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Minutes, once corrected and signed by the representatives of all parties to the Project as being a true

record of the proceedings, become a formal part of the records of the proceedings and, as such, may 2023
be used as evidence in any dispute.





Package B: Kiganga and Ulanga (Ukwaheri) Airstrips

Ruaha National Park



29th November 2023

- SABA Engineering PLC JV

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Minutes, once corrected and signed by the representatives of all parties to the Project as being a true
record of the proceedings, become a formal part of the records of the proceedings and, as such, may 2023
be used as evidence in any dispute.

Contract no: TZ-TANAPA-303898-CW-RFB

Date: 29th November 2023
Time 11.00 am
Venue: Engineer’s Conference Hall



1. Daniel Malima Ruaha Engineer RUNAPA

2. Marekyfarrey P. Rwezaula Ag CO TANAPA
3. Norbert Wanzara Park Environmental Safeguard – RNP
4. Fadhili Iddi SSS-TANAPA
5. Priscus S Mroso COR - Ruaha _ RUNAPA


1. Pius Gobolo Project Manager HQ

2. Getachew Asres DR Project Manager / HE
3. Rosemary Peter Sociologist
4. Frances Cleophace HSSSE Coordinator
5. Rabson S Katumbi Surveyor
6. Jane Mduma Environmental Engineer


Key Staff

1. Wu Liying Contractor’s Representative

2. Frank Kaliyo Materials Engineer
3. Regan Israel Environmentalist
4. Zhu Ximostery Ag Quantity Surveyor
5. Emmanueli Joseph Safety officer
6. Emmanuel C. Mwita Social Expert
7. Gwamaka Mlungu HIV/AIDS Coordinator

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Minutes, once corrected and signed by the representatives of all parties to the Project as being a true
record of the proceedings, become a formal part of the records of the proceedings and, as such, may 2023
be used as evidence in any dispute.



Members commenced the meeting by visiting following establishment facilities / working

areas at Kiganga site:
i. Contractor’s Establishment:
a) Accommodation for Contractor’s local workers
❖ Male and Female Dormitories:
Members observed improvement in dormitories including hygienic issues. Contractor
was instructed to fumigate the dormitories. CHICO
❖ Toilets:
Contractor has not repaired the leaking septic tank and constructed proper drainage CHICO
system. He was re-instructed to do so or construct a new tank
b) Engineer’s offices/ Houses / Rooms / Conference room
Contractor has not installed A/Cs as per the contract. He was instructed to do so.
ii. Civil works (Runway, Graded strips, Taxiway and Apron)
❖ Runway and Graded strips
The main on-going works of cut to fill on both the carriageway and its strips on the sides
using the same material within the airstrip domain continues as follows: INFO
a) Cut on the RHS strip: Km. 1.2 to 2.1 to depths up to 5.6m
b) Fill on the RHS strip: Km. 0.800 to 2.1 to maximum depth of 3m.
c) Earthworks on the carriageway from Km 0+000 ¬ 0+700
The back-sloping of the RHS cut section and sloping on the LHS fill section has been
revised to 1:5 slopes instead of the design 1:20 slope. Contractor was insisted to take CHICO
records on coordinates and scientific names for all trees to be felled during the back
sloping or filling for restoration purposes.
❖ Taxiway
The construction of the two taxiways continues with second layer of the capping layer at
some sections.
❖ Apron
Fill works on the apron continues with 5 th layer on some areas.
Following assistance and support that Contractor receives from the Client towards getting
sufficient water for the works, the Client has requested Contractor to purchase and install CHICO
a pumping machine at their Tungamalenga source in reciprocity by mid -December 2023

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iii. Terminal Building

Contractor received 60 tons of rebars on 12th November 2023 which is deemed to be
sufficient for the structural works. Works on the building structures are therefore on
progress (Strip foundation, columns, blockworks etc.), including the production cement-
sand blocks which has now progressed to 18,000 blocks. Estimates are a requirement of
around 25,000 blocks.
Contractor was instructed to expedite the progress by increasing the labor force. This will CHICO
help to mitigate the slippage in the terminal building and also ensure timely completion of
the project within the specified time frame.
iv. HSSSE issues
The Contractor has provided requested WCs and first aid room complete with first aider
at the airstrip site. In general, the contractor has addressed the issues raised during the
previous meeting with this regard.
In addition to the inspection of the physical works, the HSSSE team also conducted
inspections of the site working environments to ensure compliance with safety and
security standards, as well as environmental regulations. This included the garage and
the workers' camp / dormitory etc. Observations / comments are detailed under HSSSE
issues below.


The Chairman opened the meeting at 11: 00 am by welcoming the members and
requested each to introduce oneself in descending order and register in the circulating
Attendance sheet indicating the following columns: Name, Contractual position, phone
number, email address and the firm represented.
Members acting on “Key staff“ positions i.e not approved, were requested to write “Ag”
before their names. The meeting then proceeded as follows:

i. Contractor’s Mobilization
a) Establishment:
The Project Manager stated Contractor’s establishment status as had been noted during INFO
site visit and recorded above as Item 1.

b) Accommodation for Contractor’s local workers

The contractor was instructed to continue their efforts in improving the hygienic
conditions of the dormitories. It was emphasized that the contractor shall apply the
recommended amount of pest control measures to ensure a pest-free environment and
within 4 days. CHICO

Regarding WCs, the Contractor was instructed to construct additional pit for the septic
tank. He promised this to be ready within 10 days.

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c) Resources:
❖ Key and Non-Key Personnel:
List of key staff mobilised or not secured or approved but not on site is attached at the
back of these minutes as of this meeting. The Project Manager emphasized the need for
all key staff members to be on-site permanently for respective roles, including the CHICO
preparation of shop and as-built drawings. Contractor promised to mobilise missing staff
by coming week.
The PM further instructed the recruitment and mobilization of Electrical and Mechanical
Engineers as per the contract.

❖ Materials CHICO
➢ Fill up to CBR 15%: Available within cut section on the works
➢ Gravel / Su-base material : To be sourced from Kilimatonge BP, 6km from the site.
CBR has been confirmed to be >22% with PI as 14. The material shall be mix-
designed to get pavement layers (Sub-base CBR 35% _ PI 0 to 6 and Wearing course
CBR100% etc). Mix design trials for the subbase would be ready by 08th December
➢ Sand: To be sourced from Ruaha river (near Msembe) as shown by the Client_within CHICO
5 km from the site. Organic / impurities tests have been conducted (Sodium
Hydroxide test). Contractor promised results to be ready by 04th December 2023.
This test shall be shall routinely done.
➢ Water: To be sourced from the permanently drilled borehole. As stated under Item 1
above, additional source belonging to the Client has been agreed – the cottage and
test results has complied with requirements. Contractor was advised to fill containers CHICO
at night, probably at the cottage.
➢ Aggregates: To be sourced from Ndolela Quarry 170km from site. Already approved
except LA and soundness. Contractor was instructed to carry out outstanding tests.
He confirmed to have done concrete mix design and Consultant has already approved
C10 and C15 on 7 days strength
➢ Cement: Four manufacturers with cement strength 42.5N among other issues, have
been approved.
➢ Reinforcement bars: Manufacturer has been approved as Kiluwa Steel and test results
have received approval
➢ Polymer:. Documents from Supplier received by the Contractor, approval granted by
the Consultant with few required clarifications after which Contractor may proceed CHICO
bringing in samples for tests.
➢ Building materials samples
Contractor was requested to start getting approvals for building materials samples as HCL /
these may take long to procure. That the Client Technical Coordinator shall work
hand-in-hand with Consultant’s Architects for the various approvals.
The Client and Consultant spent several minutes emphasizing that Contractor plan ahead
and start mobilizing materials to site at earliest.

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be used as evidence in any dispute.

❖ Equipment:
Mobilised equipment as of this meeting versus contractual requirements is attached at the
back of these minutes. It remains the same as last month. Contractor continued with his
stand that the mobilised equipment are sifficient to complete the works within the contract

However, the Project Manager pointed out that the RHS of the airstrip, which was initially CHICO
scheduled for completion in October, is still not completed yet. It was further noted that
the submitted work program is not really an update and was thus not accepted. Contractor
was instructed to re-submit one clearly reflecting the actual situation and mobilize
equipment accordingly.
❖ Time: CHICO
Contractor has requested Employer, through the Consultant, for permission to extend
working time from hours specified in the contract to also include Sundays and public
holidays. The request has been approved and Contractor has formally been informed.

d) Employer’s and Engineer’s Facilities

❖ Vehicles:
In accordance with the Contractor, the T386 EDK vehicle involved in an accident on the
Igurusi -Mbeya road on 02nd September 2023 shall either be returned after repairs or
replaced by 01st December 2023. The Project Manager instructed the Contractor to
ensure that all Engineer's vehicles are available to provide service hours a day.
❖ Engineer’s Houses and Offices:
The issue has been covered under Item 1 above. It has however been noted that the air
conditioning units in the offices are not functioning properly. The Contractor shall send a
mechanic to maintain the AC units.
The middle house does not have an air conditioning unit. Though the issue has been HCL
forwarded to the Contractor, he claims that it is not included in the contract. Consultant to
check and report back in the next meeting

❖ Engineer’s facilities by the Contractor:

Some facilities have been issued and Contractor promised to deliver the rest within a
week. Consultant’s team on site was requested to check and confirm outstanding items HCL
in the next meeting. The team was instructed to make sure that all deliveries are in
accordance with the contract and recorded because they will all revert to the employer on
completrion of the works. A copy of the record shall be forwarded to the Consultant’s HQ.

❖ Miscellaneous provisions.
i. Contractor has provided one standby generator at the Engineer’s offices in case of CHICO
TANESCO interruptions


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ii) Healthy, Safety, Social, Security and Environment (HSSSE) submissions

The status remained as follows during the period from last meeting to this one:

a) Healthy
❖ There has been some degree of compliance on a number of issues since last meeting
❖ Contractor has hired one nurse stationed at the camp and built a first aid room at
Kiganga airstrip site. Similarly, he has hired one first aider for the same as instructed INFO
in the last meeting.
❖ Hired a qualified and registered Provider to handle HIV/AIDS issues. _ already
approved by consultant

a) Safety
❖ Client and Consultant observed some degree of compliance on Safety issues
❖ Client / Consultant instructed Contractor to:
• Stock sufficient PPEs at site in accordance with his program of works
• Ensure that drivers receive education on regular vehicle maintenance.
• Appoint one specific person to communicate safety issues within the project and CHICO
introduce the person to the Consultant.

b) Social / GBV / SEA / GRM

❖ There has been some degree of compliance on a number of issues since last meeting
❖ Client / Consultant noted compliance in the following as requested in the last meeting:
o Provided a program on sensitization on gender issues _ approved and to be done
o Hired a part time and registered Provider to handle SEA, GBV etc issues.
Contractor was instructed to provide a full time provider.
o Code of conduct has been translated into Swahili language and every worker has
signed with respective copies attached to their contracts INFO
o Has complied to contractual working hours and payment of overtimes for any
additional hours
o Inform workers in case of late payments on their salaries as this arises
❖ The following were instructed during this meeting:
o Fumigation of dormitories due to pests
o List of workers including original villages / addresses of domicile
o Key personnel to be permanent on site and any depaturures to be under
permission from the Consultant
o Provide a program on awareness discussions with surrounding local leaders, CHICO
schools etc, on social risks, sanitation issues, gender violence etc
The Contractor responded stating that he has submitted a program and obtained
approval. However, concerns have been raised by the concerned staff regarding
communication during the implementation of this awareness program. In response
to this, the PM instructed the Contractor to issue a letter indicating the planned
implementation of the program. This will assist in tracking and monitoring the
program's progress and ensure effective control. It is important for the contractor

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record of the proceedings, become a formal part of the records of the proceedings and, as such, may 2023
be used as evidence in any dispute.

to address the communication concerns and provide the necessary

documentation to facilitate proper coordination and oversight of the awareness
creation activities.
o Following approval for working beyond contractual hours, Contractor confirmed to
have already reached an agreement with the workers and other stakeholders
involved in the project.
o GRM committee: The committee has already been formed and Contractor shall CHICO
provide contact details of the committee chairman and place it on notice board by
30th November 2023. It consists of three members, one of whom represents the
Consultant. It has to come up with procedures for lodging complains

c) Security
❖ Contractor has not hired security guards as advised by the Client in the last meeting
but stated that:
o He has no intention of doing that because there are no security issues in the area
o No night works scheduled at the Kiganga site yet
o Will continue to study the situation and if need arises, he will do it.
❖ Approval to work at night has been granted by the Employer. When so, rangers will
be provided at a cost
d) Environmental
❖ Client and Consultant observed some degree of compliance on environmental issues.
However Contractor was instructed to:
o Reparir the leaking septic tank – repeatition from last meeting
o Submit a plan and prepare a trees nursery during this rain season for restoration

Consultant commended the Contractor for some improvement on compliance matters but
insisted that these are continuous processes and appropriate steps shall immediately be CHICO
taken in case of default.

iii) Laws of the country / TANAPA regulations / Insurance / Statutory requirements

Contractor stated to be complying with all the following among others:

a) Minimum government wages to workers
b) Signing of TANAPA Park rules and Code of Conduct regulations
c) Regular TANAPA training on site induction for new employees. The last one was
carried out on 10th October 2023. Next one to be within this December 2023
d) Signing of contracts with employees
e) Legal procedures being followed on any terminations including fair payments
f) NSSF contributions as per the law, PAYE, pay slips etc.

Consultant was instructed to check the truth of Contractor’s statements above, including
other requirements and report back in the next meeting. He was further instructed to
prepare a compliance scheme / check list covering requirements

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Contractor submitted “updated Program of works” along with the Progress report on
27th November 2023. It indicates completion date as 04 th August 2024. Following
discussions on various shortfalls (i.e., activities deemed to have been completed in INFO
previous months are not done yet but still indicated so etc.) members agreed that it is
not updated. Contractor was instructed to re-submit a revised version by 07th
December 2023.
The submission shall:
a) Be resourced, a state which will demonstrate whether additional resources are
required or not
b) Comprise of a supporting report stating how they intend to accelerate the works within
the said resources. CHICO
c) Comprise of a Procurement Plan for materials as discussed in all previous
Contractor however, continued to maintain that he has mobilized sufficient resources
to complete the works in accordance with the contract period.


The progress on permanent works has partially been stated under Item 1 above (Site
Visit). Overall achieved physical progress is indicated in the Executive summary of the
Progress report as 22%. INFO

In accordance with Contractor’s Progress report submitted before the meeting, the
progress is as follows inclusive from site clearance to handing over:

Terminal Building_
RFF Building –
Power building_
iv.Guard house –
v.(Civil works)
a. Runway, Graded strip and Strip excavation
b. Runway, Graded strip and Strip fill
c. Taxiways _ Vegetation clearance and setting out
d. Peripheral roads vegetation clearance
e. Apron _

Consultant confirmed status on Quality Control issues to be as follows:

i.Surveys equipment / tools:
Dumpy level, RTK GPS and Total station are all on site and in working condition

ii.Laboratory Equipment:
Fully mobilized including all tools sufficient to carry out required tests in the project.

iii. Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

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be used as evidence in any dispute.

Following approval of the QAP, Contractor was requested and he agreed to submit
Quality Assurance manual by 08 th December 2023. Shortfalls in the QAP shall be
included during submission of the respective Method Statements.

iv. Method Statements (MS):

Project Manager reminded Contractor to provide these statements for Engineer’s
approval before commencement of all major activities. The MS to include shortfalls CHICO
mentioned on the approved QAP

v. Requests for Inspection (RFI):

Consultants team has been attending to all RFIs promptly based on the project specs


Contractor confirmed to have no requirements this time INFO


8 SITE VISIT (27th November 2023)
1. Civil works:
i. Airstrip (1.8km inclusive of RESAs)
❖ Third and fourth layers of capping completed as per design
ii. Main Apron, Taxiways and Isolated apron:
❖ First to third layer capping completed at different sections

The Client’s representative and the Project Manager (PM) jointly advised the Contractor
to plan of protecting completed works in anticipation of the upcoming rain season. That
various advises and measures have been proposed to the Contractor in previous
meetings and this is just a repeatition.

2. Terminal Building and Car Park locations.

i. Topsoil soil removal completed
ii. Layer works on-going with first and second layers completed at various sections.
iii. Block production continued and 9,500 blocks produced

3. Laboratory building HCL /

i. TBS visited and calibrated all machines deemed to be addressed so. CHICO
ii. Compressing machine mobilized and calibrated
iii. All soil tests can be done on site

4. Block of six rooms for key staff

i. All rooms are complete with beds and required accessories. Habitable
5. HSSSE issues (see also Chapter 10 below)

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There has been an improvement. The meeting was informed as follows / Contractor was
reminded of the following:
i. Appropriate PPEs to be provided to workers
ii. Fuel to be used for cooking (any charcoal has to be from authorized dealers). CHICO
Consultant to follow the supplier to confirm
iii. Terminations from works have to be in accordance with laid down procedures
iv. Used oil has to be properly stored and disposed by authorized dealers. Contractor
to confirm with consultant regarding the availability and hiring of the dealer
v. A nurse has been hired and stationed at the camp. All structures are nearby
vi. Eight ladies are currently at site (five directly employed by Contractor_ One nurse,
three for domestic issues, and one at site). Three are self employed within the site
cooking for the workers _ food venders).
vii. Where stubborn workers are encountered, any terminations shall be through legal

6. Water reservoir for the works / portability

Contractor continues to use one earth reservoir holding up to 200m3 of water. He has
fenced it against wild animals (Refer to “Resources” below for other parameters)

7. Aggregates:
Aggregates sizes 0-6mm (200m3); 6-10mm (180m3) and 10-20mm (180m3) were
noted to have been stockpiled within the camp. (Refer also to Chapters 9 and 10

8. Male dormitory
i. Mosquito nets _ Contractor promised to provide them on 28 th November 2023
ii. Contractor to provide lights at night to assist against issues like snakes etc. Spot
lights (torch) may assist for all
iii. Partitioning of the dormitory into three sections has been completed. Workers
have own criterion on who have to stay on which section.


i. Key Staff:
a) List of mobilized key staff is at the back of these minutes. Over 50% of the positions
are vacant.
b) Contractor was warned that mobilization period is over and all key staff have to
available and on site. (Refer to Item 3 (i) (b) above):

The PM emphasized the importance of creating a conducive environment for staff CHICO
members to stay on site and also stressed that having the key staff on site is crucial for
the project's progress and success. The contractor accepted this comment and

ii. Materials:
a) Fill and Gravel: Two BPs for natural materials have been identified at roughly 3km
from the site (G3) and 25km (CBR > 10%). Contractor stated that they need over

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be used as evidence in any dispute.

8,000m3 for the later material and these will be hauled after the rains. Contractor was
reminded of conditions issued under Meeting No 4 regarding the G3 BP:

b) Sand: Currently being sourced at Madunda river for temporary works. Contractor
promised to provide results for tests instructed in meeting No 4 within seven days.
The PM emphasized on organic impurity tests (Sodium Hydroxide)

c) Water: Contractor drilled one borehole 90m deep where he is currently using the
water for temporary works. In accordance with Test results:
➢ It can be used for concrete works with its chloride content of 54.50 mg/L.
➢ The water is alkaline and cannot be used for construction unless blended first.
Following further sampling and testing, results indicated that the water meets
necessary requirements and is suitable for use in construction.
Based on initial test results and recommendation from the water authority,
Contractor is requested to make an interpretation of the test results based on its
direct use on concrete works but need to blend it for construction uses.
d) Aggregates: Contractor continues sourcing aggregates from Mswiswi where there is
one quarry belonging to another Contractor (CICO working Mbeya roads project).

Contractor was re-advised to stockpile materials during this dry season

iii. Equipment:
List of mobilized equipment versus contractual requirements is attached at the back of
these minutes. The list indicates 13 tipper trucks apart from other equipment. Contractor CHICO
still maintains two work fronts / teams for civil works. The Client insisisted on formation of
at least three teams to give room for breakdowns, rains etc.

10 Healthy, Safety, Social, Security and Environment (HSSSE) submissions / compliances

i. Healthy
a) Following test results for the borehole water indicating that the water is not portable,
Contractor was instructed in the last meeting to search for another source. He
confirmed that he will have to get it from Igurusi and this was accepted. Due to poor
accessibility during rains, Contractor proposed to collect rain water and carry out
relevant tests to confirm its use as portable.

The meeting agreed that purified rainwater is permitted but quality test has to be
conducted and evaluated as well. Contractor was instructed to submit his plan, carry
our relevant tests and submit results for approval.
b) Canteen, Kitchen and washing area to be extended within ten days and hygiene be
c) A nurse has been recruited but not first aiders. Camp and working fronts are nearby

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d) Workers injured at work places to be attended accordingly. Contractor confirmed

that Mr. Abdul who sustained eye injury before the last meeting, has recovered and
is currently working on his assigned duties and tasks.

ii. Safety
iii.Social / GBV/GRM
a) Toilets: Sufficient WCs provided at the airstrip but misses doors and water.
Contractor promised to address the shortfalls within two days.
b) Key staff to educate workers on GBV /GRM issues and provide appropriate freedom
for reports- continuous _ Formation of GRM committee as for Kiganga
c) Sub-contractor’s workers to be recruited from within nearby villages unless there are
constraints i.e., laziness
d) Worker’s accommodation:
Some beds are missing mosquito nets – promised provision next day

iv. Security
a) Rangers are meant to maintain security against animals only. They are to remain
together at night. Security of Contractor’s properties at night remains his
b) Some workers have been provided with IDs. Instructed provisions to all

v. Environment
a) Contractor to have permanent tracks for his trucks transporting materials from the
BP in order to minimize damage to the environment. This was also instructed in the
last meeting.
Following a reply from the Contactor that there are only two tracks (to and from the
BP), the PM requested for Borrow Pit Management Plan which Contractor promised
to submit within 12 days.
b) Solid Waste Materials Management_ Labels for the different types of waste and the
bins to be placed at various working places.
c) Contractor to prepare trees nurseries for restoration purposes as per the contract.
d) Contractor to complete construction of the “collection bay” and “incinerator” within
seven days


As for Kiganga site _ Item 4 above CHICO


The progress on permanent works has partially been stated under Item 1 above (Site
Visit). Overall achieved physical progress is indicated in the Executive summary of the
Progress report as 22%.

In accordance with Contractor’s Progress report submitted before the meeting, the
progress is as follows inclusive from site clearance to handing over: (% to be filled in on INFO

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be used as evidence in any dispute.

oTerminal Building_
oRFF Building –
oPower building_
oGuard house – CHICO
o(Civil works)
a. Runway, Graded strip and Strip excavation
b. Runway, Graded strip and Strip fill
c. Taxiways _ Vegetation clearance and setting out
d. Peripheral roads vegetation clearance
e. Apron _

Consultant confirmed status on Quality Control issues to have been as follows since the
last meeting:
i. Surveys equipment / tools:
Dumpy level, RTK GPS are all on site and in working condition. Total station not
mobilized to site yet
ii. Laboratory Equipment:
Fully mobilized including all tools sufficient to carry out required tests in the project.
iii. Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)
Contractor was requested to submit his Quality Assurance Plan for this site
iv. Method Statements:
Project Manager reminded Contractor to provide these statements for Engineer’s
approval before commencement of all major activities.
v. Requests for Inspection (RFI):
Consultants team has been attending to all RFIs promptly based on the project


Consultant already issued revised design drawings. The finished design level has been HCL
reduced by 350mm

i. Interim Payment Certificate (IPC) No 01 is with the Client on payment procedures TANAP
ii. Contractor submitted IPC 02 on ………… A / HCL


There was no any other business


Due to some public holidays towards end of the year and early next one, the Client TC ALL
suggested that the next Progress Meetings be held between 18 th and 20th December 2023
under the leadership of Consultant’s site staff. Minutes have to prepared and circulated
as usual.

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Minutes, once corrected and signed by the representatives of all parties to the Project as being a true
record of the proceedings, become a formal part of the records of the proceedings and, as such, may 2023
be used as evidence in any dispute.


Project Manager thanked all the participants for their participation and constructive
contributions. He then declared the meeting closed at 12:30 hours and stated that minutes
of the meeting shall be available as per the contract directives. ALL


Agreed as the true record of the meeting discussions

Client Representative: Consultant Representative: Contractor’s Representative

…………….. ……………….. ……… …………………….
Signature Signature Signature

…………………… ……………………….. ………………………..

Position Position Position

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