Corrosion is another headache for metals
likely to stay in the domain of metals? composites (see the figure). Strengthening (8). To protect metals from corrosion, they
The main property limitation of metals may also compromise other metal properties, are commonly coated with a layer of corro-
as structural materials is their low specific such as conductivity and corrosion resistance. sion-resistant material. The Hangzhou Bay
strength (the strength/weight ratio). Most One method for strengthening metals without Bridge in China is an outstanding example of
engineering designs call for structural materi- losing toughness is grain refinement (grain this technique. This 36-km-long bridge—the
als that have high strength, fracture toughness size reduction), but when the grain sizes fall world’s longest to date, with a design life of
(a measure of the energy required for propa- below ~1 µm, strengthening is usually accom- 100 years—is supported by several thousand
gating cracks), and stiffness while minimiz- panied by a drop in ductility and toughness pillars made of concrete-filled steel tubes ~80
ing weight. Most metals have high strength (4). A recent study points the way to overcom- m in length. The tubes are protected against
and stiffness, but because they are dense ing this problem: In a low-alloy steel contain- corrosion in the harsh ocean environment
(steels are several times as dense as ceram- ing ultrafine elongated ferrite grains strength- by a coating of novel polymeric composites
ics and polymers), their strength/weight and ened with nanosized carbides, toughness and combined with cathode attachments.
stiffness/weight ratios are low relative to strength both rose when temperature was low- Metal corrosion can also be resisted by
competing materials (see the figure). This is a ered from 60° to –60°C (5). In contrast, con- forming a continuous protective passiva-
key reason for replacing metals in aircraft and ventional metals become strong but brittle at tion layer on the metal surface. For example,
sporting goods, where weight is a primary lower temperatures. The authors attributed the Yamamoto et al. (9) have added 2.5% Al to
observed toughening to the unique hierarchi- conventional austenitic stainless steels, result-
Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Insti-
cal anisotropic nanostructures in their steels. ing in the formation of a protective aluminum
tute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanotwinned metals are another exam- oxide layer that can resist further oxidation at
Shenyang 110016, China. E-mail: ple of hierarchical nanostructured metals elevated temperatures. Given their enhanced SCIENCE VOL 328 16 APRIL 2010 319

Published by AAAS
Cooling Energy-Hungry Data Centers
G. I. Meijer

Science 328 (5976), . DOI: 10.1126/science.1182769

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