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Self-care deficit theory was proposed by:

a. Virginia Henderson
b. Betty Neuman
c. Imogene King
d. Dorothea Orem

Which theory defines nursing as the science and practice that expands adaptive abilities and enhances
person and environment transformation?

a. Goal Attainment Theory

b. Henderson’s Definition of Nursing
c. Roy’s Adaptation Model
d. Faye Abdellah’s Theory

Typology of twenty-one nursing problems were explained by;

a. Imogene King
b. Virginia Henderson
c. Faye Abdellah
d. Lydia Hall

"Nursing is therapeutic interpersonal process". This definition was stated by:

a. Hildegard Peplau
b. Jean Watson
c. Faye Abdellah
d. Margaret Rogers

Which of the following statement is related to Florence Nightingale?

a. Nursing is therapeutic interpersonal process.

b. The role of nursing is to facilitate “the body’s reparative processes” by manipulating client’s
c. Nursing is the science and practice that expands adaptive abilities and enhances person and
environment transformation
d. Nursing care becomes necessary when client is unable to fulfill biological, psychological
developmental, or social needs.

Which of the following is NOT a concept related to Roy’s Adaptation Model?

a. Focal Stimuli
b. Cognator Subsystem
c. Role function
d. Flexible line of defense
According to Roy’s adaptation theory, which subsystem responds through four cognitive-emotive

e. Regulator Subsystem
f. Cognator Subsystem
g. Physiologic Mode
h. Self-Concept-Group Mode

The “humanistic science of nursing” was explained by:

a. Rogers (1970)
b. Orlando (1960)
c. Nightingale (1860)
d. Neuman (1972)

Imogene King’s goal attainment theory is a type of:

a. Need theories
b. Interaction Theories
c. Outcome Theories
d. Humanistic theories

Which of the following theory has used “General System Theory” as a framework for its development?

a. Florence Nightingale’s Environment Theory

b. Hildegard Peplau’s Psychodynamic Nursing Theory
c. Martha Roger’s Science of Unitary Human Beings
d. Neuman’s Model

Transcultural Model of Nursing was proposed by:

a. Joyce Travelbee
b. Rosemarie Parse
c. Madeleine Leinenger
d. Ida Orlando

According to Neuman Systems Model, the increase in energy that occurs in relation to the degree of
reaction to the stressor is termed as:

a. Reconstitution
b. Lines of resistance
c. Primary prevention
d. Secondary prevention
Which is NOT a concept explained in Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral Systems Model?

a. Affiliation
b. Dependency
c. Achievement
d. Energy fields

According to Rogers’ theory “continuous and mutual interaction between man and environment’ is
termed as:

a. Pattern
b. Integrality
c. Resonancy
d. Helicy

Watson’s carative factors include all the following, EXCEPT:

a. Forming humanistic-altruistic value system

b. Instilling faith-hope
c. Cultivating sensitivity to self and others
d. Strengthening flexible lines of defense

Which is NOT a concept related to Faye Abdellah’s Theory?

a. Susternal Care Needs

b. The twenty-one Nursing Problems
c. Restorative are Needs
d. Therapeutic Self-are Demands

Statements that explains the relationship between the concepts in a theory:

a. Propositions
b. Assumptions
c. Predictions
d. Process

“Social inclusion, intimacy and the formation and attachment of a strong social bond” are explained in
which subsystem of Johnson's model -

a. Dependency subsystem
b. Attachment or affiliative subsystem
c. Achievement subsystem
d. Aggressive subsystem

The major concepts of Health Belief Model includes all, EXCEPT;

a. Perceived Susceptibility
b. Perceived severity
c. Perceived benefits
d. Perceived interaction

The sequential phases of interpersonal relationship in Peplau’s theory includes all, EXCEPT: A.

a. Orientation
b. Identification
c. Restoration
d. Exploitation

The principles of conservation of energy, structural integrity, personal integrity and social integrity were
explained by:

a. Lydia Hall
b. Myra Estrine Levine
c. Betty Neuman
d. Hildegard Peplau

Who explained about “Care, Cure and Core as three independent but interconnected circles of the
nursing model”?

a. Patricia Benner
b. Rosemarie Parse
c. Lydia Hall
d. Jean Watson

Meaning, Rhythmicity, Co-transcendence are the three major concepts of:

a. Transcultural Nursing Theory

b. Unitary Human Being Theory
c. Self-Care Deficit Theory
d. Human Becoming Theory

“Caring consists of carative factors that results in the satisfaction of certain human needs”. This
explanation was stated by:

a. Sister Callista Roy

b. Jean Watson
c. Dorothea Orem
d. Florence Nightingale

The term which refers to the “irreducible, pan dimensional energy field identified by pattern and integral
with the human field” is:

a. Unitary Human Being

b. Environment
c. Health
d. Nursing

Which of the following nursing theory is based on the general systems framework?

a. Faye Abdellah - Typology of 21 Nursing Problems

b. Virginia Henderson - The Nature of Nursing
c. Hildegard Peplau - Interpersonal Relations Model
d. Imogene King - Theory of Nursing

Concept related to Betty Neuman’s System Model of Nursing is:

A. Pattern

B. Rhythmicity

C. Dependency

D. Open system

According to Roy’s Adaptation Model, the adaptive modes includes all the following, EXCEPT:

a. Physiologic Needs
b. Self-Concept
c. Role Function
d. Interdependence
e. Achievement

Which theory states “Nursing is a helping profession”?

a. Hildegard Peplau’s Interpersonal Theory

b. Abdellah’s 21 Nursing Problems
c. Theory of Goal Attainment
d. Roy’s Adaptation Model
Which of the following is NOT a concept related to personal system in Imogene King’s Theory?

a. Perception
b. Self
c. Body Image
d. Organization

Which nursing theory states that “nursing is the interpersonal process of action, reaction, interaction
and transaction”?

a. Roy’s adaptation model

b. Self-care deficit theory
c. Imogene King’s theory
d. Roger’s unitary human beings

All the following are related to Levin’s Conservation Principles, EXCEPT:

a. Historicity
b. Specificity
c. Helicy
d. Redundancy

Which of the following is an organismic response as per Levins’ Four Conservation Principles?

a. Flight or fight
b. Adaptation
c. Communication
d. Transaction

When applying Roy’s Adaptation Model in caring for patient, the stimuli which needs to be assessed as
per are all the following, EXCEPT;

a. Focal Stimulus
b. Contextual Stimulus
c. Perceptual Stimulua
d. Residual Stimulus

Who described about 5 levels of nursing experience from novice to expert?

a. Patricia Benner
b. Ernestine Wiedenbach
c. Myra Levine
d. Faye Abdellah
Cognator subsystem is a concept related to:

a. Johnson’s Behaviour System Model

b. Imogene King’s Goal Attainment Theory
c. Roy’s Adaptation Model
d. Neuman’s System Model

Cognator subsystem involves all the following cognitive - emotive channels, EXCEPT:

a. perceptual and information processing

b. self-concept
c. learning
d. judgement

Each subsystem in Johnson’s Behavioural System model is composed of four structural characteristics,

a. Drives
b. Set
c. Choices
d. Observable behavior
e. Demands

“The practice of activities that individual initiates and perform on their own behalf in maintaining life,
health and well-being” is:

a. Self-care agency
b. Self-care
c. Therapeutic self-care demand
d. Nursing systems

Category of self-care requisites according to Orem’s theory of nursing includes all, EXCEPT:

a. Universal
b. Development
c. Health deviation
d. Fundamental

Nursing is “an external regulatory force which acts to preserve the organization and integration of the
patients’ behaviors at an optimum level under those conditions in which the behaviors constitutes a
threat to threat to the physical or social health, or in which illness is found” This definition of nursing
was given by:

a. Orem
b. Neuman
c. Imogene King
d. Johnson
e. Rogers

“The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those
activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if
he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge. And to do in such a way as to help him gain
independence as rapidly as possible”

a. Nightingale
b. Neuman
c. King
d. Henderson
e. Rogers

Which level of needs in Maslow’s hierarchy includes love, friendship, intimacy and family?

a. Self-Actualization
b. Self-Esteem
c. Belongingness
d. Safety
e. Physiological

In a theory, a statement of relationship between concepts is called

a. Conceptual model
b. Hypothesis
c. Proposition
d. Construct

Which nursing model was developed by Joyce Travelbee?

a. Human-to-Human Relationship Model

b. Human Becoming Theory
c. The theory of health as expanding consciousness
d. from Novice to expert

“Each human being perceives the world as a total person in making transactions with individuals and
things in an environment”.

a. Neuman’s system model

b. Nightingale’s theory
c. Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations model
d. King’s conceptual framework

Notes on Nursing: What it is, what it is not written by:

a. Virginia Henderson
b. Betty Neuman
c. Imogene King
d. Dorothea Orem
e. Florence Nightingale

Which of the following is NOT a concept related to Nightingale theory?

a. “Poor or difficult environments led to poor health and disease”

b. “Environment could be altered to improve conditions do that the natural laws would allow
healing to occur”
c. The goal of nursing is “to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him”
d. “Human beings are open systems in constant interaction with the environment”

Deliberative Nursing Process Theory was explained by:

a. Hildegard Peplau
b. Dorothea Orem
c. Ida Jean Orlando
d. Patricia Benner

Which nursing theorist defines environment as “the totality of the internal and external forces which
surround a person and with which they interact at any given time”?

a. Dorothy Johnson
b. Martha Rogers
c. Dorothea Orem
d. Imogene King
e. Betty Neuman

The Sunrise Model of nursing was developed by:

a. Joyce Travelbee
b. Rosemarie Rizzo Parse
c. Madeleine Leininger
d. Ida Orlando

Ethnonursing research method was developed by:

a. Madeleine Leininger
b. Florence Nightingale
c. Hildegard Peplau
d. Ida Orlando

Attachment theory was originally proposed by:

a. Hildegard Peplau
b. John Bowlby
c. Sigmond Frued
d. Kurt Lewin

Human becoming theory was developed by:

a. Lydia Hall
b. Neuman
c. Orem
d. Parse

Parse’s Three Principles include all the following, EXCEPT

a. Helicy
b. Meaning
c. Rhythmicity
d. Co-transcendence

Who described 5 levels of nursing experience in her theory on nursing?

a. B.K. Shinner
b. Patricia Benner
c. Callista Roy
d. Leon Festinger

A paradigm refers to

a. A model that explains the linkages of science, philosophy, and theory accepted and applied by
the discipline
b. Ideas and mental images that help to describe phenomena
c. Statements that describe concepts
d. Aspect of reality that can be consciously sensed or experienced

According to Behaviour System Model, “predisposition to act with reference to the goal, in certain ways
rather than other ways” refers to
a. Drive
b. Goal
c. Set
d. Scope of action

The study of feedback and derived concepts such as communication and control in living organisms,
machines and organizations is termed as:

a. Cybernetics
b. Ontology
c. Epistemology
d. Philosophy

General Systems Theory was first proposed by:

a. Ludwig Von Bertalanffy

b. Kurt Lewin
c. Melanie Klein
d. Margaret Mahler

Who is a proponent of object relations theory?

a. Abraham Maslow
b. Jean Piaget
c. Erik Erikson
d. Melanie Klein

Which of the following concept is NOT related to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory?

a. Phallic stage
b. Pleasure principle
c. Oedipus complex
d. Symbiosis and Separation

Kohlberg’s theory of moral development includes following stages, EXCEPT:

a. Obedience and Punishment Orientation

b. Individualism and Exchange
c. Good Interpersonal Relationships
d. Maintaining the Social Order
e. Primary Circular Reactions

The term used to describe the understanding of belief, desires, motivations and emotions as mental
states that are ascribed to oneself and others:
a. Theory of mind
b. Attribution theory
c. Self-verification theory
d. Self-evaluation maintenance theory

Which theory explains depression as a process of “turning aggression inward?”

a. Beck’s cognitive model

b. Freud’s Psycho-analytic model
c. Interpersonal model
d. Engel’s biopsychosocial theory

Which theory explains how exposure to trauma that is impossible to avoid may lead to apathy, passivity,
and a conviction that escaping future traumatic events is also impossible?

a. attribution theory
b. Bowlby’s attachment theory
c. Information processing theory
d. Seligman’s theory of learned helplessness

Nursing is defined as “action which assist individuals, families and groups to maintain a maximum level
of wellness, and the primary aim is stability of the patient/client system, through nursing interventions
to reduce stressors.”

a. Orem
b. Peplau
c. Neuman
d. Rogers

According to Piaget, the term used to describe the awareness that objects continue to exist even when
they are no longer visible:

a. Oedipal Complex
b. Object permanence
c. Theory of mind
d. Inferior complex

During cognitive development, objective performance is a characteristic feature of:

a. Sensory motor stage

b. Preoperational stage
c. Concrete operational stage
d. Formal operational stage
Biopsychosocial model was first proposed by:

a. Jay Forrester
b. Norbert Wiener
c. Callista Roy
d. George Engel

Which theory states that “phenotype results from an interaction between genotype and environment”
in the context of development of a mental disorder?

a. Biological theory
b. Neurochemical theory
c. Stress-diathesis model
d. Stress-adaptation model

The interdisciplinary science of the structure of regulatory systems:

a. Cybernetics
b. Quantum mechanics
c. Atom theory
d. Negentropy

All the following people are associated with cybernetics, EXCEPT:

a. Norbert Wiener
b. Warren McCulloch
c. Heinz von Foerster
d. Erwin Schrodinger

Which nursing theory defines person as “a developing organism that tries to reduce anxiety caused by

a. Peplau’s Interpersonal Theory

b. Ernestine Wiedenbach
c. Comfort theory
d. Tidal Model of Mental Health

According to Peplau’s interpersonal theory, following definition refers to:

“A word symbol that implies forward movement of personality and other ongoing human processes in
the direction of creative, constructive, productive, personal and community living”
a. Person
b. Environment
c. Health
d. Nursing

Trophicognosis is a concept explained by:

a. Levin
b. Orem
c. Rogers
d. Watson

Health / wellness is “the condition in which all parts and subparts (variables) are in harmony with the
whole of the client. This definition was given by:

a. Maslow
b. Neuman
c. Peplau
d. Newman

Which Thorndike’s laws (principles) on learning states that the S-R connection is strengthened by use
and weakened with disuse?

a. Law of effect
b. Law of readiness Law of Exercise
c. Law of primacy

A branch of physics providing a mathematical description of much of the dual particle-like and wave-like
behavior and interactions of energy and matter:

a. Chaos theory
b. Quantum theory
c. String theory
d. General theory of relativity

A theory that has accrued such persuasive empirical support that is accepted as truth:

a. Rule c. Law
b. Model d. Framework

A broad theory aimed at describing large segments of the physical, social or behavioural world:

a. Grand theory c. Utility theory

b. Middle-range theory d. Philosophy
Health is a word symbol that implies forward movement of personality and other ongoing human
processes in the direction of creative, constructive, productive, personal and community living.

a. Peplau’s theory c. Tidal model of nursing

b. Levin’s conservation principles d. McGill model

“A homeostatic body system is constantly in a dynamic process of input, output, feedback and
compensation. which leads to a state of balance.”

a. Peplau c. Rogers
b. Neuman d. Henderson

The process of developing specific predictions from general principles is:

a. Inductive reasoning c. Critical thinking

b. Deductive reasoning d. Synectics

“What is the nature of reality?”

This question is pertaining to which branch of philosophy?

a. Axiology c. Methodology
b. Epistemology d. Ontology

According to her “Nursing is founded on caring for life, on neighbourly love… at the same time it is
necessary that the nurse is professionally educated.”

a. Kari Martinsen c. Myra Estrin Levine

b. Katie Eriksson d. Martha E. Rogers

According to her “Caritative caring means that we take caritas into use when caring for the human being
in health and suffering.. Caritative caring is a manifestation of the love that “just exists.”

a. Dorothea E. Orem c. Katie Eriksson

b. Betty Newman d. Dorothy Johnson

According to her “The goal of all nursing care should be to promote wholeness, realizing that for every
individual that requires a unique and separate cluster of activities”

a. Imogene King b. Sister Callista Roy

c. Anne Boykin d. Myra Levine

According to her “ Nursing is practical endeavor, but it is practical endeavor engaged in by persons who
have specialized theoretic nursing knowledge with developed capabilities to put this knowledge to work
in concrete situations of nursing practice”

a. Nola Pender c. Dorothea Orem

b. Savina Schoenhofer d. Afaf Ibrahim

According to her “Theory is an abstraction that implies prediction based in research. Theory without
research and research without some theoretical basis will not build scientific knowledge for a discipline”

a. Imogene King c. Margaret Newman

b. Madeleine Leininger d. Rosemarie Parse

According to her “I believe that theory is vital to the development of an autonomous and accountable
nursing profession… I believe that the model is relevant for the future because of its dynamic and
systemic nature; its concepts and propositions are timeless.”

a. Sister Callista Roy c. Dorothy Johnson

b. Betty Newman d. Anne Boykin

According to her “God is intimately revealed in the diversity of creation and is the common destiny of
creation; persons use human creation abilities of awareness, enlightenment, and faith;

and persons are accountable for the process of deriving, sustaining, and transforming.”

a. Nola Pender c. Sis Callista Roy

b. Madeleine Leininger d. Savina Schoenhofer

According to her “All of us. scientists and practicing professionals, must turn our attention to practice
and ask questions of that practice.

a. Dorothy Johnson c. Katie Eriksson

b. Margaret Newman d. Kari Martinsen

e. Martha Rogers

“The nature of relationships is transformed through caring”

a. Florence Nightingale
b. Patricia Benner
c. Anne Boykin
d. Savina Schoenhofer
e. Marilyn Anne Ray

“I believe very strongly that, while knowledge is universal, the agents for developing knowledge must
reflect the nature of the questions that are framed and driven by the different disciplines about the
health and well-being of individuals or populations.”

a. Nancy Roper
b. Afaf Ibrahim Meleis
c. Florence Nightingale
d. Evelyn Adam
e. Lydia Hall

“Middle range theories that have been tested in research provide evidence for evidence-based practice,
thus facilitating translation of research into practice.”

a. Nola Pender
b. Faye Abdellah
c. Jean Watson
d. Joyce Travelbee
e. Virginia Henderson

“Care is the essence of nursing and a distinct, dominant, central and unifying focus.”

a. Alison Tierney
b. Ida Jean Pelletier
c. Madeleine Leinenger
d. Marilyn Mcfarland

“We have embraced a new vision of health. Our caring must be linked with a concept of health that
encompasses and goes beyond disease.”

a. Rosemarie Parse
b. Margaret Newman
c. Betty Newman
d. Mary Ann Swain

“The assumptions and principles of human-becoming incarnate a deep concern for the delicate
sentiments of being human and show a profound recognition of human freedom and dignity.”

a. Helen Erickson
b. Evelyn Tomlin
c. Mary Ann Swain
d. Rosemarie Parse

“Symphonology is a system of ethics based on the terms and preconditions of an agreement.”

Gladys Husted

James Husted

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