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Title: Benefits of Drinking Coffee

General Purpose: To Inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my peers in a collage course about the benefits of drinking coffee


I. Starbucks anyone? - Attention getter

II. Everyone loves coffee, okay not everyone. But, it’s amazing. - Relevance
III. Today I will be discussing several health benefits of drinking coffee, as well as its chemical
composition and totally addicting profile as one of the most popular beverages in the world.

I. Popularity.
A. Over 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed each day around the world.
B. Starbucks alone sells around 4 billion coffee drinks a year.
C. Finland holds the highest consumption rate in the world followed and Sweden and
(Transition: So, with that being said, everything I’m about to say is based on moderation, what
additives you like in your coffee, syrups, creamer, or sugar.)

II. Health Benefits

A. Less likely to develop Parkinson’s and Alzhiemer’s disease.
B. You are less likely to die from diabetes, heart failure, stroke, colon cancer, and liver
or kidney disease.
C. Dark roast coffee increases DNA bonds, resulting in decreased strand breakage
1. Can result in cancer, DNA mutations or autoimmune conditions

2. Transition:
3. 
4. Now that we know some health benefits, let’s take a look at what the good stuff is
5. actually made of.
6. Transition:
7. 
8. Now that we know some health benefits, let’s take a look at what the good stuff is
9. actually made of.
(Transition: Now that we know some health benefits, let’s take a look at what the good stuff is
actually made of.)
III. Chemical composition of coffee:
A. Caffeine 2-3% (surprising?)
1. Natural CNS stimulant
2. Addiction properties
B. Tannins 3-5%
1. A naturally found chemical compound in the earth
2. Can also be found in tea and red wine
C. Proteins
D. Carbohydrates
E. Fixed oils
F.Thiamine (vitamin B1): has antioxidant and immunity properties, can help nerve, brain, and
heart function


I. In conclusion,
II. Tomorrow when you have your morning coffee, or afternoon pick me up, you can think
about the preventive health measures you’re taking by enjoying it, but go easy on the sugar
– Concluding statement

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