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CLASS -10/087
1. (c) Lord Irwin
2. (c) Envelopes and cards
3. (b) Statelist
4. (c) Giuseppe Mazzini and the founding of Young Europe in Berne 1833.
Note: the following answer is for visually impaired candidates only in lieu of Q.No.4
5. (a) Jotiba Phule, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi and Periyar Rama swamiNaicker
6. (a ) Low Middle Income
7. (c) Horizontal division of power or power shared among different organs of the government.
8. (d) IV, II, III & I
9. (b) A - Punjab, B - Mahanadi
10. (a) Monsoon
11. (b) Members
12. (c) Bihar
13. (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion
14. (c) Garibaldi
15. (a) Multi-party system- The USA and the UK
16. (d) All the above
17. (a)six percent votes of total votes in Lok Sabha or assembly elections of four states.
18. (a) an accountable government
19. (a)They do not have to pay taxes for long period.
20. (b) All final goods and services

21. (i)India is a country of diverse cultures and practices in it.

(ii) It is difficult to maintain a single party system and therefore multi-party system is adopted in
(iii) It is easy to absorb different social and geographical diversities in multi-party systems

Page No:77- NCERT Democratic politics.

22. (i) Railways can transport large number of goods and passengers over long distance at economical
(ii) Railways have accelerated the development of industry and agriculture in this region providing
quick availability of raw materials and distributing the finished products to the market.

Page No. 82 – NCERT Contemporary India - II (Geography)

23. (i) dignity in the house hold

(ii) safe and secure environment

(i) More days of work and Better wages

(ii) Quality education for children

Page No. 5 -NCERT Understanding Economics.

24. (i)Gandhiji made this statement during the course of the non - cooperation movement and considered
freedom of press, freedom and association as powerful vehicles of forming and expressing public

(ii)The fight for Swaraj for khilafat means a fight for this threatened freedom before all else.

Source FPage No;127 NCERT India and contemporary world 2 .


25. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act:

(i) This act was passed in the year 2005.

(ii) According to this Act, 100 days o f guaranteed employment is provided to all those who are able
to work and are in need of work in the rural areas.

(iii) Unemployment allowance is provided to the workers if the government is not able to provide
them work within 15 days.

(iv) This Act helps in providing income and livelihood to the people in the rural areas.

Page No:29 NCERT Understanding Economic Development

26. The Advertisements helped in creating new consumers for the British products:
(i)Advertisements made a product appear desirable and necessary and created new needs. When
Manchester industrialists began selling cloth in India, they put a label on the cloth bundles. The label
made the consumer familiar with the name of the company, the place of manufacture and quality of
goods. When they saw the label, the consumer was confident about buying the cloth
(ii) The labels also had images of gods and goddesses, which showed that the product had
the divine approval of the Gods being sold.
(iii) They also started printing calendars, which were hung in the houses of poor, tea shops and
in offices. Even people who could not read could see the images. These people could see
the advertisement for the entire year.

Page NO;100-101 NCERT India and the contemporary World 2

(i)During the First World War, the British army conducted forced recruitment from rural
areas in India.
(ii) To finance the defence expenditure, high custom duties and income taxes were
(iii) Also, during 1918-19 and 1920-21, crops failed in many parts of India, thereby resulting
in acute food shortages.
(iv) All this caused extensive anger and opposition against the British colonial rule, and
the national movement of India headed towards a stronger, more definitive direction.
Page No:30 NCERT India and the contemporary World 2

27. After 1990, coalition government was formed at the centre. Regional parties became powerful in the
states. Since no single party was able to secure majority, different parties formed alliance such as NDA
and UPA. Under such arrangement, culture of power sharing and respect for autonomy of state
governments spread in India. The Supreme Court too made it difficult for the Central Government to
dismiss the State Governments in an arbitrary manner. Thus, federal structure has been strengthened by
the coming of coalition governments and Centre-State relations in the present situation.

Page No.75 -NCERT -Democratic Politics.

28. (i)The World Bank uses the Per capita Income as a method to measure the development of a country.
(ii)Under World Bank, developed countries are those whose per capita income is $ 12616 per annum or
more and less developed countries are those whose per capita income is $ 1035 or less per annum.

(iii)The UNDP publishes Human Development Report that measures the development of a country in
terms of literacy, health and per capita income.According to that the countries are given Human
Development Index (HDI)ranks.
The comparison made by World Bank is not reliable because it hides the disparities and does not
reveal the rich – poor status.

Page No-8,13 NCERT Understanding economic development

29. In states like Madhya Pradesh,Punjab, Haryana and Orissa deforestation due to overgrazing and over
irrigation have caused severe land degradation.
Page no-7 NCERT -Geography


30. (i) Nationalist feelings were widespread among the middle-class Germans, who in 1848, tried to
unite the different regions of the German confederation into a nation-state.

(ii) From then on, Prussia took on the leadership of the movement for national unification. Its chief
minister (Chancellor) Otto von Bismarck, the architect of this process, carried it out,with the help of
the Prussian army and bureaucracy.

(iii) Three wars were fought over a span of seven years against Austria, Denmark and France,which
ended in Prussian victory and completed the process of unification.

(iv) In January 1871, the Prussian King William I was proclaimed the German emperor in a
ceremony held at Versailles. On 18 January, 1871, the new German empire headed by Kaiser
Wilhelm of Prussia was proclaimed.
Page No;19 NCERT History
The Congress of Vienna was held in 1815. It was chaired by Austrian statesman Von Metternich.
It was held to draw up a new settlement for Europe amongst the European powers which were driven
by the ideology of Conservatives whose main aim was to establish monarchical regimes in Europe.
The following changes were made:
(i) The Bourbon Dynasty was restored to power.
(ii) France had to part with most of its territories which were annexed by Napoleon.
(iii) A large number of States were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent its further
(iv) The kingdom of Netherland was set up in the North.
(v) Russia was given important territories on its Western Frontiers.
(vi) Austria was given control of Northern Italy.
(vii)German Confederation of 39 States remained intact.
(viii) Russia was given a part of Saxony.
(ix) Russia was given a part of Poland.

Page No11 India and the Contemporary world -II

31. Industries give boost to the agriculture sector in various ways –
(i)They processed the agricultural produce to make the required products out of it.
(ii)They had given a major boost to agriculture by raising the productivity.
(iii)It provides facilities like pesticides, irrigation, seeds, fertilizers, machine and tools,etc. to the
farmers. So the farmers can produce more and more.
(iv)Industries also make transportation easy by transporting the goods produced.

Page No:63 NCERT Contemporary India.(Geography)


Factors for the concentration of jute mills in West Bengal:

(i)Proximity of the jute producing areas.

(ii) Inexpensive water transport.
(iii)Abundant water supply.
(iv)Cheap and skilled labour.
(v)Port facilities
(vi)Kolkata as a large urban centre provides banking and insurance facilities.
(Explanation should be given in detail)
Page no.68 Contemporary India(Geography)
32. (i)Promotes equality among citizens.
(ii)Enhances the dignity of the individual;
(iii)Improves the quality of decision - making.
(iv)Provides a method to resolve conflicts
(v)Allows room to correct mistakes.
(Explanation should be given in detail)
Page no. 90(Democratic politics-II)
(i)Social diversities can be accommodated by focusing on all the communities of the society.
(ii)The majority and minority communities should be given equal attention.
(iii) Democracy is to avoid the tyranny of the majority. In democratic countries, both the majority
and minority work together to achieve progress and development of the nation.
(iv)It is equally important to understand that the rule of the majority is not expressed in terms
of religion or languages.
(v)All groups should be equally represented and should have similar rights despite being
differently numbered.
Page No:96 NCERT Democratic politics -II

33. Money cannot buy pollution free environment unadulterated medicine, peace.
Quality of our life depends upon non material things like equal treatment freedom security respect
for others etc.,
Government should provide various facilities like schools, colleges, parks hospitals which the
individual cannot afford.
(Explanation should be given with proper examples.)

Apart from income education levels of the people and their health status are considered as measures
to compare economic development of a nation.
 Infant mortality rate
 Literacy rate
 Net attendance ratio
 Life expectance at birth

(Explanation should be given in detail.)

Page No-5 NCERT Understanding Economics

34.1. Civil Disobedience Movement. It was launched in 1930.

34.2. The movement was called off because revenue rates were not revised.
34.3. The rich peasants protest against government demand for revenue.Poor peasants fight against high
revenue demand.

35.1. Gandhiji believed that there was enough for everybody’s need andnot for anybody’s greed on earth
and advocated that the greed for development has caused immense destruction to the environment.

35.2. The report was based on the subject of Resource conservation.The concept of sustainable
development was introduced through the Brundtland commission report.

35.3. (i) Agenda 21 aims at achieving global sustainable development and was declared at the Earth
summit 1992.

36.1. The Dutch – speaking people constituted amajority in the country, but a minority in the capital.

36.2. Belgium is situated in the west of Europe, bordered to the North by the Netherlands, to the east by
Germany and the Grand Dutchy of Luxemburg and to the south and the west by France.

36.3. The ethnic composition of the small country like Belgium is very complex because of various
languages speaking people like

(i) Of the country’s total population, 59 percent live in the Flemish region and speak Dutch .

(ii) Another 40 percent live in the “Walloniaregion” and speak French.

37.a. (A)Nagpur

(B) Chauri-Chaura


NOTE: The following questions are for visually impaired candidates only in lieu of question no. 37.

37.1. Nagpur
37.2 Chauri – Chaura
37.3 West Bengal
37.4 Odisha
37.5 Gujarat
37.6 Tamil Nadu


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