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I would like to give my deep sincerity and gratitude, to reflect

my own in this journey and accomplishment of this study. I am re-
minded of profound impact of collaboration, support, and unwaver-
ing faith, I could not complete this work without your patience
and affection in this study.
To my incredible adviser, Engr. Jolly Rizza L. Dema-ala, who give
wisdom in me and encourage to have propelled through moments of
uncertainty and into the realm of clarity and purpose. Your guid-
ance has been my lighthouse in my stormy sea of this journey.
To the other teacher whose involve in this work, I sincerely ask
for your patience and understanding of my feasibility study, I
would like to thank you for your corporation in this feasibility
study, my heartfelt thanks to your participants and I will for-
ever grateful in this study, and those who generously listen to
my stories and experience in this journey, thank you for your
knowledge and wisdom that u share us.
I must acknowledge the unwavering commitment to my friends, par-
ents, who instilled me and give encouraging knowledge and spirit
of resilience, especially who provided unwavering support through
every late night and every writing block. Thank you for being
pillars of my strength.
Merely the product has an effort, but a manifestation of collec-
tive inspiration drawn from countless hard work, failure and mo-
ments that have been discouraging in this life insight with my
And specially, I would like to shoutout my favorite best buddy
(nilin), your endless supply of coffee, timely memes, and conta-
gious optimism have been the life force fueling this endeavor.
And my classmate, parents, teacher, and specially the number one
JESUS who always help me through my darkest night and story me s.







i. Coverage of page
ii. Acknowledgement
iii. List of tables

CHAPTER I. Project Summary PAGE

Name of the project --------------------------- 1

Description of Industry ----------------------- 1
Description of the Project -------------------- 2
Location of the Project ----------------------- 5
Highlights of Major Assumptions --------------- 5
Summary of Findings and Conclusion ------------ 5

CHAPTER II. Market Study

Study of Demand ------------------------------- 6

Study of Supply ------------------------------- 7
Demand-supply Analysis ------------------------ 7
Price Study ----------------------------------- 8
Market Program -------------------------------- 9
Conclusion on Market Study -------------------- 9

CHAPTER III. Technical Study
Product or Service --------------------------- 10
Manufacturing Process ------------------------ 10
Raw materials -------------------------------- 11
Production Schedule -------------------------- 12
Machinery and Equipment ---------------------- 12
Waste Disposal System ------------------------ 12
Manufacturing Cost Requirements -------------- 13

CHAPTER IV. Management Study

Business Organization ------------------------ 20

Internal Structure --------------------------- 21
Compensation and Other Benefits -------------- 22
Conclusion ----------------------------------- 23

CHAPTER V. Financial Summary

Major Assumption ----------------------------- 24

Total Project Cost --------------------------- 25
Sources of Financing ------------------------- 26
Project Financial Statements ----------------- 27
Financial Statement Analysis ----------------- 28
Conclusion ----------------------------------- 29


TABLE 1. Number of Product Sold Out --------------- 6

TABLE 2. (PRODUCTION USE) Expenses, --------------- 7

Income, Profit.

TABLE 3. Material use in product ------------------ 11

TABLE 4. Manufacturing cost ----------------------- 13


TABLE 5. Ingredients cost ------------------------- 6


Proposed project name of business

This feasibility study that I would like to introduce on my

project business known by name “CABRA FRIES” (CABALLES RADISH
FRIES) this name is surely derived from my family sure name.
The aforesaid was made by ownable/private type of company
in headed by myself. I started establish this product at location
of Purok, Libertad Maribulan Alabel Sarangani Province.
This product was made of pure “radish”, it’s also Reflects
in cultural aspect. To give more healthy benefits, its organic
food that no side effects, and it gives more values in our
health, they provide nutrients.
“Cabra fries” is one of the manufacturing businesses where
it is often process to improve the management of the product
type, it has the main ingredient, radish, it’s owner only hope.
This product can improve health, instead of other foods. Has con-
tain bad side effects on health texture, provides better health
advantages in your body.
Description of the industry

This business is solely owned by my self, including transac-

tions from the very begging of this business until it’s to long.
In addition, cabra fries are not only available at my hometown
but I associate with market store for easy edges of strategy and
this includes developing through partnership.
Since the business transaction up to the present, usually we
categorized it more, as distribution through online selling. It
promotes that the rawness of ingredients can be a business just
like organic methods.
It’s too risky but we need to exposed a synthetic process
to operates entire transaction, you need to take a risk in doing
or started a business.

Description of the Project

This product “Cabra Fries” is having edges essential high

on nutrients, this product packed or consume vitamins, E, A, C,
B6, and K. plus it’s high on antioxidants, fiber, zinc, potas-
sium, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, calcium, iron and man-
ganese. To help the body of consumers becoming healthier and es-
pecially each with these is to keep everybody in good health and
to prevent various forms of sickness.

Vitamin E.

“Free radicals”-that can damages cells. It also enhances

immune function and prevents clots from forming in heart arter-

Vitamin A

This is important for normal vision, the immune system,

reproduction and growth and development.

Vitamin C

This vitamin benefits include helping form and maintain

bones, cartilage, skin, and blood vessels.

Vitamin B6

Supports brain function, the immune system, and the

transportation of exygen around the body.

Vitamin K

Helps to make various proteins that are needed for blood

clotting and the building of bones.


Is essential part of healthy diet. High fiber diets have

been linked to health benefits such as improved metabolism and
heart health.


It supports the immune function and may help treat diar-

rhea, promote wound healing, and more. Zinc supports a number of
functions in the human body. As well as supporting the immune
system, it enables the body to make proteins and DNA, contributes
to wound healing.


Is found naturally in many foods and as a supplement.

Its main role in the body is to help maintain normal levels of
fluid inside our cells. Sodium, its counterpart, maintains normal
fluid levels outside of cells. Potassium also helps muscles to
contract and supports normal blood pressure.


For the growth, maintenance, and repair of all tissues

and cells, and for the production of the genetic building blocks,
DNA and RNA.


Is a mineral that is essential for healthy muscles,

nerves, bones and blood sugar levels. If you don't get enough
magnesium in your diet over a long time, you may be at a higher
risk of health problems such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes or


It helps your body make red blood cells and keeps nerve
cells and your immune system healthy. It also helps form colla-
gen, a key part of bones and connective tissue. Copper may also
act as an antioxidant, reducing free radicals that can damage
cells and DNA. Copper helps the body absorb iron.


For muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages be-

tween your brain and every part of your body. Calcium also helps
blood vessels move blood throughout your body and helps release
hormones that affect many functions in your body.


Is a mineral that the body needs for growth and develop-

ment. Your body uses iron to make hemoglobin, a protein in red
blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of
the body, and myoglobin, a protein that provides oxygen to mus-
cles. Your body also needs iron to make some hormones.


Helps the body form connective tissue, bones, blood clotting

factors, and sex hormones. It also plays a role in fat and carbo-
hydrate metabolism, calcium absorption, and blood sugar regula-

Location of the project

The “cabra fries” is located at Purok, Libertad Maribulan

Alabel Sarangani Province my hometown.

In knowing the location of my business there are a lot of

good and healthy living without any further, many have a small
store which contain a specific need of customer. Especially my
business is unique with them, there are some Assumption and
specifically of the business that opposite with mine, my business
Are good for online and good for industry. Every raw material I
needed I bought only be seen nearby such oil, cornstarch, cowbell
at any more. Even though our location not very close to the pub-
lic market therefore many buyers can afford according to there
budget such as to by that product.

Highlights of the major assumption

This product “cabra fries” will be facilitated and sold in-

cluding to the distribution to each store nearly at my hometown
according to what they want to bought, the main price shall be 25
pesos each, contains 200 grams. And you can buy this product at
small price only at 15 pesos, contain at 100 grams you can easy
to bought it. This business excepted return in 100 percent to
gain the good quality and services after the entire asset shall
been acquired.

(Summary of finding and conclusion)


Market study includes the study of demand, study of sup-

ply, demand-supply analysis, price study, there are the proce-
dural steps that effectiveness to the consumption of the major
section of this feasibility study were the researcher certainly
place the market analyses which includes potential entry, there
for the product has to enhance in this market to make the re-
searcher have the good product procedure and enhancing.

Study of demand

Location: Hometown Number of Population

neighbor 20

relatives 30

Total: 50

TA- BLE 1.
Show that the number of Population in my hometown that the “cabra
fries” sell.

We certainly conclude every product we develop in this cru-

cial study we make, has the feasible attaining more consumer
since the researcher concludes the profit that can finance the
manufacturing cost base on enhancing the product, therefore we
gathered together that everything we need in this product we must
be open for any expansion on this business in order to attain
more and more consumer. There a lot of purchasing in this product
based on the market study we conclude, according to data.

The consumer on this product are some relatives, neighbors. The

consumer re-schedule their order, which they bought half or less
order on the day they want to buy.

Study of supply


1st product (200 grams) 20

2nd product (100 grams) 50


TABLE 2. Shown the number of sold out

The total of every sold was 70 packed, the 1st product sold
20 in (200 grams) and the 2nd product sold at 50 in (100 grams)
In gathering the supply study did not exactly come due to delay,
due to finance, the average sold out to be obtained is exactly
100 packed should be sold but the TABLE 2. Shown, that only 70
packed sold, according to data we desired we can’t predict the
consumer if they want to buy. Base of the market study the demand
is higher than quality.

Demand-Supply Analysis

The operation of this product come in study of demand and

supply analysis throughout the big potential to acquire the busi-
ness profit didn’t decrease, well we see at the table price, and
every table above shown that this product has the possibilities
to make expansion to the future determine the expected share if
my product approved, the capacity and total of study of demand
and supply. Has to get the market profit.
Also I research this product that there something wrong,
not in my product but in me. Due to financial statement. This
business well expansion and extension for the needs of every raw

Price Study


( 200 grams ) 20 packs x ₱ 25 = ₱ 500

₱ 1,250
(100 grams)50 packs x ₱ 15=¿ ₱ 750

INCOME ₱ 1,250

TOTAL: ₱ 688

PROFIT ₱ 688

Expenses costing


2 kls Radish ₱ 140

3 kls Cornstarch ₱ 120

Salt ₱5

2 pcs Cheese ₱ 16

380 g .Cowbell ₱ 50

1 kl Oil ₱ 66

Sticker ₱ 40

100 pcs stand up poches ₱ 125

TOTAL ₱ 562

TABLE 3. shown the price and income, expense and profit. During
the production of the product.

During the production I produce that the total of expenses

was 562 pesos and the income was 1,250 pesos. The table shown
that income less expense and you will see the final profit of the
product, The total profit was 688 pesos the profit shown that the
possibilities of this business to become expand someday. This
business shown the high possible of profit.

Market program

The target market of the product was to my hometown in Lib-

ertad. Although my relatives and neighbor love it because this
made of vegetables. Each of my product price are 15 pesos in (100
gramns) and 25 pesos (200 grams) so the manufacture will be sold
out, I offered to every will love have discount it the lower
cost/price. This selected stall founded at nearly in my hometown

Conclusion on market study

This product concluded that the market study must look for
the other population and gain more consumer of this product.


This study shown the procedure, texture, price and pro-

gram. If the product supposed to continue to doing this, in order
to sustain every raw material needed, I conclude the essentially
financial to make this product, if the product gaining profit re-
turn. Due to minimum budget cause of lacking money.

Product or Service

“Cabra fries” has an organic ingredient with minimum of

non-calories, which the product Obtain healthy food. The product
pack has simple pouch packaging therefore, I conclude the finan-
cial budget due to lack of money to make the packaging more at-
tractive to every competitor’s in doing this product. But I make
some effort to sell properly the product, and directly gain more
customer. I especially conclude the benefits of production which
can help for the body, they have the vitamin to become our body
have good texture, which contain vitamin E, A, C, B6 and K. to
provide the body have good immunity system and boost nutrients
and have good body function and various proteins that keep our
health become healthier.

Manufacturing process

This manufacturing process provide with raw materials use,

which convert into product, therefore I prepared every raw mate-
rial needed to sure the “cabra fries” has good taste. This prod-
uct has main ingredient are radish vegetable, since I prepared
the materials and ingredients to use, which to make the product
surely complete.

Raw Material’s


Radish (definition) - radishes are grown and consumed throughout

the world, being mostly raw as a crunchy salad vegetable with
a pungent, slightly spicy flavor, varying in intensity depending
on its growing environment. There are numerous varieties varying
in size, flavor, color, and length of time they take to mature.

Cornstarch (definition) - Corn starch, maize starch, or corn

flour. The starch is obtained from the endosperm of the kernel.
Corn starch is a common food ingredient, often used to
thicken sauces or soups, and to make corn syrup and other sugars.

Cowbell (definition) - Is a bell worn around the neck of free-

roaming livestock so herders can keep track of an animal via the
sound of the bell when the animal is grazing out of view in hilly
landscapes or vast plains.

Salt (definition) - Is a mineral composed primarily of sodium

chloride (NaCl). When used in food, especially at table in ground
form in dispensers, it is more formally called table salt.

Oil (definition) - Is any nonpolar chemical substance that is

composed primarily of hydrocarbons and is hydrophobic (does not
mix with water) and lipophilic (mixes with other oils)

Production Schedule

The production in “cabra fries” can made to order if the

customer schedule it, and if there is no order it will happen
once a week.
Evey raw materials to purchase wasn’t much expensive, each
raw material to buy is less expensive. Because it is affordable
to use, you don't need a worker because it is not too busy to do
it. you can do it with yourself. Every finish product will be
taken by the customer themselves because they already memorized
it. they are the ones who will order and take how many and sched-
ule the acquisition of the product. The inventory of this product
is to known the capital and profit, make the profit increasing to
make sure if the product supposed to continue.

Machinery and Equipment

Clean table - To place every equipment you can use to prepared

the product

Chopping Board – To slice the ingredient and separate the peel

and to chopped the radish

Knife – Use for slicing the ingredient needed.

Pan – Where I used to fried the radish and make it fries

Waste Disposal

Evey product have the process to surely have the proper

hygiene, if the waste not really bothered to the place where you
cooked. The result was not taking yet the proper disposal if u
don’t know how to disposed it. You make sure if the place was
clean after you use, so I conclude to separate the non-recyclable
and recyclable.

Manufacturing Cost

Product/Grams Packed Price Income Total Expenses

1st product 20 ₱25 ₱500

(200 grams)
2nd product 50 ₱15 ₱750
₱ 562
(100 grams)
TOTAL: 70 ₱1,250

TABLE 3. Shown the total number of each product and income,

price, and over all expenses to see the final profit.

Every production shown in the manufacturing cost that each

column has the possible to increase the profit less the over all
expenses. Each product has price ₱25.00 in 1st production and the
2nd one has price ₱15.00 within also have the profit shown at
PRICE STUDY above this research.


This Technical Study shown the income, profit of every pro-

duction we produce. To how the profit will increase or if there’s
bankrupt to gaining this product, and if there’s a chance to gain
more customer in the nearly future.


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