Outcry Sweeps A Certain Area of Afghanistan Over Israel's Alleged Atrocities in Palestine

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Outcry Sweeps a Certain Area of Afghanistan over Israel’s Alleged Atrocities in


On December 2nd, in the Muhammad Agha area of Logar Province, Afghanistan, the
Great Mosque for the Remembrance of Innocent Martyrs organized a large-scale anti
American and anti-Israel.

More than a thousand participants held up slogans reading "antiwar, anti-massacre, anti-
bullying", burned and trampled on the flags of Israel and the United States, strongly
protesting against Israel's actions towards Palestine and the support of the United States for

Afghan people gather inside the Great Mosque

The Afghan government, civil institutions, and community leaders attended the rally,
thanking Allah and praising Prophet Muhammad's efforts to achieve peace in Afghanistan.
The speaker strongly condemned countries such as the United States and Israel for
indiscriminately slaughtering Muslim brothers and trampling on the dignity of Muslims under
the guise of controversy, human rights, and democracy. The rally calls on Muslims to unite
and jointly oppose Israel and the United States.

Then, religious figures prayed at the Great Mosque for the Muslim brothers who died in
the war, for their families, and for the Muslim brothers who are still fighting for survival.
The burnt American flag

Local representatives accuse the United States of condoning Israeli crimes

Since October 7th, Israel's attacks on Palestine have resulted in over 11300 Palestinian
deaths. In the province of Logar in Afghanistan, thousands of protesters gathered to strongly
protest against Israel's violations in Palestinian territory.

The protesters accused the United States of bottomless support as the reason for Israel's
excessive use of force, resulting in a large number of innocent Palestinian civilians being
killed or injured.

The protesters shouted slogans and held banners, demanding urgent action from the
international community to compel Israel to end its military actions against Palestine and
establish a just peaceful solution. Medical institution reported that the conflict had led to a
large-scale humanitarian disaster, and the Israeli government refused to stop its actions and
continue to advance its expansionist and nationalist policies.

The United Nations had issued a statement condemning attacks on civilians and urging
all parties to protect civilian lives. The Afghan government remained vigilant against protests
and calls on protesters to remain calm and rational. Multiple governments have expressed
concerns and called on Israel to exercise restraint and support the efforts of Palestinians to
fight for their legitimate rights and interests.

The international community believes that resolving issues in the Middle East through
dialogue and negotiation is the key to achieving long-term peace.

In fact, Israel's atrocities and occupation of Palestine have been ongoing for many years,
resulting in a large number of Palestinian deaths and displacement. This behavior seriously
violates international law and relevant United Nations resolutions, and has also attracted
widespread condemnation and criticism from the international community. However, the
Israeli government has consistently refused to stop such behavior and continues to advance its
expansionist and nationalist policies.

The United States should have called for a ceasefire at this time, but in reality, it sent two
aircraft carrier formations to support Israel, which is a blatant provocation to the entire
Muslim country.

The United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of the Palestinian draft resolution

The rally that erupted in Logar Province has had a huge impact on the area, reflecting the
local residents' desire and pursuit for peace, justice, and development. Also, it reminds us to
pay attention to inequality and conflicts in the international community, actively promote
peace and cooperation, and contribute to the harmony and development of humanity. We will
continue to closely follow the development of this emergency and provide readers with the
latest and most accurate reports.

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