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Presented by: Gini Coe cient

Tayyaba Attique-76
Aqsa Khan-80
Submitted to:
Dr.Bilal Aziz
Gini Coe cient
The Gini Coefficient is a measure of
income inequality within a population.
It provides a numerical representation
of the distribution of income.
Calculation Method

The Gini Coefficient is calculated using the

Lorenz curve, which plots the cumulative income
distribution against the cumulative population.
The coefficient is derived from the area between
the Lorenz curve and the line of perfect equality.
Interpreting the
Coe cient
A Gini Coefficient of 0 represents
perfect equality, while a coefficient of 1
signifies maximum inequality.
Understanding the implications of
different values is essential for grasping
the extent of income disparity within a
Global Perspectives
The Gini Coefficient enables
comparisons of income inequality
across different countries and regions.
Analyzing global trends and disparities
provides valuable insights into the
socio-economic landscape on a
broader scale.
The Gini coe cient does not provide
information about the specific factors
contributing to inequality
It may not capture non-monetary forms
of inequality or variations in
living standards.
The Gini Coe cient is a powerful statistical tool for
analyzing income inequality with precision. Its
application extends beyond economics, shaping social
policies and fostering a deeper understanding of
disparities within societies.

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