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Ho Chi Minh City National University

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

Faculty of Mechanics Engineering
Department of Mechatronics Engineering

Electrical & Electronic Equipment for Industrial Machinery

Industrial Three Phases Electrics

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,


▪ Overview

▪ 3 phase balanced voltage source

▪ Methods to connect 3-phase balanced voltage source

▪ Y-configuration of 3-phase balanced voltage source

▪ Δ-configuration of 3-phase balanced voltage source

▪ Several Typical Electrics Schemes

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,


► An electric power distribution system looks like

► Where the power transmission uses “balanced three-phase”

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,
Why 3-Phase ?

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,


► What is a three-phase circuit (source, line, load)?

► Why a balanced three-phase circuit can be analyzed by an equivalent

one-phase circuit ?

► How to get all the unknowns (e.g. line voltage of the load) by the
result of one-phase circuit analysis ?

► Why the total instantaneous power of a balanced three-phase circuit

is a constant ?

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

3-phase Balanced Voltage Source
One-phase Voltage Source

► One-phase ac generator: static magnets, one rotating coil, single

output voltage

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

3-phase Voltage Source
► Three static coils, rotating magnets, three output voltages

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Ideal Y- and Δ– connected Voltage Source

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Real Y- and Δ– connected Voltage Source
► Internal impedance of a generator is usually inductive (due to the use
of coils )

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Overview of 3-phase Balanced Voltage Source

► 3-phase balanced voltage source including 3 sinusoidal AC voltage

sources: same amplitude; same frequency; each phase difference of

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

► Consider 3-phase source as: va (t ) v 2 sin( t )
vb (t ) v 2 sin( t 1200 ) (1)
vc (t ) v 2 sin( t 2400 )
AC voltage source va; vb; vc respectively each phase difference of 120o, called
3-phase forward voltage source and perform in the complex plane:

va v 0o
vb v 120o
vc v 240

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

► Consider 3-phase source as: va (t ) v 2 sin( t )
vb (t ) v 2 sin( t 1200 ) (3)
vc (t ) v 2 sin( t 2400 )
AC voltage source va; vb; vc respectively each phase difference of 120o, called
3-phase reverse voltage source and perform in the complex plane:

va v 0o
vb v 120o
vc v 240

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

3-Phase System

► Source-load can be connected in four configurations: Y-Y, Y-Δ, Δ-Y, Δ-Δ

► It’s sufficient to analyze Y-Y while the others can be treated by Y-Δ, Δ-Y

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Methods to Connect 3-phase
Balanced Voltage Source
Y-Configuration of 3-Phase Voltage Source
► It needs the same node of 3 source, called as neutral node
Y-configuration 3-phased voltage source has 6 voltage values, divide into 2
• Phase voltage
• Line voltage

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Y-Configuration of 3-Phase Voltage Source
► Case of 3-phase forward voltage source:

Phase voltage is the voltage of source in Y-configuration


Wire voltage include:


Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Y-Configuration of 3-Phase Voltage Source
► Case of 3-phase forward voltage source:
Wire voltage is determined by vector phase

Vector phase of wire voltage and phase Vector phase of wire voltage and phase
voltage in 3-phase balanced source voltage performed in other ways

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Y-Configuration of 3-Phase Voltage Source
Wire voltage is determined by complex
o o
vab van vbn v 0 v 120 (7)
o o
vab v v cos 120 j sin 120

3 1 o
vab v 3 j v 3 30
2 2

vab van vbn vab v 3 30o

vbc vbn vcn (6) vbc v 3 90o (8)

vca vcn van vca v 3 210o

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Y-Configuration of 3-Phase Voltage Source
► Case of 3-phase reverse voltage source:

Phase voltage is the voltage of source in Y-configuration


Wire voltage include:


Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Y-Configuration of 3-Phase Voltage Source
Wire voltage is determined by complex
o o
vab van vbn v 0 v 120
o o
vab v v cos 120 j sin 120 (11)

3 1 o
vab v 3 j v 3 30
2 2

vab van vbn vab v 3 30o

vbc vbn vcn vbc v 3 90o
(12) o (13)
vca vcn van vca v 3 210

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Δ-Configuration of 3-Phase Voltage Source
→ Top of Δ-configuration is interconnection of 2 node (different sign) in 2 of 3
→ In Δ-configuration, voltage source has only wire voltage.
→ Consider that 3 source of Δ-configuration in forward order, we conclude
wire voltages to load are:

va vab v 0o
vb vbc v 120o (14)
vc vca v 240o

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Method to Solve Balanced 3-Phase Circuit
General Y-Y Circuit Model

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Unknown to Be Solved

→ Line (line-to-line)
voltage: voltage across any
pair of lines.

→ Phase (line-to-neutral)
voltage: voltage across a
single phase.

→ For Y-connected load,

line current equals phase

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Solution to General Three-Phase Circuit

→ No matter it’s balanced or imbalanced three-phase circuit, Kirchhoff

Current Law leads to one equation:


which is sufficient to solve VN (thus the entire circuit)

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Solution to Balanced Three-Phase Circuit

▪ For balanced three-phase circuit :

1. {Va’n, Vb’n, Vc’n} have equal magnitude and 120o relative phase

2. {Zga = Zgb = Zgc}, {Z1a = Z1b = Z1c}, {ZA = ZB = ZC} → total

impedance along any line is the same

▪ Equation (15) becomes:

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Meaning of Solution

▪ For VN = 0 means no voltage difference between nodes n and N in the

presence of Z0 → Neutral line is both short (v = 0) and open (i = 0).

▪ The three-phase circuit can be separated into 3 one-phase circuits

(open), while each of them has a short between nodes n and N.

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Equivalent One-Phase Circuit

▪ Directly giving the line current & phase voltages:

▪ Unknowns of phases b, c can be determined by the fixed (abc or acb)

sequence relation.
Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,
3 Line & Phase Currents in ABC Sequence

▪ Given , the other 2 line currents are:

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

The Phase & Line Voltage of Load in ABC Seq.

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

The Phase & Line Voltage of Load in ACB Seq.

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,


▪ What are the line currents, phase and line voltages of the load and
source, respectively?

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Analysis of the Y-Δ Circuit
Load in Δ Configuration

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Δ–Y Transformation for Balanced 3 Phase Load

▪ The impedance of each leg in Y-configuration (ZY) is one-third of

that in Δ-configuration (ZΔ):

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Equivalent One-Phase Circuit

▪ The 1-phase equivalent circuit in Y-Y configuration continues to

work if ZA is replaced by ZΔ/3:

▪ Directly giving the line current:

▪ And line-to-neutral voltage:

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

The 3 Phase Current of The Load in ABC Seq

▪ Can be solved by 3 node equations once the 3 line currents IaA , IbB ,
IcC are known:

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Power Calculations in Balanced Three-Phase
Average Power of Balanced Y-Load

▪ The average power delivered to ZA is:

▪ The total power delivered to the Y-load is:

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Complex Power of Balanced Y-Load

▪ The reactive powers of one phase and the entire Y-Load are:

▪ The complex powers of one phase and the entire Y-Load are:

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

One-Phase Instantaneous Powers

▪ The instantaneous power of load ZA is:

▪ The instantaneous power of load ZB

and ZC are:

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Total Instantaneous Power

▪ The instantaneous power of the entire Y-Load is a constant

independent of time

▪ The torque developed at the shaft of a 3-phase motor is constant,

→ less vibration in machinery powered by 3-phase motors.
▪ The torque required to empower a 3-phase generator is constant,
→ need steady input

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,


▪ What are the complex powers provided by the source and dissipated
by the line of a-phase ?
▪ The equivalent one-phase circuit in Y-Y configuration is:

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Practice Exercises

Ex 1: Given
Determine all the phase voltages, line voltages and the phase sequence

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,


Ex 2: Is it possible to generate the effect of a balanced three-phase

delta-connected source with only two voltage sources ? If so, how ?

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,


Ex 3: Obtain the line currents in the 3-phase circuit of below figure

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,


Ex 4: In a Y-Δ 3-phase circuit, the source is a balanced, positive phase

sequence with
It feeds a balanced load with per phase through a
balanced line with per phase
Calculate the phase voltages and currents in the load

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

Ex 5: Determine I1Δ, I1, I2, I3 and UAB in the following circuit, where
(balanced system of voltages)
(balanced system of voltages)

Associate Prof. Dr. Ngo Ha Quang Thinh,

The End


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