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Setting: Action Learning Group Meeting


Presenter (P): Aken - Struggling with overspending on unnecessary things and

seeking solutions.
Enabler (E): Aashish - Facilitating the discussion.
Observer (O): Supriya - Observing and preparing to report at the end.
Session Begins:

Aashish (Enabler): Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for being here today.
Aken, the floor is yours. Could you please share the details of the challenge you're
facing with overspending on unnecessary things?

Aken (Presenter): Good afternoon, Aashish and fellow group members. Thank you
for having me. The challenge I'm currently facing revolves around overspending on
unnecessary things. I often find myself succumbing to impulse buys, especially in
categories like clothes, accessories, and gadgets. It's become a habit that's
impacting my budget and, ultimately, my financial goals. I'm here today to seek
guidance on how to break this pattern and develop more mindful spending habits.

Aashish (Enabler): Thank you for sharing, Aken. Let's explore this further. Can you
identify specific types of unnecessary things that you tend to overspend on?

Aken (Presenter): Certainly, Aashish. As I reflect on my spending habits, I realize

that I tend to overspend on items like clothing, accessories, and gadgets. These are
things that catch my eye in the moment, and I often convince myself that I need
them, even if, in reality, they are not essential to my daily life or long-term goals. So,
these impulsive purchases are a significant contributor to my overspending

Aashish (Enabler): Understanding those patterns is important. Now, thinking about

the times you've successfully resisted the urge to make unnecessary purchases,
what strategies or mindset shifts were involved?
Aken (Presenter): There were times when I asked myself if I really needed the item
and whether it aligned with my long-term goals. I also found that having a shopping
list and sticking to it helped.

Aashish (Enabler): Great insights, Aken. Now, let's explore your long-term goals.
How can aligning your spending habits with these goals serve as a guide to avoid
unnecessary purchases?

Aken (Presenter): I can create a visual representation of my financial goals and keep
it somewhere visible. This way, I'm reminded of what I'm working towards whenever
I'm tempted to make an impulse buy.

Aashish (Enabler): Excellent idea. Now, looking at the times when you did give in to
impulse buying, were there specific emotions or situations that triggered those

Aken (Presenter): Stress and boredom are major triggers for me. When I'm feeling
overwhelmed or bored, I tend to turn to shopping for a quick mood lift.

Aashish (Enabler): Recognizing those triggers is crucial. Let's explore healthier

alternatives. What are some activities or coping mechanisms you could engage in to
manage stress or boredom without resorting to unnecessary spending?

Aken (Presenter): I can explore hobbies like reading or painting, and maybe
incorporate short mindfulness exercises during moments of stress.

Aashish (Enabler): Those are great alternatives, Aken. Now, let's connect the dots.
How might aligning your spending with long-term goals and adopting healthier
coping mechanisms contribute to breaking the habit of overspending on unnecessary
Aken (Presenter): By aligning my spending with long-term goals, I create a clear
connection between my financial decisions and the future I envision. This visual
reminder will serve as a powerful deterrent when faced with the temptation to make
impulsive purchases. Additionally, adopting healthier coping mechanisms will provide
me with alternative ways to manage stress and boredom, reducing the reliance on
shopping as a quick fix. Over time, these changes should help break the habit of
overspending on unnecessary things and contribute to a more mindful and
intentional approach to my finances.
Aashish (Enabler): That's a comprehensive approach, Aken. It's great that you're
connecting the dots between your emotions, spending habits, and long-term goals.
Now, let's discuss accountability. How can we support you in staying on track with
these strategies?
Aken (Presenter): I think regular check-ins would be helpful. Sharing my progress
and challenges with the group will provide me with external accountability. Also,
having open discussions about any struggles I might face will allow for valuable
insights and suggestions from the group.
Aashish (Enabler): Absolutely, Aken. We're here to support each other. Regular
check-ins and open communication within the group will be beneficial for everyone.
Does anyone else have suggestions or insights to offer?
(Group Member 1): Aken, I find that having a buddy system works well. Maybe you
could pair up with someone in the group, and you both can be each other's
accountability partners.
(Group Member 2): I agree. Having someone to share the journey with can make it
more enjoyable and provide an extra layer of support. It could be someone you
check in with regularly and discuss your progress and challenges.
Aashish (Enabler): These are fantastic suggestions. Aken, how do you feel about the
idea of having an accountability partner or using a buddy system?
Aken (Presenter): I think it's a great idea. Having someone to share this journey with
will not only keep me accountable but also make the process more manageable. I'm
open to pairing up with someone in the group.
Aashish (Enabler): Wonderful! Let's explore that further as a group and see if there
are any natural pairings or if anyone specifically volunteers to be Aken's
accountability partner.
Aashish (Enabler): Thank you, everyone, for your valuable contributions. Our next
meeting is scheduled for one week later. Aken, consider implementing these
strategies, and we'll discuss your progress at our next session.

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