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Juan Lluch-Elum Escandell

Every cloud has a silver lining.

Last week my friend Tom had an early morning flight to Paris, but when he arrived at the
underground station, he realised that the lines were closed due to maintenance. As a result, he
had to take a bus instead with the bad luck that there was an enormous traffic jam on the way
to the airport. It was in that moment when Tom started to get frustrated thinking he won´t
make it on time.

Once he arrived, Tom rushed to check in his luggage with faith, but all the hope finished when
the airline told him he had missed the flight. After a time of frustration, Tom started to calm
down, when for our surprised, we met. He told me what was going on with the fortune that I
was renting a car in the airport to go to Paris too. We both had a great trip to the France
capital and caught up of our day to day. We both conclude that every cloud has a silver lining.

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