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Assessment - 2

Which of the following does not help in sustainability of the competitive advantage
a firm possesses? - Relevance

The primary goal of resource analysis is to value a company's assets. - False

The primary concern of resource based view is industry selection and positioning. -

Which of the following is an inherent assumption in the Resource based view of the
firm? - Resource immobility

Which of the following makes it relatively easier to imitate resources? - Visible


Company A has successfully launched its product in the market and has reaped rich
dividends for the same. S is a top executive of the firm who is planning to move
out to start the same business supported by a few investors. 6 months later,
despite the product launch S has not been able to replicate the same success as in
company A. Which of the following is a possible reason? - Imperfect mobility of the

Isolating Mechanisms in firms are similar to Entry Barriers in: Industry

A is an exceptional surgeon working in Hospital K. He decides to decline an offer

from a newly set up Hospital - B which is still in the process of adding in the
necessary infrastructure. From a RBV perspective, his decision is most likely to be
driven by which of the following reasons: - Need for interconnected resources

Most automobile companies in the United States between 1970 and 1990 knew that
Toyota was able to create and capture advantage over its competitors because of the
way it works with its suppliers. This is an example of _____ - Social Complexity

Southwest Airlines' activities to achieve lower cost have been well documented in
academics and business press. Yet most of the low cost airlines fail to match its
success while imitating its strategy. This can be explained by ____ - All of the

From a RBV perspective, with respect to resources, the source of heterogeneity

among firms is the way ____ - firms bundle resources and their interconnected

Which of the following constituents of the SWOT is aligned with the Resource Based
View of the firm ? SW

Studies have documented that there is a greater variation in firms profitability

due to _____ - within industry differences in profitability.

Wal-Mart's ability to negotiate a hard bargain with suppliers can be a source of

competitive advantage if ____ - other retailers find it difficult to imitate is a job portal which has both the highest number of job seekers and
also the highest number of employers seeking candidates registered on its platform.
The source of competitive advantage for in this case can be attributed
to _____ - network effects

Assessment - 3
Differentiation and Segmentation are different from each other. Differentiation is
concerned with _________ a firm competes, while Segmentation is concerned with
_________ a firm competes. - How & Where

Federal Express (FedEx) has constantly attempted to ensure reliability of its

delivery. McDonald's (McD) food chains have ensured that customers get the fast
food ordered within same time all over the world. Which of the following aptly
represent FedEx and McD? - FedEx: Differentiation; McD: Differentiation

Differentiation would consist of creating differences in the firms product and

service that is industry wide _________

Which of the following are potential pitfalls of a differentiation strategy? -

Uniqueness is not valuable

Which of the following is not a potential pitfall of a focused strategy? - New

entrants would find it hard to achieve the economies of scale or unanswered

Which of the following could possibly be an organization structure used in

implementing cost leadership?

The barrier to entry that helps reduce the threat of new entrants for an incumbent
firm using a cost-leadership strategy would mean _______

Which of the following is less likely to be a feature of the compensation adopted

by a product differentiator firm?

Which of the following is not a way in which a product differentiator firm would
differentiate itself on?

Harley Davidson positions itself as a lifestyle beyond just a super bike with
annual fairs, community drives and so on. What is the strategy followed here?

Apple's iphone is a product that is differentiated based on user experience and

features. Which of the following activities are likely to negatively impact Apple's
product differentiation?

Cost leadership focuses on ____________ where as differentiation strategy focuses

on ___________. allows customers to order their groceries, vegetables online and get
it home delivered at a convenient time. Which of the following conditions would
suggest that it is following a differentiation strategy?

A firm offering almost same benefits to customers at a much lower price is known as

Which of the following can act against a firm following a differentiation strategy?

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